Regardless of your dietary or activity habits, are you having trouble losing weight? It appears that you are not to blame.

A team of researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine identified one common element in 2023 after analyzing more than 170 years’ worth of scientific data: low core body temperature in overweight men and women. What is another characteristic of slender people? Typical body temperature

The temperature of your inside organs and cells determines your inner body temperature, not how hot or cold your body or skin feels. Also, clinical studies conducted in Switzerland have revealed that the internal body temperature affects how your body metabolizes fat.

Calorie burning occurs quickly and effortlessly when the internal body temperature is normal. Your metabolism is low if your internal body temperature is low. In actuality, your metabolism decreases by 13% or more for every decrease in internal body temperature.

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Luke Bryan on Staying Fit Over 40 and Completing His First Century Ride

Luke Bryan on country's "delicate conversation" about race - Los Angeles  Times

Luke Bryan feels at home on the road. Whether that means being on tour, performing to thousands, or hitting the pavement on his bike. For the Nashville native, cycling is an escape from the digital world and a low-impact means of staying strong.

ā€œIā€™m a big guy,ā€ says Bryan, who stands at 6ā€™2. ā€œI used to love jogging, but if I hit the stage after a long run, I would be feeling it in my knees. My concerts are very physical and the deeper I got into the setlist the more I would feel the toll of those miles.ā€

Now, Bryan doesnā€™t leave home without his wheels. We caught up with the country singer to talk about his love of cycling, fitness on the road, and completing his first century ride.

Menā€™s Journal: How has your relationship with fitness evolved over the course of your career?

Luke Bryan: You know, during the start of my career, when I was in my early 20s, I could just drink a few less beers and lose 12 pounds. Even into my 30s it didnā€™t take too much to get my body into a good place. Now that Iā€™ve hit my 40s, it takes more; itā€™s trickier. You have to be a little more conscious about what youā€™re taking in. And you have to make sure to stay as active as you can.

How have you trained in the past?

I remember when I moved to Nashville in 2001, I felt like I was a little overweight, so I started jogging a lot. I would run somewhere around five or six miles daily, then I would go play a lot of basketball with the guys. I got into the best shape of my life around that time. On top of that I tried all of these workout programs like P90x and Insanity, but started to feel the aftereffects of them in my joints. That had a lot to do with how I beat my body up in my youth working for my dad, spending my days just picking up heavy stuff. The runs started to leave me in pain too. I needed to find another way to stay moving.

How did you find your way to cycling?

It really happened about five years ago. I met [former professional racing cyclist] Robbie Ventura and [entrepreneur] John Cassimus, who is also a big rider. We all shared a mutual friend Sam Bell, whoā€™s also a great rider, and owned Blackberry Farm in Nashville. He sadly passed away after a skiing accident at an early age. So it became about paying homage to Sam and becoming more familiar with what he was passionate about. Thatā€™s one of the entry points into cycling.

What do you enjoy about it?

First off, having a family while also being on the move so much, and having to travel constantly, you want to savor every second you can. So the fact that I can walk out to my garage, get on my bike, and immediately be working out is a huge benefitā€”rather than having to get into my car, commute, park, and try to squeeze in a session. Next I would say I love cruising in my neighborhood. From my house going south itā€™s just some of the best road cycling you could dream up. The roads are built on this hard Tennessee limestoneā€”real smooth, no cracks or bumps. The hills are incredible, especially in the fall when the leaves are changing. There are these great routes where you go under amazing canopy.

Do you have a favorite local cycling route?

I love a ride at the beach. My friends at Trek sent me a beautiful fat bike, perfect for cruising through the sand. I inflate those big ā€˜ol tires to about 5 or 10 PSI and just get down by the water. Thatā€™s especially fun because you donā€™t have to worry about traffic, parking, and if you fall because you arenā€™t going to get too hurt. I like doing a little one-hour trip to the beach. Ride around, jump in the water, then an easy one-hour ride back. It doesnā€™t get much better than that for a day activity.

How do you get your cycling in and stay fit on tour?

I have a closet that I store my bike in when Iā€™m on the road. I also have a Wahoo KICKR stationary that I can use when I canā€™t make it on the road and want to stay safe. Iā€™ve been using that Wahoo for over three years at this point. Iā€™ll get on Swift and try to beat my times, see what my guys have done. Either way I try to get about an hour or an hour and a half in the seat. I also have a trainer who I bring on the the road with me, Brad Roby at Shed Fitness. Iā€™m always moving on tour, so itā€™s not too hard to stay in shape.

Do you listen to music?

I love music, but I think itā€™s really important to be able to hear the road, especially when Iā€™m riding somewhere Iā€™m not familiar with. So I try to avoid headphones, but Iā€™m able to clamp my phone onto my handlebars, so sometimes Iā€™ll put the music over the speaker. I donā€™t really need music to pump me up though. I get a lot from just hearing the wind out in nature. Itā€™s important to have those mental escapes from time to time.

Have you come up with songs on your rides?

Iā€™ve definitely written songs on rides. I always have my iPhone in my back pocket so when I have a moment of inspiration whether itā€™s music or lyrics, Iā€™ll record it. I have these little voice notes of me singing with the wind in the background. Being out there, in nature, with your mind quiet, thereā€™s no better situation for inspiration. There have been many times where Iā€™ve called song-writing friends from my bike to discuss ideas.

What was the motivation for doing your first century ride?

Iā€™ve been doing some pretty long rides recently, going out around the house and doing 40 or 50 miles. A few of the guys I know who watch my numbers and stats came to me and said I was ready for the 100 miles. I wasnā€™t so sure, but I couldnā€™t turn it down. I also have a Trek Madone perfectly fit for me, which makes the miles easy.

How did you prepare for it?

We rang up a local trainer, Dave Carpenter, who works with triathletes, and he built us a course based off the routes we were going to be hitting. I did the ride with Robbie Ventura, who has quite a few [century] wins under his belt, I think like 50 or 60 of them. He rode for the Postal Service team. Now he owns a training company up north of Chicago called Vision Quest. There were six of us riding, and everyone else had done multiple century rides, so I was definitely in good company. There was even a doctor in the crew, so if something happened we were covered.

How did the ride go?

We did it under six hours. We started at my house, at around 6 in the morning. There was a nice fog outside. The whole ride was magical honestly. The sun was behind clouds most of the time, but by noon it was starting to get pretty hot, which made it a little more difficult. We actually ended up riding for 105 miles.

What did you enjoy about completing the century?

It was unlike anything Iā€™ve ever done before. I really liked challenging myself to that degree, in terms of endurance. The real great part started on the 50th mile. I had never gone farther than that on one of my solo rides, so it was pretty cool that, for the whole second half of the ride, every single mile was a new personal best. Even when the miles were challenging, that idea really helped propel me on.

How did you celebrate the completion?

To get that sodium and carbs, we ordered a bunch of sushi to the house, along with some noodles and lo mein, and a couple beers to wash everything down. Nothing after a good long ride than a nice cold beer. I have my own label called Two Lane Lagers, so thatā€™s the brew of choice.

5 Best Lean Muscle Protein Powders For Any Gym Lover

Working out is a great way to stay healthy. But if you want to boost the results of any workout, you need to pick up some protein powders. That way you can make shakes before and after a workout to fuel your body with the proper nutrients. But not all protein powders are made the same.

You have plenty of options to choose from out there. So to help you make the right choice for your needs, check out the selection we have gathered for you below.

If you want to grab the best overall container of protein powder, then you would be wise to pick this container up. To us, it is the best overall for a few reasons. For one, itā€™s very affordable for the amount you will get. Another being that it tastes really good, making it very easy to ingest it. Itā€™s also lacking in lactose, carbs, and fat while also being very low in sugars. No unnatural comedown after taking this. But to us, what makes it so great is that the protein will absorb into your bloodstream much quicker than others. So if you want the all-around package, then this is the one for you.

There are plenty of great protein powders out there for you to pick up. But a good deal of them has sugar in them. If you arenā€™t looking to fill your body up with sugar but you still want a highly effective protein powder, then this is the one for you. You will gain a ton of muscle and burn a whole lot of fat with this in your workout routine. So if you donā€™t have an attraction for sugar in your diet, then this is the one for you.

When you workout, you are more likely than not looking to build muscle. So a protein powder is there to aid in your musculatureā€™s growth. But with this option, you wonā€™t just see your body growing with muscle. You will also see it burn away that excess fat that you no longer want to see on your body. Youā€™ll get plenty of energy to keep up the good work during your workout. And with this in your workout routine, you will see yourself gain a lean and mean looking body. So if fat burning is key for you, then look no further.

For plenty of people out there, cutting out dairy is a vital way to stay healthy and lose weight. Thereā€™s a lot of good protein powders out there that wouldnā€™t fly for these folks. But this option is not just great for them because it is dairy-free. Itā€™s just great in general. Your body will be very happy that you are putting this into it. All-natural ingredients make the body feel great and it greatly helps in aiding in your workout. Muscles will grow and energy wonā€™t be depleted. Not to mention that despite the lack of dairy, it will still taste amazing going down. So pick this up if you want to avoid dairy in your life.

Everyone working out at the gym or at home is focused on making their bodywork a lot better than it has before. But there tends to be one element people forget in this journey. And that is making sure your immune system stays strong too. If you work out too hard and burn yourself out, you can severely weaken the immune system. But with this protein powder, your immune system will be just as strong as your new muscles. Get all the help you need to make the most of your workouts and keep your self from getting sick. You canā€™t go wrong with those options.

>>Check out the protein powders below<<

What Itā€™s Like to Live With Parosmia and Anosmia

Thereā€™s something about a global pandemic and lengthy at-home lockdown that seems to intensify the need for an after-work cocktail. In April, I considered a bottle of Cazadores blanco a pantry staple. Cracking ice into a rocks glass with a shot of tequila, soda water, and a squeeze of lime or two was the occasional, after-work break I needed from hitting refresh on the The New York Times website over and over again. But for a few weeks, the drink tasted like nothing. A cold collection of bubbles that was relaxing in its effervescence but wholly devoid of flavor. The smell was empty, too. I came down with COVID-19 in early March. I was lucky to have a mild case that put me out of commission for a few weeks but needed no hospitalization. The strangest symptom for me was the complete loss of smell, something called anosmia (and later, parosmia). At the time, smell loss was newly linked to COVID; now, itā€™s a more reliable predictor of infection than a PCR test. It happened very suddenly.

One morning, I could smell; that evening, I could not. I was sitting in bed, drinking ginger lemon tea and hitting refresh repeatedly on the news. A story popped up about anosmia in European novel coronavirus cases and, suddenly, I realized the tea I was drinking was nothing more than scentless, tasteless, warm water. My nose was clear, but my brain registered nothing. I leaned over to my boyfriend, who had been embracing his new work-from-home setup and had gotten more lax on showering. Nothing.

My inability to smell lingered long after I recovered from the other symptoms of the virus. The air inside my home had no comforting, discerning scents. No fragrances of morning coffee, fresh laundry, or anything at all. It made cooking challenging (how spicy could it be, really?), but cleaning out my catā€™s litter box was a breeze. I immediately became aware of something that had never crossed my mind before: My ability to smell my surroundings was far from guaranteed. Initially, I worried daily that maybe my sense to smell was gone forever. I felt weirdly alone without itā€”separated from a perception of my environment Iā€™d always taken for granted. Thankfully, by the end of April, I started to taste the tartness of lime in my tequila sodas again, soon followed by the subtle presence of agave.

Bit by bit, it came slowly back. By early May, I could smell most things around me, though not as intensely as before. Eating was enjoyable again. I wasnā€™t permanently changed, but my anosmia had gotten markedly better. But then, during the third week of May, I took one sip of a freshly made drink and forcibly spit it out onto the counter before I could make it to the sink. Tequila. Soda water. Lime. But what I tasted was a forgotten pile of vegetables left way too long in the fridgeā€” like rotten zucchini had been muddled into the beverage. A putrid, ripe smell emanating from the glass caught my nose and I gagged, dumping the tequila down the sink.

Suddenly, many previously normal smellsā€”in particular, smells I lovedā€”were rancid. A geranium-scented hand soap in the kitchen smelled like rotten squash. Taking a shower was an exercise in sensory futility between fragrant shampoos and facewash. I had to hold my breath in order not to gag walking through the produce section of the grocery store. Most fruitsā€”from strawberries to pineapple, oranges to bananasā€”were completely inedible as they tasted as terrible as they smelled. I had to stop eating cucumbers, tortilla chips, eggs, and olivesā€”among many other things. One of the most crushing blows: when pizza tasted so awful I had to hold my breath to get down a single bite.

