Koforidua Technical University honors JoyNews’ Maxwell Kudekor

The Koforidua Technical University (KTU) has honoured Multimedia Journalist, Maxwell Kudekor, for his outstanding journalistic standards and development journalism orientation.

KTU presented a citation in honour of the Eastern Regional Correspondent of JoyNews.


The Citation reads: “in Recognition and Appreciation for Providing generous media coverage of Koforidua Technical University’s activities.
“Your stories on the University have been a significant factor in its growth and advancement.,” the citation said in part.

Presenting the award, Vice Chancellor of Koforidua Technical University, Professor Smile Dzisi said the growth of the university depends on all stakeholders including the Media.

Dzisi hinted that the  University will, effective next academic year, commence community outreach programmes.

The initiative according to her, will identify and research into very pressing challenges of local communities within the region and collaborate effectively with others to assist these communities to find solutions.

Guy turns violent after lover rejects public proposal

A Nigerian youth turned violent after asking his girlfriend to marry him and she rejected the marriage proposal right there in public.

The guy is seen in the viral video asking: “why won’t you marry me?


“I said I don’t want to marry you,” his girlfriend responded.

The guy angrily reacted saying “How can you tell me no, no for what?” The young man, who had been on his knee gets up and gets physical. He pushes the lady to the ground and takes off her wig.

Onlookers intervene and ask him to be calm.

In a subsequent Tweet, however, @IamErujeje who posted the video, posted a followup where the duo say the scene was just a prank.

“I am not a woman beater,” the guy seen in the viral video said.


Large Ebola outbreaks new normal, says WHO

The world is entering “a new phase” where big outbreaks of deadly diseases like Ebola are a “new normal”, the World Health Organization(WHO) has warned.

Previous Ebola outbreaks affected relatively small numbers of people.

But the Democratic Republic of Congo is dealing with the second largest outbreak ever, just three years after the world’s largest one ended.

The WHO said countries and other bodies needed to focus on preparing for new deadly epidemics.

What is Ebola?

  • Ebola is a virus that initially causes sudden fever, intense weakness, muscle pain and a sore throat.
  • It progresses to vomiting, diarrhoea and both internal and external bleeding.
  • People are infected when they have direct contact through broken skin, or the mouth and nose, with the blood, vomit, faeces or bodily fluids of someone with Ebola.
  • Patients tend to die from dehydration and multiple organ failure.

There have been about 2,025 cases of Ebola and 1,357 deaths from the virus during the outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The largest outbreak, in West Africa in 2014-2016 affected 28,616 people mostly in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. There were 11,310 deaths.

Yet the 12 outbreaks between 2000 and 2010 averaged fewer than 100 cases.

So why are modern outbreaks so much bigger?

“We are entering a very new phase of high impact epidemics and this isn’t just Ebola,” Dr Michael Ryan, the executive director of the WHO’s health emergencies programme told me.

He said the world is “seeing a very worrying convergence of risks” that are increasing the dangers of diseases including Ebola, cholera and yellow fever.

He said climate change, emerging diseases, exploitation of the rainforest, large and highly mobile populations, weak governments and conflict were making outbreaks more likely to occur and more likely to swell in size once they did.

‘Get to grips’

Dr Ryan said the World Health Organization was tracking 160 disease events around the world and nine were grade three emergencies (the WHO’s highest emergency level).

“I don’t think we’ve ever had a situation where we’re responding to so many emergencies at one time. This is a new normal, I don’t expect the frequency of these events to reduce.”

As a result, he argued that countries and other bodies needed to “get to grips with readiness [and] be ready for these epidemics”.

Soldiers protecting healthcare workers

The outbreak in DR Congo continues to worry health officials.

It took 224 days for the number of cases to reach 1,000, but just a further 71 days to reach 2,000.

Tackling the disease has been complicated by conflict in the region – between January and May there were more than 40 attacks on health facilities.

Another problem is distrust of healthcare workers with about a third of deaths being in the community. It means people are not seeking treatment and risk spreading the disease to neighbours and relatives.

Dr Josie Golding, the epidemics lead at the Wellcome Trust, said the world needed to get better at preparing for such outbreaks.

“With Ebola in West Africa, that was the mobility of people and porous borders – that is now the world we live in, that won’t stop,” she said.

Climate change could lead to more outbreaks like cholera in Mozambique after Cyclone Idai, she said. But she hoped diseases resulting from humanitarian crises would not be a new normal.

“Preparedness needs to be better, we can see movement of populations and climate change, a lot of this we can see coming, and we need more resources to plan and prepare.”

‘I hire a man to pretend to be my daughter’s dad

Megumi was a baby when her parents separated and her father disappeared from her life. But years later her mother told her he wanted to reconnect. Megumi began to see Yamada regularly. She thinks he is her father, and that Yamada is his real name – but this is a lie.

“Ever since she was little she’d ask me where he was,” says Megumi’s mother, Asako. “All she knew was that he had gone soon after she was born, so she blamed herself.”

For years it didn’t appear to be a problem. But when Megumi was about 10, Asako noticed a change in her daughter’s behaviour.

“She didn’t talk to me and became very quiet and withdrawn,” Asako says.

“It took a long while to find out about the bullying.”

Asako discovered that Megumi wasn’t only blaming herself for her parents’ breakup. Her classmates were also ostracising her because she didn’t have a dad – children of single parents are often stigmatised in Japan.

Eventually she became so unhappy that she refused to go to school.

“She’s my only child and it was breaking my heart to see her so sad,” Asako says.

She tried to get the teachers at school to help, but when that failed another idea came into her head.

“All I could think about was, what if I found a man who was nice and kind, an ideal father, someone who would make her feel better?” Asako says.

She’d heard about relative rental agencies that could send an actor to play a guest at a wedding or go on a date – they are well established in Japan. So she contacted one to ask if they could also provide a fake dad. After auditioning five hopefuls, she settled on a man called Mr Takashi.

“I found him the easiest to talk to,” Asako says. “He’s very kind and sweet, so I just followed my instincts.”

Takashi runs a rental agency with about 20 staff and more than 1,000 freelancers – men and women of different ages and backgrounds who can cater for almost any situation, taking on fake names, personalities and roles. They often have to lie, but they are very strict about not breaking the law.

As an actor himself, he’s played boyfriends, businessmen, friends and fathers, and been a bridegroom at five fake weddings.

He prepares for his roles, he confesses, by watching Hollywood movies like Little Miss Sunshine, the Oscar-winning film about a dysfunctional family bonding on a road trip, and The Descendants, in which George Clooney plays an indifferent parent who suddenly has to embrace fatherhood after a family tragedy.

“I study these films, and memorise phrases and lines,” Takashi says. “I take notes on how different family members interact and communicate, and what it takes to be a certain kind of father or husband. They help me understand different family dynamics and relationships.”

Asako met Takashi several times to talk about the kind of father she wanted him to play to Megumi.

“My requests were very simple,” she says. “Firstly, I wanted him to say how sorry he was that he couldn’t be in Megumi’s life until then. Secondly, I wanted him to listen to whatever she wanted to tell him.”

Asako then told Megumi that her father had remarried and now had a new family, but that he had recently been back in touch because he wanted to see them again.

He was working, she said, as “an actor”.

Megumi was shocked, but eventually agreed to meet him. And so, nearly 10 years ago, Takashi became Yamada, Megumi’s father – his longest-running, and perhaps most ethically dubious role to date.

Takashi still remembers their first meeting.

“It was a very complex emotion that was there,” he says. “She asked me why I hadn’t come to see her before, and I felt her resentment.”

As Yamada, Takashi began seeing Megumi and her mother a couple of times a month – joining them on days out, trips to the cinema and visiting for birthdays. And Asako says it didn’t take long to see a real change in her daughter.

“After a while Megumi became much happier and more outgoing,” she says. “She loved to talk, she was lively – she even wanted to go back to school, and that’s when I thought, ‘This has all been worth it!’”

One particular occasion sticks in Asako’s mind – when she and Yamada were at Megumi’s school parents’ day.

“We were standing at the back of the classroom,” Asako says. “She saw us together and kept on turning around to look at us. She had the biggest smile on her face and that made me really happy.”

Takashi’s services are not cheap. Each time Asako hires him to play Yamada she pays about 10,000 Yen, (about £70 or $90), and although she earns a decent salary she has to make savings elsewhere to afford it. But when she remembers how unhappy her daughter once was, she thinks it is money well spent.

Takashi also sees a difference in Megumi, from the quiet, hesitant girl that he first met.

“Gradually she became happier and more confident,” he says. “I used to meet her with Asako, the three of us together, but one day she said, ‘I want to go out with my father, just the two of us,’ so I took her out and she held my hand for the first time.”

Over the last 10 years, Takashi’s character Yamada has grown very close to Megumi, now a young adult. He’s become a part of the family. He even tells Megumi that he loves her, in the way that any father might – but, of course, he doesn’t really.

How does he justify this act of deception?

“Switching personalities and identities is very important in this job,” he says. “But I’m human, and so, of course, it would be a lie if I said I don’t feel any emotional conflict saying, ‘I love you,’ to that child. But this is a business, I have to do it, and I have to keep reminding myself of that.”

Asako also understands that some might disagree with her choices.

“I know what I’m doing is drastic,” she says. “But I really, really wanted to save my daughter.”

To complicate matters, she has also become very attached to the fictional character she is paying Takashi to portray.

“When the three of us are together, I feel at peace,” she says.

“We talk, we laugh and we are very kind to each other. He’s been in our lives for such a long time now, I would like to marry him and become a real family.”

But Asako has had to face the bittersweet reality that she is in love with someone who isn’t real and who cannot love her back.

“I have told him [how I feel], but he told me to my face that he’s with us because it’s his job. It’s very complicated,” she says.

“I’m very aware that he’s only with us because we’re paying him.

“I sort of fantasise about our relationship, that maybe we can be a real family, but the relationship as it is actually helps me emotionally and mentally as well. It keeps me stable.”

In fact, Asako has no plans to end the arrangement with Takashi and says she would like to carry on hiring him to play Megumi’s dad indefinitely – even if that means sinking deeper and deeper into a world of fantasy and deception.

“The ideal situation is that she continues to think of him as her father,” she says. “So when she gets married I’d like him to be at her wedding ceremony, and when she has her own child, I’d like him to act as a grandfather as well. The worst case scenario is that my daughter finds out.”

And if Megumi’s real father were to ever turn up?

That’s not a possibility that Asako has ever really considered. As she hasn’t had any contact with him since their divorce she feels it is unlikely – but if he did walk through the door one day, she thinks Megumi would choose Yamada over her real dad, because they have such a good “father-daughter” relationship. He is the ideal father, just as Asako hoped he would be.

Takashi is also aware that the lie could continue to grow.

“This is one of the big issues of renting a family,” he says. “Megumi could get married in the future and then her husband would think I’m her father. If she then has her own child that means she’d believe I’m the grandfather of her child, and the stakes get bigger and bigger.”

And he has thought about how Megumi might feel if she finds out – though the plotlines he envisages might strike many as highly optimistic.

“In the best case scenario, I’d like to think that she might thank me for taking care of her – that is 80% of my imagination,” he says.

“The other 20% thinks that she would be devastated. She might say, ‘Why did you come clean? Why couldn’t you just keep lying to me until the end?’

“I think I’ve been a big support in her life… Maybe asking her to thank me is a bit excessive, but at least I’d like her to recognise our service.”

Many might also find it hard to understand why Asako has chosen to do something which could be so distressing for her daughter, if she discovers the truth. Yet she stands by her decision.

“I know some people think it’s foolish to pay money to lie to my own daughter and to have a pretend father, but I was desperate,” she says.

“Anyone can understand that horrible feeling of desperation, to see your child so hurt.”

She says she does worry about the potential impact on Megumi, but tries not to think about it.

And she thinks this kind of thing happens more than you might imagine.

“My situation isn’t unique. I’m sure there are loads more surrogate fathers and mothers out there.”

When a one-day-old baby, Paul Joseph Fronczak, was stolen from a Chicago hospital in 1964, the terrible story made headlines across America. Then, two years later, an abandoned boy was identified as the missing baby and handed over to the relieved parents. Years later, Paul began to investigate what had happened – and was shocked by what he found.

375 Migrants Detained After Crossing Into Arizona Under U.S.-Mexico Border Fence

A group of 376 Central Americans was arrested in southwest Arizona, the vast majority of the families who dug short, shallow holes under a barrier to cross the border, authorities said Friday.

The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.

The unusually large group was almost entirely from Guatemala. They were taken to Yuma after entering the country on Monday.

The area became a major corridor for illegal crossings in the mid-2000s, prompting the federal government to weld steel plates to a barrier made of steel bollards that had been designed to stop people in vehicles, not on foot, Border Patrol spokesman Jose Garibay III said. In those spots, there is no concrete footing to prevent digging.

The group used multiple holes in an apparent effort to get everyone across the border quickly, Garibay said.

Customs and Border Protection released photos and video of a long line of migrants standing patiently on a desert road’s dirt shoulder after they were stopped.

On Wednesday, the Border Patrol arrested a group of 247 people, mostly from Central America, who turned themselves into agents in a highly remote part of New Mexico, where authorities have found 25 groups of more than 100 people since October. A group of 115 was found in the same area Thursday.

