Best Tasty Vegan Recipes

Want To Cook Ridiculously Tasty Vegan Recipes From Scratch But Have No Idea Where To Start?” 

What is veganism?

Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, such as meat, fish and poultry. Vegans also abstain from eating dairy, eggs and honey as well as not wearing fur, leather, wool down or using cosmetics or chemical products tested on animals.

The Plant-Based Recipe Cookbook Includes over 100 mouth-watering recipes for Everyone to Enjoy!

There’s JUST ONE REASON you might be struggling as a Vegan and it has everything to do with your ability to make delicious high protein food, FAST.

With this stunningly simple cookbook I’ll show you how to cook savory, mouth-watering meals in minutes for some of the busiest Vegan eaters in the world.

Fellow Plant-Based Friends

Let’s be serious here…

You’re here because you already know a vegan diet is healthier than any other diet that exists. Research shows there’s been a 600% increase in the number of people who have made the switch to a vegan diet.

With the growing number of plant-based enthusiasts constantly on the rise, there has never been a better time to eliminate meat and dairy from your diet.

If you’ve spent any time at all on social media, you’d probably think a good portion of the world was vegan. 

And why not? With over 90 million #vegan posts on Instagram alone, it’s easy to say why Plant-based foods are one of the hottest trends in the food industry right now.

vegan trending
vegan trends

It’s No Surprise Why Millions, Including Famous Celebrities, Have Made The Switch To A Vegan Diet.

vegan celebrities

Discover The Amazing Benefits Of A Plant-Based Diet

Weight Loss

Reduce risk of diabetes and heart disease

Helps combat obesity
 in all age groups

Increased fiber intake

Plant Based Eating


There’s no debate when you look at the latest evidence.

Eating a whole-food, plant-based vegan diet, without the consumption of meat or dairy is beneficial for our health and wellbeing.

Vegan foods such as vegetables, fruit, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds are low in saturated fat.  Even high-fat plant foods (such as avocados, nuts, and seeds), contain no cholesterol whatsoever, so a vegan diet is cholesterol-free. 

A vegan diet is also packed with antioxidants and fibers which can enhance your health, your body, and muscle recovery.

Eating a whole-food, plant-based diet without meat, dairy or eggs can help lower your cholesterol and improve your heart health.


As I’m sure you’ve heard, countless individuals around the world have turned to a vegan lifestyle in order to regain their health, energy, vitality, and power. Here are just a few of the benefits that people actually report.

A Healthier Heart

Harvard researchers tracked the health habits of about 110,000 people for 14 years and found that the higher folks’ intakes of fruits and vegetables, the lower their chances of developing cardiovascular disease. Specifically, people who averaged eight-plus servings of fruits and veggies a day were 30 percent less likely to have a heart attack or stroke, compared to those who had less than 1.5 daily servings.

weight loss
Weight Loss Results
There’s plenty of research suggesting vegans tend to consume fewer calories, and thus weigh less and have lower body mass indexes than non-vegetarians.Today, there are tons of plant-based recipes that will leave you feeling fuller on few calories so you don’t have to worry about gaining weight. As long as you stay clear of vegan processed food you’ll be fine.
Clearer, Smoother Skin

Cutting back on animal products also means skipping much of their saturated fats, which are notorious for clogging pores. Plus, many of the vitamins, pigments, and phytochemicals in fruits and veggies contribute to healthy skin. The lycopene in tomatoes, for example, helps protect your skin from sun damage, and vitamin C in sweet potatoes smooths wrinkles by stimulating the production of collagen.

vegan fitness

It’s been proven again and again you don’t need animal products to thrive.

We’re no longer living in the dark ages.. Our understanding has evolved and in the process we have come to learn that eating animals is no longer the necessity we once believed it to be.

People from all over the world are setting world records and becoming world champions on a vegan diet. 

Dispel all vegan protein myths that you hear because you can still build muscle and get strong by eating delicious plant-based recipes found on this page. 

When you eliminate meat and dairy from your diet, your health will improve dramatically and you will look and feel better than you ever did before…

Maximum Nutrition, Minimum Interference!


  • Put maximum nutrition INTO your body… and…
  • Reduce or eliminate toxins and “interference”.

The first one seems pretty obvious…People who eat a vegan diet eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, chickpeas, nuts, and seeds. These foods are loaded with essential nutrition.

The second principle is just as fundamental, but less apparent. It means that when we avoid toxins hidden packaged/processed food…and the many hidden toxins in meat alternatives, our bodies begin to clean out and detoxify.

This allows our cells to expend less energy in actually fighting off foreign substances and more on rebuilding, growth, and rejuvenation.

And as a result we notice a myriad of health benefits when we adopt a vegan diet.

Now…Imagine seeing and feeling the positive changes in your body and health than any other diet you have tried before.

Because you will be getting all the essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats and the accompanying recipes offer healthy and tasty ways to enjoy them.

There’s only one little problem…

Why Most People Fail To Stick To A Vegan Diet?

plant based diet

Now giving the amazing results that eating a vegan diet, you’d think it was easy to stick to it?

Truth is, a plant-based lifestyle doesn’t mean you have to force down the same boring, bland foods every single day.

And on top of that, preparing tasty, nutritious vegan meals doesn’t have to be difficult at all. The Plant-based cookbook provides tasty, easy to prepare recipes that are healthy.

And now, for the first time…

We’ve Teamed Up With The Most Influential Community Of Plant-Based Enthusiasts…

 …To Bring You Over 100 Flavourful High Protein Vegan Recipes

Sure, cookbooks from a top chef are nice. But what if you had one from a respected chef (yours truly!) AND hundreds of living, active, healthy plant-based experts?

Well, ask and you shall receive. The Plant-based cookbook is full of recipes that can be prepared and cooked in under 30 minutes or less.

With The Plant-Based Recipe Cookbook you’ll get that much and more. The recipes come in a beautiful full-color cookbook that you can view right from your computer, tablet, or phone from any location.

It is the ultimate guide for making the Vegan Diet amazingly good-tasting, fun and full of the variety that not only makes you healthier but also satisfies your taste buds and cravings.

It’s everything you could ever want in a guide for how to eat properly the Vegan way without compromising taste or convenience.

Why people fail to stick to a Plant Based Diet

The cookbook contains real-food that you can easily find at your local supermarket, including a variety of tofu, tempeh soy products, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

With the right ingredients, you will be able to prepare tasty recipes with ease.

So even if you are a meat-eater and want to try a vegan for 30 days, then there are plenty of meat-free recipes that you will love!

Flavourful Vegan Recipes Covering Everything From Burrito Bowls To Chocolate Mousse

Peanut Butter Quinoa
Tofu Curry
fudge bars
Chickpea Flour Omelet
Roasted Chickpea Wrap
Sweet Potato Curry

You’ll Also Get Some Bonus Green Smoothie Recipes From Our Special Recipe Categories

Green Smoothie Diet

Yes, it’s hard to believe these are actually on any “diet” – but again, Plant-based is not a diet at all.

And if eating foods like daily wasn’t enough, you’ll be getting slimmer… more energized…have better muscle definition…sick less often…your mood will be better…your skin brighter…and so much more!

Still wondering if this is for you?

The Plant-Based Recipe Cookbook Is For ANYONE Serious About THRIVING On A Vegan Diet – For Life!

The recipes that you will find in this book are universally loved so it doesn’t matter if your an elite athlete or a stay-at-home mom, there are recipes for everyone to enjoy.

Remember: When you consume foods derived from plants and eliminate animal products, you will begin to trigger a wave of rejuvenation throughout your body one that’s visible on your midsection, your muscle tone, skin, hair, face and much more.

This is just one reason why so many people from all walks of life are turning to the Plant-based diet because it cuts out unhealthy items like sugars and refined grains. 

The great thing about eating plant-based foods is you can eat a lot without worrying about calories or gaining weight, this is true especially when you focus on whole foods. This isn’t about eating in moderation, no, it’s about living abundantly off the good stuff! 

This is what makes a Plant-based diet work is being able to make a variety of meals that taste good to you… so that you never get bored and always feel great about what you’re eating.

The World Is Trending Towards A Vegan Diet

For proof, everyone from celebrities to athletes to entire companies like Google and countries as big as China are all supports of eating more plant-based foods….there is nothing else like this, quite simply, because there’s no other community quite like vegan!

The plant-based movement is getting bigger and so people from all over the world are starting to make conscious, healthier food choices than ever before.

After you get your copy of The Plant-based Cookbook – TODAY – you can begin eating healthy meals that do not result in you eating bland, boring or tasteless foods…

The recipes in The Plant-based Cookbook are healthy and rich in protein and do not contain any animal ingredients. Rest assured, you will get all the essential nutrients that your body needs to function properly.

You will be preparing and cooking with fresh ingredients that shouldn’t take you no more than 20-30 minutes to cook these tasty meals. 

plant based ingredients

All the ingredients with simple foods instructions are laid out for you so you know how to make amazingly good meals without taking forever or breaking the bank.

You’ll even learn how to make delicious “vegan desserts” that aren’t overloaded with sugar, cream or flour…

Quick And Easy Recipes That Ensure You Never Have To Eat A Boring Meal – Ever, Again!

The Plant-based Cookbook contains plenty of breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and dessert recipes (nearly 100 when you include the bonuses!)

There are plenty of vegan options within the following categories that will excite your taste-buds, that are worthy of a dinner party.

You will also get a variety of “special categories” that will help you indulge in soups…sandwiches and tofu omelets and so much more all 100% by following plant-based principles!

I’ve gone to great lengths to include popular vegan recipes to make this diet delicious, with plenty of variety each day.

No prior cooking experience required! You will be able to whip up a meal even if you’re a total novice or a lazy cook! The recipes are simple to make so you’ll be a pro in no time!

Here’s Just A Sample Of What You Get…

Simple Vegan Recipes


With a wide variety of done-for-you healthy vegan recipes that will wow non-vegans! Your friends or family will never turn down these meals after taking one bite!

Vegan Meal Prep


There’s no guesswork, and each recipe offers simple and clear instructions, so you can prepare your meals easily. 

Vegan Grocery


Includes a Complete Grocery shopping table that provides you with tons of food items that you can buy and add to your grocery list.

To Further Speed Your Success And Results With The Plant-Based Recipe Cookbook, We’re Also Giving You Bonus Gifts Worth $165 Absolutely Free!

As a special one-time offer for anyone who buys on this page now, we’re also going to throw in free of charge five powerful Plant-Based manuals that take your results to the next level.

These manuals help combat the two biggest reasons why people don’t get the start they need to stay vegan…

  • They don’t have the initial momentum needed to keep them on the plan until the amazing results become apparent…and…..
  • Social gatherings and eating at restaurants either become a downer or they “cheat” which leads to guilt and frustration and ultimately to giving up…

Well, Not anymore!

Let’s see what you’ll find inside the cookbook bundle:


If you were like me and you hated spending time in the kitchen, and just want to cook a quick vegan meal that tastes great, then this cookbook has more than 100 vegan recipes from, cereals, omelets, smoothies, salads, soups, main dishes and snacks!

  • The many Perks and Benefits that the Plant-Based Diet can give you and why you should follow it
  • 100+ Tasty and easy recipes that you can cook in less than 30 minutes. You don’t even have to think about what to cook, just read this book and your mouth will water
  • Delicious Vegan Wholesome Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and also Dessert and Snacks
  • Complete Grocery shopping table that provides you with tons of food items that you can buy and add to your grocery list
  • And…so on!


Don’t want to wait? Take the 30 day jumpstart challenge and feel the difference a plant-based diet can make in your life.  

This jump start guide will get you started on a Vegan Diet journey, and make sure you can actually make a permanent, positive change in your health.

This guide will help you to improve your overall health, shed a few pounds and in the end reach your goals. When you pick the right foods and approach your health properly, your quality of life – from your energy levels, happiness, sex drive, and more, will improve.

So if you want to dive right in and get going as fast as possible, make sure to read this bonus.

green smoothie lifestyle


Looking for a simple way to adopt a healthier lifestyle and gain more energy? 

If you’re interested in trying out  a raw foods diet if you are trying  to increase your healthy eating habits,  give green smoothies a try.

By filling up on a healthy green  smoothie rather than processed and
fattening foods, you will soon be able  to fit into those old jeans you never
dreamed you would be able to button again.

vegan shoppingl ist


Reach your optimal health, weight and energy by eating the foods you enjoy. I have created a printable list of plant-based foods that you can download and use to help you vary your food options when making a trip to the grocery store. The grocery list provides tons of food items that you can add to your grocery list. 


If you order today, you’ll also receive 4 Free Meal Plans….

Get 4 sample 2000 – 3500 calorie menus for fat loss, muscle gain and weight maintenance weight, while getting the nutrients you need to thrive!


plant based cookbook bundle

Overall we could easily sell these items separately for $20 each, or charge over $150 for the entire package. But you won’t have to pay $150 or $100. Not Even $50.


$150 $19.95

Just click “Add to Cart” now and start preparing delicious plant-based meals and make your days full of energy!

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Please note the package contains digital downloads and no physical products will be shipped to you.

What Our Customers Have To Say!

diane lynch

Diane Lynch

I have always based most of my meals off of plant-based recipes on Instagram, so it’s great to finally have a book with all the recipes in one place…AMAZING! The best cookbook you can buy, delicious, healthy and fresh meals that are super easy to prepare. If you are looking for one recipe book for vegans or non-vegans – this is it!!!

Like •  Reply • 10h

Hannah Jones

This is a wonderful book for information and inspiration for anyone who wants to eat a plant-based diet. I have been eating a plant-based diet for years but still struggled, so this book has really helped me understand and inform me better and I feel great!!!!
I love these simple, delicious recipes.
Highly recommended


Like •  Reply • 5h

david stewart

David Stewart

The recipes in this book are really healthy, no nonsense recipes. I have been a vegetarian for 10+ years and had got stuck in cooking the same foods all the time. This has given me loads of ideas for new meals and twists to add to things I already do. I like how there are pictures that comes with each recipe, unlike other recipe books I’ve purchased. The recipes are not difficult, quite simple and something for everyone.


Like •  Reply • 18h

Become “Plant Powered” In the Kitchen…In the next 60 Days Or Your Money Back!

Now, I won’t insult your intelligence by suggesting that you’ll love every recipe in the book, or that it will make you look like a supermodel or bodybuilder overnight.

But what we will say is that in all the years I’ve built and worked as a chef and with this community… together,, we’ve helped thousands prepare food and thrive with this diet and way of life and we believe you will be no different.

So our guarantee to you is this: The Plant-based Cookbook must make preparing meals more easy… more delicious… give you more variety on the diet… and help you experience the many health benefits of a Plant-based diet (from weight loss to enhanced mood) much more quickly… or your money back.

Vegan Meal Plan Collage

This isn’t one of those “no questions asked” generic guarantees most companies offer you and hope you forget about because we stand by the results this program produces.

If you don’t experience these results in the first 60 days, simply email us and we’ll immediately refund every penny you paid no questions asked.

You Already know a Vegan Diet is for you

So are you willing to spend an Hour and a Few Bucks So you Can Thrive On It?

When you download your package you will get….

  • The Plant-based Cookbook With Over 100 Easy To Prepare Recipes
  • The 30 Day Plant Based Jump Start Guide
  • The Green Smoothie Lifestyle Guide
  • Plant-based Meal Plans to follow to heal increase your health, fuel your workouts in no time and without too much effort.


That’s a whopping, $135 off! What are you waiting for?

Now that you know how easy and delicious high protein foods can be…

And now that you’ve seen what a difference it can make it your health…

And especially since you know how important it is to get healthy and fill your body with nutrition as more and more corporations strive to mess with our food from preservatives to GMO and worse…

Plant Based Diet

When you download your package you will…

  •  Choose to spend just a few minutes each day learning to prepare these amazingly satisfying high protein recipes that you’ll master and use for life to get healthier, more energized, slimmer and, stronger… or…
  • You could try to just learn everything on your own a serious mistake, in my opinion: Especially since your purchase of the Plant-based Cookbook is fully guaranteed!

Why not let me show you every amazing Plant-based recipe I know how to make?

I hope you’ll choose to join get started with this priceless resource that the Plant-based team has created…

Use it daily to get healthy and love what you eat (even as others around drool and doubt that you’re on a “diet”)…

And experience the best health of your life in 60 days or less starting today.

I know you’ll make the best choice and I look forward to welcoming you aboard!

Click the button below to sign up right now…


$150 $19.95

Just click “Add to Cart” now and start preparing delicious plant-based meals and make your days full of energy!

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Please note the package contains digital downloads and no physical products will be shipped to you.

Take Action Today While  The Plant-Based Recipe Cookbook Is Still On Sale 

Here’s to cooking healthy, plant-based recipes!

Yours Sincerely,

justin kaye

Still not convinced?

Check out a few more notes of appreciation from our Happy Plant-Based Customers…

The recipes are simply stunning – it’s bright, colourful, dreamy and full of healthy inspiration! It’s packed with recipes for every taste and covers so many different cravings! If you are looking to add some variety to your diet and try out some healthy recipes, I 100% recommend this book.


I’ve been looking for a vegan recipe like this, and I had all the ingredients on hand so I decided to give these a try. TI totally recommend it if you’re looking for original, natural and delicious vegan recipes. So thankful for the recipes and all the hard work Justin has put into the book! Thank you!


When you ditch meat and dairy… everything changes. Remember, those so-called foods were NOT part of our diets thousands of years ago and not coincidentally, there were no incidents of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and other conditions.

But there is a solution when you eat a healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, complex carbohydrates and some multi-vitamins, you will have all the energy you need. This is all you need as a vegan to satisfy your nutritional requirements.

Why risk getting sick or suffer through diets filled with rules and boring meals… especially when you now have a way to eat the best-tasting food ever and feel amazing while doing it!

It’s time to step up and prove what you’re made of. The Plant-Based Recipe Book is all you need to cook the tastiest food to help you reach your fitness goals and to feel better than ever!  

Just click “ADD TO CART” button now before you miss out on this new plant based cookbook so you can start enjoying real food while you lose weight and having more energy.


$150 $19.95

Just click “Add to Cart” now and start preparing delicious plant-based meals 

and make your days full of energy!

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Take Action Today While The Plant-Based Recipe Cookbook Is Still On Sale

Chicken with Creamy Mushrooms and Snap Peas Recipe


4 chicken cutlets (about 1 1/4 pounds), patted dry

Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

All-purpose flour, for dredging

1 tablespoon unsalted butter

2 scallions, thinly sliced

8 ounces mushrooms (button, cremini, shiitake or a combination), quartered

1 1/4 cups low-sodium chicken broth

3/4 cup heavy cream

2 cups sugar snap peas, stemmed and halved lengthwiseAdd to Shopping List


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Season the chicken generously with salt and pepper. 1 tablespoon oil should be added to the skillet. Dredge two chicken cutlets in flour, shaking off any excess, and placing in a skillet. 1 1/2 minutes per side until golden; transfer to a baking dish. Continue with the remaining 1 tablespoon oil and the remaining 2 chicken cutlets. Wrap the dish in foil and place it in the oven while you prepare the vegetables.