This sounds ridiculous, I know. The idea that a piece of pepperoni pizza could taste rotten when itā€™s most definitely not, sounds crazy. It sounds made up. And it sounds like something that shouldnā€™t be a big deal because itā€™s not life-threating. I was otherwise okay; everything around me just made me gag. It wasnā€™t until I discovered AbScent, a UK-based non-profit dedicated to promoting awareness of smell disorders and offering support for sufferers, that I even learned what was happening to me. Experts refer to the distortion of smell as parosmia. Chrissi Kelly, who grew up in Maine but has lived in England for the past three decades, founded AbScent after her own experience with anosmia that began in 2012. ā€œItā€™s very, very difficult to get people to understand just how awful it is to lose your sense of smell,ā€ she told me. ā€œItā€™s a very isolating experience. [Friends and family] think to themselves, ā€˜Well, I can plug my nose and I can see what thatā€™s like and I just donā€™t get it. Whatā€™s the big deal?ā€™ And the fact of the matter is that people who lose limbs, people who lose their eyesight, people who lose their hearing recover their well-being eventually, within about two years. People who lose their sense of smell tend to deteriorate over time.ā€

How COVID-19 Can Affect Your Sense of Smell

There are two ways viral infections can cause smell loss. The first is through mucus blockageā€”i.e. a stuffed-up noseā€”that prevents odors from reaching receptors in the upper part of the nasal passage. The second, which is generally more rare, is when the olfactory neuroepitheliumā€”the tissue that lines the nose and contains the nerves that communicate scent to the brainā€”is damaged by the virus. ā€œBasically, if the nerves are damaged, that can lead to a more profound loss of sense of smell,ā€ explains Dr. Evan R. Reiter, professor of otolaryngology ā€“ head and neck surgery at Virginia Commonwealth University. While the research on smell loss and COVID-19 is of course, still evolving, studies have found that smell loss affects anywhere from 50-80 percent of individuals who contract the virus. That is not an insignificant amount. A recent study in Europe reinforced the distinctiveness of loss of smell and taste caused by SARS-CoV-2, sharing that while many people seem to recover quickly, there is reason to believe that problems with olfactory functioning will persist for some, long after theyā€™ve otherwise recovered from the virus.

What Living With Anosmia and Parosmia Is Really Like

While far from a medical niche, smell and taste disorders exist outside of the general purview partly because of a lack of familiarity and partly because they just donā€™t seem as serious as issues with the other senses. This can make it confusing for those experiencing it, as well, gauging how to react or when to see a doctor. But, a lack of smell presents a set of real, life-affecting problems. Some scents alert us to possible danger: smoke from a fire, sulfur from a gas leak, even the smell of something burning on the stove. But even more, scent provides a way to connect with those around us. It provides comfort, familiarity and often nostalgia; it helps us to understand and interact with our environment in ways we really never consider until they disappear.

If anosmia is already an unfamiliar condition, then parosmia is even more so. With parosmia, the distortion usually happens with smells that are familiar. Generally pleasant scents are replaced with aggressively foul odors, like rotten vegetables or cigarette smoke. Parosmia renders food inedible and makes simple chores, like washing dishes, very challenging. How does it work? ā€œIn general, there are thousands of different receptors, all coded by different genes for olfactory neurons,ā€ explains Dr. Reiter. ā€œMost odors are relatively complex; they stimulate a whole bunch of different types of sensors. Your brain gets input from all these different receptors, then puts all that together to determine, this is a rose, this is my husband, this is dog poop. With parosmia, when thereā€™s damage from any source, potentially all of the neurons and sensors are not affected the same, so instead of getting the signals from all of these different receptors, which the brain is used to, itā€™s maybe only getting signals from 25 or 50 percentā€”and when it puts that together, it changes the nature of what youā€™re smelling.ā€

What this means is that I dread brushing my teeth because the toothpaste tastes like itā€™s spoiled. A squeeze of lime in a cocktailā€”previously a nice way to wind down after workā€”is enough reason to pour my drink down the drain. For me, five months out from having COVID-19, parosmia affects every aspect of my daily life in a savagely smelly way.

How COVID-19 Could Help Experts Raise Awareness Around Olfactory Disorders

The nature of COVID-19 offers a unique opportunity to learn more about smell disorders in ways that can help people in the future. In early April, Dr. Reiter, who is also the medical director of the VCU Smell and Taste Clinic, launched a study with his team to understand more about the loss of these senses. ā€œMore often than not, when people experience changes in their sense of smell due to a virus, they will come in months or even years after their viral infection, simply because it hasnā€™t gotten better and theyā€™re curious about that. You can also reason there are probably a lot of people who donā€™t seek medical attention or get tested.ā€ This has made it challenging to research olfactory disorders, and in this way, COVID-19 presents opportunity. ā€œHere we are with a highly publicized pandemic and the lay community is very aware that loss of sense of smell can be a hallmark symptom, so weā€™ve got all these people who are going through it together. We took the opportunity to try and study the natural history because that really hasnā€™t been possible [previously] with the way patients present so sporadically and so after-the-fact.ā€

This is hopeful. And in the meantime, the ranks of AbScent members continue to swell. In March, Kelly launched a COVID-specific parosmia support group on Facebook. Currently, there are more than 5,000 members who all describe similar experiences: coffee tastes terrible; gin seems to be the only liquor that isnā€™t wretched; rotten, smokey, and chemical smells and tastes abound. Everyone feels alienated because their experience is so unrelatable and sounds so ridiculous to their friends and family. Everyone finds solace in the experiences of other group members. Not one person has reported that the parosmia has ended and their sense of smell is completely back to normal. But itā€™s still early. The longest stretches of anosmia and parosmia date back to March; smell disorders can resolveā€”but it often takes months or years. And with every post shared in the group and every bit of information gathered by AbScent and shared with researchers (with permission, of course), the future of helping those suffering from smell disorders gets brighter. In a group that thrives on shared experience, this is definitely meaningful.

The best hope currently, as COVID-related anosmics and parosmics patiently wait for more scientific findings to emerge, is something called smell training, which is essentially physical therapy for the neural pathways between brain and nose. ā€œThe olfactory neurons are somewhat unique in the nervous system, in that they have the capacity to regenerate,ā€ says Dr. Reiter. ā€œWhat can happen in some cases is as the neurons regenerate, the wiring may get crossed, if you will, and people get a distortion.ā€ Smell training is the repeated exercising of these neural pathways to help them recover properly, whether someone has no smell, or one that seems to be misfiring. It is the only research-backed technique thatā€™s shown symptomatic improvement for smell disorders.

And itā€™s a process. ā€œWe have to think about this olfactory nerve as an injury rather than a disease that can be cured,ā€ says Kelly. ā€œIf you got into a car accident and you looked at yourself in the mirror and saw that you were covered in scars, you wouldnā€™t say, when are my scars going to go away.ā€

There are success stories within the olfactory community. Chrissi, herself, is one. And her experiences resonate within the ranks of AbScent members suffering from anosmia and parosmia. I smell train every day. I take out a collection of small glass jars that contain different essential oils in various scent categories: orange and lemon for fruit, rose for floral, eucalyptus for resin, and clove for spice. For about 10 seconds each, I smell them individually. I focus on how they smell, how theyā€™re supposed to smell, and I imagine being able to eat anything I want in the future, with no fear of an unexpected, rotten flavor. A few days ago, as I was brushing my teeth before bed, the toothpaste tasted utterly, completely normal. Itā€™s been five months since I originally lost my sense of smell, and every small win makes me more hopeful.

Boost Your Immune System

Your immune system is your defense against unwanted invaders, including viruses. Itā€™s made up of organs, cells and proteins, all of which work in harmony to keep you healthy, says Medical News Today. With the rise of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, you might be more concerned than ever before in how your immune system is functioning. Weā€™re here to help you ensure that itā€™s in top-working order. Our health and wellness experts here at The Leaf Weight Loss Blog have gathered some tips to help you boost your immune system so you can stay safe and healthy while practicing social distancing.

Here are some easy ways that you can boost your immune system while practicing social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic:

1. Catch Up on Sleep

How to Boost Immune System During Coronavirus

Sleep is such an essential piece of overall health and it can absolutely boost your immune system. Proteins that are needed to fight infection and inflammation are released during sleep, says Mayo Clinic. Getting enough good-quality sleep can strengthen your bodyā€™s overall immune response. Of course, truly restful sleep can be elusive during stressful times like a pandemic. Find ways that you can encourage sleep, such as avoiding caffeine after lunch or even trying yoga before bedtime.

2. Relieve Your Stress

How to Boost Immune System During Coronavirus

Have you ever been really stressed out, sad or lonely and then gotten sick on top of it? Itā€™s not a coincidence. Attitude can have a powerful impact on our health. During stressful times, it can take a serious toll. Unfortunately, when weā€™re stressed, the immune systemā€™s ability to fight off antigens can be reduced. ā€œChronic stress can suppress the response of the immune system and its ability to fight disease; therefore, reducing stress may help to prevent infections and other disorders,ā€ says Medical News Today.

As scary as things may be during the Coronavirus pandemic, itā€™s more important now than ever to attempt to reduce feelings of stress and worry. Try starting your day off with positive thoughts, relaxing meditation and trying to be mindful about what you allow yourself to spend time thinking about while you are home in self isolation. If social media is frequently causing you to spiral into negative thoughts, limit your exposure. You can also try these breathing techniques to help reduce stress levels.

3. Do Some Home Workouts

home workouts

You already know that physical activity is essential in your weight loss journey. However, it has so many other wonderful benefitsā€”including boosting your immune system during cold and flu season as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. According to MedlinePlus, ā€œPhysical activity may help flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways.ā€ Regular exercise can also promote optimal circulation that allows cells of the immune system to reach all parts of the body, says Medical News Today.

While your gym may be closed because of your stateā€™s ā€œstay-at-homeā€ order during the Coronavirus, there are still plenty of ways to fit in daily exercise at home while youā€™re in quarantine. Going for regular walks or finding at-home exercise classes (through a computer, smart phone or television) are simple ways to keep moving. The Fitness section here at The Leaf is filled with easy ideas! An added benefit is that exercise is thought to reduce stress, too.

4. Limit Alcohol Intake

How to Boost Immune System During Coronavirus

Frequent alcohol consumption is thought to be associated with a weakened immune system. This is due to the fact that alcohol alters the makeup of your gut microbiome and impacts its ability to support your immune system. According to Healthline, ā€œalcohol can trigger inflammation in the gut and destroy the microorganisms that live in the intestine and maintain immune system health.ā€ Itā€™s also suspected that alcohol can damage the immune cells that line the lungs and serve as the first line of defense against bacteria and viruses.

5. Wash Your Hands

proper hand washing tips

Youā€™ve probably never heard or thought as much about washing your hands as you have in recent months during the Coronavirus pandemic. However, correct handwashing has always been one of the best ways to keep your immune system healthy and protect yourself from the spread of infectious diseases and illness. We spoke directly to a doctor to get the proper steps for handwashing. Click here to learn more. >

6. Eat a Healthy Diet

healthy diet tips

If youā€™re on Nutrisystem, you already know that eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is essential when it comes to your plans to lose weight (or maintain a healthy weight). But a healthy diet also helps to boost your immune system. Providing your body with nutrition literally provides it with the power to fight illness, says Medical News Today. This should include a diet that is rich in many fruits and vegetables which provide you with antioxidant power. Specifically, foods rich in vitamin C have long been thought to boost immunity. While your grandmother or mother may have told you to drink your orange juice for that very reason, the truth is, juice is high in sugar. Instead, get your vitamin C from whole food sources like broccoli, kiwi, red bell peppers or whole oranges.

Looking for healthy recipes to cook up while youā€™re at home? Check out our recipe section! > You can also avoid extra trips to the grocery store while social distancing by getting healthy meals delivered to your door. While this can be extremely hard with restaurant takeout, a home delivery service like Nutrisystem makes healthy eating easy, convenient and delicious.

7. Stop Smoking

How to Boost Immune System During Coronavirus

Though it may be harder to quit smoking during times of stress, continuing to light up can have a detrimental impact on your immune system. According to the Surgeon Generalā€™s Report on Smoking and Health, ā€œSmoking harms the immune system and can make the body less successful at fighting disease.ā€ Smokers often have a more difficult time recovering from everyday illnesses than nonsmokers. Viral and bacterial infections of the lungs can also be made worse by smoking, says the Surgeon Generalā€™s Report on Smoking and Health.

8. Drink More Water

How to Boost Immune System During Coronavirus

Staying well-hydrated is always important but it may also play an important role in building and maintaining a healthy immune system. According to Medical News Today, ā€œthe mouth and throat are on the front lines of the bodyā€™s defenses, but they cannot do their job as well as usual when a person is dehydrated.ā€ Of course, fitting in all those glasses a day can feel daunting. Fortunately, there are some simple hacks that can help you drink more water and remain your healthiest.

9. Create a Healthy Household

How to Boost Immune System During Coronavirus

Though many people are currently staying at home social distancing in an effort to avoid germs in public, you also want to make sure that your household stays healthy, too. According to Jigsaw Health, ā€œHousehold mold is a hidden invader that can weaken the immune system and cause respiratory illness, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and other diseases.ā€ They also explain that bacteria from certain foods can lead to food-borne illness that weakens the immune system. Keep your home clean and safe by properly handling raw food, cleaning surfaces and being aware of lurking germs. Even simple steps can go a long way in protecting your immune system. Check out these spring cleaning tips to help keep you and your family healthy at home while giving you the chance to burn some extra calories!