Large numbers of Guatemalan families and unaccompanied children are surrendering to immigration agents in Antelope Wells, New Mexico, where 7-year-old Jakelin Caal and her father were found Dec. 6 with 161 others.

Caal started vomiting on the bus ride to the nearest Border Patrol station 94 miles away and had stopped breathing by the time she arrived. She died at a hospital in El Paso, Texas.

The southwest Arizona desert is less remote but arrests have also sharply increased after years of relative quiet. The Border Patrol’s Yuma sector made 7,857 arrests in October and November, more than double the same period a year earlier.

Despite a surge in asylum-seeking families from Central America in recent months, border arrests remain low by historical standards.

The Border Patrol made 396,579 arrests on the Mexican border in the 2018 fiscal year, up 30 percent from a 46-year low during the same period a year earlier but still well below a high of more than 1.6 million in 2000.



Stonebwoy is the only Ghanaian doing close to authentic Dancehall music – Nana Fynn

Stonebwoy is the only Ghanaian artiste doing something close to authentic Dancehall music, says Highlife artiste, Nana Fynn. “the only person doing something that I can call authetic Dancehall,..


Stonebwoy is the only Ghanaian artiste doing something close to authentic Dancehall music, says Highlife artiste, Nana Fynn.

“the only person doing something that I can call authetic Dancehall, close is Stonebwoy.” expressed Fynn to SVTV Africa’s Evans Amewugah.

He added that the best Dancehall song by a Ghanaian is the collaboration between Stonebwoy and MzVee titled ‘Come Over,’ and that he has no favourite amongst the Ghanaian acts calling themselves Dancehall artistes.

Read below the latest about Stonebwoy and Zylofon Music.


Dancehall artiste, Stonebwoy is contractually tied to Zylofon Music.

A statement released on Tuesday, March 13 and signed by Samuel Atoubi Baah, Head of Communications, Zylofon Media, parent company of the imprint listed the ‘Mama‘ act as one of the artistes signed to the label.

Stonebwoy joined the label in June 2017.

The “contractual relations” according to the company gives it the “sole right to the use of the artiste’s name, voice, likeness, sound and similar characteristics for the purpose of advertising, promotions, selling and otherwise merchandising discs, tapes and other audio and video recordings produced from master products by artistes.”


The label adviced any persons interested in working with their artistes to seek “the express consent and concurrence of Zylofon Media Company Limited.” 

It threatened to seek a “swift and strict enforcement in a court of law” if there is a “deliberate infringement on the right” of the company.

Shatta Wale, Becca, Joyce Blessing, Kumi Guitar, Obibini, Zynnell Zuh, James Gardiner, Bibi Bright, Toosweet Annan, Benedicta Gafah and Sima Brew are the creatives signed to Zylofon Media.

Passports to be given at birth – Official


Ghanaians may soon be receiving their Passports at birth, in order to cut out the frustration involved in acquiring the document, a government official has hinted.

Ghanaians have over the years bemoaned the difficulties in renewing or procuring a new passport as many are on daily basis subjected to long delays in queues at passport offices in Accra.

Several measures by government including plans to decentralize the passport office have not been able to resolve the bottlenecks in acquiring a passport.

Speaking to Francis Abban on the Morning Starr Wednesday, the Chief Executive Officer of Public Sector Reform at the Presidency Professor Kusi Boafo said several public sector institutions must be modernized in order for them to serve their purpose.

“We are bringing in a new public sector reform policy. There is no single public institution in Ghana that can deliver proper public good. Go and see DVLA, the passport office, Ports & Harbors…etc. If passports are very necessary, then passports are supposed to be made on the day of birth, and that is what we are trying to work on,” he said.

He however noted it will take the nation enough time to get things working properly even if the right approaches are adopted.

“We are not honest as citizens and so we are not willing to open up. As we begin to formalize, it will take us time to formalize. It will take us about 5 to 10 years to formalize”.

Professor Kusi also condemned the manner in which vehicles were disposed of by the state under the former administration.

“786 brand new cars were disposed of by the previous government at very cheap prices. Cars that could last for 10 years were sold within a week, few months and a year. How could we have built a nation with this attitude”.


Ghana Is Too Dirty!!

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There was no work on Tuesday and Wednesday, no school and a lot of government spending to celebrate 61years of Ghana’s independence…

But less than 10mins drive from the president’s own house is a drain which goes straight to the Korle Lagoon ( which has been a major pollution source for decades) … Every year lives and property are lost senselessly in Ghana whenever the rains come. We are headed for a major avoidable and senseless disaster if government does not WORK!

The Sanitation, Environment, Regional Ministers must be sued, arrested and jailed if we record another death this year due to their NEGLIGENCE in carrying out their mandate.

To those who continue to make excuses for politicians please note that Nana Addo was a member of parliament from 1997 to 2009… Gbabin has been in parliament since 1993 … the ever arrogant, whimsical, bellicose and capricious Suame Mugabe di33, the least said about him the berra… there is no JUSTIFICATION … none whatsoever for individuals who can’t do their jobs, pass the right laws, enforce them to ensure our safety. There’s none so save your breath.

Theophilus how about we hold off and celebrate our independence from poor sanitation after we actually emancipate ourselves from the filth and horrible state of drianage and sanitation??

It’s a sad day to be Ghanaian… our priorities are really screwed up!


Nathan Lane: We need ‘Angels in America’ now more than ever


Put 18-karat Nathan Lane on Broadway and the show’s SRO. He and very talented Andrew Garfield open the 25th in Tony Kushner’s celebrated “Angels in America.”

Nathan: “This play feels even more essential and necessary than when it opened in the ’90s during the AIDS epidemic and just after Reagan.

“Each time you see this, it speaks to us and cries out for us to listen. All that happens in any life happens here. It’s about many things. A plea for change. We love democracy, yet we still argue about race, sex, religion, customs, politics.

“Tony Kushner, funny yet human, was prescient and teaching we must help one another. Many young people are now first discovering ‘Angels in America.’ It’s a New York American piece.”

Then how did it do when you first opened it in London?

“Our show has puppetry, special effects. It’s beautiful. But, look, we’re not Harry Potter. It was a big commitment.”

Nathan plays infamous Roy Cohn. Don’t know who he was? Look him up. Plays, books, movies, magazines, editorials, documentaries have immortalized this young chief counsel in 1954’s Army-McCarthy hearings. He was the prosecutor in 1951’s convicted-then-executed Julius and Ethel Rosenberg spy case.

He was also President Trump’s lawyer and friend. I knew Roy. I’ve talked with Nathan about him.

Nathan: “This gives human being Roy a thread of humanity. Fighting for his life, fighting AIDS, which he hid from friends, fighting for everything. This level of performance is the greatest gift I’ve ever been given as an actor.

“He didn’t think he’s horrible. I loved being brazen, tough-about-where-he’s-headed Roy. Nowhere else can you get such writing. This is the pantheon of American literature.”

Too much hyperbole

Oscars. Enough with red-carpet dwarves burbling “incredible” — as in “incredible” dress. And “amazing” — as in “what an amazing night.” And qué pasa with yesteryear’s lightweight amusing awardees? Must each one today kiss up their agent, plumber, chiropodist?

Seacrest? His “gets” were secondary. Other mike-holders nailed the stars first. Those who faced Ryan then muttered identical things to him.

As for Kimmel, his hands flapped nervously at the start but he proved very able.

Bits & pieces

Everything old is new again.

Now Bruce Willis is another Charles Bronson.

Back with “Death Wish” as a gun-toting vigilante.

Elisabeth Shue, playing his wife, thinks audiences will be “fine.” Sure.

Lovely springtime gift for the NRA . . . Jean Kennedy Smith, last surviving JFK sibling, celebrated her 90th with ravioli and a sundae and all Serendipity singing “Happy Birthday.”

Time to get real

VIPs are hustled for everything.

At a Frederique Constant watch party Gwyneth — don’t ask Gwyneth who — sported their smartwatch.

And: At a screening for Disney’s new film “A Wrinkle in Time,” Oprah: “No matter what your flaws, embrace them.”

Reese Witherspoon, who must’ve overheard Oprah: “Conquer evil by finding good in people.”

Zach Galifianakis: “The story has a message.”

Chris Pine: “Hopefully it changes some hearts.”

Gugu Mbatha-Raw: “Our world needs light conquering darkness.”

The Javits Center International Beauty Show’s attracting an odd set.

Pink hair extensions with purple braids, orange long curls tumbling down only one shoulder, like some TV anchor ladies.

False lashes made with rhinestones and sable fur. All’s fake. Bejeweled multicolored junk nails, lashes, hair, boobs, teeth, even stuffing for behinds. And the place is jammed.

One salesman wore shorts. Short shorts. Bare legs. Rhinestone boots. Long green hair with bangs. What is happening to us?

Can this be only in New York, kids, only in New York?


Lebanese killed in robbery attack at Tema


A Lebanese national has been confirmed dead in a robbery incident in the Tema Industrial area in the Greater Accra Region.

A statement from the Ghana Police Service indicated that the incident happened today [Wednesday] at about 10.00am, “when the victim known as Ahmed Safiadeen, aged 54, who is a cashier of Delta Agro Company went to withdraw an amount of GHC 200,000.00 which was meant for salaries of workers, and other factory expenses of the company from a Bank at the Heavy Industrial Area, Tema.”

The statement, which was signed by the Public Relations Officer of the Tema Regional Command, ASP Joseph Benefo Darkwah, further indicated that “investigations so far revealed that, the victim after the bank transaction was on his way to the office in his Toyota Corolla Saloon car with registration number GN 1174-12, when he was suddenly accosted by four armed men a few meters from his work. ”

“The robbers fired several gunshots into his vehicle and robbed him off the money he had withdrawn and sped off in a four-wheel drive.”

The victim was immediately rushed to the Raphal Medical Centre in Tema but was pronounced dead
on arrival.

The body has since been conveyed to the 37 Military Hospital for preservation and autopsy,” the statement added.

A video available to Citi shows a white car with its side glass dismantled, while the seat is stained with blood.

Scores of people were seen around the car commenting on the robbery attack that had taken place.

Robbers on rampage

This week has seen a number of robbery incidents in the Accra, one on a Forex Bureaux at Spintex and two daylight robberies in the North Kaneshie area.

Two persons are reported to have sustained gunshot wounds from suspected robbers who appeared to be fleeing a crime scene.

Gunfire was first heard in the area around a Latex Foam showroom at North Kaneshie where the robbers had crashed their vehicle. Two persons have since been arrested in connection with the incident.

Also on Tuesday morning, armed men stormed Royal Motors, an automobile company in Accra, making away with the company’s sales.

Eyewitnesses reported that the robbers trailed a bullion van that had entered the Industrial Area premises of the company to collect the company’s sales made the previous day.

Recent arrests

The Inspector General of Police (IGP), David Asante Appeatu, had earlier announced that the police arrested a group of suspected robbers believed to be behind attacks on about 20 forex bureaux in the Spintex road area in just 2018.

The attacks on these Forex Bureaux were growing number of robberies and high-profile criminal activity in the region.

Mobile money transfer points have also been targeted by robbers in recent times.

‘We’re ready to die’

Despite these attacks, the Director of Operations for the Ghana Police Service, DCOP George Akufo Dampare has said although his outfit is logistically deficient, they are ready to put their lives on the line to ensure the safety of every Ghanaian.

Speaking on the Citi Breakfast Show, Dampare also noted that the support of the citizens will go a long way to help the Police Service combat the increasing rate of crime in the country.

“We want to give them [citizens] the assurance that we will go every length, including losing our lives to make them safe. We understand that we are not there yet, in terms of the full complement of our equipment. We also understand that over the years, government after government has made an attempt to bring us to a particular level in terms of equipment,” he said.

By: senyblog18.wordpress.com

Stormzy wins ‘Best Album’ @ 2018 BRIT Awards

Rapper Stormzy took home the ultimate – ‘Album of the Year‘ for his ‘Gang Signs and Prayer‘ album at the 2018 BRIT Awards. He told the audience: “I’ve never worked… Stormzy-1008x515

He told the audience: “I’ve never worked on something like this in my life. We made something I feel that is undeniable, that I can stand by today.”

Gang Signs And Prayer was the first UK Grime album to reach number one on the charts.

He also won ‘British Male Solo Artist.’

Full list of winners below. 

BRITISH MALE SOLO ARTIST – In association with Apple Music

Ed Sheeran Asylum, Warner Music UK
Liam Gallagher Warner Bros, Warner Music UK
Loyle Carner AMF, Universal Music UK
Rag’n’Bone Man Best Laid Plans/Columbia, Sony Music UK
Stormzy Merky, Distributor: ADA – WINNER! 