Add the scallions and mushrooms to the hot skillet and cook, stirring occasionally, until the mushrooms brown, about 4 minutes. Bring the broth to a boil while scraping up any browned bits with a wooden spoon. Cook for 3 minutes, or until the liquid has been reduced by half. Add the cream and continue to cook until the sauce thickens slightly, 3 to 4 minutes more. Heat through the snap peas; season with salt and pepper. Serve the chicken with the creamy vegetables on top.

Best Brown Sugar Oatmeal Cookies


2 cups packed dark brown sugar

1 cup (2 sticks) salted butter, softened 

2 teaspoons vanilla extract 

2 eggs 

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 

1 teaspoon salt 

1/2 teaspoon baking soda 

3 cups old-fashioned oats 


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2. In the bowl of an electric mixer (or using a hand mixer), beat together the brown sugar and butter until fluffy. Beat in the vanilla. Add the eggs one at a time, scraping the bowl after each one.

3. Mix together the flour, salt and baking soda in a medium bowl. Add it into the creamed mixture in 2 to 3 batches, mixing until just combined. Mix in the oats until just combined.

4. Use your preferred size cookie scoop (or a regular spoon) to drop portions of dough onto baking sheets, spacing them a couple inches apart. Bake until dark and chewy, 12 to 13 minutes. If you’d like a crispier cookie, just cook a little longer!

5. Let the cookies cool slightly on the baking sheets, then transfer onto a plate for serving.

Cook’s Note

Add 1/2 cup finely chopped nuts to the flour mixture if you’d like a nutty flavor and crunch.

Best Chia Seed Pudding Breakfast Recipe


1 cup vanilla-flavored unsweetened almond milk

1 cup plain low-fat (2 percent) Greek yogurt

2 tablespoons pure maple syrup (preferably grade B), plus 4 teaspoons for serving

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Kosher salt

1/4 cup chia seeds

1 pint strawberries, hulled and chopped

1/4 cup sliced almonds, toasted


1. In a medium bowl, gently whisk the almond milk, yogurt, 2 tablespoons maple syrup, the vanilla and 1/8 teaspoon salt until just blended. Whisk in the chia seeds; let stand 30 minutes. Stir to distribute the seeds if they have settled. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

2. The next day, in a medium bowl, toss the berries with the remaining 4 teaspoons maple syrup. Mix in the almonds.

3. Spoon the pudding into 4 bowls or glasses; mound the berry mixture on top and serve.

Best Balsamic Roast Pork Tenderloins Recipe


4 1/2 pounds pork tenderloins, 2 packages with 2 tenderloins in each package

4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

8 cloves garlic, cracked

Steak seasoning blend or coarse salt and black pepper

4 sprigs fresh rosemary leaves stripped and finely chopped

4 sprigs fresh thyme, leaves stripped and finely chopped


Preheat oven to 500 degrees F.

Trim silver skin or connective tissue off tenderloins with a very sharp thin knife.

Place tender loins on a nonstick cookie sheet with a rim. Coat tenderloins in a few tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, rubbing vinegar into meat. Drizzle tenderloins with extra-virgin olive oil, just enough to coat. Cut small slits into meat and disperse chunks of cracked garlic cloves into meat. Combine steak seasoning blend or coarse salt and pepper with rosemary and thyme and rub meat with blend. Roast in hot oven 20 minutes.

Let meat rest, transfer to a carving board, slice and serve.

Adjusting Calories for Weight Loss

When talking or reading about weight loss, we hear a lot about managing and adjusting our calories. But what exactly are calories? How do we know just the right amount to consume each day? And how might our caloric needs change as we lose weight?

What 100 Calories Really Looks Like

What are Calories?

adjusting calories

The answer to this first question is easy. Calories are a simple way to measure the amount of energy you get when you eat food, says Mayo Clinic. Your body needs calories just to perform its most basic functions—keeping your heart beating and your lungs breathing—as well as to fuel your daily activities, from walking around to working at your job.

Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are the macronutrients that provide the bulk of your calorie intake. According to Mayo Clinic, they are your body’s main energy source. No matter which nutrients you eat, the calories are either rapidly converted to energy or stored in the body as fat. “These stored calories will remain in your body as fat unless you use them up, either by reducing calorie intake so that your body must draw on reserves for energy, or by increasing physical activity so that you burn more calories,” says Mayo Clinic.

Calories and Weight Loss

adjusting calories

According to Merriam-Webster, the metabolism is all the processes by which the body converts calories into energy. You may have heard that if you consume a greater number of calories than you burn, you will gain weight. And this is fundamentally true. However, the number of calories that you need each day is influenced by a variety of metabolic factors, such as your age, gender, height, starting weight and daily activities.

These metabolic factors determine your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) or the number of calories you burn each day. As you lose weight or change your activity level, your TDEE and metabolism adapts and changes. Because of this, many dieters find that their diet is “less effective” over time. In reality, they haven’t adjusted their eating! They’re still eating for their starting TDEE.

If you continue to diet without adjusting your calories for changes in weight or activity level, your results can take a big hit. According to the peer-reviewed journal, Obesity, losing weight decreases the metabolism, causing you to burn fewer calories throughout the day. Everyday activities also tend to decrease on a reduced calorie diet for weight loss. On the other hand, as you shed extra pounds, you may be more likely to engage in physical activity and structured exercise. While most people assume that an increase in activity leads to faster calorie burning, this is not always the case when dieting. Consuming less calories can cause you to burn less calories during exercise. All of this leads to metabolic adaption and different caloric needs during the weight loss journey.

You’ll get the swiftest results if your weight loss plan accounts for the changes your body goes through as you drop the pounds, as well as all of your other personal attributes. But here’s the good news: adjusting calories doesn’t have to mean giving up foods you like or even eating less food. Instead, you can choose meals and snacks that nourish you well and satisfy your appetite without loading you up on empty calories.

Metabolism and Weight Loss: What You Need to Know

Calories on Nutrisystem

adjusting calories

The all-new personalized programs from Nutrisystem take your unique metabolism and TDEE into account to create a weight loss plan tailored to you. We understand that your metabolism and needs change as you lose weight and get more active. That’s why we’ve integrated the NuMi app into the personalized Nutrisystem journey. This is our smart weight loss tool that adjusts your meal plan to your ever-changing needs, so you can keep losing weight and progressing towards your goal at an inspiring pace. NuMi will monitor your TDEE as you lose weight, adjusting your calories and meal plan as needed. It’s a diet that adapts to you!

There is no doubt that a calorie deficit is important for losing weight. However, decreasing your calories too low for too long can actually hinder your progress. If calorie intake is too low, the body will defend against this by decreasing the metabolism. This is the metabolic adaptation we mentioned earlier! Nutrisystem personalized plans aim for a healthy rate of weight loss, which is about one to two pounds per week. This helps to ensure a healthy weight loss while trying to minimize the metabolic adaptation.

On Nutrisystem, you also get to eat all kinds of foods you love, from burgers and pizza to ice cream and cake. Plus we send them directly to your door in perfect portions for the ultimate convenience.

As you travel on your weight loss journey, Nutrisystem dietitians use the information you provide to recommend the best foods for you from our extensive menu and with the “add-ins” you pick up at the grocery store. This guidance keeps you making progress to your goal, even as your body—and its needs for calories—change. That’s the straightest path to the new, slimmer you!

Lose weight with a personalized meal plan tailored to you! Get started with US today

Best Egg Salad This Easter

Truly the best Egg Salad Recipe you are going to try with minimal ingredients and so quick to make. Hard-boiled eggs with celery, dill, seasoning, and chives in a creamy dressing make up this classic egg salad.

Egg Salad Recipe

This is the easiest egg salad and the perfect way to use up leftover Easter eggs. You’ll love the short list of ingredients but it’s all you need to make one amazing salad: hard-boiled eggs, herbs, celery, and crisp onion in the creamiest dressing.

This can be served in so many different ways – as a side salad, on toast, etc (see more ideas below). This traditional salad is simple, satisfying and a perfect additon to your Easter menu.

Ingredients for Egg Salad

Though this is a simple recipe and uses basic ingredients, it tastes amazing. If you want to dress it up and make it fancier, try these add-ins:

  • Protein- such as crispy bacon, chicken or shrimp.
  • Veggies- tomatoes, cucumbers or carrots are great options. We also love dill pickle egg salad.
  • Avocado- can either be cubed and added to the salad or blended with the dressing to replace some of the mayo.

Pro Tip: If you will be adding other ingredients to the salad, prepare a larger portion of the dressing.

How to Make Egg Salad

Homemade egg salad doesn’t get any easier than this. Just be sure your eggs have cooled completely before preparing the salad or make them ahead and refrigerate until ready to use.

  1. Boil eggs and cool then cut into desired pieces (we like ours chunky for better texture)
  2. Finely chop the celery and red onion (sweet onion may be substituted for red onion)
  3. Chop the chives (or green onions) and fresh dill
  4. Prepare homemade dressing – stir the ingredients together in a bowl
  5. Mix salad well to combine and coat in the dressing

How to Cook Eggs for Egg Salad?

No matter if you boil your eggs on the stove or in the instant pot, be sure they are hard-boiled, but not overcooked. Overcooked eggs end up with a green ring around the yolk. Follow these tutorials for perfect hard-boiled eggs every time:

  • Perfect Boiled Eggs – follow this stove-top method and boil for at least 7 minutes. Fully cooked yolks are best for salad.
  • Instant Pot Hard Boiled Eggs – works especially well for farm-fresh eggs, making them easier to peel.

Boiled egg, onion, celery, dill salad ingredients cubed in a bowl for Egg Salad.

The Best Dressing for Egg Salad

The dressing in any salad can really make or break a recipe. This awesome creamy dressing adds so much flavor to the simple salad. Eggs never tasted so good!

  • In a bowl, add the mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, paprika, garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
  • Mix until the dressing is creamy and ingredients are well incorporated.
Collage how to make creamy Dijon mayonnaise dressing

Are Eggs Good for You?

Eggs are are an inexpensive, healthy, high-quality protein. We love recipes where eggs are the star ingredient like these incredible Deviled Eggs with Bacon and Egg Muffins.

Eggs are nutrient-dense, have zero carbs, no sugar, and will keep you feeling good throughout the day. Egg yolks are rich in choline which is important for brain and liver health. Eggs also contain lutein which benefits eye health.

How to Serve Egg Salad

Though the salad may be enjoyed as a side dish, it is rather versatile. Enjoy these other variations:

  • Egg Salad Sandwich – Serve the egg salad as a sandwich between bread slices, in a croissant, as an open-faced sandwich, or even stuffed in a wrap or pita.
  • Stuffed Avocado – stuff the salad into a halved avocados and serve.
  • Lettuce wrap – Add to lettuce cups or Romaine and enjoy as lettuce wraps.
  • Breakfast sandwich – Load salad onto toast for an easy breakfast sandwich.
Free Range Egg salad with creamy dressing garnished with dill and chives

How to Store Egg Salad?

Leftover egg salad should be stored covered in the refrigerator and can last 3-5 days. It should not be left at room temperature longer than 2 hours.

Pro Tip: If you refrigerate the salad, be sure to taste it before serving. Refrigerating tends to make the flavors more subtle as they meld together, so add some salt and seasoning to taste.

Best Easter Tuna Salad

While we enjoy a variety of tuna salads, this classic version takes the cake. Crispy celery and red onion add zest and crunch, while mayonnaise and a hint of mustard bring everything together. Although the lemon juice is not traditional, we strongly recommend it to brighten the flavors of the final dish.


Two 6-ounce cans white meat tuna packed in water, drained

2 tablespoons minced celery

2 tablespoons minced red onion, soaked in cold water for 5 minutes and drained

1 teaspoon minced flat-leaf parsley

1/3 cup prepared mayonnaise

1 tablespoon whole-grain mustard

Freshly ground black pepper

Freshly squeezed lemon juice (optional)


In a small mixing bowl break up the tuna with a fork. Toss with the celery, onion and parsley. Add the mayonnaise, mustard and season with pepper, to taste. Stir to combine. Add lemon juice, to taste, if using.

Cook’s Note

Substitute 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard for the whole-grain mustard and add 2 tablespoons sweet pickle relish.

Amazing Chocolate Bunnies Your Easter Basket Needs This Year

If the best part of Easter is indulging in candy, you’re probably looking forward to diving into a big ol’ chocolate Easter bunny. We decided to round up some of our favorite chocolate Easter bunnies that you can order online right now because this iconic spring treat is a staple this time of year. Some of them are hollow, while others are solid blocks with interesting fillings. What do they all have in common? They are absolutely delectable. Indeed, Happy Easter!

Mr. and Mrs. Ears Milk Chocolate Easter Bunnies

These chocolate bunnies have everything! We can’t get enough of this adorable couple and think they’d be perfect as a set or separately in children’s baskets. They’ll taste great, too, because they’re made of high-quality milk chocolate.

Simply Chocolate Easter Bunny Quartet

These bunnies come in a set of four, with two milk chocolate bunnies, one dark chocolate bunny, and one white chocolate bunny, so there should be enough for the whole family!

Chocolate Bunny

For a classic present option for everyone on your list, this bunny is made with dark, white and milk chocolate.

Jacques Torres Chocolate Smiling Bunny

This happy little bunny weighs 10.6 ounces and is available in both dark and milk chocolate. Although this bunny is not filled, it stands 10-inches tall and is sure to make a statement in any Easter basket.

Bissinger’s Paint a Bunny Kit

This option includes not only a delicious milk chocolate Easter bunny, but also an Easter morning activity. This adorable bunny comes with two paint brushes as well as pink, white, green, and yellow chocolate paints.

Reese’s Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Bunny

Calling all peanut butter lovers! This milk chocolate bunny is filled with the same delectable peanut butter filling that Reese’s fans know and love, just this time in a festive shape.

Coconut Bunny Butt Cake

This cake’s dense pound cake-like texture, which is beneficial for securing the cupcakes and decorating, comes from the inclusion of crushed pineapple in the batter. The cakes and cupcakes can be baked and wrapped in plastic wrap a day in advance. If your frosting effort isn’t flawless, don’t worry; coconut-coating the cake will cover up any imperfections.


2 large eggs plus 4 egg whites, at room temperature

3/4 cup cream of coconut

1/2 cup drained crushed pineapple

2 teaspoons coconut extract

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for the bowl (see Cook’s Note)

1 cup sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon fine salt

12 tablespoons (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into pieces, at room temperature, plus more for greasing bowl

Coconut Buttercream:

3 cups confectioners’ sugar, sifted

2 sticks unsalted butter, at room temperature

1 to 2 tablespoons milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon coconut extract


Thin pretzel sticks, for securing the cupcakes

One 10-ounce bag sweetened shredded coconut

8 drops green food coloring

2 large round chocolate candies, such as Candy Melts

6 chocolate chips

Mini candy-coated chocolate eggs, for garnish

5 dried apricots

3 gummy leaf candies


Special equipment: an 8-inch (1 1/2 quart) ovenproof metal bowl; a muffin tin with paper liners

  • Set the oven’s temperature to 325 F. An 8-inch (1 1/2 quart) ovenproof metal bowl should be butter and floured. Place paper liners in 4 muffin tins.
  • In a big basin, whisk the egg yolks and egg whites for the cake. The cream of coconut, pineapple, coconut essence, and vanilla extract should all be whisked in at this point. In a separate big basin, stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. With an electric mixer set to low speed, incorporate the butter one piece at a time until the mixture resembles coarse meal. Add half of the egg mixture, and beat for 1 to 2 minutes on high, until frothy. When incorporating the remaining egg mixture, scrape down the bowl’s sides as necessary. The remaining batter should be poured into the prepared bowl after filling each muffin cup two-thirds full. For the cupcakes, bake for 18 to 20 minutes, and for the bowl, bake for 1 hour 30 to 1 hour 40 minutes, or until a cake tester inserted in the center of each cake comes out clean. After removing the cakes from the pans, allow them to cool for 15 minutes on a wire rack before turning them out to finish cooling.
  • To make the buttercream, use an electric mixer to combine the butter and confectioners’ sugar on low speed. Then, increase the speed and beat for one to two minutes, or until the mixture is light and fluffy. For an additional 2 to 3 minutes, beat in 1 tablespoon of milk, the vanilla, and the coconut extracts. If the frosting is too stiff, add up to 1 tablespoon more milk.
  • Trim the flat bottom of the bowl-shaped cake with a serrated knife so it rests level on a platter, rounded-side up, and cover with a layer of buttercream frosting. To create the bunny’s feet, remove the cupcake wrappers and secure 2 of them with a pretzel stick each to the cake’s base (allow about 1 1/2 inches between the feet). The third cupcake should be divided in half, top to bottom. With the cut side facing down and the rounded edges positioned to form the heels of the feet, attach the cupcake halves to the tops of the feet with pretzel sticks. To create a tail, attach the final cupcake with a pretzel stick to the bottom half of the cake’s top. With the remaining frosting, frost the cupcakes. Wipe away any smeared frosting on the cake plate.
  • 1 1/2 cups shredded coconut should be patted all over the cake. Place the rest of the coconut in a large zip-top plastic bag. Add the green food coloring to the bag along with 2 teaspoons of water. Toss and massage the coconut until it is a uniform shade of green. Place the chocolate candies in the bottoms of the bunny feet, with the larger ones on top and the smaller ones underneath, to resemble the toe pads. Make grass out of green coconut and decorate with candy eggs on the cake plate. Roll the apricots into carrot shapes after flattening them with a rolling pin. Cut the leaves in half crosswise and snip them to look like carrot tops with scissors. Arrange the carrot tops in the grass around the bunny by inserting them into the wider end of the apricot carrots.

Baker’s Note:

When we measure flour, we spoon it into a dry measuring cup and level it off. (Scooping the flour directly from the bag compacts it, resulting in dry baked goods.)

Healthy Pasta Recipes to Lose Weight

Pasta and weight loss simply don’t sound like two things that can go hand-in-hand. But here at Nutrisystem, we believe that transitioning to a healthier lifestyle should not have to mean giving up all of the things that you love—pasta included! Sometimes all it takes is just a little bit of creativity to devise pasta recipes that use healthy substitutions.