10. Get Some Sunshine

How to Boost Immune System During Coronavirus

Spending some time outdoors in the sun allows your body to produce vitamin D. According to research, published in the Journal of Investigative Medicine, ā€œDeficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmunity as well as an increased susceptibility to infection.ā€ We donā€™t need any excuse to grab our favorite book and lay outside! Head to the backyard and play some games with the kids, take your dog for a walk or go for a hike in the woods. Enjoy the warm weather and let the sunshine work its magic.


When talking or reading about weight loss, we hear a lot about managing and adjusting our calories. But what exactly are calories? How do we know just the right amount to consume each day? And how might our caloric needs change as we lose weight?

What are Calories?

adjusting calories

The answer to this first question is easy. Calories are a simple way to measure the amount of energy you get when you eat food, says Mayo Clinic. Your body needs calories just to perform its most basic functionsā€”keeping your heart beating and your lungs breathingā€”as well as to fuel your daily activities, from walking around to working at your job.

Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are the macronutrients that provide the bulk of your calorie intake. According to Mayo Clinic, they are your bodyā€™s main energy source. No matter which nutrients you eat, the calories are either rapidly converted to energy or stored in the body as fat. ā€œThese stored calories will remain in your body as fat unless you use them up, either by reducing calorie intake so that your body must draw on reserves for energy, or by increasing physical activity so that you burn more calories,ā€ says Mayo Clinic.

Calories and Weight Loss

adjusting calories

According to Merriam-Webster, the metabolism is all the processes by which the body converts calories into energy. You may have heard that if you consume a greater number of calories than you burn, you will gain weight. And this is fundamentally true. However, the number of calories that you need each day is influenced by a variety of metabolic factors, such as your age, gender, height, starting weight and daily activities.

These metabolic factors determine your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) or the number of calories you burn each day. As you lose weight or change your activity level, your TDEE and metabolism adapts and changes. Because of this, many dieters find that their diet is ā€œless effectiveā€ over time. In reality, they havenā€™t adjusted their eating! Theyā€™re still eating for their starting TDEE.

If you continue to diet without adjusting your calories for changes in weight or activity level, your results can take a big hit. According to the peer-reviewed journal, Obesity, losing weight decreases the metabolism, causing you to burn fewer calories throughout the day. Everyday activities also tend to decrease on a reduced calorie diet for weight loss. On the other hand, as you shed extra pounds, you may be more likely to engage in physical activity and structured exercise. While most people assume that an increase in activity leads to faster calorie burning, this is not always the case when dieting. Consuming less calories can cause you to burn less calories during exercise. All of this leads to metabolic adaption and different caloric needs during the weight loss journey.

Youā€™ll get the swiftest results if your weight loss plan accounts for the changes your body goes through as you drop the pounds, as well as all of your other personal attributes. But hereā€™s the good news: adjusting calories doesnā€™t have to mean giving up foods you like or even eating less food. Instead, you can choose meals and snacks that nourish you well and satisfy your appetite without loading you up on empty calories.

Calories on Nutrisystem

adjusting calories

The all-new personalized programs from Nutrisystem take your unique metabolism and TDEE into account to create a weight loss plan tailored to you. We understand that your metabolism and needs change as you lose weight and get more active. Thatā€™s why weā€™ve integrated the NuMi app into the personalized Nutrisystem journey. This is our smart weight loss tool that adjusts your meal plan to your ever-changing needs, so you can keep losing weight and progressing towards your goal at an inspiring pace. NuMi will monitor your TDEE as you lose weight, adjusting your calories and meal plan as needed. Itā€™s a diet that adapts to you!

There is no doubt that a calorie deficit is important for losing weight. However, decreasing your calories too low for too long can actually hinder your progress. If calorie intake is too low, the body will defend against this by decreasing the metabolism. This is the metabolic adaptation we mentioned earlier! Nutrisystem personalized plans aim for a healthy rate of weight loss, which is about one to two pounds per week. This helps to ensure a healthy weight loss while trying to minimize the metabolic adaptation.

On Nutrisystem, you also get to eat all kinds of foods you love, from burgers and pizza to ice cream and cake. Plus we send them directly to your door in perfect portions for the ultimate convenience.

As you travel on your weight loss journey, Nutrisystem dietitians use the information you provide to recommend the best foods for you from our extensive menu and with the ā€œadd-insā€ you pick up at the grocery store. This guidance keeps you making progress to your goal, even as your bodyā€”and its needs for caloriesā€”change. Thatā€™s the straightest path to the new, slimmer you!

Lose weight with a personalized meal plan tailored to you! Get started with Nutrisystem today >

Winter Weight Loss: Easy Meal Delivery Plan

Between the holidays and the increased time spent inside, losing weight in the winter can feel like an impossible feat. But the truth is, it doesnā€™t have to be that hard. In fact, with the right support system and an easy weight loss meal plan, your journey will not only be doable but enjoyable.

At Nutrisystem, we believe that losing weight shouldnā€™t have to mean giving up the foods that you love. When you take an approach where you feel deprived, itā€™s hard to stick to it. Thatā€™s why weā€™ve specifically crafted our easy weight loss meal plan to be flexible while still offering plenty of support.

If youā€™re considering trying Nutrisystem this winter, we believe that it can be an amazing, life-changing choice that you wonā€™t regret. Still not convinced? Here are seven reasons to try Nutrisystem this season.

1. Get Your Comfort Food Fix

Thereā€™s no question that comfort food and winter go hand-in-hand. Nothing warms you up on a chilly night better than a good-old comfort food dish like a hearty casserole or a big pot of chili. The problem is that most of these choices arenā€™t good for the waistline.

With the Nutrisystem meal delivery service, you can get your comfort foods in a diet-friendly, perfectly portioned way. It takes all the guesswork out of getting dinner ready while still giving you the flavor and total enjoyment of some of your favorite foods. Our Roasted Turkey Medallions dinner entrĆ©e is sure to crush holiday food cravings, while our Chicken Pasta Parmesan tastes just like momā€™s home cooking. And we canā€™t forget about our White Cheddar Mac and CheeseMeatloaf Sandwich and Savory Chicken Pot Pie!

2. Easy Meals Delivered to Your Doorstep

a smiling woman receiving food from a food delivery service

Grocery shopping can be a hassle any time of the year but when it is chilly or inclement weather, itā€™s even less desirable. Thatā€™s why having food delivered right to your doorstep is such a welcomed benefit of the Nutrisystem program. Youā€™ll get delicious meals and snacks to stock up your freezer and pantry without the inconvenience and hassles of the grocery store!

3. Get a Head Start on Your Weight Loss New Yearā€™s Resolutions

a woman preparing to write down new years resolutions next to a plate of fruit. easy weight loss meal planĀ 

If losing weight is always on your New Yearā€™s resolutions list, you can do yourself a big favor by getting started now. Youā€™ll start shedding pounds before New Yearā€™s even rolls around and will be motivated to keep up that momentum in the year ahead. Just imagine where youā€™ll be by the time next yearā€™s New Year rolls around!

One of the best things about Nutrisystem is that our support doesnā€™t end after you reach your goal weight. Weā€™re also here for you during weight maintenance with our Nutrisystem Success plans. The Nutrisystem program is about making lifelong changes which not only contribute to healthy weight loss but to overall better health.

4. Flexibility to Get the Most Out of Your Holidays

a Thanksgiving spread of food on a family sized table

We realize that one of the reasons people put off their weight loss plans until after the holidays is that they feel they wonā€™t be able to enjoy them to the fullest. Thereā€™s no question that food is deeply ingrained in many of our holiday traditions.

But thatā€™s whatā€™s so great about the Nutrisystem program! With our easy-to-follow Flex meal guidelines, helpful tips and advice, you can still enjoy homemade holiday meals or dine out at your favorite restaurants. Itā€™s all about balance. We truly believe that when you avoid feeling deprived, you have the most success.

5. A Personalized Program Tailored to YOU

a couple cooking together while looking at a recipe on an iPad. easy weight loss meal planĀ 

Another reason why Nutrisystem is so great is the fact that they offer all-new personalized programs that are tailored to YOU. The truth is, no two people are alike and their journey to weight loss shouldnā€™t look the same either. Using your height, weight, age, gender, body type and activity level, we create an easy weight loss meal plan that adapts to your metabolism as you lose weight. With a program tailored to you, youā€™ll be able to finally achieve results that might have been elusive in the past.

6. Youā€™ll Feel Great During the Holidays

a family gathered around a dinner table full of food on Christmas. easy weight loss meal planĀ 

When you lose weight, you feel greatā€”something that will make the holidays even more special. Maybe itā€™s fitting into that holiday dress that you used to love wearing. It could also just be a matter of feeling your very best while enjoying the holiday season to the fullest. Instead of feeling sluggish and tired, youā€™ll have the energy to get the most out of the season.

7. Youā€™ll Have all the Support You Need to Succeed

a man relaxing on his couch, while looking at his phone. easy weight loss meal planĀ 

At the end of the day, we find that so much of peoplesā€™ success (or lack of it) comes down to how much support they received. Thatā€™s why weā€™re committed to supporting those who start their healthy weight loss journey in a variety of different ways. With such a robust support system, youā€™re truly set up to achieve your goals.

Everything You Need to Know About SPIRULINA

Spirulina: Everything You Need to Know

As you scroll through your social media feed, you may have noticed an increase in turquoise smooth bowls and ocean-green protein shakes. This unique, unusual hue is most likely from spirulina, blue-green algae that has been dried and ground into powder, says Harvard Health.Ā So, whatā€™s the big deal about spirulina and should you incorporate it into your healthy diet?

Spirulina is an up and coming superfood that has recently become popular. It has an impressive nutritional profile, starting with a potent punch of complete protein standing on a low-calorie foundation, says Harvard Health. It also contains a rich supply of vitamins and minerals, such as iron and omega-3 fatty acids. Sounds like a valuable ally in your daily drive to eat healthy and reach your weight loss goal, doesnā€™t it?

PronouncedĀ speeĀ·ruhĀ·LEEĀ·nuh, it has been used as a food source for centuries and has recently become a popular ingredient among healthy eaters. This may be due to its nutritional content and numerous studies claiming important benefits to our well-being. From packaged foods to supplements, find out why this healthy alga has made its way to your supermarketā€™s shelves.

How to Make a Smoothie Bowl: Your Foolproof Guide to Smoothie Bowl Perfection

Keep reading for everything you need to know about spirulina:

Nutrition Highlights


According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), one teaspoon of spirulina contains two grams of protein, one gram of carbohydrates and zero grams of fat for only 15 calories. Unlike most plant foods, spirulina comes with all the essential amino acids, making it a ā€œcompleteā€ protein, says Spirulina is a good plant-based source of iron and is an appealing option for vegans and vegetarians.

Spirulina also contains essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, says Healthline. According to the American Heart Association, omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats that are said to support Heart Health. Gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid, has been shown to reduce chronic inflammation, according to research published in Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.

Health Powers


The anti-inflammatory properties of spirulina were evident in a study published in theĀ European Journal of Applied Physiology. The subjects who consumed spirulina daily for three weeks were able to exercise longer with less soreness than the control group. This could be especially beneficial if you are new to working out. Better yet, in another study, published inĀ Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, participants who took spirulina burned fat while exercising at a higher rate than those who had a placebo.

Spirulina may also help your body manage sugar and cholesterol levels, according to a study published in theĀ Indian Journal of Medical Research. This study found that after 30 days of taking spirulina, lab animals had reduced levels of blood glucose and LDL cholesterol and increased levels of HDL cholesterol.

If you have a health condition, are taking an anti-coagulant drug or any other medication, check with your doctor and pharmacist before adding spirulina to your daily routine. You want to be sure it wonā€™t interfere with your health or medication. Women who are pregnant or nursing should also consult with their health-care providers before taking spirulina.

11 Green Smoothies That Will Rock Your World

Buyerā€™s Guide


According to Harvard Health, you can find spirulina capsules, tablets and powder. They are typically found in the vitamin and supplement section of supermarkets, drug stores and health food stores. You can add it to recipes or just swallow it daily in supplement form. Energy bars, chocolate and drinks that include spirulina are available in many outlets, too.

Keep in mind that spirulina is like other dietary supplements and it is not subject to the same testing or regulations that the Food and Drug Administration requires of medicines, says Harvard Health. That means you need to read labels and do a little research on your own to be sure that spirulina is the onlyā€”or at least the primaryā€”ingredient in any product you buy. It can also be pricey, so beware of products that are significantly cheaper than all of the competing brands.

Fresh Ideas

smoothie bowl

Spirulina by itself has the distinct flavor and aroma of algae with hint of fishiness. Thatā€™s why many people choose to take odorless and tasteless spirulina capsules or tablets. Some people mix the powder in water and drink it. However, many find it unpalatable that way. More popular is mixing a few spoonfulā€™s into smoothies or bowls, in which the other flavors can bury spirulinaā€™s taste. If you prefer savory tastes, try adding it to homemade pesto. You can also incorporate it into homemade energy balls.Ā Ā Try throwing it one of these energy ball recipes >

On theĀ Nutrisystem program, about two teaspoons of spirulina count as one Extra.Ā Bon AppĆ©tit MagazineĀ recommends keeping open containers of spirulina products in the refrigerator to help protect its nutrients from oxygen.


