Best Tasty Vegan Recipes

Want To Cook Ridiculously Tasty Vegan Recipes From Scratch But Have No Idea Where To Start?” 

What is veganism?

Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, such as meat, fish and poultry. Vegans also abstain from eating dairy, eggs and honey as well as not wearing fur, leather, wool down or using cosmetics or chemical products tested on animals.

The Plant-Based Recipe Cookbook Includes over 100 mouth-watering recipes for Everyone to Enjoy!

There’s JUST ONE REASON you might be struggling as a Vegan and it has everything to do with your ability to make delicious high protein food, FAST.

With this stunningly simple cookbook I’ll show you how to cook savory, mouth-watering meals in minutes for some of the busiest Vegan eaters in the world.

Fellow Plant-Based Friends

Let’s be serious here…

You’re here because you already know a vegan diet is healthier than any other diet that exists. Research shows there’s been a 600% increase in the number of people who have made the switch to a vegan diet.

With the growing number of plant-based enthusiasts constantly on the rise, there has never been a better time to eliminate meat and dairy from your diet.

If you’ve spent any time at all on social media, you’d probably think a good portion of the world was vegan. 

And why not? With over 90 million #vegan posts on Instagram alone, it’s easy to say why Plant-based foods are one of the hottest trends in the food industry right now.

vegan trending
vegan trends

It’s No Surprise Why Millions, Including Famous Celebrities, Have Made The Switch To A Vegan Diet.

vegan celebrities

Discover The Amazing Benefits Of A Plant-Based Diet

Weight Loss

Reduce risk of diabetes and heart disease

Helps combat obesity
 in all age groups

Increased fiber intake

Plant Based Eating


There’s no debate when you look at the latest evidence.

Eating a whole-food, plant-based vegan diet, without the consumption of meat or dairy is beneficial for our health and wellbeing.

Vegan foods such as vegetables, fruit, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds are low in saturated fat.  Even high-fat plant foods (such as avocados, nuts, and seeds), contain no cholesterol whatsoever, so a vegan diet is cholesterol-free. 

A vegan diet is also packed with antioxidants and fibers which can enhance your health, your body, and muscle recovery.

Eating a whole-food, plant-based diet without meat, dairy or eggs can help lower your cholesterol and improve your heart health.


As I’m sure you’ve heard, countless individuals around the world have turned to a vegan lifestyle in order to regain their health, energy, vitality, and power. Here are just a few of the benefits that people actually report.

A Healthier Heart

Harvard researchers tracked the health habits of about 110,000 people for 14 years and found that the higher folks’ intakes of fruits and vegetables, the lower their chances of developing cardiovascular disease. Specifically, people who averaged eight-plus servings of fruits and veggies a day were 30 percent less likely to have a heart attack or stroke, compared to those who had less than 1.5 daily servings.

weight loss
Weight Loss Results
There’s plenty of research suggesting vegans tend to consume fewer calories, and thus weigh less and have lower body mass indexes than non-vegetarians.Today, there are tons of plant-based recipes that will leave you feeling fuller on few calories so you don’t have to worry about gaining weight. As long as you stay clear of vegan processed food you’ll be fine.
Clearer, Smoother Skin

Cutting back on animal products also means skipping much of their saturated fats, which are notorious for clogging pores. Plus, many of the vitamins, pigments, and phytochemicals in fruits and veggies contribute to healthy skin. The lycopene in tomatoes, for example, helps protect your skin from sun damage, and vitamin C in sweet potatoes smooths wrinkles by stimulating the production of collagen.

vegan fitness

It’s been proven again and again you don’t need animal products to thrive.

We’re no longer living in the dark ages.. Our understanding has evolved and in the process we have come to learn that eating animals is no longer the necessity we once believed it to be.

People from all over the world are setting world records and becoming world champions on a vegan diet. 

Dispel all vegan protein myths that you hear because you can still build muscle and get strong by eating delicious plant-based recipes found on this page. 

When you eliminate meat and dairy from your diet, your health will improve dramatically and you will look and feel better than you ever did before…

Maximum Nutrition, Minimum Interference!