At your local grocery store, you can most likely find a large variety of healthy pasta swaps, such as spiralized veggies, whole wheat noodles, gluten free pasta and even spaghetti squash! We’ve rounded up 20 of our best (and simple) recipes that will give you your healthy pasta fix while still keeping you on track with your weight loss goals.

pasta and meatball skewers. healthy pasta recipes

If pasta and meatballs is one of your favorite comfort food combos, then you probably know how easy it is to overindulge on this classic dish. One heaping turns into two or more and soon you’ve eaten way too many servings. That’s what makes these skewers so great. It forces you to slow down and savor what you’re eating. That helps with portion control but also allows you to realize when you’re full. Oftentimes when we eat fast, we don’t give our stomach the chance to tell our brain that we’re satisfied!

cashew cream veggie pasta. healthy pasta recipes

This pasta meal gives you the decadence of a creamy dish but without the cheese. Instead, we prepare it with a homemade cashew cream sauce. If you’re trying to avoid dairy, this will be one of your go-to healthy pasta recipes. Filled with healthy fats and fiber, this dish also features vitamin-packed spinach and tomatoes to help you get your fill of daily veggies.

chicken a la king with healthy vegetables. healthy pasta recipes

This flavor-filled recipe has a little bit of everything by combining chicken, ziti and a variety of veggies all in one delicious dish. It’s colorful and nutritious with wholesome vegetables like mushrooms, bell peppers, onions and celery cooked in just a small amount of butter. If you’re someone who is tired of boring chicken dishes night after night, then this is a great way to jazz up your dinner.

no-bake french onion beef casserole

If you’re looking for comfort food that won’t totally derail your healthy eating plan, then this dish is sure to become a new favorite. Although most casseroles are made in the oven, this no-bake version is cooked on the stovetop. While the end result is creamy and decadent, a serving is a mere 326 calories. This is achieved with some healthy substitutions, such as using part skim mozzarella and light sour cream instead of the full fat versions. That means you’ll get your creamy pasta fix in a healthful way.

shrimp pasta with garlic asparagus

If you’re someone who thinks healthy shrimp pasta recipes are too difficult to make at home, this meal will change your tune. Shrimp dishes can be much simpler to whip up than you might imagine and are a great way to incorporate lean protein into your diet. This particular recipe also features asparagus, which is a great source of nutrients including fiber, folate and vitamins A, C and K. You’ll feel like you got a restaurant-quality meal but will know that it was a healthy choice—and you’ll be proud that you made it yourself.

shrimp fra diavolo with cilantro garnish

If you love spicy seafood dishes, then Shrimp Fra Diavolo might be a favorite. In this recipe, we’ve created a lighter version of this classic favorite. With antioxidant-packed tomatoes and the addition of some bell peppers and onions, it’s got plenty of veggies. But it’s the lean protein that shines in this dish! Shrimp is high in several vitamins and minerals while also serving as a rich source of protein.

sweet & savory spaghetti squash bowl with goat cheese. healthy pasta recipes

This recipe is a great choice if you’re looking for a pasta-like dinner without the pasta. Spaghetti squash makes an excellent noodle-alternative for your healthy pasta recipes because it’s low in calories and high in fiber. It’s one of our favorite foods here at Nutrisystem, thanks to being considered a non-starchy, unlimited veggie that is highly versatile. In this dish, we combine it with diced sweet potato, seasonings, honey and goat cheese for a decadent-tasting meal that’s good for you, too. One serving is just 288 calories.

zoodle mac and cheese with roasted veggies. healthy pasta recipes

This meal is a great way to get your pasta fix without the pasta by using spiralized zucchini (also known as zoodles). It features a lighter cheese sauce that’s made with reduced fat shredded cheese and some nonfat milk. Plus, it packs in a ton of roasted veggies for plenty of antioxidant goodness. With everything from broccoli and bell peppers to onions and sweet potatoes, this dish is chock-full of flavor and healthy fiber, too.

shrimp scampi with zucchini pasta

Shrimp scampi is often a restaurant favorite. However, it’s known for having lots of butter and being loaded with carb-heavy white pasta. Our version removes the butter and goes low-carb with healthy spiralized zucchini and just a handful of whole wheat spaghetti. But have no fear, all that flavor you love is still there. It’s a great way to enjoy a classic dish with a healthy twist.

instant pot pasta e fagioli soup. healthy pasta recipes

Besides being warm and comforting, particularly during colder months, soups are also fantastic for packing in the veggies. This soup does not disappoint! It has carrots, celery and tomatoes featured alongside hearty beans, lean ground chicken and just enough pasta to fulfill your craving without sending you into carb overload. A serving is hearty enough to count as a Flex Meal and won’t leave you feeling hungry after eating.

15-minute beef lo mein with cilantro as garnish. healthy pasta recipes

Nothing tops an easy-to-make meal that’s healthy, too. That is certainly the case for this tasty Beef Lo Mein dish that incorporates flank steak strips with lo mein noodles, healthy snow peas and carrots. It has all the flavor of take-out without the typical fat and calories associated with it. Plus, you’ll be able to whip it up a lot faster than calling for delivery.

spinach stuffed mussels & shrimp with cilantro as garnish. healthy pasta recipes

If you’re a seafood lover, then you’ll definitely want to add this recipe to your weekly lineup. It combines mussels and shrimp with cooked spinach, parmesan cheese and whole wheat spaghetti—all covered in a tomato garlic sauce that adds a major burst of flavor. It’s both delicious and nutritious, making it a win all around.

slow cooker turkey bolognese with spaghetti squash pasta. healthy pasta recipes

Pasta Bolognese is an Italian favorite—but the pasta and the red meat can also make it a heavy, calorie-packed and fat-filled dish. Our version is much lighter, swapping out pasta with spaghetti squash and the traditional mix of beef, veal and pork with lean ground turkey. Still packed with flavor, our healthier recipe also shines a spotlight on the veggies with peas, zucchini, onions and tomatoes sneaking their way in. It’s so full of flavor that you’ll forget it’s a healthy twist on a classic dish.

creamy spinach gnocchi. healthy pasta recipes

If you’re looking for the creamy goodness of pasta in cheese sauce but don’t want to wreak havoc on your weight loss regimen, then this dish has got you covered. It uses low-fat ricotta and parmesan cheese for a simple sauce that kicks up the flavor factor on some whole wheat gnocchi. Add in some vitamin-packed spinach and sundried tomatoes and it’s clear to see how this dish has it all.

healthy chicken piccata with cilantro as garnish. healthy pasta recipes

As yummy as classic chicken piccata may be, its downfall is in the heaps of butter it’s traditionally browned in. Typically served atop carb-loaded pasta, it’s easy to see how this dish can be a diet detour. But don’t worry—we’ve created a healthier version! This recipe eliminates the butter but adds in nonfat plain Greek yogurt to get that creamy texture. It still has plenty of flavor. Served over top of whole wheat pasta, it’s also got some hearty fiber.

baked vegetable lasagna. 

Our Vegetable Lasagna Bake is a great example of how you can have your favorite pasta recipes while still sticking to your healthy weight loss plan. This version packs in spinach and butternut squash, a low-calorie, fiber-rich winter veggie that adds a touch of sweetness. With just the right amount of low-fat cheeses, it’ll satisfy your lasagna longing without derailing your diet.

vegetarian meatballs with zucchini noodles. healthy pasta recipes

Whereas traditional meatballs are made from a combination of pork, beef and veal, our healthy vegetarian meatballs are made from brown lentils, mushrooms and oats. Still seasoned and baked to deliciousness, these meatballs are big on flavor—and fiber—while being low in fat and calories. Served atop zucchini noodles with no-sugar-added marinara sauce, it’s a great way to get your spaghetti and meatball fix in a healthful way.

slow cooked beef stroganoff. healthy pasta recipes

This classic meal has the same ingredients as the traditional version, including top round roast, beef broth, onions, mushrooms and noodles. However, some healthy substitutions help to make it lighter and healthier. Fortunately, it’s still so full of flavor that you would never notice the difference! It will give you that classic comfort that you crave from this hearty favorite.

sweet potato noodle bowl with creamy almond butter sauce. healthy pasta recipes

This noodle bowl replaces carb-laden noodles with healthy spiralized sweet potatoes. Add to that some lean cooked shrimp, antioxidant-packed spinach and a delicious, homemade almond butter sauce and you’ve got a tasty meal that won’t disappoint.

air fryer spaghetti squash lasagna

Spaghetti squash and lasagna unite in this healthy air fryer recipe that’s filled with Italian-inspired ingredients. Low sodium marinara sauce, part skim ricotta, mozzarella cheese, spinach and oregano are tossed with spaghetti squash noodles and stuffed back into the homemade squash “bowl.” It’s a healthy and simple meal that almost tastes too good to be true.

Citrus Immunity Shot

This super-simple-to-prepare, this Citrus Immunity Shot recipe is made with immune-boosting citrus, turmeric, and garlic, a delicious way to start your day!

This super-simple-to-prepare Citrus Immunity Shot is made with immune-boosting citrus, turmeric, and garlic, a delicious way to start your day!
Citrus Immunity Shot

This wellness shot recipe nourishes, fuels and aids your body in the morning and it’s so easy to make. If you’ve ever purchased immunity shots in the store, you will know how expensive they are. Making them from scratch saves money!

Citrus Immunity Shot ingredients

Hi Everyone, I’m Heather K. Jones. I’m a dietitian and the nutrition expert for the Skinnytaste cookbooks (so excited that book five, Skinnytaste Meal Prep, is out now!). I also work with women who struggle with emotional eating, and during this VERY emotional time on the planet. Understanding how your emotions influence your health and wellbeing is more critical than ever.

Without the inner tools to stay centered, we can easily become overwhelmed and drained, and then use food in an unconscious attempt to feel safe, to create a false sense of control, or to soothe or suppress uncomfortable emotions.

So, if your eating is especially unbalanced right now, be gentle with yourself and recognize this is an INVITATION to start understanding yourself and your life in a much deeper way.

Creating soulful, practical routines that support your mental, emotional and physical health will not only naturally boost your immunity and reduce stress eating, it will alsore-connect you with the healing and strengthening power of your own heart. You’ll remember just how capable, resilient and powerful you truly are!

Know too that when you take care of yourself and prioritize your health, this also provides you with the energy to support others from a grounded place.

And I have a ton of FREE resources, articles and videos to help you Love Yourself Healthy RIGHT HERE, including this powerful 30-day Master the Weight Loss Mindset Challenge.

Thursday September 24th at 12 PM ET, I’ll be providing emotional eating support and guidance in a FREE group coaching session inside my Feel Better Eat Better Facebook group RIGHT HERE.

Your body is an amazing, self-healing machine! Every minute of every day it’s working to keep you healthy and alive, and one of the best ways to support your body and boost your immunity is to fuel it with nutrient-rich foods.

Plants are your best source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. This super-simple-to-prepare Citrus Immunity Shot from my dietitian friend Danielle Omar, is a delicious way to supplement your day.

Citrus Immunity Shot Recipe

Immunity Shot Ingredients and Benefits

The phytonutrients in plants are very beneficial, especially when it comes to helping your body’s natural detoxification systems and boosting your immune system. Here’s how each of the ingredients in this Immunity Shot nourishes, fuels and aids your body:

  • Grapefruit: Rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A, two powerful vitamins that benefit immunity.
  • Lemon: A good source of Vitamin C, providing antiviral and antibacterial properties.
  • Orange: Also high in Vitamin C and it’s high in beta-cryptoxanthin, a carotenoid that your body converts into Vitamin A.
  • Ginger: Contains gingerol, which can help lower the risk of infections and inhibit the growth of many different types of bacteria.
  • Turmeric: Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is a powerful anti-inflammatory and a very strong antioxidant.
  • Black Pepper: When you add a little black pepper to your turmeric, and you increase the absorption of curcumin by almost 2000%!
  • Garlic: Enhances immune function and it contains sulphur compounds that get into the body through digestion and exert many medicinal effects.

Make a fresh batch at least once a week – have one shot in the morning and another later on to boost your afternoon! For an added boost of Vitamin C, throw in a red pepper and some fresh lime juice for a different flavor.

Citrus Immunity Shot ingredients in a blender
Citrus Immunity Shot
Citrus Immunity Shots

Citrus Immunity Shot

Prep Time: 10 mins

Cook Time: 0 mins

Total Time: 10 mins

This super-simple-to-prepare Citrus Immunity Shot is made with immune-boosting citrus, turmeric, and garlic, a delicious way to start your day!

  • 1 medium grapefruit, peeled
  • 1 medium orange
  • ½ medium lemon
  • 1 1-inch piece fresh ginger root, peeled
  • 1 1-inch piece fresh turmeric root, peeled
  • ½ clove garlic
  • Pinch freshly ground black pepper
  • In a blender, combine (whole) grapefruit, juice from the orange and lemon, ginger, turmeric, garlic and pepper. Blend until smooth (adjusting ingredients to taste, if necessary).
  • Place a small sieve or strainer over a mason jar or glass cup. .
  • Pour liquid into strainer and serve immediately or store in refrigerator for up to 4 days

Serving: 1shot, Calories: 154kcal, Carbohydrates: 37g, Protein: 3g, Fat: 1g, Sodium: 4mg, Fiber: 4.5g, Sugar: 26g

Blue Smart Points: 2

Green Smart Points: 2

Purple Smart Points: 2

Keywords: citrus shots, immune shot, immunity shots, wellness shots

Sweet and Spicy Glazed Salmon (Oven or Air Fryer)

Sweet and Spicy Glazed Salmon is super easy, baked on a sheet pan with a simple glaze made with sweet red chili sauce, sriracha, and ginger.

Sweet and Spicy Baked Salmon with rice and bok choy.
Sweet and Spicy Glazed Salmon

Salmon is my favorite fish, which I am sure you can tell as I have tons of salmon recipes. Some favorites are Basil-Parmesan Salmon, Air Fryer Salmon with Maple Soy Glaze, and Asian Salmon Bowls. This sweet and spicy version may be added to my new list of favorites! It’s simple (only five ingredients) and delicious.

brushing glaze on salmon

Guys I love salmon, but it’s pretty hard for me to choose a favorite recipe, since I have so many. When I tested this recipe, I instantly fell in love! The easy homemade salmon glaze packs so much flavor with just three ingredients. The sweet red chili glaze adds sweetness and caramelization, the sriracha adds a little heat, and the ginger gives it a warm, pungent flavor.

Why is salmon good for you?

Salmon is a very healthy and nutritious fish. It’s full of omega-3 fatty acids, which help decrease blood pressure and inflammation. Omega-3s are “essential” fats, meaning your body can’t make them, so you have to get them from foods in your diet. Salmon is also high in protein, vitamins B12 and D, selenium, and potassium.

How to Cook Salmon Fillets

This healthy baked salmon recipe is so easy to make. I cook these sweet and spicy salmon fillets in the oven at 400 degrees for 8-10 minutes. The  salmon is done when the inside turns semi-opaque, and it flakes easily. If you wanted to make cleanup even quicker, line the sheet pan with foil.

What to Serve with Glazed Salmon

This baked salmon would be wonderful with roasted veggies, like asparagus or brussels sprouts and butternut squash, as a side. You could even double the salmon sauce and pour it on the vegetables. Here are some more side dish ideas:

Sweet and Spicy Baked Salmon
cooked salmon on a sheet pan

More Salmon Recipes You’ll Love:

Sweet and Spicy Glazed Salmon

Prep Time: 5 mins

Cook Time: 10 mins

Total Time: 15 mins

Sweet and Spicy Glazed Salmon is super easy, baked on a sheet pan with a simple glaze made with sweet red chili sauce, sriracha, and ginger.

  • 1 pound wild salmon filets, cut in 4 pieces
  • kosher salt
  • 1/4 cup sweet red chili sauce
  • 1 teaspoon Sriracha sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh grated ginger
  • sliced scallions, for garnish
  • Preheat oven to 400F. Spray a sheet pan with olive oil and set aside.
  • Place salmon on the sheet pan and season with 1/4 teaspoon salt.
  • In a small bowl combine red chili sauce sauce, sriracha and ginger. Brush over the salmon.
  • Roast in the oven 400F 8 to 10 minutes. Garnish with scallions.

Serving: 3oz salmon, Calories: 202kcal, Carbohydrates: 6.5g, Protein: 22.5g, Fat: 7g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Cholesterol: 62.5mg, Sodium: 214.5mg, Sugar: 6.5g

Blue Smart Points: 1

Green Smart Points: 4

Purple Smart Points: 1

Keywords: asian salmon, glazed salmon, salmon

Detox Vegetable Soup (Vegan and Dairy-free)

This dairy-free, creamy Detox Vegetable Soup is not only easy to make, it’s also LOADED with nutrient-rich goodness!

Close up of detox vegetable soup in a bowl.
Detox Vegetable Soup

It’s made with two heads of broccoli, lentils, cashews, onions, carrots, celery and spinach—it’s the perfect way to boost your immunity and to detox from any quarantine stress-eating. For a lentil free detox soup, you may also like this Green Detox Soup with Toasted Hemp Gremolata.

Pouring cashew milk into a pot of cooked vegetables.

Hello, I’m Heather K. Jones! I’m a dietitian, the nutrition expert for the Skinnytaste cookbooks (so excited that book five, Skinnytaste Meal Prep, is out now!), and the founder of Feel Better Eat Better, an online weight and wellness program for women who struggle with emotional eating, overeating or body image issues.

And during this challenging time I’m offering FREE emotional eating support and guidance twice a month (the first and third Wednesday of each month) inside my Feel Better Eat Better Facebook group RIGHT HERE.

So, if you could use some extra love and support, please join me! I also have a ton of FREE resources, articles and videos to help you Love Yourself Healthy RIGHT HERE.

Do you love soup season as much as I do!?

A dietitian friend of mine shared this clean and comforting veggie soup recipe with me last year. ff you’ve been over-indulging or stress eating during quarantine, this soup is the perfect way to help you get back on track!

Cashew cream (cashews pureed with water) is blended with immune-boosting broccoli, lentils, cashews, onions, carrots, celery and spinach. This results in the healthiest and most delicious and creamy soup ever! It’s also vegan and gluten-free.

Drizzle a bowl with a bit of olive oil and serve with a big green salad or a piece of whole grain bread. Trust me, you feel so nourished and wholesome, you’ll be inspired to make other good-for-you lifestyle changes too!

Close up of detox vegetable soup in a bowl.
cooking Detox Vegetable Soup

More Soup Recipes You Will Love

Detox Vegetable Soup

Prep Time: 15 mins

Cook Time: 30 mins

Total Time: 45 mins

This dairy-free creamy Detox Vegetable Soup is not only easy to make, it’s also LOADED with nutrient-rich goodness!

  • 1 sweet onion, chopped
  • 1 carrot, chopped
  • 3 stalks celery, chopped
  • 5 cups chopped broccoli, florets and stalks
  • 7 cups water, divided
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • 2 cups cooked green lentils
  • 2 cups packed baby spinach
  • Olive oil, for drizzling (optional)
  • Ground pepper, optional
  • Place the onion, carrot, celery and broccoli in a large pot. Add 6 cups water, basil and salt to the pot and stir. Bring to a boil over high heat then cover and reduce heat to a low simmer.
  • Let simmer for 15 to 20 minutes or until broccoli is tender.
  • Meanwhile, in a blender, create your cashew cream. Blend together the cashews and remaining 1 cup water. (If you adjust the serving size, just keep the cashew to water ratio 1:1.)
  • Pour the cashew cream into the pot with the veggies and stir.
  • Add the green lentils and stir again.
  • Add the spinach to the blender, and carefully (let the pot of veggies cool a bit first!) blend the soup in batches until smooth.
  • Ladle into bowls, drizzle lightly with olive oil and top with freshly ground pepper, if desired. Enjoy!