Music and Weight Loss

Music and Weight Loss | The Leaf Nutrisystem Blog

The idea that some good tunes can actually have an impact on your weight loss just may be music to your ears. But itā€™s more than just an ideaā€”it has scientific backing. Several different studies have looked at the way in which music can impact everything from the effectiveness of your exercise routine, to oneā€™s overall health. They all seem to point to the same factā€”that music matters. Find out how music can help you reach your weight loss goals on yourĀ NutrisystemĀ journey.

Music to Lose By: 13 Songs Guaranteed to Get You Moving

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Music Helps You Burn More Calories

burn calories

A lot of the research focuses on how music impacts oneā€™s workout routineā€”and itā€™s quite encouraging. For instance, research published in theĀ Journal of Exercise Physiology Online, demonstrates that people exercising with fast tempo music had a higher heart rate and increased respiratory rateā€”all of which adds up to more calories burned.

Good Tunes Makes Exercise Enjoyable

music and weight

In addition to burning more calories, different research, out of Brunel University London, has revealed that music makes exercise more enjoyable. The results, which were published in the journalĀ Psychology of Sport and Exercise, found that listening to music led to a 28 percent increase in enjoyment (compared to no auditory). This is important as music could inspire you to work out longer, leading to even more calories burned.

10 Ten-Minute Workouts

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Listening to Music Helps You Stick with Your Goals

music and weight

Similarly, music can also help you stick to a program for the long-term. A study, from Fairleigh Dickinson University, found that listening to music while exercising helped participants adhere more closely to their workout regimen and lose more weight. According to MedicineNet, the 2005 study followed a group of overweight and obese women during a 24-week period of exercise. Half of the women listened to music of their choice. While all participants lost weight, weight loss was higher for the music listeners.

Moving to Music Helps Increase Your Happiness

music and weight

If youā€™re someone who loves music (as most people do), then this is probably quite obvious to youā€”music makes you happy. Specifically, dancing to music has been shown to be a great way to boost your mood. A study, published in theĀ International Journal of Neuroscience, showed that 12 weeks of dance sessions raised serotonin (the neurotransmitter contributing to feelings of happiness) and contributed to enhanced mood.

6 Reasons to Crank Up the Tunes Today

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Tips for Incorporating Music Into your Routine

music and weight

Thereā€™s no question that music can have a positive impact on your workout routine and overall health. It is a great way to potentially increase results with your weight loss plan. Weā€™ve rounded up a few important takeaways so that can use music to your benefit.

  • Choose music that you like.Ā Enhance your workout and get motivated by listening to your favorite tunes. Choose music that personally motivates you and remember that it is very subjective. While you might be inspired by ā€œrock,ā€ your friend might be inspired by ā€œhip hop.ā€ Headphones are certainly a wonderful creation!
  • Create a playlist that fits your routine.Ā Use music to boost your workout by coordinating it with the activity youā€™re doing. According toĀ The Sport Journal, research displays that synchronizing your tunes with ā€œrepetitive exercise is associated with increased levels of work output.ā€ For instance, a slow and steady beat might be more helpful for a weight-lifting session, while something with a faster tempo would be ideal for an aerobic workout. You might even consider which songs motivate you the most to tackle that hill on your run and which help you run at a faster pace on the straightaways.
  • Do your musical homework in advance.Ā As you gear up to incorporate more music into your routine, take some time to create playlists and maybe even venture outside of your typical line-up. Find songs that really inspire you and update your playlist accordingly. With some advanced preparation, youā€™ll be ready to make the most out of your workout!

Follow our blog today for all your JUICY TIPS & more!!

Lose Weight This Year with Nutrisystem

Lose the Weight This Year with Nutrisystem

Happy New Year! Nowā€™s the time to lose the weight and become your healthiest self. Whether you have significant weight to lose or just want to shed a few pesky pounds that showed up over the holidays, the new year is a great time to tackle your weight loss goals. Nothing says clean slate like tossing last yearā€™s calendar in the trash and hanging up a brand new one.

But if youā€™re like most people, setting a goal and putting a plan into motion are two very different things. Even for those who get off to a good start, life can end up getting in the way. For a weight loss resolution, that could mean finding yourself reverting back to old eating habits or skipping workout sessions. Without structure and support, it can be really hard to keep working toward those healthy living goals.

Trust us; we get it. Hereā€™s the good news: TheĀ Nutrisystem weight loss programĀ was designed for people like youā€“people who want to lose weight but arenā€™t exactly sure the best way to go about doing it.

Together, Letā€™s Make 2020 The Best Year Yet!

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With Nutrisystem, youā€™ll be set up for success from day one. Research suggests that eating smaller, balanced meals throughout the day promotes greater weight loss and maintenance. On the Nutrisystem weight loss program, youā€™ll be doing just that. Youā€™ll be eating a variety of guilt-free, nutrient-dense foods every two to three hours. Enjoy a mix of Nutrisystem breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks along with some of your favorite grocery add-ins like fruits and veggies.

And because we know that any weight loss meal plan thatā€™s overly restrictive is bound to fail, weā€™ve also builtĀ Flexā„¢ mealsĀ into our program. These are healthy meals you prepare at home (with our guidance!) or order while dining out. Flex meals give you the freedom you crave while keeping you moving along toward your weight loss goals.

And hereā€™s the best part: Because everyone knows that weight loss isnā€™t always a one size fits all approach, Nutrisystem now offersĀ personalized weight loss plans! With this option, you can receive a weight loss meal plan thatā€™s based on your activity goals, food preferences and body type.

So, how much weight can you actually lose on our program? If you stick with your Nutrisystem meal plan, you can lose up to 18 pounds and 10 inches in your first two months!*

Ready to start the clock? Follow us today!

5 Reasons Nutrisystem is the Best Diet Plan to Become Your Best You

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Want a little more info before you take the pound-trimming plunge? Hereā€™s everything you need to know about losing weight with Nutrisystem:

What You Get

lose the weight

We know how eager you are to see results after starting a weight loss program. Thatā€™s why we include ourĀ Body Reboot kitĀ in your first shipment. This kit contains everything you need for your first week on the program and is formulated to deliver fast weight loss results.**

In the Body Reboot kit, youā€™ll find:

  • 7 shakes packed with protein and probiotics
  • 7 days of specially selected breakfasts, lunches and dinners
  • 7 days of tasty snacks designed to help curb your hunger
  • A helpful Quick Start Guide to help maximize your results

In addition to your Body Reboot kit, your shipment will include your Nutrisystem meals and snacks for the remainder of the month. If you selected our Basic package, youā€™ll get our most popular picks. If you opted for one of our other packages, your shipment will include the foods you hand-picked when ordering.

Youā€™ll also have access to our awesome weight loss app,Ā NuMi. NuMi is the perfect companion to your weight loss program since you can use it to track what youā€™re eating, how much youā€™re moving, how much water youā€™re drinking and more. And donā€™t forget to follow ourĀ FacebookĀ andĀ InstagramĀ pages! We offer up tons of tips and tricks for navigating the program plus awesome giveaways and exclusive offers.

Of course, youā€™ll also want to check back here daily sinceĀ The LeafĀ is your healthy hub! We are always adding fresh content, Flex meal recipes and fool-proof tips for making the most of your Nutrisystem weight loss program.

What You Do

lose the weight

During your first week, we keep it super simple. Youā€™ll eat only those foods included in your Body Reboot kitā€“breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack and shakes. Just enjoy the foods provided, referring to your Quick Start Guide for assistance navigating week one. The only things that you will have to add are non-starchy vegetables and water.

Once youā€™ve completed your first week (congrats!), you will continue losing weight withĀ NutrisystemĀ®Ā meals and snacks. Every food item is color-coded so you know if itā€™s intended for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack. Since all of the food has been formulated to deliver weight loss results, you can feel free to choose any of the breakfast items in the morning, any lunch that sounds appealing during your mid-day meal and any dinner you are in the mood for. You donā€™t have to stick with certain meals on certain days. This helps to ensure that this experience is an enjoyable one. After all, the best weight loss plan is the one you can stick with!

After your first week on the Nutrisystem weight loss program, youā€™ll also start to add in a few of your favoriteĀ grocery foodsĀ (think fruits, veggies, nuts and nut butters, eggs, etc.). Plus, youā€™ll get to enjoy Flex mealsā€“healthy meals you enjoy cooking at home or ordering out at your favorite restaurant. Donā€™t worry, we will give you all the guidance you need to make smart and healthy selections. Thatā€™s what our weight loss blog,Ā The Leaf, is for! And get this; you can even relax with a glass of wine while on the Nutrisystem weight loss program.

Alcohol on Nutrisystem: Everything You Need to Know

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Does it Work

lose the weight

One look at all of our awesomeĀ Success StoriesĀ and youā€™ll know; Nutrisystem works. And not in the quick fix, crash diet kind of way. Our customers tell us all the time that they love Nutrisystem because itā€™s a sustainable lifestyle after you lose the weight. Even when theyā€™re ready for life after our weight loss program, they are successful because theyā€™ve mastered the skills they need to eat healthy for life.

Are you ready to become our next weight loss success story? Follow our blog today!!

Ā  Ā In a study on the standard Nutrisystem plan, avg weight loss was 15.4 lbs and 9.8 inches.

Ā  Ā In a study, avg weight loss was 5.4 lbs in the first week. The average weight for the study participants was 207.3 lbs. Results vary based on starting weight and program adherence.

Ā  Ā Usage of this kit for more than one week in any consecutive 4-week period may lead to health complications and is not recommended. Please be sure to eat all of the food recommended for this program. Failure to follow the program protocol and eat all of the food recommended may involve developing serious health complications. If you have diabetes, are under 18 years of age, are pregnant or a nursing mother, or following a specialized diet for health issues, you may not use this kit. Please consult your physician before purchasing (or beginning) this kit.

Nutrisystem Shakes: Delicious Shake Recipes For You


Simple to prep:Ā check! Easy for on-the-go:Ā absolutely! And the perfect choice when you need a little something sweet and healthy to satisfy a grumbling belly. If thatā€™s not reason enough to try Nutrisystem shakes, then keep reading to find out all the reasons why these protein-packed super shakes are a must-try!

Theyā€™re decadent and delicious.Ā Whether you live in the all-chocolate, all-the-time camp, or are more of a flavor purist, these shakes are made to please. With theĀ chocolateĀ shake, you get rich and nutrients in every sip; or opt for the vanilla shakeĀ for some smooth and creamy goodness. If you want to flip-flop between flavors, go for full indulgence with thisĀ combo pack.

They help shrink your belly.Ā Thatā€™s because our shakes contain probioticsā€”good bacteria that help your digestive system do its job. The added bonus of probiotics: less belly bloating.

They help burn fat!Ā You read that right. Nutrisystemā€™s Protein and Probiotic shakes are made with a compound called chromium, which has been shown to help reduce body fat, as part of a healthy diet and exercise program.*

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month with the Nutrisystem Program

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Theyā€™re packed with powerful nutrition.Ā You get 22 vitamins and minerals per sip, to be specific. What youĀ wonā€™tĀ get in our shakes: artificial sweeteners, flavors, soy or gluten.

They help fight hunger.Ā With a whopping 15 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber, these shakes are formulated to help keep you feeling fuller, longer. Plus, they are perfectly portioned for weight loss, with only 120 calories per serving. On Nutrisystem, they count as one PowerFuel.

Now, check out eight recipes using our shakes that pack in the protein (and flavor!):

1. Black Forest ā€œMilkshakeā€

black forest milkshake

Filled with chocolate flavors and complemented by a hint of cherry, this Black Forest ā€œMilkshakeā€ is the perfect protein-filled pick to start your day the healthy way.

2. Berry Delicious Smoothie

berry delicious shake

This filling shake combines the flavors of berries and banana with a vanilla shake for a refreshing and filling smoothie so sweet and delicious, youā€™ll want to make it over and over again.

3. Pumpkin Latte Super Shake

pumpkin latte

If youā€™re a pumpkin lover, youā€™re going to want to bookmark this recipe. Filled with pumpkin flavor and blended to creamy perfection thanks to a Nutrisystem shake, this latte-inspired smoothie packs in the vitamins and deliciousness for a pumpkin-filled breakfast.

4. Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

chocolate peanut butter

Chocolate and peanut butter is a classic combo, and this shake adds in a hint of banana to make this protein-packed shake a must-try for those on-the-go mornings.

5. Mango Madness Green Smoothie

mango madness

Filled with greens and sweet mango, this fruity smoothie will fill you up the Nutrisystem-approved way thanks to ourĀ NutriCrushĀ® Protein and Probiotic Shakes.

6. Mint Chocolate Smoothie

mint chocolate smoothie

If mint chocolate chip is your favorite ice cream, then weā€™ve got the perfect (and healthy!) alternative that you can enjoy guilt free. Packed with protein, chocolate and minty flavors, this hearty shake is bound to become a menu regular.