BRITISH FEMALE SOLO ARTIST – In association with Apple Music

Dua Lipa Warner Bros, Warner Music UK – WINNER!
Jessie Ware Island/PMR Records, Universal Music
Kate Tempest Fiction Records, Universal Music
Laura Marling More Alarming., Kobalt
Paloma Faith RCA, Sony Music UK


Gorillaz Parlophone, Warner Music UK – WINNER!
London Grammar Ministry of Sound, Sony Music UK
Royal Blood Warner Bros, Warner Music UK
Wolf Alice Dirty Hit, Dirty Hit
The xx Young Turks, XL Beggars


Dua Lipa Warner Bros, Warner Music UK – WINNER!
J Hus Black Butter, Sony Music UK
Loyle Carner AMF, Universal Music UK
Sampha Young Turks, XL Beggars


Jorja Smith – WINNER! 
Mabel Polydor, Universal Music
Stefflon Don Polydor, Universal Music

BRITs GLOBAL SUCCESS AWARD – Identified by the global sales success in the calendar year of a British Artist.

Ed Sheerean – WINNER!


Steve Mac – WINNER!


Calvin Harris Ft Pharrell Williams/Katy Perry/Big Sean Feels Columbia, Sony Music UK
Clean Bandit Ft Zara Larsson Symphony Atlantic, Warner Music UK
Dua Lipa New Rules Warner Bros, Warner Music UK
Ed Sheeran Shape Of You Asylum, Warner Music UK
J Hus Did You See Black Butter, Sony Music UK
Jax Jones Ft Raye You Don’t Know Me Polydor, Universal Music
Jonas Blue Ft William Singe Mama Positiva, Universal Music
Liam Payne Ft Quavo Strip That Down Capitol, Universal Music
Little Mix Touch Syco Music, Sony Music UK
Rag’n’Bone Man Human Best Laid Plans/Columbia, Sony Music UK – WINNER!


Dua Lipa Dua Lipa Warner Bros, Warner Music UK
Ed Sheeran ÷ Asylum, Warner Music UK
J Hus Common Sense Black Butter, Sony Music UK
Rag’n’Bone Man Human Best Laid Plans/Columbia, Sony Music UK
Stormzy Gang Signs & Prayer Merky, Distributor: ADA – WINNER!

BRITISH ARTIST VIDEO OF THE YEAR – Top ten identified by YouTube/Vevo views. Winner identified during live social vote during TV broadcast on 21st February 2018.

Anne-Marie Ciao Adios Asylum/Major Tom’s, Warner Music UK
Calvin Harris Ft Pharrell Williams/Katy Perry/Big Sean Feels Columbia, Sony Music UK
Clean Bandit Ft Zara Larsson Symphony Atlantic, Warner Music UK
Dua Lipa New Rules Warner Bros, Warner Music UK
Ed Sheeran Shape Of You Asylum, Warner Music UK
Harry Styles Sign Of The Times Columbia, Sony Music UK – WINNER!
Jonas Blue Ft William Singe Mama Positiva, Universal Music
Liam Payne Ft Quavo Strip That Down Capitol, Universal Music
Little Mix Touch Syco Music, Sony Music UK – WINNER!
ZAYN and Taylor Swift I Don’t Wanna Live Forever (Fifty Shades Darker Soundtrack) RCA/Republic Records, Sony Music/Universal Music


Beck EMI, Universal Music
Childish Gambino Glassnote, Universal Music
DJ Khaled Black Butter/We The Best, Sony Music UK
Drake Cash Money/Republic Records, Universal Music
Kendrick Lamar Interscope, Universal Music – WINNER!


Alicia Keys RCA, Sony Music UK
Björk One Little Indian/Universal Music
Lorde Virgin, Universal Music – WINNER!
P!nk RCA, Sony Music UK
Taylor Swift EMI, Universal Music


Arcade Fire Columbia , Sony Music UK
Foo Fighters Columbia, Sony Music UK – WINNER!
Haim Polydor, Universal Music
The Killers EMI, Universal Music
LCD Soundsystem Columbia/DFA, Sony Music UK

By: senyblog18.wordpress.com

Benghazi mosque bombing leaves 2 dead, over 60 wounded


Two people were killed and over 60 wounded by a twin bombing inside a mosque in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi on Friday, medics said.

The blasts occurred during Friday prayers at the small mosque located in the Majouri district, residents said. The devices appear to have been activated remotely using a mobile phone, according to a military source.

Two weeks ago, around 35 people were killed by a twin bombing at another mosque in Benghazi.

Libya’s second-largest city is controlled by the Libyan National Army (LNA), led by eastern-based commander Khalifa Haftar. The LNA was battling Islamists, including some linked to Islamic State and al Qaeda, as well as other opponents until late last year in the Mediterranean port city.


Haftar, a possible contender in national elections that could be held by the end of 2018, has built his reputation on delivering stability in Benghazi and beyond, promising to halt the anarchy that ensued after a NATO-backed uprising ended Muammar Gaddafi’s long rule nearly seven years ago.

Haftar launched his military campaign in Benghazi in May 2014 in response to a series of bombings and assassinations blamed on Islamist militants.

In past months there have been occasional, smaller scale bombings apparently targeting LNA allies or supporters.

By: senyblog18.wordpress.com

Korean alphabet offers Ghana, Nigeria, SA early entrance at Winter Olympics


Greece, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa. Those will be the first countries to emerge at the opening ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea on Friday.

That is because the Korean alphabet, known as Hangeul, starts with a sound similar to a “g” in English, followed by a sound close to an “n”.

Olympic teams always enter after Greece, birthplace of the modern Games, and then in alphabetical order according to their names in the host nation’s language, which has usually been Roman script.

Invented by a Korean king, Sejong the Great, as an alternative to complicated Chinese characters, Hangeul is a 600-year-old writing system used in both North and South Korea.

What might appear as a jumble of circles, lines and squares to the uninitiated, Hangeul is lauded for its accessibility and scientific approach.

That’s in part because it is a phonetic script, and some letters are designed to emulate the shape of the speaker’s mouth when pronounced.

“A wise man could learn it in a morning,” King Sejong is said to have written. “A stupid man could learn it in 10 days.”

Nigerian women’s bobsled team members Seun Adigun, Ngozi Onwumere and Akuoma Omeoga will represent Africa’s populous nation at the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games currently underway.

By: senyblog18.wordpress.com

Ghanaian artiste Ebony is DEAD!


Ghanaian artiste Ebony is dead.

The ‘Sponsor’ act died at the Bechem Government Hospital after the vehicle she was travelling in was involved in an accident.

COP Ken Yeboah, Ashanti Regional Police Commander confirmed the death of the artiste on Abusua FM.

Starr FM’s Ashanti regional correspondent Isaac Bediako reports two other occupants on board a Jeep with registration AS 497—16 from Sunyani also died in the head-on collision with a VIP bus heading towards Sunyani from Kumasi.

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Ebony courted a lot of controversy with her actions and inactions.

Her dressing and stage performances especially was a sore point for critics, and some watchers of the music industry in Ghana.

In July 2017, her dad was forced to defend her daughter in an interview with Graphic Showbiz.

“I am supportive of anything my daughter does and anything she wears. I am not ashamed as a father, the truth is that, I choose what she wears and I bless her before she goes out to perform. Some Ghanaians are hypocrites and I am sorry but I am not one of them,” explained Mr. Kwarteng.

“I am not bothered at all. The reason is simple, I know my daughter than anyone else. What people see out there is what we want them to see and that is because she is an artiste and needs a brand that will sell. For God’s sake, she is a Dancehall artiste and she wears what will make her feel confident when performing on stage. Something that will depict the genre of music and songs she churns outs.”

He shared his thoughts on the the perception that his daughter is “bad” girl.

“My daughter is not a bad girl, she is very calm, loving and a respectful person. Whatever she does on stage ends there. She is a different person when she gets home.”

He also spoke about the relationship between himself and his “girl as I usually call her is close to my heart.”

We are so close that I gave her the go ahead when she told me she wanted to do music. Initially I questioned her decision because, she is a very intelligent girl and was doing extremely well in school and every parent will want his or her child to get to the top of the highest academic ladder. But she insisted music was what she wanted to do. Music is where her heart is and I gave her my blessings. I couldn’t have stopped her because these children are smart.”

Born Priscilla Opoku Kwarteng, her song ‘Kupe’ helped her gain mainstream attention in the Ghanaian music industry.

She scored two nominations at the 2017 Ghana Music Awards: Dancehall Artiste of the Year and Best Reggae/ Dancehall Song of the Year . 

Ebony was signed to Rufftown Records.

By: Senyblog18.wordpress.com

‘I left BBC for $162,000 drug job’ – Former Ghanaian journalist opens up

A former Ghanaian BBC journalist has opened up on why he left the promising international career to become a drug dealer, commanding over $162,000, an equivalent of GHS728,336 in 1982.

Although he was satisfied with his BBC job at the time, Paa Joe Odonkor said his lifestyle was “so big” that he had to look for a different source of income to sustain it.

And it was drug peddling that came to mind, the journalist-turned drug peddler said in an interview with SVTV Africa.


“My first assignment as a drug dealer was an Indian hemp and I made $4,000 and my second trip I made $8,000 so I said to myself that I will do it on my own and not for others,” Mr Odonkor got attached to the new business because it gave him what he wanted.


Just four trips to Italy, Switzerland and USA made him a “big boy” who lived largely as at December 1982 when many of his colleague journalists in Ghana did not have the financial muscle.

“I don’t take the taxi because I felt taking a taxi is a humiliation. I changed cars every two months… from Jaguar Xjs1, I brought Lincoln continental and the only car I never brought here was Bentley and Rolls Royce,” he said.

With money coming in daily, Paa Odonkor was ushered into a highflying lifestyle.

“I’ve never flown on using Zongo [section] on an Air-craft before, not even Ghana Airways. I go with Swiss Air or Pan Am and always Business class,” he said.

“I flew from Britain that is London to New York with Concord. I paid $4700 to go from London to New York which under normal circumstance if you go with VC10 or the Boeing 747 will take you about 6hours but with the Concord, it will take you three and half hours,” he added.


But his life’s second turn-around after the first one at BBC was when he was arrested following a massive clamp down on drug lords in Africa.

“I was busted in March 1984 and that was the biggest catch of cocaine from the continent of Africa. I was arrested for carrying 142 tonnes of cocaine,” he said.

Paa Odonkor said his passport was confiscated and he was jailed for drug trafficking.

But after his release, the journalist was abandoned by his friends and women who became constant visitors at his residence.

“I lost all my friends. As for the women, when you have the deeper pocket and have lots of dollars they call you honey but when you get broke and develop holes in your pocket, they make themselves conveniently unavailable… they vanish,” the then BBC star said holding tears in the socket of his eyes.

The frustration of losing one’s friends had a toll on him, forcing the journalist to start using the drugs such as cocaine, something he has warned the youth to desist from.


“Your social life, your physical life is mostly destroyed when you are addicted to the heroine. I’m begging my listeners not to make the same mistakes I made,” he said.

“I have seen women and slept with them at Grand Sheraton Hotel which I paid for $1500 a day. I have taken women to Venice too. I did all these just because I wanted to impress women. Yeah the women are just there because of your pocket,” he added.

Paa Odonkor said he had been driven by his situation to commit suicide several times but he had not been successful.

“I drove a car into a tree at Asylum down but it didn’t work. I also took 20grams of valium but I woke up earlier than I normally do. I said well stop fighting God,” he said.


With a loving family and siblings who are well placed in society, the former journalist is on the path to building a new life for himself.

“My elder brother is a pilot with America Airways, the second one is an artist in the UK. I’ve one sister who is very famous, her daughter was Miss Ghana 2003 winner but then who wants her uncle to be like this,” he said.

But his family has been supportive and he has now reunited with his wife whom he abandoned when he was into drugs. He is yet to re-establish contact with his son, Paa Joe Odonkor said.

“Life is about what you make it… I wanted to be rich and I became fabulously rich but then what news will it make when you are young and rich but getting to your 60s, you look like an AIDS patient or you look like a 75years old man,” he said.

Larry Nassar sentenced to third prison term of 40 to 125 years


Former Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar is seen in the 55th District Court where Judge Donald Allen Jr. bound him over on June 23, 2017 in Mason, Michigan to stand trial on 12 counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. / AFP PHOTO / JEFF KOWALSKY (Photo credit should read JEFF KOWALSKY/AFP/Getty Images

The former sports doctor whose serial sexual abuse of girls and young women has shaken the gymnastics world was sentenced Monday to a third prison term of 40 to 125 years behind bars for molesting young athletes at an elite Michigan training center.

Larry Nassar, 54, listened to dozens of victims for two days last week and was almost attacked by a man whose three daughters said they were abused.

He pleaded guilty to penetrating girls with ungloved hands when they sought treatment for injuries at Twistars, a gymnastics club that was run by a 2012 U.S. Olympic coach. Nassar already has been sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison in another county and to a 60-year federal term for child pornography crimes. He worked for Michigan State and USA Gymnastics, which trains Olympians.

Randy Margraves was tackled by sheriff’s deputies Friday before he could pummel Nassar in court. He said he wanted just a minute in a locked room with the “demon.”

“This cannot be a lawless society. I know that,” Margraves, 58, told reporters during a public apology. “I lost control, but I gained control later in a holding cell.”

More than 260 women and girls say they were assaulted by Nassar, some as far back as the 1990s. Most victims who wanted to speak publicly or submit a statement did so earlier during Nassar’s seven-day court hearing in Ingham County, including 2012 Olympic teammates Aly Raisman, Jordyn Wieber and McKayla Maroney.