To store: Refrigerate in an airtight container for up to four days.

Serving: 11/2 cups, Calories: 293kcal, Carbohydrates: 34g, Protein: 15g, Fat: 12.5g, Saturated Fat: 2.5g, Sodium: 646mg, Fiber: 11g, Sugar: 7g

Blue Smart Points: 5

Green Smart Points: 7

Purple Smart Points: 5

Keywords: detox soup, green soup, vegan soup, vegetarian detox soup

Vegetarian Mushroom Kale Lasagna Rolls

Mushroom Kale Lasagna Rolls are one of the tastiest ways to enjoy kale! They are quick, easy and perfectly portioned.

Mushroom Kale Lasagna Rolls
Mushroom Kale Lasagna Rolls

These rolls are a deliciously cheesy meatless meal that is sure to be a hit in your house. The individual rolls help keep portion sizes in check. One roll served with a salad makes the perfect meal. They’re great to freeze too. A few lasagna roll variations I love are these Spinach Lasagna Rolls, Three Cheese Zucchini Stuffed Lasagna Rolls, and Butternut Squash and Spinach Lasagna Rolls. See more vegetarian recipes like this.

Mushroom Kale Lasagna Rolls in a baking pan.

How to Freeze Lasagna Rolls:

These mushroom lasagna rolls are perfect for freezing and then pulling out on a night when you don’t have time to cook. You can freeze these two different ways:

  1. Individually Frozen Lasagna Roll Ups

After rolling up the noodles, put them on a baking tray to flash freeze. Once frozen, put in a zip-locked bag. To bake, put however many rolls you’d like into a baking dish with sauce on the bottom. Spoon more sauce over the noodles and top each with one tablespoon of mozzarella. Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for one hour.

  1. Lasagna Roll Ups Frozen in a Casserole Dish

Freeze all the rolls in a baking dish covered with foil. To serve, thaw in the refrigerator for 36-48 hours and then follow the baking directions as written. You can also bake these from frozen but will need to increase the baking time to one hour.

Lasagna Roll Up Variations and Tips:

  • Sub spinach for the kale.
  • You can chop up the mushrooms with the kale in the food processor if you prefer.
  • I recommend covering the dish with foil while baking so that the lasagna rolls don’t get crispy. To prevent the foil from sticking, tent the foil over the baking dish so that it’s not touching the noodles. You can also spray the foil with baking spray or lay parchment paper over the rolls and then cover with foil.
Mushroom Kale Lasagna Rolls
Mushroom Kale Lasagna Rolls with a fork.

More Lasagna Recipes You’ll Love:

Mushroom Kale Lasagna Rolls

Prep Time: 30 mins

Cook Time: 40 mins

Total Time: 1 hr 10 mins

Mushroom Kale Lasagna Rolls are one of the tastiest ways to enjoy kale! They are quick, easy and perfectly portioned.

  • 10 9 oz dry lasagna noodles, cooked
  • 2 1/2 cups marinara sauce
  • 5 cups kale, stems removed, chopped fine
  • 8 oz mushrooms, chopped fine
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 15 oz part skim ricotta cheese, I like Polly-o
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 egg, whisked
  • salt and fresh pepper
  • 3 oz 10 tbsp part-skim mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • Preheat oven to 350F.
  • Ladle about 1 cup sauce on the bottom of a 9 x 12 baking dish.
  • Place kale in a food processor and pulse a few times until chopped.
  • In a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add garlic and sauté until golden, about a minute. Add kale, salt and pepper and sauté about 5 minutes.
  • Add mushrooms to the pan, cook until soft, an additional 5-6 minutes. Adjust salt and pepper, to taste.
  • Combine cooked kale, mushrooms, ricotta, Parmesan cheese, egg, salt and pepper in a medium bowl. Place a piece of wax paper on the counter and lay out cooked lasagna noodles. Make sure noodles are dry.
  • Take 1/3 cup of mushroom kale mixture and spread evenly over noodle. Roll carefully and place seam side down onto the baking dish. Repeat with remaining noodles.
  • Ladle 1 cup of sauce over the noodles in the baking dish and top each one with 1 tbsp mozzarella cheese. Put foil over baking dish and bake for 40 minutes, until cheese melts.
  • Makes 10 rolls. Serve with extra sauce on the side.

Serving: 1roll, Calories: 258kcal, Carbohydrates: 30.5g, Protein: 11.5g, Fat: 8.4g, Saturated Fat: 6.5g, Cholesterol: 41mg, Sodium: 208mg, Fiber: 3g, Sugar: 2g

Blue Smart Points: 6

Green Smart Points: 7

Purple Smart Points: 6

Points +: 6

Keywords: easy lasagna, lasagna roll ups, Mushroom Kale Lasagna Rolls, spinach lasagna rolls, Vegetarian Lasagna

posted by Seny

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Herb and Salt-Rubbed Dry Brine Turkey

This Herb and Salt-Rubbed Dry Brined Turkey comes out so moist and flavorful, with crispy golden skin and juicy tender meat.

This Herb and Salt-Rubbed Dry Brined Turkey comes out so moist and flavorful, with crispy golden skin and juicy tender meat.
Herb and Salt-Rubbed Dry Brine Turkey

Want an easy turkey recipe that’s moist and flavorful? Try dry brining! Rather than wet brining a turkey, dry brining is so much easier and less messy!

This Herb and Salt-Rubbed Dry Brined Turkey comes out so moist and flavorful, with crispy golden skin and juicy tender meat.
Making a turkey in a Wolf oven

It feels like we’ve been remodeling our new home forever, but this week I finally got to cook in my new kitchen and put my new Wolf M series double oven to the test. Needless to say, I am IN LOVE!! I went big for the first time and cooked a whole 16-pound turkey as a test run for Thanksgiving along with a few side dishes. Using this oven was everything I imagined and more!

I am not completely moved in yet, but I promise I will do a final home and kitchen reveal soon. When I was designing my kitchen, Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove appliances were my only must. As a home cook and cookbook author, having a kitchen with professional-grade appliances has always been a dream of mine, so it’s exciting to finally be able to use them first-hand.

The oven has a variety of programmed cooking modes, but for this particular recipe, I tried the Convection Roast mode which cooked the turkey in a fraction of the time! (I tested this recipe both in my old oven on conventional roast and my new Wolf oven on convection roast to see how they compared). What’s more, it’s the most spacious oven I’ve ever had (it’s actually Wolf’s largest capacity oven), so between the two of them I’m able to fit more dishes at the same time than ever before.

But the feature I think I loved best for making a turkey was the temperature probe. It takes the guesswork out of knowing if the turkey is ready and you can even download an app on your phone to monitor the meat’s cooking progress without having to open the oven door! To use the probe, I simply inserted it into the turkey thigh right between the leg and the thigh away from the bone and set the temperature to 170F. Once the turkey hit the correct temperature, it notified me it was ready. No guessing! I let it rest 30 minutes which brought the temp up a little more. The turkey was so moist and juicy, the skin so crisp and flavorful, this is how I will be making my turkey for years to come!

Making a turkey in a Wolf oven.

Choosing the right size Thanksgiving turkey

A good rule of thumb is to estimate at least 1 lb to 1 1/2 lbs per person so you’ll have extra and enough for leftovers.

Fresh or Frozen?

Fresh – One of the pros of using a fresh bird is there’s no need to thaw. A fresh bird will keep for 4 days in the fridge. Some people think it’s more flavorful than a frozen bird.

Frozen – Typically more affordable and can be purchased weeks in advance. It does however require thawing time.

Defrosting a turkey

Fridge – if you have more time, allow the turkey to thaw in the fridge in it’s original packaging. Allow 24 hours of thawing for every 5 lbs of bird.

Cold Water Bath – If you’re short on time, submerge the bird in a cold water bath changing the water every 30 minutes. Allow 30 minutes of thawing time per pound of bird.

What is a dry brine?

A dry brine is an herb and salt rub applied directly to the turkey. This creates satiny leg meat and juicy, perfectly seasoned breast meat. Air-drying the turkey on the last day of the 4-day process will make the skin crisp when roasted.

How much salt should I use?

This recipe can be adapted to turkeys of all sizes. Use 1 tablespoon of salt for every 4 pounds. Diamond Crystal salt is best, Morton’s has more sodium and will be saltier. If using Morton’s, you will have to adjust and use less.


Leftovers should be put away when you’re done serving. Store leftover meat and the turkey carcass for up to 4 days or frozen for up to 3 months.

This Herb and Salt-Rubbed Dry Brined Turkey comes out so moist and flavorful, with crispy golden skin and juicy tender meat.
How to dry brine a turkey
This Herb and Salt-Rubbed Dry Brined Turkey comes out so moist and flavorful, with crispy golden skin and juicy tender meat.
This Herb and Salt-Rubbed Dry Brined Turkey comes out so moist and flavorful, with crispy golden skin and juicy tender meat.

Herb and Salt-Rubbed Dry Brine Turkey

Prep Time: 1 hr

Cook Time: 2 hrs

Brine Time: 4 d

This Herb and Salt-Rubbed Dry Brined Turkey comes out so moist and flavorful, with crispy golden skin and juicy tender meat.

  • 2 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme
  • 2 tablespoon chopped fresh sage
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary
  • 1 tablespoon dried marjoram
  • 1/2 tablespoon dried oregano
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • One thawed or fresh 16-lb turkey, preferably fresh (not kosher or self-basting) if frozen, thaw before
  • 1/4 cup Diamond Crystal, use less with Mortons

4-Day Dry Brine:

  • (4) Four days before you plan to roast the turkey, mix the herbs and oil in a small bowl. Loosen the skin around the shoulders of the bird and around the cavity. Carefully slide your hands underneath the skin to loosen it from the breast, thighs, and drumsticks.
  • Rub the herb mixture on the meat, under the skin. Pat the skin back into place.
  • Rub the salt inside the cavity and on the skin. Tuck the wing tips behind the neck and tie the legs together with kitchen string. Put the turkey in a large food-safe plastic bag (such as a turkey-size roasting bag) and tie. Put the bag inside a second bag and tie.
  • Day 1 to 3: Refrigerate the turkey, turning it over every day, for 3 days.
  • Day 4: Remove the turkey from the bags and pat dry. Transfer to a large roasting pan and refrigerate, unwrapped, to let the turkey air-dry overnight (for the fourth day).

Roast the turkey (Day 5):

Convection Roast Mode:

  • Position a rack in the bottom third of the oven and preheat the oven to 350°F in convection roast setting. If using a probe, insert the thermometer in the thickest part of the thigh not touching the bone and set the temp to 170F. Roast until the temp registers 170°F in the thickest part of a thigh, about 1 1/2 to 2 hours, or longer depending on the size of the turkey. Let the turkey rest for 30 minutes before carving to allow the juices to settle.

Conventional Oven:

  • Position a rack in the bottom third of the oven and preheat the oven to 425°F. Roast the turkey for 1 hour, then reduce the heat to 325°F.
  • Continue to roast until an instant-read thermometer registers 170°F in the thickest part of a thigh, about 1 3/4 to 2 hours. Let the turkey rest for 30 minutes before carving to allow the juices to settle.

Nutrition is based on turkey breast no skin.

Serving: 6oz turkey breast no skin, Calories: 225kcal, Protein: 45.5g, Fat: 3.5g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Cholesterol: 121mg, Sodium: 896.5mg

Blue Smart Points: 0

Green Smart Points: 2

Purple Smart Points: 0

Keywords: dry brine turkey, dry brined turkey, herb and salt rubbed turkey, how to dry brine a turkey

Lentil Soup with Butternut and Kale (Vegan)

Lentil Soup with Butternut and Kale is comforting and nutrient-dense, thanks to the butternut squash, lentils, kale, and leeks.

Lentil Soup with Butternut and Kale
Lentil Soup with Butternut and Kale

This vegetarian butternut squash lentil soup is like a bowl of comfort – the perfect way to warm up on a cold night. This colorful soup, made with healthy ingredients, tastes delicious. The cooked leeks give complexity to the body of the soup. For even more lentil soup recipes, try my Lebanese Lentil Soup, Red Lentil Soup with Spinach, and Instant Pot Chicken and Lentil Soup.

Butternut Lentil Soup

This soup is also dairy-free, gluten-free and vegan. It’s all made in one pot and freezes great. Leftovers are perfect for lunch.

Do lentils need to be soaked?

No, lentils do not need to be soaked like beans do, which saves a lot of time.

Are you supposed to peel butternut squash before cooking?

Yes, it’s best to peel butternut squash before cooking since the skin can be very tough. If you’re short on time, buy your butternut squash peeled and pre-cut from the supermarket.

How to Freeze Lentil Soup:

This butternut squash, kale, and lentil soup is great for meal prep. It freezes wonderfully, so you can save it for dinner on a night when you don’t have time to cook. Freeze the soup in glass food containers or in zip-locked bags laid flat in your freezer for up to three months.

Thaw the soup overnight in the refrigerator and reheat in the microwave or on the stove. If you forget to thaw the night before, you can microwave the frozen soup in 30-second intervals, stirring in between each interval.

Lentil Soup Variations:

  • Sub sweet potato for the butternut squash if you prefer.
  • Feel free to use curly kale if you can’t find Lacinato kale, also known as Tuscan kale. You can also switch the kale for another leafy green like spinach or Swiss chard.
Lentil Soup with Butternut and Kale with a spoon
Lentil Soup with Butternut and Kale

More Lentil Recipes You’ll Love:

Lentil Soup with Butternut and Kale

Prep Time: 15 mins

Cook Time: 50 mins

Total Time: 1 hr 5 mins

Lentil Soup with Butternut and Kale is comforting and nutrient-dense, thanks to the butternut squash, lentils, kale, and leeks.

  • 1/2 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 1 medium carrot, diced
  • 2 leeks, white part only, cleaned and chopped
  • 1 celery stalk, diced
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 6 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 pound peeled and diced butternut, 1/2-inch dice
  • 2 ounces lentils
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • black pepper
  • 3 cups packed chopped lacinato kale, stems removed
  • Heat a heavy pot or Dutch oven over medium heat.
  • When hot, add oil, then add onion, carrots, leeks and celery, reduce heat and cook about 4 to 5 minutes, stirring.
  • Add the tomato paste and cook 2 minutes, stirring.
  • Add the broth and lentils and bring to a boil.
  • Reduce the heat, cover and simmer until halfway cooked, 20 minutes.
  • Add the butternut and cook until tender, about 15 minutes more. Discard the bay leaves, season with salt and pepper, to taste.
  • Add the kale and cook 7 minutes longer until the kale is tender.

To Freeze: Let the soup cool then transfer to a freezer-safe container. Keep frozen for up to 3 months.
To reheat, transfer to the refrigerator the night before then reheat on the stove or microwave.

Serving: 11/3 cups, Calories: 122kcal, Carbohydrates: 25g, Protein: 4g, Fat: 1.5g, Saturated Fat: 0.5g, Sodium: 309.5mg, Fiber: 7g, Sugar: 8g

Blue Smart Points: 1

Green Smart Points: 2

Purple Smart Points: 1

Keywords: lentil soup, lentil soup with butternut, vegan lentil soup, vegetarian lentil soup

Roasted Radishes with Onions ( Easy Low Carb Side Dish)

If you don’t love raw radishes, this 5-ingredient recipe for Roasted Radishes and Onions recipe will definitely change your mind!

roasted radishes
Roasted Radishes

This roasted radishes recipe couldn’t be simpler. It only has five ingredients, after all – three of which are pantry staples. I also tried them with shallots in place of onions and they were lovely. If you’d like to get fancy, feel free to season the radishes and onions with dried herbs like rosemary or thyme. See more side dish recipes here!

Roasted Radishes in a skillet

Believe it or not, this was my first time trying roasted radishes, and I was a big fan! Funny, Madison loves raw radishes with salt which always shocks me as that is not typical kid food. But I personally never cared for them.

So when I get my friend Rebecca’s cookbook The Ultimate Guide to Vegetable Side Dishes (affil link) and saw this recipe I was so curious.

Rebecca says “Radishes can be polarizing, but I’m on a mission to make everyone love them – these Roasted Radishes and Onions are just the way to do it. They are tender, crisp-on-the-outside, sweet, and mild – yes, mild! Roasted radishes are so sublime; they’ll convert even the biggest radish hater.”

She’s right, I’ve been converted! Radishes are a also a great low-carb, keto vegetable, so this side is perfect if you’re watching your carbs. See all of my keto recipes here.

Her book is filled with 100 vegetable side dishes such as:

  • The World’s Best (and Easiest!) Baked Potatoes
  • Buffalo Cauliflower “Wing” Bites
  • Pepper Jack Corn Fritters
  • Garlicky Baked Asparagus Fries
  • Roasted Ginger-Sesame Green Beans

What are the benefits of eating radishes?

Radishes, a root vegetable, are low in carbs and calories and have no fat. A half- cup serving has just 19 calories and four grams of carbohydrates, plus one gram of fiber, making them good for digestive health. Radishes are also a good source of vitamin C, which helps boost immunity.

Do you peel radishes before cooking?

No, you do not need to peel radishes before cooking them. Just wash them and trim off the green tops.

How to Roast Radishes in the Oven

Roasting radishes can be done in three easy steps.

1. Put the radishes and onions on a rimmed baking sheet or cast iron skillet.
2. Drizzle olive oil over them and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
3. Roast for 30-40 minutes at 350 degrees, stirring every ten minutes.

What to Serve with Roasted Radishes

To turn roasted radishes into a low-carb dinner, serve them with roasted chicken, roast beef, or turkey with a salad on the side. If you’d like a side dish with carbs, my Smashed Sweet Potatoes, Rice Pilaf, or Instant Pot Mashed Potatoes would be delicious with these radishes.

Roasted Radishes and Onions

More Roasted Vegetable Recipes You’ll Love:

Roasted Radishes and Onions

Prep Time: 10 mins

Cook Time: 30 mins

Total Time: 45 mins

If you don’t love radishes, this 5-ingredient Roasted Radishes and Onions recipe will definitely change your mind!

  • 2 large bunches radishes, about 1 pound each trimmed of the greens
  • 1 pound spring onions or shallots
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt, plus more to taste
  • ½ teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
  • Preheat oven to 425°F.
  • Halve the radishes or quarter any that are larger than a half dollar.
  • Cut the onions or shallots into wedges the size of the radish pieces.
  • Pile onto a rimmed cookie sheet or cast-iron skillet.
  • Drizzle the oil over the vegetables, sprinkle the salt and black pepper over the top and toss to coat, spreading the radishes and onions out into a single layer.
  • Roast for 10 minutes, lower the heat to 350°F, stir the vegetables, and roast for 20 to 30 more minutes, stirring every 10 minutes, or until the vegetables are deeply caramelized on the outside and tender on the inside.
  • Adjust salt as needed.