7. PiƱa Colada Protein Smoothie

pina colada

This sweet and fruity smoothie will whisk you away to tropical bliss with zero guilt. A combination of pineapple, coconut and a vanilla Nutrisystem shake makes for a creamy protein shake that will keep you feeling full all morning.

8. Chocolate Lover Smoothie

freshstart shakes

This recipe is a chocolate loverā€™s dream come trueā€”filled with chocolate and a scoop of peanut butter, this four-ingredient recipe is a healthy way to curb your chocolate cravings.


Why Your Stomach Always Hurts

Do you find yourself telling others you have a ā€œsensitive stomachā€? Skipping out on invitations where meals are involved? Locking yourself in the office bathroom in agony every day after lunch? If so, you might be one of the millions of Americans suffering from IBS. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is an extremely common condition that affects 10-25% of our population. According to Danielle Capalino, MSPH, RD Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist, it particularly affects young women. Danielle has dedicated her career to studying the relationship between the brain and the gut, and loves nothing more than helping people suffering from digestive issues reclaim their bodies (and their social lives.) Sheā€™s also the author of the new book,Ā Healthy Gut, Flat Stomach.Ā 

If you suffer from common upset stomach, read on to discover Danielleā€™s insight on what causes IBS and her tips for steps you can take to take control of your body and start feeling better every day.

What special training or experience do you have that makes you an expert in your field?

I completed my undergraduate studies in Brain and Cognitive Science at MIT, because Iā€™m fascinated by the brain. I continued my graduate studies at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health where I delved into the science of the digestive health, the microbiome, and the deep connection between the gut and the brain. I sought out every opportunity to work and learn more about the gut. After graduating, I started a private practice specializing in helping people attain digestive wellness. Since then Iā€™ve continued to work with this population and have written two books on the topic as well.

What do you love about what you do?

I love the combination of staying on top of the latest science of the microbiome, figuring out new ways to communicate this complex information to people, and of course I love the satisfaction of changing peopleā€™s lives for the better. Itā€™s very gratifying to be able to help someone ā€” particularly when they suffer from digestive issues that alter their daily lives. Many of my patients avoid social activities out of fear or embarrassment when I first meet them, and then are able to return happily to their social lives.

Beautiful and sporty girl in a kitchen with a vegetables Free Photo

In your experience, how common are chronic digestive problems in young women?

Very common! Statistics show that within the US population, 10-25% of people suffer from IBS (which is the most common chronic functional digestive issue.) Even if the low end is most accurate, thatā€™s still 1 in 10 people, which is a lot! My clients tend to skew toward women in general, and young women in particular. I think there are several reasons for this.

Woman hand writing note pad on wood table in coffee shop Premium Photo

Weā€™ve heard a lot about IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) on TV from pharmaceutical companies promoting prescription medicines meant to treat chronic upset stomach. Is IBS a real thing? How do you know if you have it?

Yes! IBS Is very much a real thing. I think some people are dismissive of the label because they hear it so much ā€” but if you think about it, the reason you hear it is because itā€™s so common. IBS is a functional digestive disorder, which means that itā€™s not something you can see with your eyes. The way itā€™s diagnosed is if your symptoms meet a specific criteria rather than seeing something on a scan or in your blood. Your doctor might want to rule out other potential causes for your discomfort before landing on IBS as a diagnosis.

So, what causes chronic upset stomach? And what are the best first steps to treating it?

There are many potential causes of chronic upset stomach, but one thatā€™s very common and tends to get overlooked is food sensitivities. Food sensitivities are different than allergies (which can be tested in your blood.) Elimination diets are a very effective tool in identifying foods that trigger chronic digestive issues. I spend most of my time working with people on the low-FODMAP diet, which is a specific type of elimination that takes out certain carbohydrates (but notĀ allĀ carbohydrates!) temporarily, and then guide my clients through reintroducing them to figure out what specific foods are bothering them.

Is it true that all adults are somewhat lactose intolerant since our bodies stop producing the enzymes required to break down milk after infancy?

No, notĀ allĀ adults are lactose intolerant. Itā€™s difficult to estimate a real statistic for this because of inconsistencies in testing and self-diagnosis, but lactose intolerance is quite common. Lactose is made up of two sugars and it requires an enzyme to break it apart in order to be digested. Some people (either genetically or due to illness) will become deficient in the enzyme (lactose,) which is needed to break down lactose. For example, itā€™s possible to be temporarily lactose intolerance after a bout of a stomach virus or infection.

For those of us who suffer from frequent stomachaches, there are certain types of food that almost always spell disaster (specifically: greasy, spicy, and diary-rich). Do we have to just cut out fun things like craw fishĀ boils and milkshakes forever? Or is there a way to teach our bodies to tolerate those foods better?

If you have a sensitive stomach it really is best to avoid greasy, spicy, rich foods ā€” though our tolerances do change over time to some extent. There are things you can do like take over-the-counter digestive enzymes (including lactose) to help digest foods, but itā€™s not a surefire way to eat whatever you want.

Thatā€™s great news. What else can we do to naturally battle IBS?

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1. Write it down!

Keep a food and symptom log so that you can begin to notice trends between what you are eating and how you are feeling. If you work with a Registered Dietitian like myself this is very useful information to help us.

2. Try a FODMAP elimination diet.

If youā€™ve been to a doctor and ruled out other causes for your symptoms, you may have a food sensitivity. FODMAPs are specific types of carbohydrates that can be difficult to digest. You can work with a Registered Dietitian like myself to help you identify high FODMAP foods in your diet and take them out temporarily to see if it helps to relieve your symptoms. You may be surprised by the list of high FODMAP foods which include things like apples, mangoes, honey, onions, beans and garlic.

3. Avoid artificial sweeteners.

Many foods that are advertised as sugar-free are loaded with sugar alcohols which can really wreak havoc on your gut. Cut out artificial sweeteners, particularly those that end in the letters ā€œolā€ from your diet.

4. Eat more fiber.

Making sure youā€™re eating foods with sufficient fiber is a big part of making sure that your system is running on track. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are all good sources of fiber.

Healthy bacteria that is good for your gut is a key part of a healthy digestive system. You can get probiotics in fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut or kimchi, and also by taking probiotic supplements.

You can book an appointment with Danielle on her website here, and be sure and check out her new bookĀ Healthy Gut, Flat Stomach!

Get your stomach ache relief supplements here>>

Stir Fry Recipes You Need to Try

Hot spicy stew eggplant in korean style with green onion. aubergine saute Premium Photo

Stir frying, which is a Chinese cooking technique that involves cooking food in hot oilā€”traditionally in a wokā€”has become very popular in American culture. After all, itā€™s an easy way to prepare home-made meals that the whole family will enjoy. Of course, as with any dish or cooking style, the ingredients that you choose make all the difference in the health factor of your meal. While you may think that healthy stir-fry recipes might be lacking in flavor and creativity, we have created some that are anything but boring!

Here are seven stir-fry recipes that you have to try:

Ā 1.Ā Chicken and Broccoli Stir-Fry

One of our favorite stir-fry recipes, Chicken and Broccoli is always going to be a classic. And our version is simple to make and will easily become a go-to recipe in your family. With a simple Asian-style sauce, juicy, bite-sized pieces of chicken and a nutritious blend of broccoli, bell peppers and onions, this is a complete meal that everyone will gobble up. Served with fiber-rich brown rice, itā€™ll also keep you feeling full and satisfied.

2. Steak Stir-Fry with Grilled Peppers and Onions

steak stir fry

Trimmed flank steak marinated in a delicious sauce combined with crisp peppers and onions makes this a yummy stir-fry that will be sure to please. Plus, it has a lot of great nutrition. Bell peppers are loaded with vitamins, including vitamins A and C, as well as potassium and folic acid. Meanwhile, onions are a good source of vitamins C and B6 as well as iron and fol-ate. Together, these veggies help make this meal a nutritional powerhouseā€”all served atop fiber-filled brown rice!

3. Tofu Stir-Fry with Savory Tahini Soy Sauce


Your meatless stir-fry will be anything but boring when you use a flavor-filled sauce like our savory tahini soy sauce to spice it up. Tofu is the perfect lean protein for this delicious dish as it soaks up all the yummy flavors of our tasty sauce which is made from a blend of soy sauce, corn starch, garlic, ginger andā€”of courseā€”tahini. In addition to being flavorful, tahini, which is made from ground sesame seeds, has many health benefits, including the fact that it is high in healthy fats and amino acids, and that it packs in magnesium, copper, iron and zinc, among other essential vitamins and minerals.

4. Shrimp Scampi with Zucchini Pasta


Often a restaurant favorite, Shrimp Scampi sounds like a lot of work to make at home. Well, thatā€™s not the case at all with this simple one-pan meal weā€™ve put together. And since our version uses zucchini noodles instead of traditional pasta, itā€™s a lot healthier for you, too. After all, zucchini is incredibly low in calories, while also being rich in filling fiber. And, you may be surprised to learn that zucchini actually has more potassium than a banana. This is a recipe that you can only whip up in a pinch and can feel good about eating.

5. Cauliflower Fried Rice with Shrimp


If you love fried rice but donā€™t want to load up on calories, then weā€™ve got the perfect substitution for youā€”Cauliflower Fried Rice with Shrimp. You may be skeptical, but trust us, it has all the flavor of delicious fried rice but is a whole lot better for you. Combined with mixed veggies, egg and shrimp, there is so much flavor in this meal that youā€™ll hardly realize you swapped out the rice for vitamin-rich cauliflower.

6. Asian Salmon Bowl with Cauliflower Rice

stir-fry recipes

This Asian-style dish combines heart-healthy salmon with delicious veggies like cucumber, green onion and carrots. Plus, itā€™s all served over a bed of healthy cauliflower rice as opposed to the starchy white rice traditionally used in Asian meals. Itā€™s a great choice if youā€™re craving take-out but donā€™t want to get bogged down by all the fat and calories that come with it. Plus, youā€™ll feel good about whipping up this home-made dish on your own.

7. Sesame Garlic Shrimp Stir-Fry


If you like shrimp, this might be your favorite of our stir-fry recipes, as it combines the succulent seafood with the rich flavors of garlic, sesame seeds, soy sauce and ginger. Itā€™s easy to make and sure to become a family favorite in your household. And, when prepared in a healthy way, as this recipe is, shrimp can actually be quite good for you. This lean protein contains a variety of nutrients that people tend to lack including selenium, copper and niacin. Itā€™s low in calories and it’s very tasty too.

Yoga Exercise to Relieve Back Pain


A beautiful girl is engaged in a gym Free Photo

The primary complaints you hear from yoga students is back pain ā€“ specifically, lower back pain. This type of discomfort can stem from a variety of things including poor posture, long periods of sitting or standing, and tight hips and tight hamstrings, to name a few. Generally, things that can be addressed with some awareness and gentle, targeted movement.

Studies have proven that people who practice yoga regularly experience less pain and improved flexibility and movement.

Try this short sequence of yoga postures the next time your lower back is calling for your attention or, better yet, as a preventative measure to keep your spine supple and strong. Of course, if you experience prolonged back pain, it may be time to seek the guidance of a professional doctor, physical therapist or body worker.

1. Knees-To-Chest Pose

Young yogi attractive woman in knees to chest pose, studio Free PhotoĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Young attractive woman in knees to chest pose, white background Free Photo

Lie on your back with knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. On an exhale, draw both knees in towards your chest and wrap your hands around your shins. Use your hands to gently hug your knees in towards your belly.

Breathe deeply and fully here allowing your belly to expand towards your legs as you inhale, and gently draw back and down towards your spine as you exhale.

If your head is not comfortably resting on the floor place a folded blanket or pillow underneath it.Ā  Stay here for 5- 10 breaths.


2. Figure Four Pose


Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Exhale, and hug your right knee in towards your chest and wrap your hands around your shin.Ā Externally rotate your right thigh so your right knee is now pointing towards the right, and place your right outer ankle on top of your left thigh just above the knee.

Flex your right foot. Inhale, and on your exhale, maintain this position of the legs as you bring both legs in towards your body. Thread your right hand through the space between your legs and clasp behind your left leg.

Draw your left leg in towards your body, and gently encourage your right thigh away from your chest.

Stay here for 5 ā€“ 10 breaths. Release both feet back to the floor and repeat on the opposite side.

3. Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose

Both big toe posture Free Photo

Woman doing extended hand to big toe pose with squat Free PhotoĀ  Ā  Ā Both big toe exercise Free Photo


Props: strap or long towel

Lay flat on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-distance apart. Take a few slow, deep breaths.

On an exhale, bring your right knee in towards your chest and place the strap around the center arch of your foot. Hold one side of the strap in each hand (so hands and strap are shoulder-distance apart) and straighten your right leg towards the ceiling at 90 degrees. Slowly begin to straighten your left leg onto the floor. If this creates any tension in your lower back, keep the left knee bent.

Rather than working to bring your right leg closer to your body, maintain the 90-degree angle with this leg.

Maintain a soft grip on the strap as you consciously soften the sides of your neck and your shoulders down towards the floor.Ā Stay for 10 breaths. Release and come back to starting position before repeating on the second side.