The scandal has rocked Michigan State, which has been accused of repeatedly missing opportunities to stop Nassar, who had a campus office and was a revered figure in sports medicine.

Lou Anna Simon resigned as Michigan State’s president on Jan. 24 and athletic director Mark Hollis followed two days later. The longtime leader of USA Gymnastics, Steve Penny, quit last March, and all board members recently stepped down at the demand of the U.S. Olympic Committee. A law firm has been hired to investigate how the USOC responded to its knowledge of allegations against Nassar.

Reporting; Kim, Editing John Seny

2019: Nigerians will not succumb to propaganda again – Adeniran

Professor Tunde Adeniran is a former Minister of Education and one time Ambassador of Nigeria to the Federal Republic of Germany. A professor of Political Science, Adeniran attended the prestigious University of Ibadan and the University of Columbia, United States of America. A founding member of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), the academic cum politician contested the national chairmanship position of the party in the December 9, 2017 elective convention where he emerged the runner-up to the eventual winner, Prince Uche Secondus. In this exclusive interview with Vanguard, Adeniran spoke about the intrigues that characterised the delegate election, the stewardship of President Muhammadu Buhari and the state of the nation among others. Excerpts!
By Dirisu Yakubu

Where do you stand in PDP after the issues that marked the convention and the efforts of the Governor Seriake Dickson Reconciliation Committee?
Yes, I am aware that Governor Dickson and his team are going round and making efforts to reconcile aggrieved participants. I have tremendous respect for Governor Dickson. He is a committed Nigerian patriot and an honest politician. His team made their mission known to me when they came, and I bared my mind to them. He means well, and I wish him and his Committee well.
Tunde Adeniran
I need to stress here that I left the convention ground even before the completion of the exercise because, as things were, it was apparently going to achieve the end that was already pre-determined by the administrators of the convention process. I was utterly dismayed by what went on, disappointed in particular by what some party leaders did and greatly troubled in my spirit about our democracy and the future of Nigeria.
It is now common knowledge that the whole process had been compromised and was strategically programmed to achieve a pre-determined outcome. I thought we had put such open fraud behind us, that what transpired at the Eagle Square that day could never happen again, going by the negative experiences the party had suffered, especially the immediate past near-death leadership crisis which the party luckily got over.
We went into the convention with high hopes. All PDP faithful and Nigerians all over were optimistic that the event was a momentous opportunity for the PDP to rebound and that the convention would mark a watershed in the annals of its history.
I also thought that PDP had learnt the necessary lessons and had purged itself of some bad ways, and was set for a new era of doing things the right way. I thought that the party had outgrown the ignoble label of impunity, winning at all cost and subversion of the people’s will.
But it turned out that my hope and expectations were misplaced. It was indeed an unfortunate experience and outcome for lovers of genuine democracy.
The disappointment was not really about me not emerging chairman, it was more about the party losing that golden opportunity of getting things done in a wholesome manner. It was about the need to promote internal party democracy, consolidate and deepen our democracy. It was about what legacy we could bequeath to posterity. It was about this generation being good exemplars for the next generation. It was about the need to secure the future of Nigeria.
My position on the election, as was made known through a press statement at the convention ground on that day, was that the process was grossly flawed, a travesty of democracy and the outcome shameful. As things stand today, and going by the mindset of some unrepentant power mongers, my position on the outcome remains the same as it was on December 9, 2017.
Given the state of things in Nigeria today, will you say Nigerians made a mistake in voting out the PDP in 2015?
The series of broken promises, socio-economic instability and lack of political will for decisive action by the Federal Government are very worrisome. There is a gloomy cloud of despair and despondency pervading the national landscape, occasioned by reign of terror; the crushing and dehumanizing hunger; rising poverty among a huge mass of the people; declining standard of living, the suppression of the voice of the people, and the unprecedented expression of disappointment and disenchantment by the citizenry about the state of the nation in the last three years, clearly show that most Nigerians would have preferred an alternative to the choice they made in 2015.
It should be admitted, however, that the PDP itself contributed to the defeat it suffered, and that could be placed rightly at the doorstep of failure of leadership at various levels, the challenge of internal democracy, disrespect for rules, gross indiscipline, values and integrity deficiency. With the arrogant way we went about doing things, and some leaders of the party behaving as “Garrison Commanders,” we simply gave the people reasons to dispense with the party. We thought we could get away with just anything and everything, to eat our cake and still have it but, alas, we were wrong!
It has been said that you failed to win the PDP chairmanship ticket because you failed to win the support of your state governor, Ayodele Fayose and that he learnt of your aspiration from the newspapers.
Not informing my governor does not arise. All present and former governors of the party, as well as leaders across board, were duly informed, directly or through formal letters. Mind you, we must be conscious of, and respect the liberty of individuals. People are free to take certain positions on any matter and make choices based on certain personal interests.
The fact of the matter concerning the December 9 convention is that some people apparently arrogated to themselves the power to decide who becomes what in the party. It was and still remains all about them and their narrow interests, and certainly not about the well-being and future of the party, nor the public good. Those individuals chose to play God in the matter but they will, in the fullness of time, get to see and come to appreciate the fact that the living God is the one who rules in the affairs of men and has the supreme powers to decide what becomes and who becomes. The Almighty God will certainly pass His own verdict at the appropriate time to show to them that indeed, He is God.
There were claims that you didn’t do enough to prevail on your co-contestants from the South-West to step down for you until the eleventh hour?
My orientation about every leadership contest, especially in a democracy, is that the people should be allowed to choose whoever they want to lead them, based on their rating of the capacity and competence of the candidates. It is my belief that for the Dec 9 PDP chairmanship contest, every candidate that ran for that election had the right to do so. It was their inalienable right!
With that at the back of my mind, I did not go out there asking that anyone should forgo his ambition. That was not my position and still not my position. Rather, I advocated that all of us should conduct our campaigns with no bitter feelings and in a manner that would not tear us apart as brothers.
That my South-West compatriots in the race even withdrew to pave the way for my emergence deserves great commendation for their magnanimity. Whether it was done at the tenth or eleventh hour was immaterial. That they did withdraw, or did not withdraw did not matter to those who were bent on ruining the party and its political fortunes on the altar of their narrow interest!
Have you met with Prince Uche Secondus after the convention?
No. I have not met with him since the convention.
Do you fear that the APC could take opportunity of the crisis in the Ekiti State branch of the party to uproot the PDP from the South-West?
With what we have seen, I have doubts that the PDP is keen on re-organising, rebranding and re-positioning itself to be stronger and more appealing to the electorate as a credible alternative to the ruling party that has grossly underperformed and failed in delivering according to the Nigerian people’s expectations.
I believe there is no dispassionate public analyst or patriotic Nigerian who would not admit that the APC leaders have squandered and taken for granted the overwhelming goodwill that enthroned them in 2015. Going by the massive public disenchantment against the administration which is a function of the unpleasant way the nation has been run under their watch, the threats to security, especially the killings by armed bandits and herdsmen which have continued unabated, the ravaging hunger, the disappointments which the people have been served with by the APC in place of the campaign promises they gave to ensure equity, to eliminate corruption, to secure the citizens; the promises of social reforms and true federalism which they have not kept, the mounting social tension and disequilibrium that is creating instability; Nigerians, and the people of the South-West in particular, I am sure, are looking forward to exploring other options, other than the APC.
But regrettably, as things stand today in the Ekiti State chapter of the party that you mentioned, the PDP appears not prepared to take advantage of the failure of the APC at the national level to extend its control in the state. The truth is that the PDP is not converting the poor rating of the ruling party into political capital. As a result of this, we are giving them the leverage to make more in-road to the South-West zone, and possibly elsewhere, and that is of course, worrisome and this is responsible for the widespread clamour for a “Third Force.”
Do you think the PDP can overcome the internal strife to make a good showing in 2019?
I cannot speak for the PDP. Prince Uche Secondus and the Publicity Secretary of the party are in the positions to provide answers to that question on behalf of their group.
What qualities are you looking for in the 2019 presidential candidate of the PDP?
The right choice of a credible presidential candidate will go a long way in determining the fortune of not just the PDP, but every political party in the coming general election.
I know, for sure, that the candidate who will appeal to Nigerians most is the one who is honest, liberal and has integrity. He must be enlightened enough with capacity for the job, patriotic and nationalistic in orientation. He must be disciplined and not parochial. He must have a broad worldview and not an ethno-religious bigot. Above all, he must be ready to restructure Nigeria and must have demonstrable capacity and sufficient grasp of security, economic and development issues.
The electorate are wiser now. In 2019, they will not be swayed by propaganda and soapbox promises as they were in 2015. This time, they will definitely take a critical look at the candidates’ pedigree well enough, and come to a decision to vote for competence. I am convinced they will go for someone who they can trust to decisively handle the security challenges, turn around the economy and restore fading hope of one Nigeria.
What should government be doing differently to end the killings in the Middle-Belt?
The menace of herdsmen is not only occurring in Nigeria, it is an organised crime that has international dimensions to it, and it stretches across the entire West African sub-region.
That to me, makes the calls for the murderous gangs of armed herdsmen to be categorised as terrorists as not out of place. They usually operate in most cases with deaths in their trail everywhere across the country. Some weeks ago, armed herdsmen reportedly ravaged some farmlands and carried out some attacks in my home town in Ekiti State. This of course, resulted in some killings. There has been the ravaging of farmlands and killings in Ondo and Kwara states and some states in the South-East, among others.
The right way to go in tackling this menace is for the state to interrogate the issue very critically and holistically, and come up with meaningful and lasting solutions to the problem. What is needed is the right leadership and political will to do what is right, not the indifference, parochialism, half- truth and leadership deficiency that we are seeing.
Government must open up opportunities for people’s livelihoods, and for agriculture to thrive in our rural communities where we have the greater percentage of the country’s farmers. The current situation where farmers live under perpetual fear of attacks in the hands of herdsmen could lead to a major food security crisis which could be catastrophic, because that may make farmers to abandon their farmlands. If the trend of attacks and killings is not halted and we allow it to get to a situation where the people see the state as incapable or unwilling to secure them, and the people begin to raise local militias to defend themselves, that will portend great danger as it could lead to eruption of major violence of unmanageable proportion. That will certainly be calamitous as it could lead to disintegration of the country.
I am sure this president will not want a state of anarchy to be loose upon the land under his watch. For that not to happen, he must act swiftly, and decisively, and must be seen as honest in the true interest of the entire country, not in the interest of a group that feels they own the national space called Nigeria. President Buhari would be ruling over a land of the dead if he fails to halt these mindless killings. He needs to ensure that Nigeria remains for him to have a nation to be president over.
The proposed cattle colony by the APC has not been well-thought out and should be seen as one of the absurdities of the administration. I urge the Federal Government to listen to the voice of reason, which is the voice coming from the majority and urgently discard it (cattle colonies). I call on the National Assembly to compel government to stop it forthwith. The APC must not push the country into an irredeemable failed-state situation by their illogical policies. The permanent and sustainable solution to the problem of farmers-herdsmen clashes and related killings is nothing but ranching of cattle, goats and livestock generally, as it is done in civilized climes. That is the right way to go.
What is your general assessment of the Buhari administration since his assumption of office in May 2015?
To pass an objective verdict on the administration, we need to dispassionately ask ourselves some critical questions. Are Nigerians better off today than they were in 2015? Is the country safer today? Has this administration eradicated corruption as it promised? Are there mind-boggling corruption cases against serving government officials or not? How many high profile convictions have we recorded for corruption under this administration? What is the state of the economy? What is the level of citizens’ participation and regard for their opinion in the affairs of the nation? Are people not back on long queues for fuel? The questions can go on and on.
Going by the way we have seen this President and the APC run the country in the past three years – the widespread disillusionment about the government, horrendous blood-letting, pervading hunger and increased poverty level of the rural population, declining status of our economy, brazen ethno-religious bigotry, subversion of the constitution, disregard for rule of law, separation of powers, concept of Federal Character, especially with regard to appointments as reflected in appointments of heads of security agencies, the controversies surrounding sensitive appointments which essentially border on nepotism, the selective war against corruption, etc., my verdict on his administration is that Buhari has tried his best but that is not good enough for the country. He deserves a rest for a schedule that could be most taxing even for someone with better health, capacity and competence.
I believe Nigerians have had enough of President Buhari. They have seen him and the APC perform to the maximum limit of their capacity and are already doing a count-down to 2019 to get rid of the reign. The nation must be saved from the ongoing grave shortcomings. That must happen and certainly will. Let’s keep faith.

More Trouble for Wizkid

…as 2nd baby mama opens up
By Blessing Edohoeket & Precious Ikioye
Ayo Balogun, A.K.A Wizkid, seems to be finding a soft spot in the media this year. First it was a night club fight and now, it’s even something more controversial and messy. The father of one has tried so hard to distance himself from social media scandals, but recent events have shown that the pop star has been proved wrong. Earlier in the week, news broke that the pop star has another love child by a second baby mama, Binta Diamond Diallo who hails from Guinea, though Wizkid has not confirmed or denied the rumour about him having another child with his alleged baby mama, Binta Diamond Diallo.