Serving: 1/2 cup, Calories: 69kcal, Carbohydrates: 11g, Protein: 1.5g, Fat: 2.5g, Saturated Fat: 0.5g, Sodium: 167mg, Fiber: 4.5g, Sugar: 4.5g

Blue Smart Points: 1

Green Smart Points: 1

Purple Smart Points: 1

Keywords: keto side dish, radish recipe, roasted radishes

Healthy Halloween Trick or Treat Recipes

Trying to live healthier this fall? Worried that all of the Halloween treats will derail you or your family’s goals? If so, then check out these Halloween trick-or-treat recipes that are a healthier alternative to traditional sweets.

No-Bake Peanut Butter Halloween Treats

The best part of these healthy Halloween treats? They’re simple, your kids can help make them, and they require no baking. They’re also super customizable. Add whichever of your favorite festive treats you and your kids prefer.


  • 2-1/2 cups old fashion oats.
  • 1 cup creamy peanut butter.
  • ½ cup honey.
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla.
  • ½ cup mini chocolate chips (or replace with ½ cup of your favorite zero-sugar treat).
  • ½ cup Reese’s pieces (or replace with ½ cup of your favorite zero-sugar treat).


  1. Add ingredients to a large mixing bowl.
  2. Mix well until thoroughly combined.
  3. Roll into balls (about a tablespoon each, bigger or smaller based on your preference).
  4. Place in refrigerator and chill for 30 minutes, or until set.
  5. Enjoy!

Manuka Honey Kosher 20+ from Pacific Resources International

When you’re making your no-bake peanut butter Halloween treats (or any recipe that calls for honey), we recommend using Manuka Honey from Pacific Resources International. One hundred percent raw and kosher-certified, Manuka Honey is sourced from New Zealand, where it is traditionally made from the pollen of the Manuka tree by the native Maori people. Fragrant, delicious, and high in antibacterial and antibiotic properties, Manuka honey is ideal not just for Halloween treats, but for all year.

Homemade Sugar-Free Tootsie Rolls

Are you looking for a healthier version of some classic Halloween treats or candies? Are you and your kids trying to cut down on sugar, but still miss the taste of some classic Halloween candies, like Tootsie Rolls? Then this recipe for homemade Sugar-free tootsie rolls from LowCarbYum might be right up your alley.


  • ¼ cup cocoa (your choice – this recipe used Ghirardelli).
  • ¼ cup unflavored whey protein.
  • 2 tablespoons powdered whole milk.
  • ½ cup low carb powdered sugar substitute.
  • Pinch of salt.
  • 60 grams of fiber syrup.
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter or coconut oil.
  • ½ teaspoon preferred flavor extract (vanilla, orange, mint, or your choice)!


  1. Mix cocoa, whey protein powder, powdered milk, powdered low carb sweetener, and salt in a medium-size mixing bowl. Now set aside.
  2. Put fiber syrup in a microwave-safe bowl, and microwave for about 30 seconds, or until bubbles form. Stir in melted butter, oil, and vanilla
  3. Mix dry cocoa mix into wet fiber syrup blend until the mixture is crumbly. Knead the mixture with your hands until it forms a solid dough
  4. Shape the dough into a ball, then flatten with a rolling pin. Cut flattened dough into strips, and roll each strip into a rope about as wide as a Tootsie roll.
  5. Cut ropes into Tootsie roll sized pieces (mini or king-sized, or other alternative).
  6. Wrap individual rolls in wax paper, and store in the refrigerator if you want them to be firmer
  7. Enjoy!

Better Stevia Organic Extract Powder – NOW Foods

For a low-carb powdered sugar substitute, try Better Stevia Organic Extract Powder from NOW Foods. Better Stevia Organic Extract Powder is a zero-calorie, non-GMO, organic sweetener that can be used as a healthy substitute for sugar or other artificial sweeteners, whether it’s in tea, coffee, or in a healthy Halloween treat recipe.

Witches Brew Skinny Margarita

Finally, a healthy Halloween treat for adults: Witches Brew Skinny Margarita from Eating Well. This cocktail is sure to visually wow your guests with its bold red and black colors from natural sources like hibiscus tea, pomegranate juice, and black hibiscus salt.


  • 2 hibiscus tea bags.
  • 1 cup Blanco tequila (to make a virgin version of this, just replace the tequila with sparkling water, or an additional cup of orange juice).
  • ½ cup unsweetened pomegranate juice.
  • ½ cup freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • ½ cup freshly squeezed lime juice.
  • 1 lime wedge.
  • A few drops of Stevia sweetener.
  • 2 tablespoons of black lava salt.


  1. Combine tea bags and tequila in a pitcher and stir gently. Let the tea infuse for about 10-15 minutes, or until the tequila is bright red. Squeeze tea bags, and discard.
  2. Add remaining juices to the pitcher and stir well until thoroughly combined. Add a few drops of Stevia sweetener, to your preferred sweetness level.
  3. Pour black lava salt into a shallow bowl for dipping. Rub the lime wedge along half the rim of each cocktail glass, then dip each glass into the lava salt bowl.
  4. Add a generous amount of ice to the pitcher, and stir until chilled.
  5. Serve immediately, and enjoy!

For your Stevia liquid sweetener in this recipe, we recommend Stevia from Nutramedix.

Stevia – Nutramedix

Stevia from Nutramedix contains pure stevia leaf extract, which provides 300 times the sweetness of sugar, and may help natural glucose levels already within the normal range. Not only can you use this Stevia extract in your Halloween cocktails, but you can also use it in any drink, tea, or baking recipe you have in mind.

What are your favorite healthy Halloween trick-or-treat recipes?


When you want to lose weight with Phentermine 37.5mg, what you eat makes all the difference. And while some foods offer no help to weight loss efforts, others assist the process significantly. Learn about some of the best foods for weight loss here.


6 Reasons to Eat an Avocado

The superfood should always be on your grocery list.

“Avocados are a vitamin rich food, high in fiber, low in carbohydrates (9 grams per serving) and contain a healthy monounsaturated fat (MUFA) oleic acid that our body needs to decrease inflammation and disease,” says Monisha Bhanote, MD, FCAP, a triple board-certified physician with expertise in integrative medicine and pathology. “Using the benefits of the MUFA in an avocado can increase our insulin sensitivity and lower our cholesterol.”


The versatile whole grain is actually a type of seed that’s rich in fiber and protein.

“Eating foods high in fiber, like whole grain quinoa, will fill you up and help prevent overeating,” says Amanda W. Izquierdo, MPH, RD, LDN.


8 Hidden Health Benefits of Cherries for Weight Loss, Heart Health & Good Sleep

Cherries are a weight loss powerhouse.

“Cherries are often overlooked, but they’re a superfood that can help boost weight loss,” says health and wellness coach Lynell Ross. “They are packed with nutrients such as potassium, copper, manganese, and vitamin C. But the health benefits go beyond vitamins and minerals, as cherries also pack 2 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber. Tart cherries also may help you sleep better. Studies have shown that better sleep promotes more weight loss. And if these benefits weren’t enough, cherries can help with joint pain, allowing you to get more exercise, which helps you lose weight.”


Image may contain Plant Food Vegetable Nut and Almond

If you eat vegan or vegetarian, pistachios are key.

“They help quell hunger, and emerging research shows that eating pistachios will help you lose weight,” says Katherine Brooking MS, RD. “Results from several recent studies suggest that adults who consume nuts, such as pistachios, may have a lower body weight and decreased prevalence of health risks such as heart disease and metabolic syndrome. They also tend to have better diets compared to people who don’t regularly eat pistachios. Pistachios are also a complete protein—ideal for vegans and vegetarians.”

Healthy and Easy Holiday Cookie Recipes

Baking and sharing cookies are popular holiday traditions because they come with that genuine homemade feeling. Plus, there are so many tempting cookie varieties that nearly everyone has a few favorites that they love. Now here’s good news for you: you can enjoy making and eating healthy holiday treats and stay on track to your weight loss goal! We’ve given these easy holiday cookie recipes a healthy makeover so you can join in the fun. They’re all so sweet and delicious that you’ll be proud to give them as gifts—and only you will know they are made with better-for-you ingredients. Best of all, they’re quick and easy to make, even if you have no baking experience.

Chocolate Snowball Holiday Cookie Recipes

Servings: 12

Calories per Serving: 90

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 3 Extras

Peanut butter, cocoa powder and coconut are the flavorful stars of these soft bites. You can whip up a batch in just 10 minutes, so you can eat them fresh whenever you have a craving for a treat.

Servings: 8 (1 serving = 1 cookie)

Calories per Serving: 114

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel and 1 Extra

The nutty crunch of pecans and the naturally sweet taste of cinnamon come together in these simple-to-make crispy cookies. You’ll get a little burst of protein from the nuts and the metabolism-boosting power of cinnamon, while everyone else raves about the delightful flavor.

Iced Protein Peppermint holiday cookie recipes

Servings: 9 (1 serving = 1 cookie)

Calories per Serving: 91

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel

With bananas, the handy vanilla Nutrisystem Protein and Probiotic Shake and a bit of peppermint extract, you can make soft, frosted cookies with that cool holiday taste. Add some festive sprinkles and let the party begin!

Easy Pumpkin Spice Cookies

Servings: 12 (1 serving = 1 cookie)

Calories per Serving: 76

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 2 Extras

If you love the aroma of warm spices in your home and the seasonal tastes of pumpkin and maple syrup, make a batch of these simple but flavorful cookies. They’re very low in calories and high in satisfaction.

Air Fryer Peanut Butter Cookies

Servings: 10 (1 serving = 1 cookie)

Calories per Serving: 121

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel and 1 Extra

The air fryer isn’t just for making delicious, low-calorie meals—it’s a handy tool for baking tasty cookies like these in under 10 minutes! And that’s especially good news, because you won’t want to wait to get a bite of these peanut butter treats.

Chocolate Peppermint holiday cookie recipes

Servings: 28 (1 serving = 1 cookie)

Calories per Serving: 44.8

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 2 Extras

The richness of chocolate and the cool sensation of mint give these cookies the perfect balance of sensational flavors. Even better, you’ll be amazed that they have less than 50 calories each.

easy thumbprint cookies

Servings: 5 (1 serving = 1 cookie)

Calories per Serving: 85

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb

Jelly-filled thumbprints are a staple of many family cookie traditions and you don’t have to pass on them when you’re trying to lose excess weight. These are made with four simple, healthy ingredients but don’t compromise on taste. Holiday cookie recipes don’t have to be complicated!

strawberry oatmeal cookies

Servings: 6 (1 serving = 2 cookies)

Calories per Serving: 78

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 2 Extras

Oatmeal cookies are a classic treat to enjoy with a cup of coffee, tea or non-fat milk. These come out of the oven warm and moist every time because they’re made with applesauce, yogurt and naturally sweet strawberries.

gluten free sugar cookies. Holiday cookie recipes

Servings: 24  (1 serving = 1 cookie)

Calories per Serving: 59

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 2 Extras

Avoiding gluten as well as excess fat and sugar doesn’t mean you can’t join in on holiday cookie recipes. Our recipe developers took the classic sugar cookie and made it low in calories and satisfyingly sweet, as well as gluten free.

double chocolate cherry cookies. Holiday cookie recipes

Servings: 19 (1 serving = 2 cookies)

Calories per Serving: 104

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb

Each bite of these moist and chewy treats will light up your taste buds with the flavors of real chocolate and tart cherries. They’re so good, your family is sure to clamor for them all year long.

healthy gluten free chewy ginger cookies

Servings: 16

Calories per Serving: 102

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 3 Extras

Ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg spice these cookies with the flavors of the season. Plus, they’re made with molasses, so they’re perfectly sweet but not loaded with excess sugar.

cranberry cookies made with sweet potato. Holiday cookie recipes

Servings: 6 (1 serving = 2 cookies)

Calories per Serving: 163

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb and 2 Extras

Mashed sweet potato makes these cookies lightly sweet and nicely tender, while real cranberries provide the tart contrast in every bite. It takes just five simple steps to bake a batch, so you don’t have to spend hours preparing them when you’re craving cookies that taste like the holidays.

maple walnut cookies. Holiday cookie recipes

Servings: 12 (1 serving = 1 cookie)

Calories per Serving: 122

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb and 1 Extra

If you love holiday cookie recipes that are both a bit salty and lightly sweet, these glazed cookies will hit the spot. They’re made with crunchy nuts, real maple syrup, the tang of apples and a hint of cinnamon, so you get a medley of seasonal flavors in each one.

Servings: 9 (1 serving = 1 cookie)

Calories per Serving: 132

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb and 1 Extra

Yes, you can have cookies for breakfast—or just about any time you need to fuel up—with these hearty treats. They’re made with real oats, so you get a bit of fiber, plus nut butter and pumpkin seeds for a quick shot of protein to power up your day.

air fryer peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.

Servings: 10 (1 serving = 1 cookie)

Calories per Serving: 149

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel and 2 Extras

Peanut butter and chocolate chips give you two great tastes in one deliciously healthy cookie. Make them in the air fryer and you keep the mess to a minimum and the goodness to the maximum.

whole grain black and white cookies. Holiday cookie recipes

Servings: 24 (1 serving = 3 cookies)

Calories per Serving: 87

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb

If you thought you’d never be able to enjoy these classic frosted treats and stay on track with your weight loss plan, we’ve got happy news for you. With this version, you can make a batch whenever you want and enjoy three of them in each serving.

Winter Weight Loss: Easy Meal Delivery Plan

Between the holidays and the increased time spent inside, losing weight in the winter can feel like an impossible feat. But the truth is, it doesn’t have to be that hard. In fact, with the right support system and an easy weight loss meal plan, your journey will not only be doable but enjoyable.

At Nutrisystem, we believe that losing weight shouldn’t have to mean giving up the foods that you love. When you take an approach where you feel deprived, it’s hard to stick to it. That’s why we’ve specifically crafted our easy weight loss meal plan to be flexible while still offering plenty of support.

If you’re considering trying Nutrisystem this winter, we believe that it can be an amazing, life-changing choice that you won’t regret. Still not convinced? Here are seven reasons to try Nutrisystem this season.

1. Get Your Comfort Food Fix

There’s no question that comfort food and winter go hand-in-hand. Nothing warms you up on a chilly night better than a good-old comfort food dish like a hearty casserole or a big pot of chili. The problem is that most of these choices aren’t good for the waistline.

With the Nutrisystem meal delivery service, you can get your comfort foods in a diet-friendly, perfectly portioned way. It takes all the guesswork out of getting dinner ready while still giving you the flavor and total enjoyment of some of your favorite foods. Our Roasted Turkey Medallions dinner entrée is sure to crush holiday food cravings, while our Chicken Pasta Parmesan tastes just like mom’s home cooking. And we can’t forget about our White Cheddar Mac and CheeseMeatloaf Sandwich and Savory Chicken Pot Pie!

2. Easy Meals Delivered to Your Doorstep

a smiling woman receiving food from a food delivery service

Grocery shopping can be a hassle any time of the year but when it is chilly or inclement weather, it’s even less desirable. That’s why having food delivered right to your doorstep is such a welcomed benefit of the Nutrisystem program. You’ll get delicious meals and snacks to stock up your freezer and pantry without the inconvenience and hassles of the grocery store!

3. Get a Head Start on Your Weight Loss New Year’s Resolutions

a woman preparing to write down new years resolutions next to a plate of fruit. easy weight loss meal plan 

If losing weight is always on your New Year’s resolutions list, you can do yourself a big favor by getting started now. You’ll start shedding pounds before New Year’s even rolls around and will be motivated to keep up that momentum in the year ahead. Just imagine where you’ll be by the time next year’s New Year rolls around!

One of the best things about Nutrisystem is that our support doesn’t end after you reach your goal weight. We’re also here for you during weight maintenance with our Nutrisystem Success plans. The Nutrisystem program is about making lifelong changes which not only contribute to healthy weight loss but to overall better health.

4. Flexibility to Get the Most Out of Your Holidays

a Thanksgiving spread of food on a family sized table

We realize that one of the reasons people put off their weight loss plans until after the holidays is that they feel they won’t be able to enjoy them to the fullest. There’s no question that food is deeply ingrained in many of our holiday traditions.

But that’s what’s so great about the Nutrisystem program! With our easy-to-follow Flex meal guidelines, helpful tips and advice, you can still enjoy homemade holiday meals or dine out at your favorite restaurants. It’s all about balance. We truly believe that when you avoid feeling deprived, you have the most success.

5. A Personalized Program Tailored to YOU

a couple cooking together while looking at a recipe on an iPad. easy weight loss meal plan 

Another reason why Nutrisystem is so great is the fact that they offer all-new personalized programs that are tailored to YOU. The truth is, no two people are alike and their journey to weight loss shouldn’t look the same either. Using your height, weight, age, gender, body type and activity level, we create an easy weight loss meal plan that adapts to your metabolism as you lose weight. With a program tailored to you, you’ll be able to finally achieve results that might have been elusive in the past.

6. You’ll Feel Great During the Holidays

a family gathered around a dinner table full of food on Christmas. easy weight loss meal plan 

When you lose weight, you feel great—something that will make the holidays even more special. Maybe it’s fitting into that holiday dress that you used to love wearing. It could also just be a matter of feeling your very best while enjoying the holiday season to the fullest. Instead of feeling sluggish and tired, you’ll have the energy to get the most out of the season.

7. You’ll Have all the Support You Need to Succeed

a man relaxing on his couch, while looking at his phone. easy weight loss meal plan 

At the end of the day, we find that so much of peoples’ success (or lack of it) comes down to how much support they received. That’s why we’re committed to supporting those who start their healthy weight loss journey in a variety of different ways. With such a robust support system, you’re truly set up to achieve your goals.

Vitamin C: Foods to Stock Up On

Slices oranges and grapefruits

Vitamin C is one of the most talked-about nutrients. Most of us are aware that it is essential for our health and immune system, but do you know why or how much of it you need each day? How can you be sure that you are getting enough? These days, it’s more important than ever to maintain a healthy supply of vitamin C, so we’ve put together this quick guide to everything you need to know about it and how you can get it from your daily diet.

Why is Vitamin C Important?

Healing wounds. According to the National Institutes of Health, your body uses vitamin C to produce collagen, proteins that form the primary structure of skin, cartilage and other soft tissues. When you suffer from a wound or bruise, your body replenishes the damaged area with fresh collagen.

Cancer protection. Vitamin C is an antioxidant. This means that it helps to neutralize “free radical” cells that damage healthy cells, blocking the first step in a chain reaction that may lead to cancer. “Epidemiologic evidence suggests that higher consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with lower risk of most types of cancer, perhaps, in part, due to their high vitamin C content,” says the National Institutes of Health.