  • Put maximum nutrition INTO your body… and…
  • Reduce or eliminate toxins and “interference”.

The first one seems pretty obvious…People who eat a vegan diet eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, chickpeas, nuts, and seeds. These foods are loaded with essential nutrition.

The second principle is just as fundamental, but less apparent. It means that when we avoid toxins hidden packaged/processed food…and the many hidden toxins in meat alternatives, our bodies begin to clean out and detoxify.

This allows our cells to expend less energy in actually fighting off foreign substances and more on rebuilding, growth, and rejuvenation.

And as a result we notice a myriad of health benefits when we adopt a vegan diet.

Now…Imagine seeing and feeling the positive changes in your body and health than any other diet you have tried before.

Because you will be getting all the essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats and the accompanying recipes offer healthy and tasty ways to enjoy them.

There’s only one little problem…

Why Most People Fail To Stick To A Vegan Diet?

plant based diet

Now giving the amazing results that eating a vegan diet, you’d think it was easy to stick to it?

Truth is, a plant-based lifestyle doesn’t mean you have to force down the same boring, bland foods every single day.

And on top of that, preparing tasty, nutritious vegan meals doesn’t have to be difficult at all. The Plant-based cookbook provides tasty, easy to prepare recipes that are healthy.

And now, for the first time…

We’ve Teamed Up With The Most Influential Community Of Plant-Based Enthusiasts…

 …To Bring You Over 100 Flavourful High Protein Vegan Recipes

Sure, cookbooks from a top chef are nice. But what if you had one from a respected chef (yours truly!) AND hundreds of living, active, healthy plant-based experts?

Well, ask and you shall receive. The Plant-based cookbook is full of recipes that can be prepared and cooked in under 30 minutes or less.

With The Plant-Based Recipe Cookbook you’ll get that much and more. The recipes come in a beautiful full-color cookbook that you can view right from your computer, tablet, or phone from any location.

It is the ultimate guide for making the Vegan Diet amazingly good-tasting, fun and full of the variety that not only makes you healthier but also satisfies your taste buds and cravings.

It’s everything you could ever want in a guide for how to eat properly the Vegan way without compromising taste or convenience.

Why people fail to stick to a Plant Based Diet

The cookbook contains real-food that you can easily find at your local supermarket, including a variety of tofu, tempeh soy products, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

With the right ingredients, you will be able to prepare tasty recipes with ease.

So even if you are a meat-eater and want to try a vegan for 30 days, then there are plenty of meat-free recipes that you will love!

Flavourful Vegan Recipes Covering Everything From Burrito Bowls To Chocolate Mousse

Peanut Butter Quinoa
Tofu Curry
fudge bars
Chickpea Flour Omelet
Roasted Chickpea Wrap
Sweet Potato Curry

You’ll Also Get Some Bonus Green Smoothie Recipes From Our Special Recipe Categories

Green Smoothie Diet

Yes, it’s hard to believe these are actually on any “diet” – but again, Plant-based is not a diet at all.

And if eating foods like daily wasn’t enough, you’ll be getting slimmer… more energized…have better muscle definition…sick less often…your mood will be better…your skin brighter…and so much more!

Still wondering if this is for you?

The Plant-Based Recipe Cookbook Is For ANYONE Serious About THRIVING On A Vegan Diet – For Life!

The recipes that you will find in this book are universally loved so it doesn’t matter if your an elite athlete or a stay-at-home mom, there are recipes for everyone to enjoy.

Remember: When you consume foods derived from plants and eliminate animal products, you will begin to trigger a wave of rejuvenation throughout your body one that’s visible on your midsection, your muscle tone, skin, hair, face and much more.

This is just one reason why so many people from all walks of life are turning to the Plant-based diet because it cuts out unhealthy items like sugars and refined grains. 

The great thing about eating plant-based foods is you can eat a lot without worrying about calories or gaining weight, this is true especially when you focus on whole foods. This isn’t about eating in moderation, no, it’s about living abundantly off the good stuff! 

This is what makes a Plant-based diet work is being able to make a variety of meals that taste good to you… so that you never get bored and always feel great about what you’re eating.