Sources close to Wizkid confirmed that his erstwhile girlfriend, Tania Omotayo, broke up with him recently, though both of them had a mutual understanding to remain civil and matured about the new development, all in a bid to avoid media scandals. Obviously, this is why she has kept her distance from the music star for sometime now. She even boycotted most of wizkid’s events. One of such events was his Industry Nite. Tania was on vacation to Dubai with her friends. Could this have been possible if they were still love birds? It looks like Wizkid has been caught in a web spun with his own hands. The news of his second baby mama seems to ring true. According to reports, the alleged baby mama, Binta Diamond and Wizkid have been in a secret relationship for sometime now. When she became pregnant they kept the relationship on a low key till she gave birth and shared the name of her son on her Instagram page. Surprisingly, she named the child after the star boy, – Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun – which is Wizkid’s exact first, middle and last names. Since the news broke out about Wizkid’s alleged second baby mama, the pop star has avoided the social media and has so far not officially confirmed or denied the rumour. Meanwhile, reports had it that Binta Diallo has made some new revelation regarding her new-born son. She was said to have explained why she intentionally named her son after the Afro-pop star, saying it was to avoid a repeat of the situation with Wizkid’s first baby mama- Oluwanishola Ogudugu. When Sola had the singer’s son in 2011, Wizkid repeatedly denied having any child until the evidence was too immense for him to run from. Binta, having learned from Sola’s experience, didn’t want to fall into such a media ordeal, and as such, chose to expose the fact that she had just given birth to Wizkid’s son. However, in a statement during the week, his management said, Wizkid hasn’t confirmed the news making the rounds that he has fathered another child. “Wizkid still hasn’t confirmed any news about him having another child. We know he is single and will be releasing his EP next month.” Wizkid alleged baby mama is said to be a Guinean model based in the United States. She has taken to her instagram page to release pictures of herself during pregnancy.”

Our plan to rescue Nigeria from Buhari – OBJ’s men

Associates of Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, yesterday, insisted that the issues of non-performance raised by the former President against the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari are real, contrary to the claims by some sympathizers of the regime.
“We know that, as a nation, we can do better than we currently do. So let us focus on the issues and how to adequately address them to improve our collective lot”, Mr Donald Duke, one of the associates who spoke on behalf of the Coalition for Nigeria Movement (CNM), spearheaded by Obasanjo, said.
President Buhari
Duke, one of the high profile politicians present at the launch of the CNM in Abuja, last week, lashed out at the critics of the Obasanjo-led coalition. Asked by Sunday Vanguard whether the claim by the critics of the CNM that the former President was self-serving in floating the body, Duke, a former governor of Cross River State, said: “I don’t think so; moreso the issues raised in his (Obasanjo) letter are real”. Obasanjo had, in an open letter to Buhari, penultimate Tuesday, called for the CNM on the grounds that the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) at the federal level and the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) had failed the nation. He told Buhari not to seek re-election in 2019 as events of the past two and a half years had shown that he is incapable of resolving the problems facing the nation. Both political parties rejected the former President’s claim. Specifically, some leaders of the APC, including the National Leader, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, and a former governor of Edo State, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, joined issues with Obasanjo. Whereas Tinubu said the former President was politicising issues ahead of the 2019 election, Oshiomhole pointed out that Obasanjo had no right to advise Buhari. Meanwhile, CNM was launched in Abuja last Wednesday. Duke spoke on the public presentation in an interview with Sunday Vanguard at the weekend, dismissing the claims by critics against the Movement. Excerpts of the interview: People were surprised to see you at the Third Force rally. What informed your decision to be part of it? The event was the launch of the Coalition Nigeria Movement not a third force rally and I chose to be a part of it for very obvious reasons. Nigeria is in dire straits and Nigerians need to come together and chart the way forward for the Country. Nigeria is not going to get better except we come together to change the narrative and the situation. In some quarters, it is believed that the proposition by OBJ is self-serving. How do you react to that? I don’t think so, moreso the issues raised in his letter are real. We all know we can do better than we currently are, so let’s focus on the issues and how to adequately address them to improve our collective lot. It is believed OBJ is not liked even in the South-West, many can’t trust him not to talk of Northerners or South Easterners. Many say this may rub off negatively on the coalition. Do you agree? As stated, the issues reverberate with all of us irrespective of our geopolitical zones and I think that should be the focus. The coalition as the name connotes, is meant to create a platform to enable us come together regardless of our political leanings or ethnicity to properly articulate our issues, we won’t achieve that by dwelling on who likes what or whom. How widespread are the coalition’s mobilization efforts to ensure national outlook & do you think the coalition can muster enough strength to face PMB? The focus is to bring everyone on board so we intend to reach every Nigerian. On your second question, the plan is to push for a better standard of living for all Nigerians through a leadership that puts in place a social safety net for all Nigerians. You have indicated interest in 2019. How do you achieve this vis a vis Presidency zoned to the North? Well, I have indicated interest and not formally declared my intention to run for President, but as I have always stated, we should always put our best foot forward and meritocracy should be the basis of recruiting leadership at all levels of governance. Besides, there’s no provision for zoning in the Nigerian Constitution which is the fundamental law of the land from which all other laws or rules should draw legitimacy. Buhari campaign materials at FEC meeting In a related development, the Minister of Communication, Alhaji Abdulraheem Adebayo Shittu, has explained why he distributed Buhari’s re-election campaign at the Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting penultimate week.
“I am not the South West Coordinator. I am the Chairman of the Board of Trustees MBO support group. What we did was to open the South West Zone. What we did with the caps was to say this man must possibly be contest. We must start preparing for the campaign. We need samples of campaign materials like face caps, for all potential supporters and the samples were what we brought to the meeting. It is to prepare for the future”, Shittu told Sunday Vanguard in an interview at the weekend. He went on: “Again, we tried to use that occasion to publicise some of the achievements of Mr. President. Over the last one or two years, a number of PDP apologists continue to engage in misrepresentations and falsehood against the government, especially in the area of performance and achievements. And we thought it was fit for us to itemize the achievements of the government, which is what we said and we continue to say it that what the Muhammadu Buhari-led APC government has done in two years, the PDP governments never achieved it in 16 years. And that is what we are opening up the South West Zone for and that is what we publicized”. “The Minister speaks on his position on the President’s second term bid in the full interview to be published next Sunday.

Reporting; Precious Ikioye

At least 90 migrants feared drowned after boat capsizes off Libya

Most of those on board are thought to have been Pakistanis, who have been taking more and more places on migrant boats.

Migrants on a dinghy are seen being rescued by "Save the Children" NGO crew from the ship Vos Hestia in the Mediterranean sea off Libya coast

Large numbers of migrants have tried to cross the Mediterranean.

At least 90 migrants are feared to have drowned after a smuggler’s boat capsized off Libya, the UN migration agency has said.

Olivia Headon, from the International Organisation for Migration, said most of those on board were Pakistanis.

“They have given an estimate of 90 who drowned during the capsize, but we still have to verify the exact number of people who lost their lives during the tragedy,” she said.

The bodies of two Libyans and eight Pakistanis are reported to have washed up on Libyan shores, while three people are thought to have survived, she added.

Security officials in the western Libyan town of Zurawa said two Libyans and one Pakistani had been rescued.

She added that Pakistani nationals had been taking an increasingly large share of migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean via Libya to Europe.

Zurawa – near Libya’s border with Tunisia – is often the site of migrant boat departures.

The numbers of people trying to reach Europe from Libya has dropped sharply since July.

Afrobeat and dancehall artist Kingboy said: ”I don’t get it. Why do people leave their countries to other countries in search of greener pastures? One thing you should note; your country has everything you need to survive than any other country. The problem is that; you are either lazy. Start from the beginning and end somewhere”

Libyan authorities have blocked departures after pressure was applied by Italy and the European Union.

Over the last four years, more than 600,000 people are believed to have made the journey from Libya to Italy.

Reporting Quincy Otaraku, Editing John Seny

Temptations lead singer Dennis Edwards dies aged 74

Motown great Martha Reeves says she is heartbroken, while tributes have also come from Reverend Jesse Jackson and MC Hammer.

National Museum of African American Music - NMAAM 2016 Black Music Honors - Show

Edwards singing at an awards show in Nashville in August 2016

Former lead singer of The Temptations Dennis Edwards has died aged 74, the group’s agent has confirmed.

Edwards joined the Motown group in 1968 and stayed until 1976, during which time the band notched up hits such as Papa Was a Rollin’ Stone and Ball of Confusion.

His cause of death has not yet been revealed.

“He was an amazing performer and singer and the whole Temptations family are grieving at his sad passing,” the group’s agent said.

The Alabama-born singer joined the group when they fired David Ruffin and his gritty vocals helped propel the group to greater chart success.

He left the group after they split with Motown Records in the late 1970s, returning again for several stints in the 1980s.

The Temptations

Edwards (top) with fellow band member Melvin Franklin in 1970

In the 1990s he toured with a splinter group, but could not use the Temptations name after two members went to court for an injunction.

Edward died in a Chicago hospital just a day before his 75th birthday.

There are unconfirmed reports in US media that he may have died following complications related to meningitis, which he reportedly first fell ill with last spring.

A post on the Temptations Facebook page on 30 January urged fans to send their prayers to the singer and his family.

Motown great Martha Reeves has this to say to the Detroit Free Press: “My heart is very heavy. I feel like I’ve been hit by a sledgehammer.”

Nineties rap star MC Hammer tweeted: “R.I.P. Dennis Edwards one of my favorites in the industry. Good Soul Great Artist !!!!”

‘She kind of came back from the dead’: Dog returns home 10 years after going missing

Abby wandered off a decade ago from her home but has now returned, well-fed and healthy, and still answers to her name.


Abby returned home after 10 years away

A dog has returned 10 years after she wandered off from home, leaving her family none the wiser as to where she has been.

Debra Suierveld mourned her dog Abby when she ran away from the family home in Apollo, Pennsylvania, a decade ago.

Despite her being microchipped, they didn’t hear anything about the beloved dog’s whereabouts.

But on Saturday, Abby turned up about 10 miles away on the front porch of George Spiering.

He contacted Animal Protectors of Alleghany Valley, who were able to get the details from her chip and got in touch with her owner.

Ms Suierveld told the Tribune Review: “She kind of came back from the dead.

“We mourned you.”

The black labrador was in good condition when she was found and although her exact whereabouts all this time are not known, Ms Suierveld thinks she must have had a home and been looked after.


Abby and her owner Debra reunite after 10 years

Abby has a greying snout and fatty deposits, though both of these are normal for a dog of her age.

Ms Suierveld said: “They took good care of her. Whatever they called you, it was wrong. I still love you.”

Reporting Quincy Otaraku, Editing John Seny

Cape Town water crisis: Fears grow that taps will run dry


Dam levels in the South African city are dwindling, with schools urging students to bring water from home to preserve resources.

Speaking with Precious Ikioye;

I can’t really explain what we’re experiencing right now as residents of Capetown South Africa. We don’t don’t want our taps to run dry before something gets done.

My brothers and sisters in Capetown, lets try and reduce the usage of water till the rains come.

Dam levels in South Africa’s Western Cape province fell from 25.3% last week to just 24.5% this week.

A year ago, they were at nearly 38%.

It had been expected that 12 April would be the date when taps would be turned off, leaving residents to pick up their water from one of around 200 collection points.

Commercial areas, hospitals and informal settlements would be exempt from the restrictions.


Cape Town’s city council has announced plans to tighten water restrictions. From February, residents must use less than 50 litres per person, per day in a further effort to avoid a tap turn-off.

Currently, just 55% of residents are using fewer than 87 litres a day, officials have claimed.

Meanwhile, aquifer drilling is accelerating and authorities hope to reduce water pressure in the municipal system in the coming weeks.

On Saturday, hundreds of the city’s Muslims gathered for a special service where they prayed for rain.

The city’s leaders have also said they are getting tougher on people who are stockpiling water and unlicensed stores selling potable water.


On Tuesday, local media reported that several schools have turned off their taps and asked students to bring water from home.

Some schools, such as Pinelands High School, are switching to a bucket system to save the water used when flushing a toilet.

Others have asked children to come to school in their sports gear so parents do not need to wash two outfits.

Some nursery workers are being laid off, as water-saving efforts leave gardens dry and undeveloped.

Once the restrictions begin, the city’s leaders expect them to last up to three months.

Climate change and massive growth in population have been blamed for the water crisis.

Cape Town’s water crisis hitting tourism: officials

CAPE TOWN – A chronic drought that could leave South Africa’s Cape Town without water within weeks is hurting visitor numbers and knocking a rare economic bright spot, officials said on Friday.


With experts predicting Cape Town will run out of water in mid-April, residents have been told to limit usage to 50 liters per person per day. An average bath holds 80 liters of water.

Hotels have asked guests not to use baths and to limit showers to two minutes or less, while some restaurants are switching to disposable cups and ditching table linen.

Around 10 million tourists visited Cape Town last year, drawn by iconic sights like Table Mountain, its long sandy beaches and clutch of nearby wine farms.

Tourism accounted for an estimated 9 percent of South Africa’s economic output last year, or 412 billion rand ($35 billion).


Though visitors are sympathetic to Cape Town’s plight, there are fears that people may stay away due to the inconvenience of water restrictions or because they don’t want to add to demand.