4. Downward Facing Dog with Variation

Flexible woman stretching her back and arms Free Photo

Begin onĀ hands and knees in a tabletop position.Ā  Place your wrist creases in line with your shoulders and parallel to the front edges of your mat, and your knees hip-distance apart.

Inhale, and as you exhale gently draw your lower belly up and in towards your spine. Step your feetĀ back to a high plank pose with your feet hip-distance apart. Inhale, and as you exhale, lift your hips up and back into Downward Facing Dog. Keeping your hips lifted high generously bend your knees. Press your hands into the earth as you lift your hips and sense your spine growing longer. Relax your head and neck so your ears align with your upper arms.

Stay here for 5 slowĀ breaths, thenĀ begin to straighten both legs by pressing your thigh bones back towards the wall behind you. Press your heels towards the floor (they do not have to touch!) and imagine you are standing on your feet. As you breathe here, sense your spine as spacious and long.

To come out, lower your knees to the floor and rest in Childā€™s Pose.

5. Sphinx Pose

Young yogi attractive woman in upward facing dog pose, studio Free Photo

Lay flat on your belly and prop yourself up onto your forearms. Bring your elbows directly under your shoulders and your hands in line with your elbows.Ā Separate your feet to hip-distance and press the tops of your feet down into the mat as you spread your toes wide. Gently roll your inner thighs open toward the ceiling and lengthen your tailbone down towards your heels ā€“ this will help to lengthen your lower back.Ā  Hug your outer ankles in towards your mid-line and reach strongly back through your toes. Draw your lower belly up and away from the floor (it may not actually lift off of the floor, but the action of drawing up and in is important to stabilize your lower back.)

Maintain this as you energetically drag your hands and forearms back in space (they will not move!) as you encourage your sternum forward and up. Do your best to keep the tops of your shoulders down away from your ears and your neck soft.

Stay here for 5 ā€“ 10 breaths.Ā  To release, rest your forehead down on your hands.

6. Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

Group of yogi females in ardha matsyendrasana pose Free Photo

Props: Blanket Optional

Come to a seat on the floor and stretch your legs out in front of you. Place your hands on either side of your hips, press your thighs down towards the floor and simultaneously life up through the crown of your head. If your lower back is rounding in this position, sit up on a folded blanket.

Bend your right knee in towards your chest and place your right foot on the floor just in front of your right sitting bone. Keep your left leg extended out in front of you and now step your right foot to the outside of your left thigh ā€“ your right knee should continue to point towards the ceiling. Keep the legs in this position for a modified version of this twist.Ā  Otherwise, bend your left knee and bring your left heel towards your right sit bone.Ā  Lay the outside of your left leg onto the floor.Ā  From either leg variation, bring your right hand to the floor behind you.Ā  Take an inhale and stretch your left arm toward the ceiling.Ā  Exhale and rotate your torso to the right (towards your lifted knee).Ā  Hook your left arm to the outside of your right thigh near your knee.

Stay here for 5 breaths.Ā  With each inhale, actively lengthen your spine towards the ceiling and with each exhale, continue to rotate your torso to the right.Ā  Release the twist with an exhalation.Ā  Unwind the legs and return to the starting position.Ā  Repeat on the opposite side.

7. Savasana Variation

Young beaute sporty yoga girl in shavasana asana in rest pose.  full length Premium Photo

Props: Blanket or Towel

Fold a yoga blanket or a large towel in half. Starting at the long edge, begin to create a tight roll. Place the rolled blanket/towel about 2 feet away from the bottom edge of your mat. Lie flat on your back placing the rolled blanket underneath your knees. Separate your legs slightly wider than hip-distance apart and allow your feet to naturally fall open to the sides.Ā  Place your arms alongside your body with your palms facing up. If your head is not comfortably resting on the floor with your chin gently drawing down towards your chest, consider placing a folded blanket underneath your head.

Release your lower jaw away from your upper jaw and allow your tongue to soften away from the roof of your mouth.Ā  Allow the skin on your forehead to soften and allow your awareness to settle gently on your breath.

Stay here for 5 ā€“ 10 minutes.

To come out of the pose, bend your knees bringing your feet to the rolled blanket.Ā  Gently turn over onto one side and stay here for a few breaths. Use your hands to press yourself up to a seat.Ā  Take a few breaths here with your eyes closed noticing how you feel.Ā  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.


Why Active Rest Is Essentialā€”And How to Get It

Beautiful young asian woman wiping off her sweat after her morning exercise at a running track Premium Photo

Youā€™ll be happy to learn that rest days are an essential part of your fitness journey. Thatā€™s right! Get rid of the guilt you have for not hitting the gym seven days a week. But if you think rest days are for laying completely perpendicular on the couch, think again. Taking a recovery day doesnā€™t always mean doing absolutely nothing. Itā€™s time to start incorporatingĀ activeĀ rest days into your workout plan!

Why is rest important?

When you donā€™t give your body time to recover from your workouts, you run the risk of over-training. Symptoms of over-training may include extended muscle soreness, a weakened immune system, poor sleep quality, a decrease in performance during workouts, or even worse, injury. Not good!

Incorporating both active and passive rest days will give your body the time it needs to repair itself, recover, and grow. Scheduled rest days also give you permission to take a mental break from your taxing workouts and allow you to re-energize and get pumped for the next training session.

What is active rest?

Active rest days are meant to be light and easy compared to heart-pumpingĀ workouts. They will vary somewhat given your experience level. The active rest day of someone just getting started will look different and actually moreĀ intense from someone who crushes their workouts five days week. The goal is to get moving just enough to get your blood pumping and stimulate your bodyā€™s recovery process.

Opting for active over passive rest has other benefits, including elevating your mood, increasing energy levels, and helping you stick to your nutritional goals on your active days.

What can I do on active rest days?

Save Netflix bingesĀ for another time; youā€™re fit, active, and full of energy. In other words, keep it moving!

The following ideas will help you take full advantage of your time away from the squat rack:

  • Spend time focusing on dynamic warm-ups, mobility drills, foam rolling, and core strengthening exercises
  • Go for a walk in the park, or by the lake/beach
  • Ask some friends to get active outside of the gym by rock climbing, kayaking, hiking, or bowling
  • Make time to take the dog to the dog park
  • Spend time running around with the kids for quality active time
  • Make a special trip to a trampoline park
  • Play a game of kickball
  • Hit up the local playground
  • Go out dancing for date night or with friends
  • Opt for a lower intensity workout such as swimming, jogging, biking, a bodyweight workout, or hopping on the elliptical
  • Take a restorative yoga class for your muscles and your mind
  • Head to the gym for a light workout where you focus on breathing, form, and being present
  • Schedule a massage for yourself to really help those muscles relax

How long should I ā€œrestā€?

Active rest days look different for every gym-goer. For those of you attacking an intense program each day, your active rest day could be light. If youā€™re new to the fitfam and your workouts have been light to moderate, you can take a more active approach. Aim for 15 to 60 minutes of activity.

Active rest is essential for everyone!

Choose an activity that keeps you moving, makes you happy, helps you relieve stress, and stops you from counting sets and reps every day. Give yourself permission to step back and enjoy your fitness journey. Your body and mind will thank you!

Hot Yoga: All About This Must-Try Workout

Yoga group classes inside the gym Free Photo

Hot yoga is really heating up these daysā€”and we donā€™t just mean temperature-wise. This form of yogaā€”intentionally performed in a very warm and humid studioā€”continues to be a hugely popular trend. Participants say that the heat, and the warming of their muscles, allows them to go deeper into postures and have better results. The heat also intensifies the workout by elevating the heart rate and making the body work harder. For these reasons, and more, many are considering hot yoga to improve their overall health.

Check out all the reasons why hot yoga is a must-try workout to get your sweat on:

Studying Hot Yoga

hot yoga

With so much interest in hot yoga, some research has been performed to study its benefitsā€”and in many ways the jury is still out on just how beneficial the heat is to the overall results. For the most part, the studies have been short or limited, but there have certainly been some important findings to date.

While the sizzling temperature (usually 105 degrees) is at the core of hot yogaā€™s purpose, a 2018 study published inĀ Experimental PhysiologyĀ found thatā€”at least in terms of the exerciseā€™s heart benefitsā€”the temperature doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s the physical exercises performed (regardless of heat) that help benefit the heart. The researchers found that heart health, as measured by blood vessel function, improved significantly inĀ bothĀ yoga groups (those participating in hot yoga and those participating in regular yoga) which may suggest that itā€™s the yoga itself and not the heat that has an effect.

hot yoga

However, when it came to fat-burning abilities, there was a differenceā€”and it was significant. Those participating in hot yoga had more reduction in body fat percentage than those in the room temperature group. This suggests that the heat may do something to boost metabolism.

Thereā€™s no question that hot yoga can be a great calorie burner. One study from the journalĀ Medicine & Science in Sports & ExerciseĀ found that women burned an average of 333 calories during 90-minute slow-moving, heated yoga.


In a 2016 study published in theĀ International Journey of Yoga Therapy, additional benefits were found including greater flexibility and improvements in mood, fitness and staminaā€”these were self-reported. Some participants also reported dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea or dehydration, expressing the importance of remaining properly hydrated during a hot yoga session.

A Difference You Can Feel


While there may not be a tremendous number of studies backing up the health benefits of hot yoga, the anecdotal evidence appears to make up for this. In various reports and articles, hot yoga participants have expressed that it has made them more flexible, less stressed and simply feeling better, overall.

When it comes to your own workout, hot yoga might be something to try. Look for a yoga center that offers Bikram yoga, sometimes referred to as the ā€œoriginal hot yoga style.ā€ It is a version of Hatha, a traditional branch of yoga that combines breathing and postures. Every class of Bikram yoga takes place in a 105-degree room and features the same 26 set poses. It should be taught by a Bikram-certified instructor.

hot yoga

Bikram yoga begins with a standing position and pranayama breathing. A deep inhale and exhale will help provide the body with more oxygen, increase circulation, and heighten focus as class begins. The next pose is Half Moon Pose, which is often referred to as ā€œStanding Side Stretchā€ in other yoga classes.

Close-up of a woman folding yoga mat Free Photo

From there, poses will become increasingly more complexā€”and youā€™ll likely feel yourself heating up (quite literally given the temperature). Just be sure to remain adequately hydrated and take a break if you need to. Doctors advise that being lightheaded or experiencing a headache is not aĀ normalĀ side effect of hot yogaā€”rather, itā€™s a sign that youā€™re dehydrated. Of course, you should always talk to your personal doctor before beginning any new workout routine.

As you incorporate hot yoga into your workout, youā€™ll likely find yourself experiencing many of the benefitsā€”and burning off those unwanted calories. This will help get you on track to the healthy weight that youā€™re working so hard for.

Fuel your workout by checking out our menu full of diet-approved snacks

These Slow Cooker Chicken Burrito Bowls Are the Ultimate Crowd Pleaser

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Itā€™s slow cooker season!!! Okay, I know itā€™s not even September yet, but since school is about to start for my kids, I simply cannot wait any longer to start making some fall-ish recipes. And nothingā€™s cozier than getting home from work and having this chicken burrito filling bubbling up in the slow cooker ready for a healthy and filling meal.

Since Adam grew up in Southern California, heā€™s always missed the Baja-style chicken burritos he grew up on, so the night I made these for the first time he practically got down on one knee and proposed all over again. I didnā€™t mention the fact that I used store-bought verde sauce and only spent about 10 minutes preparing these ā€” Iā€™m totally fine with letting him think I slaved away all day.

For a weeknight, I like to turn the burrito filling into this yummy protein-packed bowl; if Iā€™m feeling a little more carb-y, say on a Saturday night, Iā€™ll scoop it up with all the toppings into a burrito-sized tortilla and fully enjoy a full Chipotle-style indulgence. Read on for the recipe, and let me know what youā€™re excited to mix up in your slow cooker this fall!

I love the balance of fresh crispy veggies and pico against the richer flavors of the slow cooked chicken filling. A squeeze of lime and sprinkle of jalapeƱo adds a bright note that keeps this dish from feeling at all heavy.

I only recently discovered store-bought verde enchilada sauce (I love this brandĀ if you can find it at the grocery), and it turns what could be a labor-intensive meal into something so quick and easy.

You can definitely mix up the filling ingredients with your personal fave combo, but I highly recommend making my easy black bean recipe that takes this bowlĀ over the top. Hereā€™s how I do it:

In a small saucepan, sautƩ one chopped garlic clove in a drizzle of olive oil. After about 30 seconds, add a can of black beans with all the juices from the can, along with a few cilantro sprigs and a big pinch of salt. Bring it up to a boil, then turn down to simmer for 15 minutes, stirring once in a while.

Iā€™m telling ya, SO GOOD.

I set out all the ingredients and let the fam build their own bowls with their toppings of choice. Or stuff them into tortillas ā€” either way, youā€™ve got the ultimate crowd pleaser.


Healthiest Nuts to Add to Your Diet

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If you want to lose belly fat and improve your heart health, go nutsā€”literally. Adding more nuts and seeds to your diet can give your daily nutrition more monounsaturated fats, according to research conducted by Penn State University. Diets rich in these ā€œgoodā€ fats, like the ā€œMediterranean diet,ā€ have been shown to reduce belly fat compared to diets where other fats are eaten insteadā€”which is why weā€™ve come up with a guide to choosing the healthiest nuts to add to your weight loss diet.