The World Is Trending Towards A Vegan Diet

For proof, everyone from celebrities to athletes to entire companies like Google and countries as big as China are all supports of eating more plant-based foods….there is nothing else like this, quite simply, because there’s no other community quite like vegan!

The plant-based movement is getting bigger and so people from all over the world are starting to make conscious, healthier food choices than ever before.

After you get your copy of The Plant-based Cookbook – TODAY – you can begin eating healthy meals that do not result in you eating bland, boring or tasteless foods…

The recipes in The Plant-based Cookbook are healthy and rich in protein and do not contain any animal ingredients. Rest assured, you will get all the essential nutrients that your body needs to function properly.

You will be preparing and cooking with fresh ingredients that shouldn’t take you no more than 20-30 minutes to cook these tasty meals. 

plant based ingredients

All the ingredients with simple foods instructions are laid out for you so you know how to make amazingly good meals without taking forever or breaking the bank.

You’ll even learn how to make delicious “vegan desserts” that aren’t overloaded with sugar, cream or flour…

Quick And Easy Recipes That Ensure You Never Have To Eat A Boring Meal – Ever, Again!

The Plant-based Cookbook contains plenty of breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and dessert recipes (nearly 100 when you include the bonuses!)

There are plenty of vegan options within the following categories that will excite your taste-buds, that are worthy of a dinner party.

You will also get a variety of “special categories” that will help you indulge in soups…sandwiches and tofu omelets and so much more all 100% by following plant-based principles!

I’ve gone to great lengths to include popular vegan recipes to make this diet delicious, with plenty of variety each day.

No prior cooking experience required! You will be able to whip up a meal even if you’re a total novice or a lazy cook! The recipes are simple to make so you’ll be a pro in no time!

Here’s Just A Sample Of What You Get…

Simple Vegan Recipes


With a wide variety of done-for-you healthy vegan recipes that will wow non-vegans! Your friends or family will never turn down these meals after taking one bite!

Vegan Meal Prep


There’s no guesswork, and each recipe offers simple and clear instructions, so you can prepare your meals easily. 

Vegan Grocery


Includes a Complete Grocery shopping table that provides you with tons of food items that you can buy and add to your grocery list.

To Further Speed Your Success And Results With The Plant-Based Recipe Cookbook, We’re Also Giving You Bonus Gifts Worth $165 Absolutely Free!

As a special one-time offer for anyone who buys on this page now, we’re also going to throw in free of charge five powerful Plant-Based manuals that take your results to the next level.

These manuals help combat the two biggest reasons why people don’t get the start they need to stay vegan…

  • They don’t have the initial momentum needed to keep them on the plan until the amazing results become apparent…and…..
  • Social gatherings and eating at restaurants either become a downer or they “cheat” which leads to guilt and frustration and ultimately to giving up…

Well, Not anymore!

Let’s see what you’ll find inside the cookbook bundle:


If you were like me and you hated spending time in the kitchen, and just want to cook a quick vegan meal that tastes great, then this cookbook has more than 100 vegan recipes from, cereals, omelets, smoothies, salads, soups, main dishes and snacks!

  • The many Perks and Benefits that the Plant-Based Diet can give you and why you should follow it
  • 100+ Tasty and easy recipes that you can cook in less than 30 minutes. You don’t even have to think about what to cook, just read this book and your mouth will water
  • Delicious Vegan Wholesome Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and also Dessert and Snacks
  • Complete Grocery shopping table that provides you with tons of food items that you can buy and add to your grocery list
  • And…so on!


Don’t want to wait? Take the 30 day jumpstart challenge and feel the difference a plant-based diet can make in your life.  

This jump start guide will get you started on a Vegan Diet journey, and make sure you can actually make a permanent, positive change in your health.

This guide will help you to improve your overall health, shed a few pounds and in the end reach your goals. When you pick the right foods and approach your health properly, your quality of life – from your energy levels, happiness, sex drive, and more, will improve.

So if you want to dive right in and get going as fast as possible, make sure to read this bonus.

green smoothie lifestyle


Looking for a simple way to adopt a healthier lifestyle and gain more energy? 

If you’re interested in trying out  a raw foods diet if you are trying  to increase your healthy eating habits,  give green smoothies a try.