“There’s no doubt that the knock-on effect of the water conservation crossroads we find ourselves in has had an impact on tourism,” said Enver Duminy, chief executive officer at Cape Town Tourism.

There is no official data available yet to quantify the impact water shortages are having on numbers but Duminy said there had already been cancellations.

The Global Sourcing Association, a large London-based non-profit, said on Friday it was postponing a major March conference in Cape Town to later in the year when it hopes the drought situation “will be alleviated”.

In a bid to limit the economic damage, which could spell jobs losses in a country with 25 percent unemployment, SA Tourism, a government agency, will soon embark on a global roadshow to reassure potential visitors.

“We are a tough country, a resilient country and I am quite confident we will find our way around this,” said Sisa Ntshona, SA Tourism’s chief executive.

Reporting by Quincy Otaraku; Editing by John Seny

Superhero fans are getting excited about Marvel’s ‘Black Panther’


There’s a Black Panther party going on all around the world.

Superhero fans, movie fans and especially connoisseurs of black culture — American and African — are all eagerly awaiting the debut of Marvel’s “Black Panther” movie starring comic book’s first black superhero with an enthusiasm not often seen in American cinema.

“Black Panther” viewing parties are already being scheduled around the country for its February release, smack dab in the middle of Black History Month. There are lines of clothing based on the movie’s African style being prepared — the bright colours and Afrofuturism styles of Wakanda are in for the spring. And Grammy-winning rapper Kendrick Lamar was just named to produce the soundtrack.

And people are already calling the yet-to-be seen movie one of the most important of 2018, despite the fact that the character that has only appeared once on the silver screen and until now, has not occupied the same pantheon as comic book stalwarts like Superman, Batman and Spiderman.

But for some fans, none of that matters because the Black Panther holds a unique position in the superhero world and especially in the African and black diaspora.


“As the father of two little black boys I’m super excited to have a superhero that looks like them on screen,” said Glen Greezy of New York City, who along with more than 900 of his friends on Facebook, plan to hit Times Square and see the movie together on opening weekend. “Other super heroes are great and I see their movies too, but something about having a black man as the main character in a superhero movie is extra appealing.”

“Black Panther,” starring Chadwick Boseman as the eponymous superhero, debuts on February 16, picking up the adventures of the newly crowned African king and superhero who debuted in 2016’s “Captain America: Civil War.” Existing in the same shared universe as Iron Man, the Hulk, Captain America and Spiderman, the Panther, however, is African royalty and his adventures centre around his futuristic hidden homeland of Wakanda, considered to be the most technologically advanced nation on Marvel’s earth. In the new movie, T’Challa, the Black Panther’s real name, must battle long-time adversaries with the aide of his all-female bodyguards and a CIA agent to maintain control of his country and prevent a world war.

Directed by Ryan Coogler, it also has an all-star cast including Angela Bassett, Lupita Nyong’o, Michael B. Jordan, Forest Whitaker, Danai Gurira, Sterling K. Brown and more.

For many people, the Black Panther movie isn’t just a movie; it’s a symbol of change.

Groups like MALIK Fraternity Inc., the first collegiate fraternity founded on the concept of African fraternalism, in Charlotte, North Carolina and the Intentional Community Building Collective and Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle in Baltimore, are assembling discussion panels on the movie’s themes.


“‘Black Panther’ is just going to be really special. … I don’t plug into film anticipation. But I can feel it. A lot of my friends have asked me to go to the premiere! Everyone in my network is excited about it, and you can feel it when they’re not,” said Daniel Kaluuya, the “Get Out” star who also is featured in “Black Panther,” told The Associated Press recently.

The Internet explodes each time a new trailer, poster or piece of artwork debuts from the movie, sparking hashtags like #BlackPantherSoLit and #WelcometoWakanda. Twitter declared that Black Panther was one of the most tweeted-about movies of 2017, and the only movie on the list that hadn’t premiered yet.

“Do we really have to wait until February!” lamented Elwood L. Robinson, chancellor of Winston-Salem State University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on Twitter while sporting a Black Panther t-shirt.

Groups like MALIK Fraternity Inc., the first collegiate fraternity founded on the concept of African fraternalism, in Charlotte, North Carolina and the Intentional Community Building Collective and Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle in Baltimore, are assembling discussion panels on the movie’s themes.

Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, the minds behind Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four and other Marvel comics, the Black Panther holds a unique position in comic book history. While not the first black comic book hero — the first black character to headline his own comic book was Dell Comics’ Western hero and gunfighter Lobo in 1965 — the Black Panther is considered the first black superhero, introduced as a supporting character in Fantastic Four in 1966 and later featured in his own book.

There has been a renaissance with black superheroes on television as well. “Black Lightning” debuts on the CW on January 16 featuring an educator who gains electrical powers and becomes a superhero. “Luke Cage,” a television show about a former convict with superhuman strength and unbreakable skin, debuted on Netflix in 2016 and will begin a second season later in the year.

Cage debuted in a self-titled comic book “Luke Cage, Hero for Hire” in 1972 with an exaggerated Afro and a catchphrase “Sweet Christmas!” He was followed by Black Lightning in a DC comic book in 1977.

There have been other black superhero movies — Wesley Snipes starred as the vampire slayer Blade in one of the first Marvel movies, and Robert Townsend starred in a comedic parody of superheroes in “Meteor Man” — but their movies did not bring out the enthusiasm that Black Panther is seeing.

“What is significant now, however, is that this age of convergence of film franchises with social media, a black superhero movie with an almost all-black cast conveys power, that we have arrived. It’s evolution,” said Christopher Chambers, a Georgetown University media studies professor.

Why some African Americans are moving to Africa


Accra, Ghana – They have come from the big cities of San Francisco, Chicago, and New York. Thousands of them. And many refuse to return.

A new wave of African Americans is escaping the incessant racism and prejudice in the United States. From Senegal and Ghana to The Gambia, communities are emerging in defiance of conventional wisdom that Africa is a continent everyone is trying to leave.

It is estimated that between 3,000 and 5,000 African Americans live in Accra, the Ghanaian capital. They are teachers in small towns in the west or entrepreneurs in the capital and say they that even though living in Ghana is not always easy, they feel free and safe.

Take Muhammida el-Muhajir, a digital marketer from New York City, who left her job to move to Accra.

She says she moved, because despite her education and experience, she was always made to feel like a second-class citizen. Moving was an opportunity to fulfil her potential and avoid being targeted by racial violence.

She told Al Jazeera her story:

On life as a second-class citizen in the US…

“I grew up in Philadelphia and then New York. I went to Howard, which is a historically black university. I tell people that Ghana is like Howard in real life. It felt like a microcosm of the world. At university, they tell us the world isn’t black, but there are places where this is the real world. Howard prepares you for a world where black people are in charge, which is a completely different experience compared to people who  have gone to predominantly white universities.”

I can’t say what’s happening in America today is any worse than what’s been happening at any other time.

Muhammida el-Muhajir

On her first trip to Africa…

“The first country I went to was Kenya. I was 15 and travelled with a group of kids. I was one of two black kids. I saw early that I could fit in and wasn’t an outsider. Suddenly it switched, I came from America where I was an outsider, but in Africa, I no longer felt like that. I did graduate school in Ghana in 2003 and went back to New York and then moved to Ghana in 2014.

“I have no connection to Ghana. Some people in my family did tests, and we found ties to Senegal and The Gambia, but I don’t think you can ever figure it out. No matter where you were sold or left the port, Senegal or Ghana, no one can be certain where you came from.”

No matter where you were sold or left the port, Senegal or Ghana, no one can be certain where you came from.

Muhammida el-Muhajir


Market in Agbogbloshie, a district in Accra, Ghana’s capital [Thomas Imo/Photothek via Getty Images]

On leaving New York for Accra…

“Even when you live in a place like New York as a black person, you’re always an outsider.

“You hear stories about the richest black people, like Oprah Winfrey, getting shut out of a store or Jay-Z not being allowed to buy [an apartment]. Those things happen. It doesn’t matter if you’re a celebrity, you’re a second-class citizen. This was the biggest issue for me.

“In America, you’re always trying to prove yourself; I don’t need to prove myself to anyone else’s standards here. I’m a champion, I ran track and went to university, and I like to win, so I refuse to be in a situation where I will never win.”

You might not have electricity, but you won’t get killed by the police either.

Muhammida el-Muhajir

On moving to Ghana…

“There are amenities that I am used to at home in New York – like parties, open bars and fashion, so when I realised I could do the same things in Africa as I could back in the US, I was sold. There is also a big street art festival here, and that was the difference from when I came [as a student]. I saw the things that I love at home here, so I decided that now is the time.”

On Ghanaian reactions…

“When Ghanaians find out that I live here, they’re usually confused about why I chose to live here as an American. There is definitely certain access and privilege being American here, but it’s great to finally cash in on that because it doesn’t mean anything in America.

“There are also plenty of privileged Ghanaians; if you take away race there’s a class system.”


Modern architecture in Ghana’s capital [Thomas Imo/Photothek via Getty Images]

On the ‘Blaxit’ documentary…

“In my documentary, I chose five people that I’ve met since I’ve been here and every one of them went to a black college in the US. It’s something that prepares you mentally to realise you aren’t a second-class citizen. Something like that can help you make a transition to live in Africa.

“I made Blaxit because of this wave of African-Americans moving to Africa. This trend started to happen around independence of African countries, but the new wave [comprises] people who come to places like this. This new group has certain access in America and comes here to have that lifestyle in Africa.

“Unbeknown to us, we’re living out the vision that [Ghanaian politician and revolutionary] Kwame Nkrumah set out for us, of this country being the gateway to Africa for the black diaspora.

“I don’t want people to think that Africa is this magic utopia where all your issues will go away. It’s just that some of the things you might face in America as a black person – you won’t have to suffer with those things here.

“You might not have electricity, but you won’t get killed by the police either.

“I want people to understand that they have options and alternatives. Most black people in America don’t know that these options exist; they think they have to suffer because there’s nowhere else to go. But no, there are other places.”

On the prospect of more African-Americans moving…

“I think more will come when they begin to see it as a viable alternative. But it’s not easy and it’s not cheap. I can’t say what’s happening in America today is any worse than what’s been happening at any other time. I think now is the time that people are starting to see they can live somewhere else.”

Viral petition aims to include pet food in food stamps


(WFLA/WKRG) – A new petition for pet food is trending across social media.

The online petition from Care2 was created in hopes of allowing those who rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or food stamps, to be able to purchase pet food.

Currently, food stamps are only used to buy food for individuals or families.

The Care2 petition is hoping to help families provide everyone in the household, including their pets.

The petition states:

Some argue that people should not keep pets if they cannot afford them, but the fact is that an individual or family’s financial status can change at any time. Should someone be forced to give up a pet they’ve had for years just because they hit a financial rough patch? Or should they be able to utilize federal aid to continue feeding their pet?

Pets are also important for emotional support. Being poor is hard enough without being expected to give up your companion. For most people, pets are considered family, not property.

Though more than 85,000 people have signed the petition, the goal is to reach 90,000.

Wendy from Massachusetts signed the petition and stated, “People’s pets are family! They help to keep their owners physically and mentally healthy.” She continued, “Their food should be considered as vital and as important as their owners. Please include pet food, for all pets, in the snap benefits.”

Alleged serial killer’s attorneys want allegations barred


CROWN POINT, Ind. — Attorneys for a Gary man accused of killing seven women say his alleged criminal history should not be mentioned during his first trial.

Darren Vann’s defense team argues that because he’s first being tried in two murders, a judge should forbid prosecutors from introducing evidence of other crimes.

The (Northwest Indiana) Times reports Vann is scheduled for trial Oct. 22 on allegations he strangled 19-year-old Afrika Hardy and 35-year-old Anith Jones. The 46-year-old faces a possible death sentence if convicted.

Hardy’s body was found in a Hammond motel room in October 2014. After Vann was arrested in her death, he allegedly admitted to killing six other women, including Jones, whose body was found in an abandoned Gary house.

Trials in the five other slayings haven’t been scheduled.

Man charged with murder in currency exchange shooting


CHICAGO — A Chicago man has been charged with first-degree murder and armed robbery in the shooting death of the owner of a currency exchange business on the city’s Northwest Side.

The Chicago Tribune reports that during a court hearing on Saturday, prosecutors told the judge that 54-year-old Paul Granados fatally shot Horacio Galvan-Hernandez through a plexiglass partition at Envios De Dinero on Wednesday and left with cash.

Prosecutors told the judge that a couple hours after the shooting, Granados reported to police that his gun had been stolen. They said that police realized that the gun matched the description of the weapon used in the robbery and during a search of his home they recovered evidence linking him to the shooting.

The judge ordered Granados held in jail without bail.

Workers say they warned Amtrak before deadly crash


An Amtrak train car derailed and dangling on Interstate 5 in Pierce County, Washington (Image: Washington State Department of Transportation on Twitter)

In the days before Amtrak 501 careened off the tracks last month in a deadly crash, engineers and conductors warned their supervisors that they did not feel adequately trained on the new route, according to more than a dozen sources.