Those same monounsaturated fats have also been shown to control blood pressure. And according to a 2013 Spanish study, eating a diet supplemented with nuts and olive oil reduced the risk of stroke, heart attack and death by 30 percent.

So your healthā€”and your bellyā€”want you to go nuts. Just donā€™t goĀ tooĀ nuts: Because theyā€™re calorie-dense foods, itā€™s easy to go overboard. Consult theĀ Nutrisystem Grocery GuideĀ to make sure youā€™re keeping your portions in control when choosing the healthiest nuts.

Here are 10 of the healthiest nuts to help you get these heart and belly-healthy benefitsā€”as well as bonus benefits for disease prevention, appetite control and more:

1. Almonds

green goddess salad

Even if you donā€™t lose weight, eating almonds can help your belly shrink. In a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA), people with elevated LDL cholesterolā€”the ā€œbadā€ cholesterolā€”those who ate a daily snack of almonds dropped fat in their legs and bellies, even if they didnā€™t lose weight overallā€”which is why this little powerhouse made our list of healthiest nuts.

How to enjoy them: Sprinkle some on a salad to make it more filling and fight fat. This surprisingĀ Green Goddess SaladĀ features 1/2 cup of shaved almonds with Brussels sprouts, edamame and kale for a flavor youā€™ll love.

2. Pistachios


Those shells are a savior for portion control: If you keep the pile of pistachio shells near you as you snack, it could help signal to your brain that youā€™ve eaten enough. In one study of students published in the journalĀ Appetite, those who had to shell their pistachios ate 41 percent fewer calories than those who got pre-shelled nutsā€”but both groups felt just as satisfied and filled up from the snack.

How to enjoy them: With the shells on! OnĀ Nutrisystem, 2 Tablespoons of pistachios is one PowerFuel.

Superfood Saturday: The Power of Pistachios

3. Walnuts

walnut oatmeal

Feed not just your body, but your brain: Like salmon, walnuts have omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help with memory and brain functions. In one study published inĀ Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, rats who were given walnuts for 28 days ate less food overall while increasing their ability to complete a mazeā€”making them fitter in both mind and body.

How to enjoy them: Add crunch to your oatmeal with a serving of walnuts. This bowl ofĀ Banana Nut Overnight OatmealĀ even takes the morning rush out of making themā€”mix oats, almond milk, bananas, walnuts and other ingredients together before bed, and wake up to a sweet, crunchy, delicious breakfast you can feel great about.

4. Cashews

blueberry balls

While all tree nuts can help with hypertension, cashews bring some extra help to your blood pressure (BP): Magnesium. According to the National Institutes of Health, this mineral helps lower blood pressure and aids in blood sugar control. These little elbow-shaped nuts donā€™t stop there, though. Cashews are also loaded with copper, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, which can help your body use iron from your diet to form more red blood cells.

How to enjoy them: In our antioxidant-packedĀ Blueberry Burst Energy Balls.Ā Cashews help keep these sweet orbs together, while blueberries bring the sweetness in this easy, snackable recipe.

Superfood Saturday: Get Creative with Cashews

5. Pecans

healthiest nuts

According to Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center, Georgians must have fantastic cholesterol scores: Eating a daily snack of their favorite nut can help lower ā€œbadā€ cholesterol by as 16.5 percent, more than the American Heart Associationā€™s ā€œStep Iā€ diet. Itā€™s thought that this cholesterol-lowering result is due to antioxidantsā€”these compounds block oxidation of blood lipids, whch doesnā€™t let your cholesterol levels go up.

How to enjoy them: In pie, duh. To stay on plan while getting your pecan pie fix, opt for these miniĀ Maple Chocolate Pecan Pies, which have just 90 calories per serving.

6. Pine Nuts

healthiest nuts

People have been eating pine nuts since before Greek times, but science is now showing how they can help control your appetite: In one study published by the American Physiological Society, women who had pine nut oil had significantly less desire to eat 30 minutes later. The polyunsaturated fats in the nut oil are theorized to be the reason for this appetite suppressant effect.

How to enjoy them: Add pine nuts to the filling power of Greek yogurtā€™s protein in this surprisingĀ Savory Tahini Yogurt Parfait.

Air Fryer Spiced Nuts

7. Macadamia Nuts

healthiest nuts

These Hawaiian wonders didnā€™t used to be included on the list of healthiest nutsā€”macadamias were considered too saturated to be healthy. But one study conducted by Penn State University found that they still lowered cholesterol by 9.4 percent when eaten in moderation each day. Scientists believe thereā€™s ā€œsomething elseā€ in macadamias that lets them do this trick. Maybe itā€™s deliciousness.

How to enjoy them: In thisĀ Tropical Shrimp Salad withĀ Lemon Herb Dressing. Itā€™s got mango, pineapple, macadamia nuts, shrimp ā€¦ all kinds of delightful ingredients that make it feel like a treat.

8. Hazelnuts

healthiest nuts

Theyā€™re usually masked in chocolate, but hazelnuts have the nutritional power to stand on their own: According to a study conducted by Oregon State University, not only do they have the healthy fats youā€™ll find in other tree nuts, but they help older adults increase their micronutrient levels, which has been associated with lower risks of age-related health problems like Alzheimerā€™s.

How to enjoy them: In your own custom nut butter! FollowĀ these instructionsĀ to use your food processor to whip up your own, healthier hazelnut spread.

How to Choose Your Nut Butter

9. Soy Nuts

healthiest nuts

If youā€™re on the hunt for a one of the healthiest nuts with protein, look no further: According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), crunchy little soy nuts have 12 grams of the filling, muscle-building nutrient in every ounce.Ā  And according to the USDA, thatā€™s twice as much protein as an egg!

How to enjoy them: Snack on them! A half-ounce of soy nutsā€”about 2 tablespoonsā€”counts as one PowerFuel onĀ Nutrisystem.

10. Peanuts

healthiest nuts

Yeah, yeah, we know: Peanuts arenā€™t nuts. But peanut butter makes everything betterā€”it adds sweetness, helps ingredients stick together, and just makes everything more yum. No wonder itā€™s in so many of our readersā€™ favorite recipes on The Leaf. Recipes likeĀ smoothies,Ā homemade candy barsĀ Ā andĀ poppable peanut butter cups. This versatile butter is aĀ NutrisystemĀ favoriteā€”even if itā€™s not a real nut!


14 Incredibly Delicious Ways to Cook With Zucchini This Month

While there are loads of amazing fruits and veggies in season in August, zucchini might just be my favorite. And, letā€™s be honest, theyā€™re totally having a moment right now.

Zucchini is one of those vegetables that can be featured as the star of the show or take a backseat and provide some support to the main dish. No matter how you choose to use this summer squash, its health benefits (weā€™re talkingĀ vitamin C, magnesium, and its anti-inflammatory effect) and its neutral flavor make it a fantastic vegetable to incorporate into your cooking.

So, crack open thatĀ hummus and dip in some zucchini circles, opt for zoodles instead of pasta, or make your momā€™s famous zucchini bread. Scroll on for some of the tastiest zucchini recipes weā€™ll be making all month long.

Zucchini Lasagna with Vegan Ricotta from Camille Styles

Crispy Garlic Parmesan Zucchini Fritters from eatwell101

Corn and Zucchini Salad with Feta from Bon Appetit

Enchilada Stuffed Zucchini Boats from Camille Styles

Simplest Zucchini Parmesan Pasta by Half Baked Harvest

The Best Zucchini Bread by Good Housekeeping

Zucchini & Mushroom Galette from Camille Styles

Tomato Zucchini Frittata from Love and Lemons

Canal Houseā€™s Marinated Zucchini from Food52

Zucchini Lemon Muffins from King Arthur Flour

Baked Zucchini Chips from Camille Styles

Summer Fresh Corn and Zucchini Chowder from Little Broken

Zucchini Noodle Pesto Pasta from Camille Styles

3 Cheese Zucchini ā€œRavioliā€ with Roasted Tomato Basil Sauce from Half Baked Harvest

Zucchini Shrimp Scampi from Damn Delicious


3 Ways to Blast Your Belly Fat

Image result for fat belly

We asked our Facebook fans about their biggest bare-the-body worry: a fat belly, a saggy butt or flabby arms. Not surprisingly, nearly 80 percent chose a fat belly. One Facebook fan said, ā€œI am physically activeā€¦[and] am losing weight, but my stomach wonā€™t get flat enough.ā€ Sheā€™s hardly alone.

So, why is belly fat so stubbornā€”and how can you get rid of it? We went to our experts for answers. Hereā€™s what we discovered.

Why belly fat is so stubborn
1. Youā€™re too stressed.Ā Stress hormones not only encourage your body to pack on more pounds in general, but alsoĀ more belly fat in particular.

2. Youā€™re getting older.Ā According to Dr. Mehmet Oz, ā€œThe older you get, the more reluctant belly fat becomes.ā€ He adds, ā€œDoing what you’ve done in the past is most likely not going to work as well as it once did. You’ve got to change it up.ā€

3. Youā€™re eating for speed.Ā Packaged foods contain your bellyā€™s biggest enemies: partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats) and simple carbs. Trans fats increase the fat in your midsection, says Dr. Dean Ornish. They even redistribute fat from other parts of the body to the belly.

Three ways to blast that belly fat
You canā€™t spot-reduce belly fat. To lose fat anywhere on your body, youā€™ll need to eat less and move more. And remember, says personal trainer Jeff Croswell, ā€œThis fat didn’t come on overnight . . . so to think that it will come off overnight is ridiculous.ā€ Try these tips to speed your success.

1. Eat the right fats.Ā Make sure your diet is full of belly-bustingĀ monounsaturated fats,Ā found in nuts, seeds, olives and olive oil, and avocados.Ā Green teaĀ is another fat burner.

2. Choose the right moves.Surprise! Crunches and sit-ups are often ineffective when it comes to shaving inches from your waistline. Dr. Oz suggests yoga as your belly-blasting alternative.

3. Get more sleep.Ā According to sleep expert Dr. Michael Breus, lack of ZZZs affects levels of several hormones that influence appetite. Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep a night, and you should see a flatter belly sooner.

Dropping belly fat wonā€™t just make you look better, it will make you healthier, too. Thatā€™s because carrying extra weight in your abdomen puts you at increased risk for everything from diabetes to heart disease to cancer.

For those of you who are more worried about a saggy butt, try Dr. Mike Clarkā€™sĀ butt and thigh workout.Ā If you need a little extra help slimming down and getting into shape, try exercises designed to target yourĀ trouble spots.


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Today we are going to talk about the lower leg muscles (the calf and the shin), particularly about the calf (gastrocnemius muscle) and the soleus muscle. Donā€™t hurry to put away the article, I strongly recommend you read it even if you are sure that you know a lot about the topic. Itā€™s something to study for both men and women!


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Before we continue, please answer my question: ā€œWhat exercise do you perform more STANDING Calf Raise or SEATED Calf Raise? If your answer was STANDING Calf Raise it means that you have to read the article from cover to cover. If you donā€™t know in which position the gastrocnemius muscle or the soleus muscle works and which muscle is 2 times bigger than the other, this information youā€™ll need like the air. Either way your lower leg muscles will remain the same and you will always wear pants covering these muscles from people! Your body must be harmonically developed, itā€™s especially very important for a real athlete.

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Do you know what muscle group is called as a second heart and why? If you are surprised and shocked then this article will shed light on this question too. There arenā€™t much said and written but to be aware of this information is important, not only in terms of esthetics but in terms of good health.

Letā€™s discuss it step by step. Why is it important to place emphasis on the soleus muscle? And by no means donā€™t ignore SEATED Calf Raise. The thing is that the soleus muscle makes up three quarters of all lower leg muscles Ā¾ ā€œ75%ā€ and the gastrocnemius muscle makes up just one quarter Ā¼ ā€œ25%ā€. Despite the fact that the soleus muscle is under the gastrocnemius muscle, its size determines general muscle bulk and forms an external impression of what your lower legs looks like.

Iā€™ll give another example referring to our favourite biceps: many people train it so hard till they are blue in the face but the muscle doesnā€™t visually increase in size though it grows. Why!? Everything is simple for those who study anatomy : biceps lies on the surface of the muscle called brachialis , so if you donā€™t work on it, as your biceps increase in volume they will cave in.


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Itā€™s a different story if you regularly perform such exercises as Reverse Barbell Curl and hammer curls. These exercises really build your brachialis that ā€œpushesā€ the biceps making you proud of the result and showing it to others. But when did you do last these exercises?

The same thing happens to your lower leg muscles: if you donā€™t train the soleus muscle, you wonā€™t get lower leg muscles look bigger no matter how hard you worked on them.