By filling up on a healthy green  smoothie rather than processed and
fattening foods, you will soon be able  to fit into those old jeans you never
dreamed you would be able to button again.

vegan shoppingl ist


Reach your optimal health, weight and energy by eating the foods you enjoy. I have created a printable list of plant-based foods that you can download and use to help you vary your food options when making a trip to the grocery store. The grocery list provides tons of food items that you can add to your grocery list. 


If you order today, you’ll also receive 4 Free Meal Plans….

Get 4 sample 2000 – 3500 calorie menus for fat loss, muscle gain and weight maintenance weight, while getting the nutrients you need to thrive!


plant based cookbook bundle

Overall we could easily sell these items separately for $20 each, or charge over $150 for the entire package. But you won’t have to pay $150 or $100. Not Even $50.


$150 $19.95

Just click “Add to Cart” now and start preparing delicious plant-based meals and make your days full of energy!

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Please note the package contains digital downloads and no physical products will be shipped to you.

What Our Customers Have To Say!

diane lynch

Diane Lynch

I have always based most of my meals off of plant-based recipes on Instagram, so it’s great to finally have a book with all the recipes in one place…AMAZING! The best cookbook you can buy, delicious, healthy and fresh meals that are super easy to prepare. If you are looking for one recipe book for vegans or non-vegans – this is it!!!

Like •  Reply • 10h

Hannah Jones

This is a wonderful book for information and inspiration for anyone who wants to eat a plant-based diet. I have been eating a plant-based diet for years but still struggled, so this book has really helped me understand and inform me better and I feel great!!!!
I love these simple, delicious recipes.
Highly recommended


Like •  Reply • 5h

david stewart

David Stewart

The recipes in this book are really healthy, no nonsense recipes. I have been a vegetarian for 10+ years and had got stuck in cooking the same foods all the time. This has given me loads of ideas for new meals and twists to add to things I already do. I like how there are pictures that comes with each recipe, unlike other recipe books I’ve purchased. The recipes are not difficult, quite simple and something for everyone.


Like •  Reply • 18h

Become “Plant Powered” In the Kitchen…In the next 60 Days Or Your Money Back!

Now, I won’t insult your intelligence by suggesting that you’ll love every recipe in the book, or that it will make you look like a supermodel or bodybuilder overnight.

But what we will say is that in all the years I’ve built and worked as a chef and with this community… together,, we’ve helped thousands prepare food and thrive with this diet and way of life and we believe you will be no different.

So our guarantee to you is this: The Plant-based Cookbook must make preparing meals more easy… more delicious… give you more variety on the diet… and help you experience the many health benefits of a Plant-based diet (from weight loss to enhanced mood) much more quickly… or your money back.

Vegan Meal Plan Collage

This isn’t one of those “no questions asked” generic guarantees most companies offer you and hope you forget about because we stand by the results this program produces.

If you don’t experience these results in the first 60 days, simply email us and we’ll immediately refund every penny you paid no questions asked.

You Already know a Vegan Diet is for you

So are you willing to spend an Hour and a Few Bucks So you Can Thrive On It?

When you download your package you will get….

  • The Plant-based Cookbook With Over 100 Easy To Prepare Recipes
  • The 30 Day Plant Based Jump Start Guide
  • The Green Smoothie Lifestyle Guide
  • Plant-based Meal Plans to follow to heal increase your health, fuel your workouts in no time and without too much effort.


That’s a whopping, $135 off! What are you waiting for?

Now that you know how easy and delicious high protein foods can be…

And now that you’ve seen what a difference it can make it your health…

And especially since you know how important it is to get healthy and fill your body with nutrition as more and more corporations strive to mess with our food from preservatives to GMO and worse…

Plant Based Diet

When you download your package you will…

  •  Choose to spend just a few minutes each day learning to prepare these amazingly satisfying high protein recipes that you’ll master and use for life to get healthier, more energized, slimmer and, stronger… or…
  • You could try to just learn everything on your own a serious mistake, in my opinion: Especially since your purchase of the Plant-based Cookbook is fully guaranteed!

Why not let me show you every amazing Plant-based recipe I know how to make?