Several train cars flew off an overpass, landing on Interstate 5 in the December 18 accident near DuPont, Washington, which left three dead and more than 100 injured. At the time, Amtrak 501 was making its inaugural journey of a new Seattle-to-Portland run called the Point Defiance Bypass route.

Engineers and conductors had safety concerns, citing rushed and “totally inadequate” training which left them feeling dangerously unprepared for the new route, according to multiple sources, including several directly involved in the training. Crew members traditionally train on new routes to familiarize themselves with the signs, terrain and other physical characteristics which vary from route to route.

Some training runs were performed at night, with as many as six or more crew members stuffed into cars with just three seats, which meant some trainees rode backwards, in the dark, the sources said. Engineers felt they did not get enough practice runs at the controls and could not properly see to familiarize themselves with the route.

Adding to the training concerns, the new locomotives for the maiden run were unfamiliar to many of the crew members up until the brief training runs, the sources said.

The engineer for Amtrak 501 told investigators he took seven to 10 observational training trips on the new route, but was only at the controls for three one-way trips, and only one of those was in the direction the train was traveling when it crashed, according to an interim report released this week by the National Transportation Safety Board.

The engineer did not respond to CNN’s requests for comment, but according to the report he told the NTSB “he would not have gotten behind the throttle if he had any reservations about his readiness to operate the train.”

Amtrak 501 was travelling at near 80 miles an hour while heading into a turn with a maximum speed of just 30 mph. The engineer told the NTSB he missed at least two signs which would have warned him to slow down, then “as soon as he saw the 30 mph sign at the start of the curve, he applied brakes. Seconds later, the train derailed as it entered the curve,” according to the NTSB report.

When asked about allegations of inadequate training, Amtrak referred CNN to the NTSB, which said in a statement, “NTSB investigators are aware of the issues that have been raised regarding training of the Amtrak 501 crewmembers.”

Amtrak also said in a statement to CNN, “Our highest priority is ensuring the safety of our passengers, our crew and the communities we serve. We are actively taking measures to strengthen the safety of our operations, from adopting a safety management system approach used by commercial aviation to advancing Positive Train Control across the network. We will continue to work with the NTSB to learn from this accident and improve.”

Amtrak employees who spoke to CNN insisted on remaining anonymous out of fear of losing their jobs.

More than a half dozen lawsuits have been filed so far in the crash, all alleging that inadequate crew training contributed to the accident. One of the lawsuits was filed by a conductor who was training in the lead locomotive when Amtrak 501 crashed.

His attorney, Anthony Petru, told CNN that warnings to managers about the lack of training went unheeded.

“In an environment where there is a quick trigger by management to charge employees with insubordination, or to go after them if they report safety concerns, there was some hesitancy by employees to do anything other than go along with the program,” Petru said.

Train accident investigator John Hiatt says it is clear to him the engineer had lost track of his location on the route, and blames the problems with training and preparation, at least in part, for the crash. Hiatt is an investigator with the Bremseth Law Firm of Minnetonka, Minnesota, which has filed a lawsuit on behalf of another Amtrak employee.

​”Training is money, and in this case it looks to me like they were worried about money and time and safety was number three, at best, on their list,” Hiatt said.

The Point Defiance Bypass was the final piece of an $800 million project under a federal economic stimulus for high-speed rail.

But the federal money was due to run out, and the pressure to get the maiden voyage done and open the line resulted in sped-up training, sources told CNN.

The crash of Train 501 is again raising larger concerns about what many call a failing safety culture at Amtrak.

In 2016, Amtrak train 89 crashed near Chester, Pennsylvania, killing two and injuring 35.

After a year-and-a-half-long investigation the NTSB released its findings on the Pennsylvania crash, stating that the wreck there showed “deficient safety management across many levels of Amtrak.”

NTSB chairman Robert Sumwalt concluded: “Amtrak’s safety culture is failing, and is primed to fail again, until and unless Amtrak changes the way it practices safety management.” He added, “investigators found a labor-management relationship so adversarial that safety programs became contentious at the bargaining table, with the unions ultimately refusing to participate.”

That NTSB warning and report were released on November 14, 2017. Little more than a month later, December 18, Amtrak 501 crashed.

In addition to questions about the training, questions have been raised about why the new line did not have Positive Train Control, or PTC. This could have remotely slowed the speed of Amtrak 501 and was due to be operational on the Point Defiance Bypass line later this year. The decision was made to open the line before PTC was installed.

The Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008 called for PTC to be implemented nationally for passenger railroads and some freight railroads by December 2015, which has since been extended to the end of 2018. The deadline could be pushed further back to December 31, 2020, according to Department of Transportation.

Only 24% of passenger railway routes had PTC actively operating as of the end of 2016.

According to Washington state DOT, the Amtrak Cascades route will now not run on Point Defiance Bypass until PTC is activated.

Three decades after the Challenger disaster, Christa McAuliffe’s lessons will finally be taught

Christa McAuliffe never got to realize her dream of teaching from space.

The 37-year-old social studies teacher from Boston was selected above nearly 11,000 educators as the primary candidate for the first Teacher in Space Mission. Her application stated, “I watched the space program being born, and I would like to participate.” She was going to film lessons in space that could reach classrooms across the country.


Three decades after the Challenger disaster, Christa McAuliffe’s lessons will finally be taught. International Space Station astronauts will carry on McAuliffe’s lessons and will gill them in space. (Image: NASA)

McAuliffe’s hopeful quest to become the first American civilian in space captured the nation, and they all tuned in to watch her reach the stars. The day of the launch, she said, “imagine a history teacher making history.”

Her family was in the stands at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, three miles from the launch pad. Her students watched from an auditorium at Concord High School in Concord, New Hampshire. She beamed and waved at the cameras before boarding the shuttle. None of them knew that their last glimpse of her would become a final goodbye.

The Space Shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after launching on January 28, 1986, taking McAuliffe’s life and that of the six astronauts aboard: Commander Francis R. “Dick” Scobee, Pilot Michael J. Smith, Mission Specialists Judith A. Resnik, Ellison S. Onizuka and Ronald E. McNair and Payload Specialist Gregory B. Jarvis.

McAuliffe’s lessons have remained untaught and forgotten, until now. Astronauts will film some of her original lessons on the International Space Station, continuing McAuliffe’s legacy 32 years after they were initially planned.

It’s fitting that the two astronauts, Joe Acaba and Ricky Arnold, are both former educators. Acaba is currently on the space station, and Arnold will launch in March.

Arnold tweeted that he, Acaba and former educator astronauts Barbara Morgan and Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger were honored to help celebrate the legacy of Challenger, and the Teacher in Space Mission. Morgan was McAuliffe’s back-up for the Challenger mission. She went on to become the first educator astronaut in 2007.

It’s part of NASA’s Year of Education on Station and the original lessons, as well as new ones modified for the space station’s unique environment features, will be “STEMonstrations.”

The lessons will touch on liquids in zero gravity, Newton’s law, effervescence (bubbles or fizz in liquid) and chromatography, or the separation of a mixture.

“Filming Christa McAuliffe’s lessons in orbit this year is an incredible way to honor and remember her and the Challenger crew,” said Mike Kincaid, associate administrator for NASA’s Office of Education. “Developed with such care and expertise by Christa, the value these lessons will have as new tools available for educators to engage and inspire students in science, technology, education and math is what will continue to advance a true legacy of Challenger’s mission.”

Once the lessons are filmed, the videos and lesson plans will be available through the Challenger Center’s website. The Challenger Center, which has 40 learning centers that include simulated environments, was created to honor the Challenger crew and works with students in the US, Canada and the UK to encourage STEM activities.

“It’s been 32 years since we lost our beloved Challenger crew. They were modest individuals with a strong passion to explore and inspire,” said June Scobee Rodgers, founding chair of the Challenger Center and widow of Challenger commander Dick Scobee. “It brings me great joy to know that their passion to inspire and excite children continues with the students at Challenger Learning Centers around the world.”

McAuliffe is known for her saying, “I touch the future. I teach.” Thirty-two years later, her lessons can do just that.

Teacher killed in space shuttle Challenger disaster honored


FILE – In this 1985 file photo, high school teacher Christa McAuliffe rides with her children Caroline, left, and Scott during a parade down Main Street in Concord, N.H. New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu is proclaiming a day in honor of McAuliffe who died in the NASA Challenger disaster decades ago. Sununu said Sunday, Jan. 28 will be known as “Christa McAuliffe Day” in honor of the woman selected to become the first educator in space. (AP Photo/Jim Cole, File)

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — New Hampshire has proclaimed a day in tribute to a local teacher who died in the NASA space shuttle Challenger disaster decades ago.

Republican Gov. Chris Sununu said Sunday would be known as Christa McAuliffe Day in honor of the Concord woman selected to become the first educator in space out of 11,000 applicants.

McAuliffe never made it to orbit because she and six crewmates were killed when the Challenger broke apart shortly after takeoff on Jan. 28, 1986.


This is the official NASA photo of the crew of the Space Shuttle Challenger mission 51L. All seven members of the crew were killed when the shuttle exploded during launch on Jan. 28, 1986. From front left, are: astronauts Michael J. Smith, Francis R. (Dick) Scobee, and Ronald E. McNair. Rear left are: Ellison Onizuka, Christa McAuliffe, Gregory Jarvis, and Judith Resnik. (AP Photo)

McAuliffe would have been NASA’s first designated teacher in space. She was going to experiment with fluids and demonstrate Newton’s laws of motion for schoolchildren.

Astronauts Joe Acaba and Ricky Arnold recently said they will pay tribute to McAuliffe by carrying out her science classes on the International Space Station.

Janet Jackson surprises Missy Elliott with Essence honor

Janet Jackson, Missy Elliott

Singers Janet Jackson, left, and Missy Elliott attend the ninth annual Essence Black Women in Music event at the Highline Ballroom on Thursday, Jan. 25, 2018, in New York. (Photo by Donald Traill/Invision/AP)

Missy Elliott knew she was being honored by Essence — but not who was giving her the accolade. So there was plenty of emotion when close friend Janet Jackson not only handed her her trophy but praised her talent.

Jackson was one of many stars who turned up to pay tribute to the singer, songwriter, rapper and producer.

“Some rhyme, some rap; some act, some choreograph; some write hit songs; some create whole new sounds. Some women are able to make her mark in some of these fields; but there’s only one woman who has made her mark in all of these fields,” Jackson told a packed crowd on Thursday night.

“Not only have you made your mark, but she’s done so with boldness and courage.”

Elliott — whose hits include “Work It” ”Get Ur Freak On” and “One Minute Man” — began to cry during Jackson’s tribute. The two shared a long embrace when Elliott went on stage for her “Visionary” award from Essence at the magazine’s annual pre-Grammy event celebrating black women artists.

“That was a surprise,” an overwhelmed and teary Elliott said.

“I’ve known Janet over a decade and this is not just … someone I do music with. I can call Janet any time of night . and she will listen,” she said. “The times that I may have felt like giving up, she’s always gave me an encouraging word.”

Elliott, who has created hits for artists ranging from Aaliyah to Jackson to Ciara, almost turned the evening into a church sermon as she thanked God and used her own success story as testimony to never give up.

She noted that some in the industry didn’t think she could be successful — at times because she was a woman and a producer, at others because she didn’t look like what was seen as traditionally beautiful. She recounted that one time she was even replaced her with someone who they thought was.

“I want all of you women in here to know that you’re beautiful,” she said. “You gotta believe in yourself. Because there are going to be times that people tell you you can’t do it or you don’t look the part . but I am a walking testimony.”

She also celebrated her heritage and thanked Essence, the media company dedicated to black women.

“I wouldn’t wanna be any other color but black,” she said to the cheers of the crowd. “I’m black and I’m proud. There’s something about our DNA that can’t be taught, it comes from a different place.”

She added: “Essence magazine has over the decades shown me what strong power black women look like and I appreciate that.”

Among the celebrities in attendance were Janelle Monae, T.I. and “Orange Is the New Black” actress Danielle Brooks who turned out in an Adidas blue track suit in honor of one of Elliott’s many fashion looks over the years.

Performers Leikeli47 and two-time Grammy nominee Rapsody performed in tribute to Elliott.

The Essence event is just one of dozens being held around New York City ahead of Sunday’s 60th annual Grammy awards, to be held at Madison Square Garden.

ESPN’s Jemele Hill leaving her job at ‘Sportscenter’

Jemele Hill

FILE – This is a Feb. 3, 2017, file photo showing Jemele Hill attending ESPN: The Party 2017 in Houston, Texas. ESPN anchor Jemele Hill has been suspended by the network for two weeks for making political statements on social media. Hill, who is African-American, received criticism from the network last month after referring to President Donald Trump as a “white supremacist.” On Monday, oct. 9, 2017, Hill targeted Jerry Jones, after the Dallas Cowboys owner stated that players who disrespect the flag would not play for his team. (Photo by John Salangsang/Invision/AP, File)

ESPN says outspoken “Sportscenter” anchor Jemele Hill is leaving that role to write for a company website and do occasional on-air commentary.

Hill attracted attention last year and was briefly suspended for opinionated messages on social media, including a reference to President Donald Trump as a “white supremacist.”

Hill says Friday she asked to be taken off the 6 p.m. weekday edition of ESPN’s sports news show because of a “strong desire to return to reporting, writing and commentary.”