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  I wonā€™t tell you much about anatomy because you can always find it online. I just tell you about some peculiarities (nuances) that will be really useful for what and why you do something in terms of these muscles. Why your calves (lower legs) sore even when you perform Hamstring curl; it happens more to beginners and girls in particular. The calves or in other words the triceps surae (/ĖˆtraÉŖsɛps ĖˆsjŹŠÉ™riĖ/) (“three-headed [muscle] of the calf”) has 3 heads – the superficial portion is the two-headed GASTROCNEMIUS and the deep mass of muscle ā€“ THE SOLEUS forms the remaining head.ā€‹Best Shape at the Best Gym in Orlando - Iron Religion Gym 24/7

Both of them have different attachments but taper and merge at the base of the calf muscle. Tough connective tissue at the bottom of the calf muscle merges with the Achilles tendon. The Achilles tendon inserts into the heel bone (calcaneus). The gastrocnemius attaches to lateral and medial epicondyne (to the base of the femur (thigh bone)) whereas medial epicondyne is lower and better developed. The functions of these epicondyles are knee flexion (now you understand why the calves are sore after Hamstring curl) and ankle plantar flexion (elevate the heel). Also these muscles stabilize your body during a movement. The function of the soleus muscle is only to raise the heel (known as ankle plantar flexion).

Now itā€™s time to discuss the nuances of training and some myths.Ā More often the lower leg muscles donā€™t get enough training.

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Just remember how many sets and exercises you do when you work out on your chest or biceps and now you remember how many sets you do working out on your lower leg muscles and when?! Whatever strange it may seem but small lower leg muscles can be not only because of poor training but also because of excessive training. The most often reason is an improper training.


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  There are some coaches who you can also blame for not growing lower leg muscles because they claim that these muscles, abs and forearm are special kind of muscles and differ from the other muscles so they need special workouts. Despite the fact that lower leg musclesā€™ work is immense, the correlation of oxidative muscle fibers and glycolic fibers are almost the same as in the other muscles of your body. So there is a scientific rationale to that fact and speaks for itself that you need to train lower leg muscles from the same perspective as you train the rest of your muscle groups.


Anatomically, the gastrocnemius muscle works at its maximum when your knee is straightened and the soleus muscle ā€“ with knee bent. Keeping in mind this information and that fact that the soleus muscle is bigger and makes your lower legs
muscles looks more bulky build your workout split. Plus remember that the soleus muscle requires a big amount of work, the same with your triceps and biceps.


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  The majority of people train lower leg muscles doing many reps and totally forget to train them performing just a few reps with bigger weight and that is the main mistake because it must be exactly opposite. Of course high reps are needed but you have to place emphasis on low reps and bigger weights.


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  There is no need to train lower leg muscles more than once in 3-5 days because you might overload them but donā€™t do it less than once in 5 days.Ā Pay your attention to classic cardio which burns up your muscles more than fat and if you have problems with gaining muscle bulk and you are keen on classic cardio, forget about your muscles growing.


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  When you perform seated or standing calf raise you should keep up with this rule which will help you to load either the soleus muscle or the gastrocnemius: raise your feet only with the help of the big toes, focusing on it in your mindā€™s eye. What about your feet placement: I recommend you to hold them parallel to each other or slightly shift your toes inward when you work out with big weights. So, it will help you to avoid injuries. When you perform high reps or you have stato-dynamic workout then you can experiment with your feet placement.

When you start treating your lower legs muscles with the same love and devotion as your chest or biceps and trying to make them stronger, only then they return your love back through the increasing of muscle bulk.


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  If you have convulsions it tells you about overworked muscles. Muscle spasms are an evidence of possible shortage of macro nutrients and nerves stimulation, in addition venous and arterial circulation disorders.


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Choosing the same training program as well as the load or you endeavor to overcome excessive load will lead you to a serious injury. Thatā€™s why you have to keep up with periodization and cyclical load.


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  I recommend you to train the lower legs in such an order: one workout you devote to the soleus muscle and another one to the gastrocnemius muscle and ā€œkillā€ the soleus with high reps or using stato-dynamic. The third workout start with the soleus muscle and train it using low reps and big weights and after work on the gastrocnemius performing high reps. The main thing is put an emphasis on the soleus muscle and change every workout according to periodization, training each type of muscle fiber one after another.

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Ā Everything that we have discussed in this article was about aesthetics, so now letā€™sĀ  talk about training the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscle in terms of saving and strengthening your HEALTH.

These muscles are called THE SECOND HEART by doctors as they maintain good blood circulation. If the majority knew what we were previously talking about then this information will be new for you and even a kind of revelation.

Lower leg muscleā€™s contraction, the soleus muscle in particular, compresses the thin-walled veins, helping the blood to come back to the heart. It happens due to the fact that veins have special valves which prevent the blood moving through the veins from the heart against the effects of gravity.

In conclusion we understand the importance of training lower leg muscles, the soleus muscle in particular. Everybody should train these muscles and especially athletes. An ordinary person can train them at home, walk more as possible, and avoid an elevator so that will be also a good workout for your lower legs.


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Walls of arteries are thicker and more elastic than veins but blood comes back to heart through the veins. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so important to train muscles which contribute towards blood moving though the veins. The muscles of lowers legs are so important that are called SECOND HEART. When we are standing or walking, the heart provides blood circulation through the arteries where the soleus muscle helps to return blood back to the heart.

When the vein muscle pump stops working properly, the heart canā€™t create good blood pressure and as a result is a shortage of nutrients. Only the cardiovascular system provides all bodyā€™s tissues with nutrients and oxygen through the blood.


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Consequently youā€™ll get headaches, permanent tiredness, varicose veins, swollen legs (water retention in the legs), dizziness, poor sight, cognitive disorder and also joint and muscle pain.

The best way to avoid it is to train the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscle. But who did get such a piece of advice from doctors?! You are advised anything, even compression garmentsā€¦ to my mind itā€™s marketing strategy though.


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Work out my friends and donā€™t ignore such small but important (significant) muscles as the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscle.
Hope my article was useful to YOU. Donā€™t forget to share it on social media!

Reasons Why Youā€™re Gaining Weight While Working Out Explained

Let us set the scene: youā€™ve been working really hard at the gym and trying your best to stick to a healthy diet but when you step on the scale you see a higher number than you expected. Donā€™t panic! Lots of people have experienced gaining weight while working out, itā€™s actually pretty common and youā€™re not alone. There are lots of factors to consider when weight loss is concerned so before you let yourself get discouragedā€”check out five reasons you may not be seeing the weight loss you planned for.

Water Retention

When you first start exercising your body will naturally go through many changes in the first few months. New exercises can lead to inflammation or small tears in your muscle fibers as you build muscle mass. Your body will respond to this inflammation by temporarily retaining water. Let your body heal! Drink plenty of water, eat well and get as much sleep as you can. As a rule of thumb, you should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you should be drinking no less than 70 ounces of water a day.

Glycogen Conversion

Your body provides energy to your muscles by converting glycogen, or sugar, into glucose. When you begin exercising regularly your body stores more glycogen to fuel the extra movement. Glycogen has to bind with water in order fuel your muscles. As exercise becomes more routine over time, your muscles will become more efficient and need less glycogen to maintain your energy. As that happens, your muscles will retain less water and you will see that added weight come off!

High-Calorie Diets

In order to shed the pounds, you must have a caloric deficit. It can be difficult to keep track of everything you eat but try logging your meals once a week to check in on how much youā€™reĀ actuallyeating (and drinking!). If youā€™re taking in more calories than you are working offā€”you wonā€™t see the weight loss you are working towards. However, donā€™t try and shave off too many calories from your diet, that wonā€™t help either and itā€™s not sustainable or healthy. Make small adjustments. Eat fewer processed foods and more whole foods (think foods on the outer walls of the grocery store) to round out your diet.


Weight loss is not a linear process and you arenā€™t going to see immediate resultsā€”no matter how much work you put in. If you didnā€™t gain 30 pounds overnight, you canā€™t expect to lose it that quickly either. Our bodies are incredible machines and when you introduce something new: exercise or dietary changes, our bodies need to recalibrate and make adjustments. Depending on the person, it can take weeks and even months for your body to respond. Be patient.

Muscle Gains

Muscle mass weighs more than fat mass and you will undoubtedly gain weight from lean muscle gains. While your clothes may feel looser, the scale may tell you otherwise. This is a win! Youā€™re working a well-rounded program that includes both strength and conditioning and now youā€™re reaping the reward. And, for the record, Iā€™ve been a trainer for almost 15 years, and Iā€™ve never owned a scale. It doesnā€™t tell your story but signals like inches down, a sense of wellness, and feeling stronger than you were before are what you should use to track progress moving forward.

Try not to get too discouraged by what the number on the scale says. Whatā€™s really important is making healthy happen and investing in your health. How much you weigh is not nearly as critical as how great you feel in and outside of the gym.

How to Make the Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Bowl of Your Dreams

When you discover a good thing, it can be hard not to dive in headfirst! TellĀ everyoneĀ you know, and eat, eat, eat. I fell into this trap when I discovered an irresistible smoothie bowl. You may have seen them on your Instagram feeds in all their fruity, colorful glory.

The obvious hurdle is that buying smoothie bowls regularly isnā€™t sustainable, especially if youā€™re tight on time, money, or calories. So, what do you do? Find a way to mimic the goodness!

Smoothie Bowl Steps

Smoothie bowls are very similar to smoothies, theyā€™re just consumed in a different way (spoon, not straw), and include additional toppings and texture. So, start with your favorite smoothie recipe, blending fruit, some greens (spinach, kale), ice, milk (soy, almond), juice (orange, pomegranate, carrot) or yogurt (greek), and a little healthy sweetener (agave syrup, maple syrup, honey). Have fun with it and try your favorite flavors. You can even make two different smoothies to combine in the same bowl for more interesting bites. Keep thickness in mind overall, as you wonā€™t want it too soupy.

  • Choose colorful fruit toppings.

The trick is in the toppings. Consider your base and then add complimentary (but not necessarily identical) fruit like blueberries, strawberries, bananas, passion fruit, and raspberries. This is your chance to try something new or uncommon. Whenā€™s the last time you had a kiwi? Try a little on top.

Texture is key. You donā€™t want everything to be smooth, so add some healthy seeds (chia, sunflower, hemp, etc.), grains (granola, oats), and/or nuts (walnut, pumpkin, almond). A little unsweetened coconut flakes sprinkled on top is a nice finishing touch.

Beware of sweetened yogurt, high-calorie granola, and other unnatural, processed ingredients. Stay as fresh as possible, and know that youā€™ll get a lot of sweetness from the smoothie and additional fruit toppings. You may even find you want a dollop of crĆØme fraĆ®che or plain greek yogurt on top to tame things!

  • Have fun with the design.

Just like the ā€œrecipe,ā€ which can be varied in a million ways, have fun with the assembly. Pro tip: It usually looks nicer if toppings are added in chunks, in their own space; and itā€™s best if the heaviest items go last.Ā You can always mix it and lose the pretty when eating!

  • Admire your creation. Then dig in!

Thatā€™s it. Whether or not your final bowl is Instagram-worthy, you can pat yourself on the back for starting the day with a healthy breakfast. Way to go!

If youā€™re looking for more specific direction, find manyĀ smoothie bowl recipes online.

4 Ways to Stay Motivated During Your Workout

Weā€™re all tempted to cheat on our workout at timesā€”whether youā€™re talking yourself out of doing that last set, debating if youĀ reallyĀ need to do cardio today, or convincing yourself toĀ not do leg day so you can walk tomorrow, experiencing a lack of motivationĀ inĀ the gym can be just as detrimental as experiencing it before you get there.

We believe that the only workout hurdles that test us are the ones we jump over, so weā€™ve compiled a list of ways to stay invested during yourĀ entireworkout. Youā€™ve got this!

Make it a friendly competition.

Even if you donā€™t have a competitive nature, having to push your efforts in relation to someone elseĀ can be a major motivator. Whether itā€™s the stranger running on the treadmill next to you or a dedicated workout partner thatā€™s a little bit closer to where you want to be, letting someone elseā€™s motivation rub off on you will help you push yourself farther, keep going longer and stop you from being tempted to quit.

Make a bet.

FromĀ fitness accountability appsĀ to friends who wonā€™t let you off the hook, there are plenty of ways to hold yourself accountableā€”especially when thereā€™s cash on the line. Make a bet with yourself, a friend or an online community about a goal of yours. Whether itā€™s frequency of workouts for the next two weeks, amount of progress made over the next three months or the amount youā€™re able to deadlift this time next year, putting your paycheck on the line will make you think twice about skipping that extra rep

Treat yourself.

Setting physical goals are great, but what powers you to achieve them? The satisfaction isnā€™t always enough incentive for you to see your goals through, so try giving yourself a tangible reward! A new pair of headphones or maybe a pair of jeans, even a dinner at your favorite restaurant are all awesome ways you an encourage yourself to stay motivated.

Consider a trainer.

Many people think that they donā€™t need a personal trainer if they know what theyā€™re doing, butĀ working with a trainer at any levelĀ can help kick your workout into overdrive. Having a professional there to remind you about form, technique, and following through on each rep will take you further, encourage you to work harder and keep you dedicated for the full duration of your workout.

Sometimes motivation is hard to come byā€¦but with these tips, youā€™ll be ready to kill it at the gym for the entire time, every time!