I hope you’ll choose to join get started with this priceless resource that the Plant-based team has created…

Use it daily to get healthy and love what you eat (even as others around drool and doubt that you’re on a “diet”)…

And experience the best health of your life in 60 days or less starting today.

I know you’ll make the best choice and I look forward to welcoming you aboard!

Click the button below to sign up right now…


$150 $19.95

Just click “Add to Cart” now and start preparing delicious plant-based meals and make your days full of energy!

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Please note the package contains digital downloads and no physical products will be shipped to you.

Take Action Today While  The Plant-Based Recipe Cookbook Is Still On Sale 

Here’s to cooking healthy, plant-based recipes!

Yours Sincerely,

justin kaye

Still not convinced?

Check out a few more notes of appreciation from our Happy Plant-Based Customers…

The recipes are simply stunning – it’s bright, colourful, dreamy and full of healthy inspiration! It’s packed with recipes for every taste and covers so many different cravings! If you are looking to add some variety to your diet and try out some healthy recipes, I 100% recommend this book.


I’ve been looking for a vegan recipe like this, and I had all the ingredients on hand so I decided to give these a try. TI totally recommend it if you’re looking for original, natural and delicious vegan recipes. So thankful for the recipes and all the hard work Justin has put into the book! Thank you!


When you ditch meat and dairy… everything changes. Remember, those so-called foods were NOT part of our diets thousands of years ago and not coincidentally, there were no incidents of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and other conditions.

But there is a solution when you eat a healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, complex carbohydrates and some multi-vitamins, you will have all the energy you need. This is all you need as a vegan to satisfy your nutritional requirements.

Why risk getting sick or suffer through diets filled with rules and boring meals… especially when you now have a way to eat the best-tasting food ever and feel amazing while doing it!

It’s time to step up and prove what you’re made of. The Plant-Based Recipe Book is all you need to cook the tastiest food to help you reach your fitness goals and to feel better than ever!  

Just click “ADD TO CART” button now before you miss out on this new plant based cookbook so you can start enjoying real food while you lose weight and having more energy.


$150 $19.95

Just click “Add to Cart” now and start preparing delicious plant-based meals 

and make your days full of energy!

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Take Action Today While The Plant-Based Recipe Cookbook Is Still On Sale

Chicken with Creamy Mushrooms and Snap Peas Recipe


4 chicken cutlets (about 1 1/4 pounds), patted dry

Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

All-purpose flour, for dredging

1 tablespoon unsalted butter

2 scallions, thinly sliced

8 ounces mushrooms (button, cremini, shiitake or a combination), quartered

1 1/4 cups low-sodium chicken broth

3/4 cup heavy cream

2 cups sugar snap peas, stemmed and halved lengthwiseAdd to Shopping List


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Season the chicken generously with salt and pepper. 1 tablespoon oil should be added to the skillet. Dredge two chicken cutlets in flour, shaking off any excess, and placing in a skillet. 1 1/2 minutes per side until golden; transfer to a baking dish. Continue with the remaining 1 tablespoon oil and the remaining 2 chicken cutlets. Wrap the dish in foil and place it in the oven while you prepare the vegetables.

Add the scallions and mushrooms to the hot skillet and cook, stirring occasionally, until the mushrooms brown, about 4 minutes. Bring the broth to a boil while scraping up any browned bits with a wooden spoon. Cook for 3 minutes, or until the liquid has been reduced by half. Add the cream and continue to cook until the sauce thickens slightly, 3 to 4 minutes more. Heat through the snap peas; season with salt and pepper. Serve the chicken with the creamy vegetables on top.

Best Brown Sugar Oatmeal Cookies


2 cups packed dark brown sugar

1 cup (2 sticks) salted butter, softened 

2 teaspoons vanilla extract 

2 eggs 

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 

1 teaspoon salt 

1/2 teaspoon baking soda 

3 cups old-fashioned oats 


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2. In the bowl of an electric mixer (or using a hand mixer), beat together the brown sugar and butter until fluffy. Beat in the vanilla. Add the eggs one at a time, scraping the bowl after each one.