Heart disease reduction. People who don’t consume enough vitamin C are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis, the condition in which arteries are clogged with excess cholesterol, according to a report from the National Institutes of Health.

Immune system support. We all are looking to give our bodies extra protection from infectious diseases. According to research, published in the journal Nutrients, “Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system.”

Weight loss. Leptin is a hormone that lets your body know when you’ve eaten enough food to satisfy its needs. According to the Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, vitamin C helps to regulate leptin levels in your body, ensuring that you don’t overeat. A steady supply of vitamin C helps you stay on track with your weight loss plan.

How Much Vitamin C Do You Need?

Your body cannot produce its own vitamin C, so you need to get it from the food you eat. The National Institutes of Health has recommended these daily consumption levels:

  • 90 mg for adult males
  • 75 mg for females
  • 85 mg for pregnant women
  • 120 mg for breastfeeding women
  • An additional 35 mg for people who smoke

Always speak to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your vitamin C status, needs or supplements.

Foods High in Vitamin C:

The best sources for vitamin C are real foods. Supplements are available, but food comes with other essential nutrients, says Harvard Health Publishing. The National Institutes of Health provides a list of vitamin C-rich foods that can be incorporated into a healthy diet. We chose our top 10 favorite picks for your Nutrisystem plan and provided some delicious and fresh ideas for enjoying them.

1. Red Peppers

Sliced red bell peppers

You get the highest concentration of vitamin C per serving in these colorful sweet red bell peppers. Orange, yellow and green peppers are also rich sources of the nutrient.

Try this: Roasted Red Pepper & Turkey Pinwheel Wraps make a quick and satisfying Flex lunch you can take on the go.

2. Oranges

Slices oranges and grapefruits

Citrus fruits, including oranges, grapefruit and lemons, are another vitamin C-rich food source. While you get plenty of vitamin c from fresh-squeezed juice, eating the whole fruit also provides fiber that helps you feel full long after you’re finished.

Try this: Cacao Citrus Salad is a colorful breakfast or light lunch that brings together a mix of vitamin-C rich fruit flavored with maple, vanilla, and cacao nibs.

3. Strawberries

Strawberries in a bowl vitamin C

These bite-sized treats are high in fiber as well as vitamin C and other key nutrients. You can eat the strawberries whole, add them to smoothies or in other dishes.

Try this: When you’re looking for a cool and creamy snack that fits your weight loss plan and gives you just about a whole day’s supply of vitamin C, whip up a batch of our 2-Ingredient Strawberry Froyo.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli florets ready to cook in a pot vitamin C

You probably already know that non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli are a critical part of your daily diet because they are high in fiber and nutrients yet low in calories. Enjoy broccoli raw or lightly steamed. You can even add it to many of your favorite Nutrisystem meals!

Try this: Broccoli and Cheese Breakfast Muffins are a tasty way to start your day with a healthy serving of vegetables.

5. Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts served in a bowl.

These bite-sized members of the cabbage family are one of most nutrient-dense foods, meaning they are packed with a wide range of nutrients but are very low in calories. They taste their best in fall, after a light chill has sweetened their flavor.

Try this: The whole family will love the gooey goodness of our 4-Step Cheesy Brussels Sprouts Bake.

6. Cantaloupe

Sliced cantaloupe on a plate vitamin C

The orange-fleshed melon is so sweet and juicy you don’t need another reason to eat it often, but you’ll also be glad that it loads you up with vitamin C and fiber. For a refreshing drink, freeze cantaloupe cubes and add them to low-sodium seltzer.

Try this: Grilling adds another layer of flavor to cantaloupe. Cut the flesh into cubes (with rind removed) and slide them on to skewers. Cook them over medium heat for four to six minutes, turning frequently. Check out our other ideas for grilled fruit! >

7. Cauliflower

Multi-colored cauliflower florets

It’s easier than ever to get your daily vitamin C from cauliflower because there are so many delicious ways to eat it—raw with dip, steamed or roasted, ground into rice-like grains, whipped with potatoes, and even rolled into pizza crust.

Try this: 5-Ingredient Buffalo Cauliflower Bread Sticks are a festive snack that you can serve for a celebration or enjoy any day of the week.

8. Kiwi

Sliced and whole kiwis on a table vitamin C

These fuzzy fruits are perfectly portable. They are great for throwing in your lunch bag for a quick and easy snack. Just slice them in half, grab a spoon and scoop out the sweet, green flesh. Add them to plain, non-fat Greek yogurt for a slightly sweet and sour twist.

Try this: You get two vitamin-C rich foods in the Kiwi Strawberry Slushie, yet it counts as only one SmartCarb on the Nutrisystem weight loss plan.

9. Tomatoes

Farm fresh whole cherry tomatoes vitamin C

As a sandwich topping, in a salad or in marinara sauce, tomatoes come with plenty of vitamin C, along with a powerful antioxidant known as lycopene, says Healthline. Be sure to eat the skin, where many of the nutrients are found.

Try this: With an instant pot, you can enjoy a warm and delicious Tomato Basil Frittata in under 30 minutes.

10. Pineapple

Woman slicing pineapple vitamin C

If you love tropical flavors, pineapple is a delicious source for your daily vitamin C, says Healthline. Many grocery stores now sell it already sliced and ready to eat, so you don’t have to deal with figuring out when it’s perfectly ripe and juicy.

Try this: Cinnamon Sugar Air Fryer Grilled Pineapple is crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside, and sweet and cinnamon-y in every bite.

Craving Chocolate Diet

Craving Chocolate? Diet Hacks –

Craving Chocolate Diet

Once considered a guilty pleasure of which to steer clear, chocolate has made its way up the ranks of unexpected health foods.

Thank you, flavanols!

Plant compounds found in cacao beans (from which chocolate is made), flavanols are associated with reduced blood pressure, protection against heart disease and sharper minds, among other benefits. Still, it’s important to remember that not all chocolate is created equal. Dark chocolate provides more good-for-you compounds than milk chocolate. Plus, milk can contain about twice as much sugar as dark.

For a healthy dose of flavanols without a big boost of calories and sugar, choose a chocolate with at least 65 percent cacao. In general, the higher the percentage of cacao, the larger the amount of healthy compounds you get. Regardless of the variety, stick to a sensible, half an ounce portion (two dark chocolate minis), which count as three Extras on Nutrisystem.

10 Ways Chocolate Can Improve Your Health

However, if you’re like most people, no amount of chocolate ever seems enough. Thankfully there are so many ways to enjoy the deep, rich flavors of this decadent treat, without the sinful sugar and calorie counts. Eating chocolate is no longer the only way to get your chocolatey fix.

Sounds easier than it is, right? We know.

That’s why we’re serving up some creative, healthy snack hacks to help you survive your chocolate cravings:

1. Warm up with some chocolate flavored coffee or tea.

The selection of flavored coffees and teas grows by the minute. Whether it’s your favorite local brew, or a bag of fresh leaves you picked up the other day at the local coffee shop, you’ll know you’re getting something absolutely delicious. Almond Joy, Mocha Coconut, Chocolate Raspberry… the list goes on and on. It’s easy to see how some of these warming drinks could fill your stomach in place of some of the most indulgent desserts. Coffee and tea have health benefits, too. Protecting from heart disease, aiding in weight loss and preventing diabetes are just some of the possible advantages to this diet addition. It goes without saying that the most wholesome way to enjoy your cup is black, but just a pinch of milk, or zero-calorie sweetener can add a boost for those that don’t adore these refreshments in their natural state. Steer clear of the lattes and flavored cappuccinos—these are diet destroyers with their heavy milk bases and syrups.

How to Have a Tastier Tea Time

2. Just a touch of cocoa powder hits food hard with flavor.

One tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder typically ranges from 10-15 calories, but all you need is a sprinkle. Cocoa powder adds a depth to dishes of all varieties that can’t be beat. Try it dusted over your favorite nut butter, blended in your smoothie, added to your oatmeal or graced on fruits like strawberries or frozen bananas. Just a little goes a long way to give you a chocolatier day.

3. Rev up your body with chocolate flavored protein shakes.

Protein is a diet must for long lasting energy and fuel to repair your body after exercise. Why not delight in all of the chocolate flavored options? Plant and whey protein powders all come with the taste of an amazing chocolate shake. Protein powders are insanely versatile so you can really experiment to create your favorite treat. Chocolate protein powder with almond milk and frozen raspberries are a recipe for taste that spells splurge city, even though its not.

Need to restock your protein powder stash? Order Nutrisystem shakes here.>

Your Foolproof Guide to Protein Powder

4. Milk your Extras.

Hot cocoa enthusiasts, rejoice. One tablespoon of sugar-free chocolate syrup is an Extra on Nutrisystem. Incorporate this Extra with nonfat or unsweetened nondairy milk for a chocolate milk or hot cocoa that satisfies. No sugar, no hunger and no guilt. Chocolate syrup can also be used to dress strawberries, bananas, apples or “Nice Cream” to make the velvety, sweet fix all the more filling.

5. Give your magnesium a makeover.

If you crave chocolate all of the time—and we mean all of the time—it’s possible you’re running a bit low on the nutrients your body needs, specifically magnesium. Low magnesium is commonly associated with increased crankiness, anxiety and soreness, all symptoms many instinctively treat with chocolate. Augmenting your diet with wholesome, magnesium-containing foods like dark, leafy greens and fish might be the key to seeing your extreme chocolate cravings disappear.

What 5 Common Cravings Say About Your Diet

6. Nosh on some sweet fruit after your meal… or chocolate dessert.

For the love of fruit, there are so many reasons for the widespread obsession with chocolate. But, even after enjoying a nice (perfectly portioned!) piece of chocolate, a flavored chocolate drink or cocoa infused snacks, a piece of fruit can be the (forgive the pun) cherry on top… and just the thing to bring closure to your craving. Fruit is sugary, but in the natural way. Nothing added. Just enjoyed whole, fruit is refreshing and filling and can perfectly complement whatever you ate prior. Nothing will nix your chocolate craving faster than finishing it off with one piece of fruit. There are so many varieties of fruit, you’ll find one to meet any mood and nutritional goal. Finding one that complements chocolate? Even better. Our favorites? Raspberries or pomegranate seeds.

7. Get creative in the kitchen with a healthier chocolate recipe.

Last, but not least, if you really do need a chocolate dessertand there are absolutely times that warrant themskinny dessert recipes come in for the clutch. Weight loss blogs and healthy recipe pages, like the one here, at The Leaf, offer smarter options for every desire. Keep your health in line and your weight loss success in sight, with smoothies, shakes and mug cakes that provide balanced nutrition in the proper portions.

15 Decadent Recipes for Chocolate-Lovers



Date Night In? 15 Dinner Recipes Meant For You

Date Night In? 15 Dinner Recipes Meant to Be Shared

Date Night In? 15 Dinner Recipes Meant For You

Skip the crowded restaurants and spare your eyes the stress of squinting at the menu for something healthy. On your next special night, treat your special someone to a home-cooked meal—one that you know is good for you both… and that tastes delicious.

Here are 15 date night dinner ideas that bring some magic to the moment:

1. Greek Fish and Vegetables

Date Night Dinner Ideas Greek Fish and Vegetables
You pick your fish: Halibut, flounder, cod—as long as it’s white, it will pair beautifully with the roasted cherry tomatoes, black olives, red onions and chickpeas that sit on top. This Mediterranean-style dish contains enough healthy fats to satisfy your hunger, but is light enough to leave a little room for dessert. Plus, the meal has really nice dish appeal.

2. Pineapple Chicken Kebabs

Pineapple Chicken Kebabs Date Night Dinner Ideas
Grilled pineapple. Need we say more? If so, these chunks of deliciousness are stacked alongside chicken, bell peppers and onions, then brushed with barbecue sauce and grilled for the perfect mix of sweet and savory. Each kebab offers a wide range of nutrients and on Nutrisystem, it counts as one SmartCarb, two Power Fuels, one Vegetable and two Extras.

3. Air Fryer Drumsticks: Healthier Fried Chicken

Date Night Dinner Ideas Air Fryer Drumsticks on Plate
If you have an air fryer, you have to treat your sweetie to these Cajun-seasoned drumsticks. If you don’t have an air fryer, here’s why you want one: It cuts out the vat of oil used in a typical deep fryer, so you can enjoy a healthier dish with much less fat and far fewer calories.

4. Zucchini Noodles with Roasted Vegetables and Pesto

Date Night Dinner Ideas Zucchini Noodles Roasted Vegetables Pesto
Have you met the zoodle? Short for zucchini noodle, it’s a great carb-cutting swap for standard spaghetti. Coat the veggie strands in creamy pesto (made from scratch!), toss them with roasted tomatoes, artichoke hearts and bell peppers, and watch your loved one swoon.

5. Brazilian Black Bean Stew

Date Night Dinner Ideas
A healthier twist on the traditional dish, this recipe swaps chicken sausage in for the meat, and brown rice instead of white. However, you still get the filling beans and blend of savory flavors, along with orange slices on the side, just like it’s typically served. Call it, “Feijoada,” if you want to sound authentic. Practice pronouncing, “fay-ZHWA-dah,” for a more impressive effect.

6. Southwest Grilled Chicken Salad

Southwest Grilled Chicken Salad Date Night Dinner Ideas
If your senorita is craving a little Mexican, grab your cutting board and get to chopping. Though the list of ingredients is long, the crunch of the cabbage and peppers, pop from the black beans and corn, and the flavors of the homemade dressing, featuring avocado, lime juice and cilantro, make the salad worth the prepping effort. One bite and she’ll say delicious!

7. Salmon Burger with Herb Cream Sauce

Date Night Dinner Ideas Salmon Burger with Herb Cream Sauce
This is not your average burger, people. Not only is salmon packed with heart-healthy oils, but it’s also a good source of lean protein, which helps to boost metabolism and decrease appetite. Its tender, buttery texture makes a perfect patty, which you’ll season with paprika, garlic powder and a pinch of cayenne for a bit of heat. The crème de la crème—the homemade herb cream sauce—adds elegance and awesome flavor. For another inspired idea, try the bun-less Edamame Quinoa Burgers.

8. Meat Lovers Loaded Pepper

Date Night Dinner Ideas Meat Lover's Loaded Pepper
There’s lean ground turkey, brown rice, spinach, chopped tomatoes, onions and garlic, coated in tomato sauce and nestled into your bell pepper of choice. It’s hearty, healthy and overflowing with goodness. If you prefer no meat, try this Veggie and Rice Stuffed Pepper and let the amazement consume you.

9. Southwest Spaghetti Bowl

Date Night Dinner Ideas Southwest Spaghetti Bowl
This one might take the win for best presentation: Spaghetti squash strands, mixed with shredded chicken, green cilantro, black beans, red peppers, and other veggies served in a scooped out spaghetti squash is not only colorful and beautiful, but also delicious. And when you think it can’t get better, it does, in the form of shredded cheese sprinkled on top.

10. Easy Chicken Fajita Bake

Date Night Dinner Ideas Easy Chicken Fajita Bake
Nowhere does it say that a date night dinner idea needs to be complicated. Tender chicken breast, vegetables, black olives, cheese and savory Mexican spices make for a simple and flavorful dish. This recipe is also easy to tweak: Just add in your sweetheart’s favorite veggies and experiment with spices to make it even more special.

11. Ginger Soy Noodle Bowl

Date Night Dinner Ideas Ginger Soy Noodle Bowl
Enjoy flavors of the Far East from the comfort of your own home. This veggie-loaded noodle bowl—complete with whole wheat spaghetti, fiber-rich edamame and crispy sugar snap peas—is bathed in an Asian-inspired sauce and perfect for sharing. Whip out a pair of “his and her” chopsticks and prepare your taste buds to be transported.

12. Loaded Mexican Baked Sweet Potato

Date Night Dinner Ideas Loaded Mexican Baked Sweet Potato
The name says it all. Each side of a sweet potato is loaded with shredded chicken, cheese, salsa and low-fat sour cream. A sprinkle of spices and chopped green onion on top are the magic. A salad on the side, and dinner is served.

13. Ground Turkey and Veggie Curry with Brown Rice

Date Night Dinner Ideas Ground Turkey and Veggie Curry with Brown Rice
Curry, coriander, cumin, turmeric and red chili flakes, work together to boost the flavor of this turkey-vegetable medley. It’s as delicious as it is satisfying. Counting as one SmartCarb, two Power Fuels, one Extra and one and a half Vegetables on Nutrisystem, it’s a perfect flex dinner.

14. Beetroot and Quinoa Superfood Salad

Beetroot Quinoa Salad Date Night Dinner Ideas
The salad looks almost as beautiful as your date. Lemon juice, olive oil and low-fat feta add vibrant flavor, while beets, kale and quinoa send the nutritional value of this meal soaring. If you have cooked beets prepared already, this one is very quick fix too.

15. Cheesy Chicken Quesadillas

Date Night Dinner Ideas Cheesy Chicken Quesadillas
For a more casual night with your guy or gal, consider the quesadilla. You still get the shredded cheddar and chunks of chicken you’d expect, but with low-fat cheese, extra veggies and whole-wheat tortillas, this classic gets a whole lot healthier. Looking to get a little closer with a movie? Watch this recipe video to heat things up a bit.

Click here for more

Everything You Need to Know About SPIRULINA

Spirulina: Everything You Need to Know

As you scroll through your social media feed, you may have noticed an increase in turquoise smooth bowls and ocean-green protein shakes. This unique, unusual hue is most likely from spirulina, blue-green algae that has been dried and ground into powder, says Harvard Health. So, what’s the big deal about spirulina and should you incorporate it into your healthy diet?

Spirulina is an up and coming superfood that has recently become popular. It has an impressive nutritional profile, starting with a potent punch of complete protein standing on a low-calorie foundation, says Harvard Health. It also contains a rich supply of vitamins and minerals, such as iron and omega-3 fatty acids. Sounds like a valuable ally in your daily drive to eat healthy and reach your weight loss goal, doesn’t it?

Pronounced spee·ruh·LEE·nuh, it has been used as a food source for centuries and has recently become a popular ingredient among healthy eaters. This may be due to its nutritional content and numerous studies claiming important benefits to our well-being. From packaged foods to supplements, find out why this healthy alga has made its way to your supermarket’s shelves.

How to Make a Smoothie Bowl: Your Foolproof Guide to Smoothie Bowl Perfection

Keep reading for everything you need to know about spirulina:

Nutrition Highlights


According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), one teaspoon of spirulina contains two grams of protein, one gram of carbohydrates and zero grams of fat for only 15 calories. Unlike most plant foods, spirulina comes with all the essential amino acids, making it a “complete” protein, says Spirulina is a good plant-based source of iron and is an appealing option for vegans and vegetarians.

Spirulina also contains essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, says Healthline. According to the American Heart Association, omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats that are said to support Heart Health. Gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid, has been shown to reduce chronic inflammation, according to research published in Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.