She is going to work for The Undefeated, ESPN’s website that concentrates on issues of sports, race and culture. She also says she will be involved in some things that she can’t announce at this point.

ESPN says her “Sportscenter” co-anchor, Michael Smith, will continue as a solo host.

4 children killed in house fire


The community of Pratt is in mourning after learning four young children have died in a house fire on Thursday. The mother of the children, Charee Eggleston, is in the hospital and in critical condition.

Emergency crews first responded to the home at Austin and 2nd around 9 a.m. The fire department and police arrived and found the home engulfed in flames. Crews were able to get five people out of the home, the mother and her four children. They were in the basement. Only the mother survived.

“The total of five persons were recovered from the structure and transported to area hospitals,” said Detective Jeff Ward, Pratt Police Department. “Four of those recovered, who happen to be children, have all since succumb to their injuries.”

The cause of the fire is unknown. The Kansas State Fire Marshal is leading the investigation. Authorities said they are just starting the investigation, and they do not have a time frame yet for when they will be able to release more details.

On Friday, the family answered questions from reporters and talked about Charee and the children. The oldest is Reece, 4, Timmy, 2, River, 1, and Harley is 3 months.

Kristina Morris, Charee’s sister, was in the house when the fire broke out. She awoke to smoke and someone pounding on the door. She tried to get to her sister and her children.

“Those babies didn’t deserve any of that. We were trying so hard to get down there (basement),” she said.

As for how the family is coping, they said they are taking it one step at a time. Right now, they are focusing on the memories.

“It is going to be remembering when it was one big happy family because it is never going to be the same. There is never going to be those babies again,” said Amy Coates, Charee’s aunt.

A Gofundme account has been set up to help pay for funeral costs and hospital bills. You can find the page here.

Mother: School shooting took life of a ‘perfect sweet soul’


They ran silently, too stunned to shout.

Some of the children ran into classrooms to hide from the boy with the gun. Some ran out of the building, into the fields, across the streets, through the doors of nearby businesses.

“No one screamed,” said 16-year-old Alexandria Caporali, recounting the moment her high school became the site of the latest American mass shooting. “It was almost completely silent as people just ran.”

Bailey Nicole Holt and Preston Ryan Cope, both 15, were killed and another 18 people injured when a classmate opened fire Tuesday morning in the school’s commons, a busy atrium at the center of Marshall County High School, where several hallways meet and children gather before classes.

The trauma consumed the rural town of about 4,300 people, where nearly everyone has a connection to the school. Parents left cars on both sides of an adjacent road, desperately trying to find their teenagers; business owners pulled fleeing children to safety; a state trooper rushed to the school, terrified he would find his own daughter among the dead.

Kentucky State Police Commissioner Rick Sanders said authorities would not yet identify the 15-year-old, now in police custody, who he said walked into school armed with a pistol and just before 8 a.m. and immediately started firing.

Caporali was eating breakfast in the cafeteria when she heard a shot, turned and saw the teenager with the gun. She knew him as a quiet boy who played music and always seemed happy. After the first shot, she said he seemed to hesitate, but then he fired every bullet in the gun.

Out in the commons, two 16-year-olds, Lexie Waymon and Baleigh Culp, had been laughing and talking about makeup and the homecoming basketball game like ordinary teenagers on an ordinary morning. They heard the first bang, and imagined something equally ordinary, like a heavy book hitting the floor.

“That’s what I expected it to be,” Culp said. “Until I saw a body drop on the ground and the bangs continued. There was bullets flying everywhere.”

Fear momentarily seized Waymon.

“I couldn’t move. I got up and tried to run, but I fell. I heard someone hit the ground. It was so close to me,” she said. She froze, she said. She could see only blackness — for a full minute, she guesses. Then she came to and ran.

Waymon did not stop running, even though her chest hurt. One phrase ran on repeat through her mind: “I can’t believe this is happening. I cannot believe this is happening.” She didn’t stop until she made it to a McDonald’s, more than a mile (1.6 kilometers) from school.


Alyssa Edging, center, a student at McCracken County High School, embraces Erica Johnson, left, and Abigail Hicks, both juniors at Marshall County High School in Benton, Ky., following a prayer vigil at Paducah Tilghman High School in Paducah, Ky., Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2018. The gathering was held to honor the victims of the Marshall County High School shooting on Tuesday. (Ryan Hermens/The Paducah Sun via AP)

Culp was running, too. She ran to the highway, hearing shot after shot behind her. She was still running, unsure what to do, when a man reached out from the door of a business and pulled her inside, where dozens of other students were hiding.

“They was running and crying and screaming,” said Mitchell Garland, who owns the cleaning company where the girl took refuge. He estimated that 50 to 100 students who ran from the school huddled there, eventually including his own 16-year-old son.

“Everyone is just scared. Just terrified for their kids,” Garland said.

Inside school, the boy kept firing, said Caporali, who ran into a classroom.

“It was one right after another — bang, bang, bang, bang, bang,” she said, until he ran out of ammunition.

Then he took off running, trying to get away, she said. He was soon apprehended and led away in handcuffs.

But by then, more than a dozen had been shot and others were injured as they ran from the gunfire. Holt died at the scene and Cope died after being taken to Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Five others remained in critical condition late Tuesday.


Students and community members hold hands in prayer before classes at Paducah Tilghman High School in Paducah, Ky., Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2018. The gathering was held for the victims of the Marshall County High School shooting on Tuesday. (Ryan Hermens/The Paducah Sun via AP)

Secret Holt said her daughter Bailey was a “perfect sweet soul.” She also told KFVS that the “horrific act of violence” is “just unbearable” for her family.

Hours after the shooting, Benton residents gathered in a church. They were reminded that God had not forsaken them, and told not to ask “what did anyone do to deserve this?”

The case against the suspect will begin in juvenile court, which is closed to the public and the records sealed under Kentucky law. Prosecutors will request to move it to adult court, at which point the details would no longer be secret.

The teen is being held at a regional juvenile jail in Paducah, Kentucky, about a half-hour away, authorities said, and he has been appointed an attorney.

Word of the shooting spread quickly around town, and people rushed toward the school.

Marshall County Attorney Jeff Edwards heard the news from a friend and immediately drove to the building. He and his wife both graduated from the school, as did their children.

He saw teenagers running in every direction. He said his heart broke for the ordeal he knows they must endure.

He took office in 1997, the year a student opened fire in a school in Paducah, killing three and injuring five. It was two years before the fatal attack at Columbine High School in Colorado, before mass school shootings became all too common. It left scars across the state.

“This is something that they will never forget,” he said. “It will be with them forever.”

2 dead, 19 injured in Kentucky school shooting; suspect held


A 15-year-old student opened fire with a handgun inside a rural Kentucky high school Tuesday morning, killing two of his classmates, injuring 19 and sending hundreds fleeing for safety.

Police were seen leading a teenager away in handcuffs and said the suspect will be charged with murder. It was the nation’s first fatal school shooting of 2018.

Students ran for their lives out of Marshall County High School, jumping into cars and running down a highway, some not stopping until they reached a McDonald’s restaurant more than a mile away.

“They was running and crying and screaming,” said Mitchell Garland, who provided shelter to between 50 and 100 students inside his nearby business. “They was just kids running down the highway. They were trying to get out of there.”

A half-dozen ambulances and numerous police cars converged on the school, along with officers in black fatigues carrying assault rifles. Federal authorities responded, and Sen. Mitch McConnell sent staffers. Gov. Matt Bevin rushed from the Capitol to the scene. Parents left their cars on both sides of an adjacent road, desperately trying to find their teenagers.

Two 15-year-olds were killed. A girl died at the scene, and a boy died later at a hospital, the governor said, adding that all of the victims are believed to be students.

The shooter will be charged with murder and attempted murder, Bevin said. Police did not release his identity, nor did they describe a motive.

“This is a wound that is going to take a long time to heal. For some in this community will never fully heal,” Bevin said.

Five of the wounded were flown about 120 miles (193 kilometers) to Nashville, Tennessee’s Vanderbilt University Medical Center, spokeswoman Tavia Smith said.

Kentucky State Police have no reason to suspect anyone else, detective Jody Cash told the Murray Ledger & Times.

The attack marked the year’s first fatal school shooting, 23 days into 2018, according to data compiled by the Gun Violence Archive, which relies on media reports and other information.

Bevin said earlier in a statement that “It is unbelievable that this would happen in a small, close-knit community like Marshall County.”

Marshall County High School is about 30 minutes from Heath High School in Paducah, Kentucky, where a 1997 mass shooting killed three and injured five. Michael Carneal, then 14, opened fire there about two years before the fatal attack at Columbine High School in Colorado, ushering in an era when mass school shootings have become much more common.

Meanwhile, in the small North Texas town of Italy, a 15-year-old girl was recovering Tuesday after police said she was shot by a 16-year-old classmate in her high school cafeteria on Monday, sending dozens of students scrambling for safety.

Tuesday’s shooting happened as students gathered in a common area just before classes began. Sixteen-year-old Lexie Waymon said she and a friend were talking about the next basketball game, makeup and eyelashes when gunshots pierced the air.

“I blacked out. I couldn’t move. I got up and I tried to run, but I fell. I heard someone hit the ground. It was so close to me,” Waymon said. “I just heard it and then I just, everything was black for a good minute. Like, I could not see anything. I just froze and did not know what to do. Then I got up and I ran.”

Waymon did not stop running, not even when she called her mom to tell her what happened. She made it to the McDonald’s, her chest hurting, struggling to breathe. “All I could keep thinking was, ‘I can’t believe this is happening. I cannot believe this is happening,’” she said.

It was chaotic outside the school as parents and students rushed around trying to find each other, said Dusty Kornbacher, who owns a nearby floral shop. “All the parking lots were full with parents and kids hugging each other and crying and nobody really knowing what was going on,” he said.

Barry Mann said his 14-year-old son was put on a bus and taken to another school to be picked up.

“He gave me a call as soon as he run out the door and I didn’t know what was happening to him,” he told the AP. “It sounded like his heart was in his throat.”

Garland said his son, a 16-year-old sophomore, jumped into someone’s car and sped away before joining others inside his business.

“Everyone is just scared. Just terrified for their kids,” Garland said. “We’re a small town and we know a lot of the kids.”

Teen charged with assault after exposing allergic classmate to pineapple


Authorities say three teenagers face criminal charges after intentionally exposing a school classmate with a severe pineapple allergy to the fruit.

Police in Butler Township allege that a 14-year-old high-fived the other 14-year-old girl to expose her to the fruit during lunch period Dec. 13 at Butler Intermediate High School. The victim was taken by ambulance to Butler Memorial Hospital where she was treated and released.

Chief John Hays said the girl’s allergy was well-known and pineapple isn’t served during that period but someone had brought it from home.

The suspect was charged in juvenile court with felony aggravated assault, criminal conspiracy, and other offenses. Two other girls, age 13 and 14, face charges including criminal conspiracy.

Attorney Mike Santicola calls the case a prank and suggests that the defendants were overcharged.

Teenager faces child porn charges in Snapchat blackmail case


A 17-year-old Oklahoma high school student is facing obscenity and child pornography charges after authorities say he posted nude photos of students on a Snapchat page then tried to blackmail administrators when they turned off the school’s Wi-Fi access.

Midwest City Police Chief Brandon Clabes says the Carl Albert High School student faces 10 charges, including blackmail and transmitting obscenity and child pornography.

Clabes says the teen posted nude and provocative photos of students from a Snapchat account. Clabes says when the school switched off its Wi-Fi, the student threatened to post more photos if it wasn’t turned back on.

Clabes says investigators were able to identify the student after he sent another batch of photos last week.

WPD officer no longer on force following shooting that injured 9-year-old girl


A Wichita police officer is no longer with the force following a shooting that happened a few weeks ago when a 9-year-old girl was injured.

An officer from the department confirmed to KSN that Dexter Betts’ employment with the police department ended Thursday. According to WPD records, Betts had been with the department for a little more than a year.

Betts was placed on administrative leave following the shooting while an internal investigation was being conducted.

Officers were called to a home in the 1500 block of N. Gentry on December 30 to respond to a domestic dispute and a suicidal person with a gun. Officers said while officers were inside the home, they retrieved a gun from under a bedroom pillow. While officers were retrieving the gun, a mid-sized dog charged at an officer.

The officer fired his gun and shot at the dog, missing the dog. The bullet ricocheted and struck a 9-year-old girl in the forehead just above her eye.

UPDATE: 18-month-old girl who was abducted at gunpoint found safe


An AMBER Alert has been issued for an 18-month-old girl at 5:40pm this evening.

Authorities are searching for Shanya Reed who was last seen in Kansas City, Kansas. Reed is two feet tall. She has black hair in pony tails and brown eyes. She was last seen wearing a black long sleeve shirt that says BEAUTIFUL on the front in multi-color font with blue jeans.

Ricardo Wheeler and Shawn Robinson have been named as suspects.

The KBI reported that Robinson and Wheeler abducted Reed at gunpoint from a home in the 6100 block of Farrow in Kansas City, Kansas. The suspects then left the area in a silver Oldsmobile Alero.

Wheeler was recently released from the Missouri Department of Corrections.

If you have any information you are asked to call 911.