3. Mix together the flour, salt and baking soda in a medium bowl. Add it into the creamed mixture in 2 to 3 batches, mixing until just combined. Mix in the oats until just combined.

4. Use your preferred size cookie scoop (or a regular spoon) to drop portions of dough onto baking sheets, spacing them a couple inches apart. Bake until dark and chewy, 12 to 13 minutes. If you’d like a crispier cookie, just cook a little longer!

5. Let the cookies cool slightly on the baking sheets, then transfer onto a plate for serving.

Cook’s Note

Add 1/2 cup finely chopped nuts to the flour mixture if you’d like a nutty flavor and crunch.

Best Chia Seed Pudding Breakfast Recipe


1 cup vanilla-flavored unsweetened almond milk

1 cup plain low-fat (2 percent) Greek yogurt

2 tablespoons pure maple syrup (preferably grade B), plus 4 teaspoons for serving

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Kosher salt

1/4 cup chia seeds

1 pint strawberries, hulled and chopped

1/4 cup sliced almonds, toasted


1. In a medium bowl, gently whisk the almond milk, yogurt, 2 tablespoons maple syrup, the vanilla and 1/8 teaspoon salt until just blended. Whisk in the chia seeds; let stand 30 minutes. Stir to distribute the seeds if they have settled. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

2. The next day, in a medium bowl, toss the berries with the remaining 4 teaspoons maple syrup. Mix in the almonds.

3. Spoon the pudding into 4 bowls or glasses; mound the berry mixture on top and serve.

Amazing Chocolate Bunnies Your Easter Basket Needs This Year

If the best part of Easter is indulging in candy, you’re probably looking forward to diving into a big ol’ chocolate Easter bunny. We decided to round up some of our favorite chocolate Easter bunnies that you can order online right now because this iconic spring treat is a staple this time of year. Some of them are hollow, while others are solid blocks with interesting fillings. What do they all have in common? They are absolutely delectable. Indeed, Happy Easter!

Mr. and Mrs. Ears Milk Chocolate Easter Bunnies

These chocolate bunnies have everything! We can’t get enough of this adorable couple and think they’d be perfect as a set or separately in children’s baskets. They’ll taste great, too, because they’re made of high-quality milk chocolate.

Simply Chocolate Easter Bunny Quartet

These bunnies come in a set of four, with two milk chocolate bunnies, one dark chocolate bunny, and one white chocolate bunny, so there should be enough for the whole family!

Chocolate Bunny

For a classic present option for everyone on your list, this bunny is made with dark, white and milk chocolate.

Jacques Torres Chocolate Smiling Bunny

This happy little bunny weighs 10.6 ounces and is available in both dark and milk chocolate. Although this bunny is not filled, it stands 10-inches tall and is sure to make a statement in any Easter basket.

Bissinger’s Paint a Bunny Kit

This option includes not only a delicious milk chocolate Easter bunny, but also an Easter morning activity. This adorable bunny comes with two paint brushes as well as pink, white, green, and yellow chocolate paints.

Reese’s Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Bunny

Calling all peanut butter lovers! This milk chocolate bunny is filled with the same delectable peanut butter filling that Reese’s fans know and love, just this time in a festive shape.

Coconut Bunny Butt Cake

This cake’s dense pound cake-like texture, which is beneficial for securing the cupcakes and decorating, comes from the inclusion of crushed pineapple in the batter. The cakes and cupcakes can be baked and wrapped in plastic wrap a day in advance. If your frosting effort isn’t flawless, don’t worry; coconut-coating the cake will cover up any imperfections.


2 large eggs plus 4 egg whites, at room temperature

3/4 cup cream of coconut

1/2 cup drained crushed pineapple

2 teaspoons coconut extract

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for the bowl (see Cook’s Note)

1 cup sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon fine salt

12 tablespoons (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into pieces, at room temperature, plus more for greasing bowl

Coconut Buttercream:

3 cups confectioners’ sugar, sifted

2 sticks unsalted butter, at room temperature

1 to 2 tablespoons milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon coconut extract