Health Powers


The anti-inflammatory properties of spirulina were evident in a study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology. The subjects who consumed spirulina daily for three weeks were able to exercise longer with less soreness than the control group. This could be especially beneficial if you are new to working out. Better yet, in another study, published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, participants who took spirulina burned fat while exercising at a higher rate than those who had a placebo.

Spirulina may also help your body manage sugar and cholesterol levels, according to a study published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research. This study found that after 30 days of taking spirulina, lab animals had reduced levels of blood glucose and LDL cholesterol and increased levels of HDL cholesterol.

If you have a health condition, are taking an anti-coagulant drug or any other medication, check with your doctor and pharmacist before adding spirulina to your daily routine. You want to be sure it won’t interfere with your health or medication. Women who are pregnant or nursing should also consult with their health-care providers before taking spirulina.

11 Green Smoothies That Will Rock Your World

Buyer’s Guide


According to Harvard Health, you can find spirulina capsules, tablets and powder. They are typically found in the vitamin and supplement section of supermarkets, drug stores and health food stores. You can add it to recipes or just swallow it daily in supplement form. Energy bars, chocolate and drinks that include spirulina are available in many outlets, too.

Keep in mind that spirulina is like other dietary supplements and it is not subject to the same testing or regulations that the Food and Drug Administration requires of medicines, says Harvard Health. That means you need to read labels and do a little research on your own to be sure that spirulina is the only—or at least the primary—ingredient in any product you buy. It can also be pricey, so beware of products that are significantly cheaper than all of the competing brands.

Fresh Ideas

smoothie bowl

Spirulina by itself has the distinct flavor and aroma of algae with hint of fishiness. That’s why many people choose to take odorless and tasteless spirulina capsules or tablets. Some people mix the powder in water and drink it. However, many find it unpalatable that way. More popular is mixing a few spoonful’s into smoothies or bowls, in which the other flavors can bury spirulina’s taste. If you prefer savory tastes, try adding it to homemade pesto. You can also incorporate it into homemade energy balls.  Try throwing it one of these energy ball recipes >

On the Nutrisystem program, about two teaspoons of spirulina count as one Extra. Bon Appétit Magazine recommends keeping open containers of spirulina products in the refrigerator to help protect its nutrients from oxygen.


Lose Weight This Year with Nutrisystem

Lose the Weight This Year with Nutrisystem

Happy New Year! Now’s the time to lose the weight and become your healthiest self. Whether you have significant weight to lose or just want to shed a few pesky pounds that showed up over the holidays, the new year is a great time to tackle your weight loss goals. Nothing says clean slate like tossing last year’s calendar in the trash and hanging up a brand new one.

But if you’re like most people, setting a goal and putting a plan into motion are two very different things. Even for those who get off to a good start, life can end up getting in the way. For a weight loss resolution, that could mean finding yourself reverting back to old eating habits or skipping workout sessions. Without structure and support, it can be really hard to keep working toward those healthy living goals.

Trust us; we get it. Here’s the good news: The Nutrisystem weight loss program was designed for people like you–people who want to lose weight but aren’t exactly sure the best way to go about doing it.

Together, Let’s Make 2020 The Best Year Yet!

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With Nutrisystem, you’ll be set up for success from day one. Research suggests that eating smaller, balanced meals throughout the day promotes greater weight loss and maintenance. On the Nutrisystem weight loss program, you’ll be doing just that. You’ll be eating a variety of guilt-free, nutrient-dense foods every two to three hours. Enjoy a mix of Nutrisystem breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks along with some of your favorite grocery add-ins like fruits and veggies.

And because we know that any weight loss meal plan that’s overly restrictive is bound to fail, we’ve also built Flex™ meals into our program. These are healthy meals you prepare at home (with our guidance!) or order while dining out. Flex meals give you the freedom you crave while keeping you moving along toward your weight loss goals.

And here’s the best part: Because everyone knows that weight loss isn’t always a one size fits all approach, Nutrisystem now offers personalized weight loss plans! With this option, you can receive a weight loss meal plan that’s based on your activity goals, food preferences and body type.

So, how much weight can you actually lose on our program? If you stick with your Nutrisystem meal plan, you can lose up to 18 pounds and 10 inches in your first two months!*

Ready to start the clock? Follow us today!

5 Reasons Nutrisystem is the Best Diet Plan to Become Your Best You

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Want a little more info before you take the pound-trimming plunge? Here’s everything you need to know about losing weight with Nutrisystem:

What You Get

lose the weight

We know how eager you are to see results after starting a weight loss program. That’s why we include our Body Reboot kit in your first shipment. This kit contains everything you need for your first week on the program and is formulated to deliver fast weight loss results.**

In the Body Reboot kit, you’ll find:

  • 7 shakes packed with protein and probiotics
  • 7 days of specially selected breakfasts, lunches and dinners
  • 7 days of tasty snacks designed to help curb your hunger
  • A helpful Quick Start Guide to help maximize your results

In addition to your Body Reboot kit, your shipment will include your Nutrisystem meals and snacks for the remainder of the month. If you selected our Basic package, you’ll get our most popular picks. If you opted for one of our other packages, your shipment will include the foods you hand-picked when ordering.

You’ll also have access to our awesome weight loss app, NuMi. NuMi is the perfect companion to your weight loss program since you can use it to track what you’re eating, how much you’re moving, how much water you’re drinking and more. And don’t forget to follow our Facebook and Instagram pages! We offer up tons of tips and tricks for navigating the program plus awesome giveaways and exclusive offers.

Of course, you’ll also want to check back here daily since The Leaf is your healthy hub! We are always adding fresh content, Flex meal recipes and fool-proof tips for making the most of your Nutrisystem weight loss program.

What You Do

lose the weight

During your first week, we keep it super simple. You’ll eat only those foods included in your Body Reboot kit–breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack and shakes. Just enjoy the foods provided, referring to your Quick Start Guide for assistance navigating week one. The only things that you will have to add are non-starchy vegetables and water.

Once you’ve completed your first week (congrats!), you will continue losing weight with Nutrisystem® meals and snacks. Every food item is color-coded so you know if it’s intended for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack. Since all of the food has been formulated to deliver weight loss results, you can feel free to choose any of the breakfast items in the morning, any lunch that sounds appealing during your mid-day meal and any dinner you are in the mood for. You don’t have to stick with certain meals on certain days. This helps to ensure that this experience is an enjoyable one. After all, the best weight loss plan is the one you can stick with!

After your first week on the Nutrisystem weight loss program, you’ll also start to add in a few of your favorite grocery foods (think fruits, veggies, nuts and nut butters, eggs, etc.). Plus, you’ll get to enjoy Flex meals–healthy meals you enjoy cooking at home or ordering out at your favorite restaurant. Don’t worry, we will give you all the guidance you need to make smart and healthy selections. That’s what our weight loss blog, The Leaf, is for! And get this; you can even relax with a glass of wine while on the Nutrisystem weight loss program.

Alcohol on Nutrisystem: Everything You Need to Know

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Does it Work

lose the weight

One look at all of our awesome Success Stories and you’ll know; Nutrisystem works. And not in the quick fix, crash diet kind of way. Our customers tell us all the time that they love Nutrisystem because it’s a sustainable lifestyle after you lose the weight. Even when they’re ready for life after our weight loss program, they are successful because they’ve mastered the skills they need to eat healthy for life.

Are you ready to become our next weight loss success story? Follow our blog today!!

   In a study on the standard Nutrisystem plan, avg weight loss was 15.4 lbs and 9.8 inches.

   In a study, avg weight loss was 5.4 lbs in the first week. The average weight for the study participants was 207.3 lbs. Results vary based on starting weight and program adherence.

   Usage of this kit for more than one week in any consecutive 4-week period may lead to health complications and is not recommended. Please be sure to eat all of the food recommended for this program. Failure to follow the program protocol and eat all of the food recommended may involve developing serious health complications. If you have diabetes, are under 18 years of age, are pregnant or a nursing mother, or following a specialized diet for health issues, you may not use this kit. Please consult your physician before purchasing (or beginning) this kit.

Nutrisystem Shakes: Delicious Shake Recipes For You


Simple to prep: check! Easy for on-the-go: absolutely! And the perfect choice when you need a little something sweet and healthy to satisfy a grumbling belly. If that’s not reason enough to try Nutrisystem shakes, then keep reading to find out all the reasons why these protein-packed super shakes are a must-try!

They’re decadent and delicious. Whether you live in the all-chocolate, all-the-time camp, or are more of a flavor purist, these shakes are made to please. With the chocolate shake, you get rich and nutrients in every sip; or opt for the vanilla shake for some smooth and creamy goodness. If you want to flip-flop between flavors, go for full indulgence with this combo pack.

They help shrink your belly. That’s because our shakes contain probiotics—good bacteria that help your digestive system do its job. The added bonus of probiotics: less belly bloating.

They help burn fat! You read that right. Nutrisystem’s Protein and Probiotic shakes are made with a compound called chromium, which has been shown to help reduce body fat, as part of a healthy diet and exercise program.*

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month with the Nutrisystem Program

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They’re packed with powerful nutrition. You get 22 vitamins and minerals per sip, to be specific. What you won’t get in our shakes: artificial sweeteners, flavors, soy or gluten.

They help fight hunger. With a whopping 15 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber, these shakes are formulated to help keep you feeling fuller, longer. Plus, they are perfectly portioned for weight loss, with only 120 calories per serving. On Nutrisystem, they count as one PowerFuel.

Now, check out eight recipes using our shakes that pack in the protein (and flavor!):

1. Black Forest “Milkshake”

black forest milkshake

Filled with chocolate flavors and complemented by a hint of cherry, this Black Forest “Milkshake” is the perfect protein-filled pick to start your day the healthy way.

2. Berry Delicious Smoothie

berry delicious shake

This filling shake combines the flavors of berries and banana with a vanilla shake for a refreshing and filling smoothie so sweet and delicious, you’ll want to make it over and over again.

3. Pumpkin Latte Super Shake

pumpkin latte

If you’re a pumpkin lover, you’re going to want to bookmark this recipe. Filled with pumpkin flavor and blended to creamy perfection thanks to a Nutrisystem shake, this latte-inspired smoothie packs in the vitamins and deliciousness for a pumpkin-filled breakfast.

4. Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

chocolate peanut butter

Chocolate and peanut butter is a classic combo, and this shake adds in a hint of banana to make this protein-packed shake a must-try for those on-the-go mornings.

5. Mango Madness Green Smoothie

mango madness

Filled with greens and sweet mango, this fruity smoothie will fill you up the Nutrisystem-approved way thanks to our NutriCrush® Protein and Probiotic Shakes.

6. Mint Chocolate Smoothie

mint chocolate smoothie

If mint chocolate chip is your favorite ice cream, then we’ve got the perfect (and healthy!) alternative that you can enjoy guilt free. Packed with protein, chocolate and minty flavors, this hearty shake is bound to become a menu regular.

7. Piña Colada Protein Smoothie

pina colada

This sweet and fruity smoothie will whisk you away to tropical bliss with zero guilt. A combination of pineapple, coconut and a vanilla Nutrisystem shake makes for a creamy protein shake that will keep you feeling full all morning.

8. Chocolate Lover Smoothie

freshstart shakes

This recipe is a chocolate lover’s dream come true—filled with chocolate and a scoop of peanut butter, this four-ingredient recipe is a healthy way to curb your chocolate cravings.


How to Feed Your Hungriest House-guests During the Holidays

You know that scene at the beginning of Home Alone where the house is total chaos and the entire extended family is grabbing pizza off the counter? There’s something about it that immediately fills me with holiday spirit. Or how about the dinner scene in The Family Stone — as uncomfortable as it is to watch, I still kinda want to spend the holidays with that big, crazy family despite their total dysfunction. But any of us who have actually hosted overnight guests knows that it’s no small feat to keep everyone’s needs met around the clock, especially during the holidays.

One of my favorite cookbooks of the year, Every Day Is Saturday (and no I will not stop talking about it) swept in with the EXACT low-key solutions I’ve been needing to feed overnight guests without breaking a sweat. I begged author Sarah Copeland (@edibleliving) to let me spill her hosting secrets in an excerpt from the book here, and in true holiday spirit, she agreed. Read on for Sarah’s genius advice, and pick up your copy of the book right here.

from Sarah:

I love a full house. When we first bought a house, after many years of living in the world’s smallest apartment in New York City, we had a table for eight for the first time in my adult life.

That year, I invited friends to stay almost every weekend. I loved all our raucous, late-night dinners, with wine and kids and music and laughter all thrown in the mix. Even more, I loved waking up under the same roof, and gathering again, still in pajamas, for the first meal of the day.
But feeding houseguests isn’t for the meek; it takes planning and grace. Especially if one houseguest in particular isn’t just hungry, he’s staaarving (in his southern Missouri twang). He might be related to me.

My dad is an emphatic man. I love this about him. When my mom makes dinner, he’ll smack and lick his lips wildly, saying, “Honey, honey, honey! This is deli¬cious!” (It took me years to stop expecting everyone else to do the same.) He chips in to set the table, helps with the dishes, is a pro at feeding toddlers. In short: He’s an ideal, jovial house-guest. But when he’s hungry, nothing can curb his zeal for the next meal.

It’s not his fault. My grandmother—his mother—was a legendary host who seemed to be able to do it all: raise six kids, put three hot meals on the table each day, and even go back to college, with her two youngest in tow. Well into her eighties, there were often twenty people under her roof for whole weekends at a time. I’d wake up when the sun was just starting to glow through the attic windows where I slept. Downstairs, I could hear her sausage patties snapping against the fat in a cast-iron pan, the smell of fresh biscuits and gravy wafting up the steep, narrow steps. I’d run down, eager to help, but the table was already laid with rose-patterned china, heaped high with biscuits, homemade jellies, and velvety scrambled eggs. In the kitchen, my grandfather would stand beside her, following orders while she stirred orange juice in her squat glass pitcher, with a pinch of sugar. It’s how she served up all of life.

On my best days, I am like my grandma. Most days, though, I’m just human.

Enthusiasm for food runs in the family. To wit: my son, Mátyás. At three years old, his first words at 5 a.m. are “I’m hungry.” He bursts into tears if he doesn’t deem his portion as large as his father’s. And if I take too long getting down to the kitchen, I might find him in his diaper in front of the refrigerator, raw zucchini in one hand and a fistful of berries in the other, eyeing the shelves for what to eat next.

Once, I had bounding toddler-like energy, too, but since I had kids, I’ve adopted my husband’s groggy, pajama-clad saunter to the kitchen, what I now affectionately call the slow start. Trying to beat a hearty appetite to the punch every time is asking for a fail.

The fact is, feeding people—even people you love dearly—could be a chore. But it doesn’t have to be. You could rise in the wee hours, as my grandmother did. You could get help from take-out or resort to less healthy, more filling foods. Or, like me, you might find the art of baiting your home with DIY offerings a bit more your style. Consider this your host-with-the-most free pass.

How to Feed Your Hungriest Houseguests (Without Lifting a Whisk)

– Always keep fresh bread and butter in the house. Before you go to bed, set the bread (wrapped in a tea towel), a small dish of butter, and a jar of jelly with a spoon out on a tray on the kitchen counter for early risers. Keep a second, tightly wrapped loaf or two of bread in the freezer for emergencies.

– Create a DIY muesli station with jars of muesli, dried fruit, a stack of bowls, and a mug filled with clean spoons. Leave a “Help yourself, milk and yogurt are in the fridge” note nearby to cue self-service.

– Keep ample bowls of grab-and-go fruits like apples, bananas, pears, and clementines on the counter at the ready. Ditto jars of shelled nuts like cashews, pistachios, almonds, or walnuts.

– Create an organized coffee and tea station (as simple as one drawer, fully stocked, with a stack of mugs nearby) in your house and give guests a full round-the-clock invitation to self-serve.

– Stock jars of apple chips or dried fruit in living areas, where people can enjoy a healthy-ish nibble in private.

– Keep clasped jars of chocolate-covered almonds or trail mix on the counter-top, with a help-yourself policy. (Kids usually need help with portion control.) Don’t fill the jar with your whole stash, which may disappear; hide half, and refill as needed.

– Keep cookie dough in the refrigerator or freezer for quick baking.

Serve cheese. (It’s filling.)

sarah copeland on how to host overnight guests from everyday is saturdayGet this book for yourself

Overnight Gingerbread Cinnamon Rolls


for the rolls:
2 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast
1 tablespoon brown sugar
3/4 cup warm whole milk
4 tablespoons salted butter, melted
1 egg
1/3 cup molasses
3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

for the cinnamon sugar filling:
6 tablespoons salted butter, at room temperature
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon

1 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg OR ground cloves (use your favorite or both)

for the frosting:
4 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
4 tablespoons salted butter, at room temperature
1 cup powdered sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract or the seeds from 1/2 a vanilla bean


1. Place the yeast and brown sugar into a stand mixer with the dough hook attached. Add the warm milk and gently stir. Let sit until the dough is puffed and foamy on top, about 10 minutes. To the bowl add the melted butter, egg, and molasses, stir to combine. Add in the flour and salt. Knead the dough with the dough hook until the dough is smooth and forms a ball, about 5 minutes. Remove the dough from the bowl. Oil the bowl or use cooking spray to coat. Place the dough back into the bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Let the dough rise in a warm area for about 1 hour or until doubled in size.

2. To make the sugar filling, add the sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg to a new bowl and mix well.

3. Generously grease a 9×13 inch baking dish, or a dish slightly smaller, with butter.

4. Lightly dust a work surface with flour. Roll the dough into a rectangle (about 9×24 inches). Spread the butter evenly over the dough. Sprinkle the cinnamon sugar filling evenly over the butter and lightly push the mix into the butter. Starting with the long edge closest to you, carefully roll the dough into a log, keeping it fairly tight as you go. When you reach the edge, pinch along the edge to seal. Using a sharp knife, cut the log into 10-12 rolls. Place rolls in the prepared baking dish. Cover with plastic wrap and transfer to the fridge to rise overnight.

5. In the morning, remove the rolls from the fridge and allow them to come to room temp while the oven preheats, about 30-45 minutes. Preheat oven to 350. Bake the rolls for 25 minutes or until golden brown.

6. In a medium bowl, beat together the cream cheese and butter until fluffy. Add the powdered sugar and beat until combined. Beat in vanilla. Spread the frosting onto the warm rolls. EAT!

Like and follow this blog for more amazing sweet recipes for your friends and family!

Why Your Stomach Always Hurts

Do you find yourself telling others you have a “sensitive stomach”? Skipping out on invitations where meals are involved? Locking yourself in the office bathroom in agony every day after lunch? If so, you might be one of the millions of Americans suffering from IBS. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is an extremely common condition that affects 10-25% of our population. According to Danielle Capalino, MSPH, RD Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist, it particularly affects young women. Danielle has dedicated her career to studying the relationship between the brain and the gut, and loves nothing more than helping people suffering from digestive issues reclaim their bodies (and their social lives.) She’s also the author of the new book, Healthy Gut, Flat Stomach. 