Thin pretzel sticks, for securing the cupcakes

One 10-ounce bag sweetened shredded coconut

8 drops green food coloring

2 large round chocolate candies, such as Candy Melts

6 chocolate chips

Mini candy-coated chocolate eggs, for garnish

5 dried apricots

3 gummy leaf candies


Special equipment: an 8-inch (1 1/2 quart) ovenproof metal bowl; a muffin tin with paper liners

  • Set the oven’s temperature to 325 F. An 8-inch (1 1/2 quart) ovenproof metal bowl should be butter and floured. Place paper liners in 4 muffin tins.
  • In a big basin, whisk the egg yolks and egg whites for the cake. The cream of coconut, pineapple, coconut essence, and vanilla extract should all be whisked in at this point. In a separate big basin, stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. With an electric mixer set to low speed, incorporate the butter one piece at a time until the mixture resembles coarse meal. Add half of the egg mixture, and beat for 1 to 2 minutes on high, until frothy. When incorporating the remaining egg mixture, scrape down the bowl’s sides as necessary. The remaining batter should be poured into the prepared bowl after filling each muffin cup two-thirds full. For the cupcakes, bake for 18 to 20 minutes, and for the bowl, bake for 1 hour 30 to 1 hour 40 minutes, or until a cake tester inserted in the center of each cake comes out clean. After removing the cakes from the pans, allow them to cool for 15 minutes on a wire rack before turning them out to finish cooling.
  • To make the buttercream, use an electric mixer to combine the butter and confectioners’ sugar on low speed. Then, increase the speed and beat for one to two minutes, or until the mixture is light and fluffy. For an additional 2 to 3 minutes, beat in 1 tablespoon of milk, the vanilla, and the coconut extracts. If the frosting is too stiff, add up to 1 tablespoon more milk.
  • Trim the flat bottom of the bowl-shaped cake with a serrated knife so it rests level on a platter, rounded-side up, and cover with a layer of buttercream frosting. To create the bunny’s feet, remove the cupcake wrappers and secure 2 of them with a pretzel stick each to the cake’s base (allow about 1 1/2 inches between the feet). The third cupcake should be divided in half, top to bottom. With the cut side facing down and the rounded edges positioned to form the heels of the feet, attach the cupcake halves to the tops of the feet with pretzel sticks. To create a tail, attach the final cupcake with a pretzel stick to the bottom half of the cake’s top. With the remaining frosting, frost the cupcakes. Wipe away any smeared frosting on the cake plate.
  • 1 1/2 cups shredded coconut should be patted all over the cake. Place the rest of the coconut in a large zip-top plastic bag. Add the green food coloring to the bag along with 2 teaspoons of water. Toss and massage the coconut until it is a uniform shade of green. Place the chocolate candies in the bottoms of the bunny feet, with the larger ones on top and the smaller ones underneath, to resemble the toe pads. Make grass out of green coconut and decorate with candy eggs on the cake plate. Roll the apricots into carrot shapes after flattening them with a rolling pin. Cut the leaves in half crosswise and snip them to look like carrot tops with scissors. Arrange the carrot tops in the grass around the bunny by inserting them into the wider end of the apricot carrots.

Baker’s Note:

When we measure flour, we spoon it into a dry measuring cup and level it off. (Scooping the flour directly from the bag compacts it, resulting in dry baked goods.)

How to Feed Your Hungriest House-guests During the Holidays

You know that scene at the beginning of Home Alone where the house is total chaos and the entire extended family is grabbing pizza off the counter? There’s something about it that immediately fills me with holiday spirit. Or how about the dinner scene in The Family Stone — as uncomfortable as it is to watch, I still kinda want to spend the holidays with that big, crazy family despite their total dysfunction. But any of us who have actually hosted overnight guests knows that it’s no small feat to keep everyone’s needs met around the clock, especially during the holidays.

One of my favorite cookbooks of the year, Every Day Is Saturday (and no I will not stop talking about it) swept in with the EXACT low-key solutions I’ve been needing to feed overnight guests without breaking a sweat. I begged author Sarah Copeland (@edibleliving) to let me spill her hosting secrets in an excerpt from the book here, and in true holiday spirit, she agreed. Read on for Sarah’s genius advice, and pick up your copy of the book right here.

from Sarah:

I love a full house. When we first bought a house, after many years of living in the world’s smallest apartment in New York City, we had a table for eight for the first time in my adult life.

That year, I invited friends to stay almost every weekend. I loved all our raucous, late-night dinners, with wine and kids and music and laughter all thrown in the mix. Even more, I loved waking up under the same roof, and gathering again, still in pajamas, for the first meal of the day.
But feeding houseguests isn’t for the meek; it takes planning and grace. Especially if one houseguest in particular isn’t just hungry, he’s staaarving (in his southern Missouri twang). He might be related to me.

My dad is an emphatic man. I love this about him. When my mom makes dinner, he’ll smack and lick his lips wildly, saying, “Honey, honey, honey! This is deli¬cious!” (It took me years to stop expecting everyone else to do the same.) He chips in to set the table, helps with the dishes, is a pro at feeding toddlers. In short: He’s an ideal, jovial house-guest. But when he’s hungry, nothing can curb his zeal for the next meal.

It’s not his fault. My grandmother—his mother—was a legendary host who seemed to be able to do it all: raise six kids, put three hot meals on the table each day, and even go back to college, with her two youngest in tow. Well into her eighties, there were often twenty people under her roof for whole weekends at a time. I’d wake up when the sun was just starting to glow through the attic windows where I slept. Downstairs, I could hear her sausage patties snapping against the fat in a cast-iron pan, the smell of fresh biscuits and gravy wafting up the steep, narrow steps. I’d run down, eager to help, but the table was already laid with rose-patterned china, heaped high with biscuits, homemade jellies, and velvety scrambled eggs. In the kitchen, my grandfather would stand beside her, following orders while she stirred orange juice in her squat glass pitcher, with a pinch of sugar. It’s how she served up all of life.

On my best days, I am like my grandma. Most days, though, I’m just human.

Enthusiasm for food runs in the family. To wit: my son, Mátyás. At three years old, his first words at 5 a.m. are “I’m hungry.” He bursts into tears if he doesn’t deem his portion as large as his father’s. And if I take too long getting down to the kitchen, I might find him in his diaper in front of the refrigerator, raw zucchini in one hand and a fistful of berries in the other, eyeing the shelves for what to eat next.

Once, I had bounding toddler-like energy, too, but since I had kids, I’ve adopted my husband’s groggy, pajama-clad saunter to the kitchen, what I now affectionately call the slow start. Trying to beat a hearty appetite to the punch every time is asking for a fail.

The fact is, feeding people—even people you love dearly—could be a chore. But it doesn’t have to be. You could rise in the wee hours, as my grandmother did. You could get help from take-out or resort to less healthy, more filling foods. Or, like me, you might find the art of baiting your home with DIY offerings a bit more your style. Consider this your host-with-the-most free pass.

How to Feed Your Hungriest Houseguests (Without Lifting a Whisk)

– Always keep fresh bread and butter in the house. Before you go to bed, set the bread (wrapped in a tea towel), a small dish of butter, and a jar of jelly with a spoon out on a tray on the kitchen counter for early risers. Keep a second, tightly wrapped loaf or two of bread in the freezer for emergencies.

– Create a DIY muesli station with jars of muesli, dried fruit, a stack of bowls, and a mug filled with clean spoons. Leave a “Help yourself, milk and yogurt are in the fridge” note nearby to cue self-service.

– Keep ample bowls of grab-and-go fruits like apples, bananas, pears, and clementines on the counter at the ready. Ditto jars of shelled nuts like cashews, pistachios, almonds, or walnuts.

– Create an organized coffee and tea station (as simple as one drawer, fully stocked, with a stack of mugs nearby) in your house and give guests a full round-the-clock invitation to self-serve.

– Stock jars of apple chips or dried fruit in living areas, where people can enjoy a healthy-ish nibble in private.

– Keep clasped jars of chocolate-covered almonds or trail mix on the counter-top, with a help-yourself policy. (Kids usually need help with portion control.) Don’t fill the jar with your whole stash, which may disappear; hide half, and refill as needed.

– Keep cookie dough in the refrigerator or freezer for quick baking.

Serve cheese. (It’s filling.)

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