If you suffer from common upset stomach, read on to discover Danielle’s insight on what causes IBS and her tips for steps you can take to take control of your body and start feeling better every day.

What special training or experience do you have that makes you an expert in your field?

I completed my undergraduate studies in Brain and Cognitive Science at MIT, because I’m fascinated by the brain. I continued my graduate studies at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health where I delved into the science of the digestive health, the microbiome, and the deep connection between the gut and the brain. I sought out every opportunity to work and learn more about the gut. After graduating, I started a private practice specializing in helping people attain digestive wellness. Since then I’ve continued to work with this population and have written two books on the topic as well.

What do you love about what you do?

I love the combination of staying on top of the latest science of the microbiome, figuring out new ways to communicate this complex information to people, and of course I love the satisfaction of changing people’s lives for the better. It’s very gratifying to be able to help someone — particularly when they suffer from digestive issues that alter their daily lives. Many of my patients avoid social activities out of fear or embarrassment when I first meet them, and then are able to return happily to their social lives.

Beautiful and sporty girl in a kitchen with a vegetables Free Photo

In your experience, how common are chronic digestive problems in young women?

Very common! Statistics show that within the US population, 10-25% of people suffer from IBS (which is the most common chronic functional digestive issue.) Even if the low end is most accurate, that’s still 1 in 10 people, which is a lot! My clients tend to skew toward women in general, and young women in particular. I think there are several reasons for this.

Woman hand writing note pad on wood table in coffee shop Premium Photo

We’ve heard a lot about IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) on TV from pharmaceutical companies promoting prescription medicines meant to treat chronic upset stomach. Is IBS a real thing? How do you know if you have it?

Yes! IBS Is very much a real thing. I think some people are dismissive of the label because they hear it so much — but if you think about it, the reason you hear it is because it’s so common. IBS is a functional digestive disorder, which means that it’s not something you can see with your eyes. The way it’s diagnosed is if your symptoms meet a specific criteria rather than seeing something on a scan or in your blood. Your doctor might want to rule out other potential causes for your discomfort before landing on IBS as a diagnosis.

So, what causes chronic upset stomach? And what are the best first steps to treating it?

There are many potential causes of chronic upset stomach, but one that’s very common and tends to get overlooked is food sensitivities. Food sensitivities are different than allergies (which can be tested in your blood.) Elimination diets are a very effective tool in identifying foods that trigger chronic digestive issues. I spend most of my time working with people on the low-FODMAP diet, which is a specific type of elimination that takes out certain carbohydrates (but not all carbohydrates!) temporarily, and then guide my clients through reintroducing them to figure out what specific foods are bothering them.

Is it true that all adults are somewhat lactose intolerant since our bodies stop producing the enzymes required to break down milk after infancy?

No, not all adults are lactose intolerant. It’s difficult to estimate a real statistic for this because of inconsistencies in testing and self-diagnosis, but lactose intolerance is quite common. Lactose is made up of two sugars and it requires an enzyme to break it apart in order to be digested. Some people (either genetically or due to illness) will become deficient in the enzyme (lactose,) which is needed to break down lactose. For example, it’s possible to be temporarily lactose intolerance after a bout of a stomach virus or infection.

For those of us who suffer from frequent stomachaches, there are certain types of food that almost always spell disaster (specifically: greasy, spicy, and diary-rich). Do we have to just cut out fun things like craw fish boils and milkshakes forever? Or is there a way to teach our bodies to tolerate those foods better?

If you have a sensitive stomach it really is best to avoid greasy, spicy, rich foods — though our tolerances do change over time to some extent. There are things you can do like take over-the-counter digestive enzymes (including lactose) to help digest foods, but it’s not a surefire way to eat whatever you want.

That’s great news. What else can we do to naturally battle IBS?

Hands of business lady writing plans and ideasin notepad Free Photo

1. Write it down!

Keep a food and symptom log so that you can begin to notice trends between what you are eating and how you are feeling. If you work with a Registered Dietitian like myself this is very useful information to help us.

2. Try a FODMAP elimination diet.

If you’ve been to a doctor and ruled out other causes for your symptoms, you may have a food sensitivity. FODMAPs are specific types of carbohydrates that can be difficult to digest. You can work with a Registered Dietitian like myself to help you identify high FODMAP foods in your diet and take them out temporarily to see if it helps to relieve your symptoms. You may be surprised by the list of high FODMAP foods which include things like apples, mangoes, honey, onions, beans and garlic.

3. Avoid artificial sweeteners.

Many foods that are advertised as sugar-free are loaded with sugar alcohols which can really wreak havoc on your gut. Cut out artificial sweeteners, particularly those that end in the letters “ol” from your diet.

4. Eat more fiber.

Making sure you’re eating foods with sufficient fiber is a big part of making sure that your system is running on track. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are all good sources of fiber.

Healthy bacteria that is good for your gut is a key part of a healthy digestive system. You can get probiotics in fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut or kimchi, and also by taking probiotic supplements.

You can book an appointment with Danielle on her website here, and be sure and check out her new book Healthy Gut, Flat Stomach!

Get your stomach ache relief supplements here>>

Meatless Protein: Top Picks

Banana split dessert Premium Photo

Eating a vegetarian diet—or even just a few meatless meals per week—can have a potentially huge impact on your health and the world around you. But if you’re new to vegetarianism, or want to try it out, you may be asking a common question: Where will I get my protein?

If you’re on a weight loss program, it’s an important question. Protein doesn’t just build muscle—it makes you leaner, too. It takes longer to digest than carbohydrates, helping you feel full for longer.  So what’s the answer to your plant-based protein question?

Here’s 10 sources of meatless protein that each include a Nutrisystem-approved way to enjoy these belly-filling, muscle-building foods:

1. Black Beans

black bean brownie dip

Protein Power: According to the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA), there are 8 grams of protein in a 1/2 cup. That’s more than you’d get from a large hard-boiled egg, which clocks in at a little more than 6 grams of protein.

Extra Boost: What the beans have that the egg doesn’t: Fiber. That half-cup serving delivers 6 grams of slow-digesting fiber, which can make your meal more filling while helping to lower cholesterol and manage blood sugar.

How to eat ‘em: Not just in savory ways! This Black Bean Brownie Dip > uses canned black beans as a base with sweeter ingredients to create a chocolate-y dip that’s perfect for dipping strawberries or graham crackers.

2. Spinach

sautee spinach

Protein Power: No wonder Popeye could pack so much strength into that slim frame: One cup of cooked spinach delivers 5.3 grams of protein and just 41 tiny calories.

Extra Boost: More potassium per gram that you’d get from a banana. That cup of cooked spinach comes with 838 mg of potassium, a key nutrient for a healthy heart.

How to eat it: Simply sauteed, spinach is a perfect side dish for any of your Nutrisystem foods. The veggie is also an unlimited food, meaning you can pile it as high as you like on your way to four daily servings of non-starchy vegetables.

3. Kale

kale chips

Protein Power: Kale does a body good—according to the USDA, the leafy veggie has more protein, gram-for-gram, than two percent milk. For every 15 calories of kale you eat, you’ll get a little more than a gram of protein.

Extra Boost: The comparisons to milk don’t stop at muscle-building—it can strengthen your bones, too. Kale has more calcium per ounce than milk!

How to eat it: How about some chips? If you’ve got 20 minutes, some nonstick spray and salt, you can have crunchy, satisfying kale chips > that are a guilt-free snack you’ll love to munch on while you binge-watch your favorite new series.

4. Greek Yogurt

chunky monkey yogurt parfait

Protein Power: Greek yogurt has more than triple the protein of its non-Greek counterparts: Nonfat, non-Greek yogurt is 53 calories per 100 grams, with almost 3 grams of protein. Nonfat plain Greek yogurt has 54 calories for the same amount—but almost 10 grams of protein.

Extra Boost: Calcium, of course! The 112 mg you’ll get from your Greek yogurt doesn’t just build healthy bones and teeth, though—it can actually help you lose more body fat as you lose weight, according to the British Journal of Nutrition.

How to eat it: It’s great in tacos and taco salads as a replacement for sour cream, in smoothies for protein and thickness, and frozen. But our favorite Greek yogurt recipe is this Chunky Monkey Yogurt Parfait > —with peanuts, chocolate chips and banana slices, it’s got the flavors of your favorite ice cream, but with none of the guilt!

5. Broccoli

broccoli quesadilla

Protein Power: No wonder broccoli is a fan-favorite. Broccoli has more protein than kale…which has more protein than two percent milk. One cup of chopped florets has just under 3 grams of protein and just 31 measly calories, according to the USDA.

Extra Boost: Belly-filling, hunger-busting fiber: 4.7 grams in a two-cup serving. And that fiber doesn’t just fill your belly, but can reduce its size. According to Science Daily, for every 10 grams of fiber you eat, you can have as much as four percent less fat around your waist.

How to eat it: With cheddar … for breakfast! This Breakfast Quesadilla with Broccoli and Cheddar > takes the ultimate tasty dinner side and reimagines it for your morning meal. With all that cheesy goodness, it’ll a great start to getting your full day of non-starchy vegetables stay full and on-plan.

6. Cauliflower

cauliflower mash

Protein Power: Cauliflower’s not about to let broccoli hog the spotlight for cruciferous veggies—the white cousin has almost as much protein as those green trees. One cup of boiled cauliflower is just 27 calories but has 2.3 grams of protein. When swapped in for some potatoes in your mash or for your side of rice, it’s a powerful punch of protein where your plate would have been filled with high-calorie carbs.

Extra Boost: According to the National Institutes of Health, most Americans don’t get enough choline, a nutrient that helps with liver function, prevents muscle loss, and is necessary for the mind to create memories. So remember this: Two cups of cauliflower rice or mash has 110 mg of choline.

How to eat it: Mash it! Cauliflower makes a delicious substitute for mashed potatoes. Use this simple recipe> to whip up a pot of this low-calorie, meatless protein side dish that’s perfect with hearty Nutrisystem dinners like Barbecued Chicken and Baked Beans >

7. Quinoa

quinoa bars

Protein Power: Quinoa has earned fame as the grain with the highest protein…and it’s true! A half-cup serving has more than 4 grams of protein and includes all the essential amino acids in just 111 calories.

Extra Boost: These little seeds don’t stop at meatless protein, though. A half-cup serving has more than 2 grams of fiber, as well as iron, potassium, and phosphorus, a nutrient that plays key roles in heart function, kidney function and muscle contractions, according to Medline.

How to eat it: Replace the lower-protein grains in your normal snacks for the meatless protein punch of the big Q with these Sweet & Salty Quinoa Granola Bars > —made with just five simple ingredients.

8. Edamame

quinoa burgers

Protein Power: One cup of prepared edamame has 18.4 grams of protein—which, according to the USDA, is almost half the daily intake recommended for most adult women and almost as much as in 100 grams of chicken breast.

Extra Boost: Like spinach, edamame is loaded with potassium—one cup provides 970 mg of the heart-healthy nutrient, which is more than you’d get from two bananas.

How to eat ‘em: Paired with quinoa, the highest-protein grain, to create an ultra-high meatless protein burger. These Healthy Edamame Quinoa Burgers > are, as the title says, healthy, but they’re also delicious—with flavor from spices like garlic powder, cumin and a big squirt of sriracha hot sauce.

9. Peas

salad with peas

Protein Power: There’s a reason they turn these little green guys into protein powder: For every 15 calories of peas that you eat, you’ll grab a gram of protein. One cup has about 3 grams of protein—not enough to turn you into Schwarzenegger, but a filling boost from this sweet veggie side.

Extra Boost: That cup of peas has 30 percent of your day’s fiber intake, meaning it’s a side that can help keep you full. And it’s also loaded with vitamins: 22 percent of your daily Vitamin A and almost 100 percent of your daily C.

How to eat ‘em: Add some sweetness to salads or sandwiches: Pop raw, shelled peas into your salads for little bursts of sweet freshness, or put cooked peas through a food processor—with a little salt and pepper, they can become a sweet, surprising spread that’s perfect on a turkey sandwich.

10. Chickpeas

roasted chickpeas

Protein Power: One cup of chickpeas has 6 grams of protein—the same amount you’d get from a hard-boiled egg.

Extra Boost: These beans can help you kick your junk food habit. According to the journal Appetite, when Australian researchers gave dieters a daily dose of chickpeas for 12 weeks, the study participants improved their gut health, lost weight, and ate less junk food after three months than those who didn’t eat the chickpeas ).

How to eat ‘em: One way to help them replace junk food is to make these little beans snackable, and that’s just what this Nacho-Style Roasted Chickpeas > recipe does. By baking the beans in spices for 45 minutes, you’ll create a crunchy, poppable snack that’s salty, spicy and perfect for streaming a movie or watching the big game. One half-cup of these crispy chickpeas counts as 1 SmartCarb on the Nutrisystem program.

Check out more diet-approved lifestyle tips here >

Strawberry Chicken Poppy Seed Salad

Wrapped in a crisp lettuce leaf, Strawberry Chicken Poppy Seed Salad makes for a tasty and fresh lunch or light dinner.

A fast-and-easy recipe and the perfect way to use up leftover chicken.

I love chicken salads and I’m always trying new combinations of ingredients. This one was a definite winner and one I had to share with you!

Strawberry Chicken Poppy Seed Salad is quick to make, made with less than 10 ingredients and is the perfect summertime lunch. Just like in our Blueberry Chicken Salad this recipe combines chicken, fruit, herbs, nuts, and creamy mayo. In this recipe, I love the combination of fresh strawberries, chopped chicken, fresh basil, crunchy celery and onions, toasted almonds, poppy seeds that are all tossed in a zingy lemon-mayo dressing. If you have cooked chicken on hand or you pick up a rotisserie chicken, this salad can be whipped up in less than 10 minutes of your time. You know us, we’re all about keeping it simple.

Make it your own.

Like many of our recipes on the blog, Strawberry Chicken Poppy Seed Salad is an easy recipe to customize to what you have on hand, your flavor preference and/or what’s in season. Feel free to sub any fruit of your choice, whatever nuts or seeds you have on hand, your favorite herbs, and any veggies that would make a tasty addition. Just like spending less time in the kitchen, we also encourage you to use what you have on hand so that you can save a trip to the grocery store and as a result save money and reduce food waste.

And if you’re wondering how to make the perfect chicken breast…we’ve got you covered! Jess shows you how with a step-by-step photo tutorial in this post.

Serve it up wrapped in a crisp lettuce leaf, or whatever floats your boat.

I like to tuck the Strawberry Chicken Poppy Seed Salad in a lettuce leaf for a light and delicious lunch. But really, the options are endless. If you’re on a Whole30, serve the salad in a lettuce leaf, on bed or greens, scooped into an avocado or topped on cucumber slices. If you’re not on a Whole30, feel free to scoop it up with your favorite crackers. Jess and I both really love the gluten-free crackers from Milton’s Craft Bakers. With six delightful flavors to choose from, they’re perfect for snacking, sharing, dipping and topping. Made with high quality ingredients that are Certified Gluten-Free and Non-GMO Project Verified, these are crackers we feel good about sharing with our family and friends.

However you decide to enjoy this Strawberry Chicken Poppy Seed Salad, I know you’ll love it.

I can’t wait for you to try this Strawberry Chicken Poppy Seed Salad!

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Let’s Get Cookin’

Strawberry Chicken Poppy Seed Salad

Wrapped in a crisp lettuce leaf, Strawberry Chicken Poppy Seed Salad makes for an easy Whole30-friendly lunch that’s tasty and fresh.

  • Author: The Real Food Dietitians
  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Total Time: 10 mins
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x
  • Category: Lunch | Whole30


  • 2 cups cooked chicken, cubed (rotisserie chicken also works great)
  • 1/2 cup diced strawberries
  • 1/4 cup diced red onion
  • 1/4 cup diced celery
  • 1/4 cup sliced almonds, toasted
  • 12 Tbsp. chopped fresh basil
  • 1/41/3 cup mayonnaise (we recommend Primal Kitchen Mayo)
  • 2 Tbsp. lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. poppy seeds
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • Leaf lettuce or butter lettuce
  • Chopped green onion


  1. In a medium bowl, combine the chicken, strawberries, onion, celery, toasted almonds and fresh basil.
  2. To toast almonds: place almonds in a small pan over medium heat. Toast until slightly browned tossing occasionally. This only takes a few minutes so watch closely.
  3. In a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise, lemon juice, and poppy seeds. Gently stir into the chicken mixture. Salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Serving option: scoop into a lettuce leaf or scoop onto a bed of greens and top with green onions and a few toasted almonds.


All photos and content are copyright protected. Please do not use our photos without prior written permission. If you wish to republish this recipe, please rewrite the recipe in your own unique words and link back to the source recipe here on The Real Food Dietitians. Thank you!


  • Serving Size: 1/4 of recipe (salad only)
  • Calories: 239
  • Sugar: 2g
  • Sodium: 180mg
  • Fat: 16g
  • Carbohydrates: 4g
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Protein: 21g

I’d love to hear how you like this recipe, how you served it and if you made any modifications.

10 Fruits That Taste Awesome When Grilled

Open-flame cooking brings out the best flavor in just about every food. When you grill vegetables and fruits, their natural sugars caramelize and they taste even sweeter. Many favorite fruits are fast and easy to grill, and they make a deliciously different ingredient, side dish, snack, or treat. Because they are nutrient-rich, filled with fiber, and low to medium on the Glycemic Index, fresh fruits are SmartCarbs you can enjoy without impeding progress toward your weight loss goal. Just be sure to consult your Grocery Guide for proper portion sizes.

Ready to try grilled fruit? Here are a few tips for success with all fruits and hints for enjoying 10 great tastes of the season:

Basket, Pan or Skewers

The grates that came with your grill are shaped for cooking meat, but less substantial ingredients, such as pieces of fruit, are prone to falling through as they heat up. When grilling fruit, put it in a wire basket or on a tray with small holes that allow the flames to touch the food but keep it from falling through. Another fun option: soak wooden skewers (like those used for kebabs) in water for 30 minutes, poke them through the fruit, then put them on the grill.

Go Large

Fruit cooks quickly on the grill and within minutes small pieces can begin to disintegrate. Cut it it in large chunks, even if you need to slice it down to bite-size before serving.

Light Oil

Spraying cut fruit with zero-calorie cooking spray, or tossing cut fruit with a little olive or coconut oil or butter before grilling helps bring out its flavor and prevents the pieces from sticking to the basket, pan or grates. Avoid drenching the food in fats, which can lead to a grease fire. Just coat it lightly.

Low, Indirect Heat

Cooking over high flames can leave you with burned fruit in a matter of minutes. Better to grill fruit on the outer edges of the grates or over coals that have turned gray.

Let Cool

Fruits contain a lot of water, which becomes extremely hot when grilling. Allow it to cool after removing it from the heat before eating so that scorchingly hot water doesn’t squirt out and burn your mouth when you bite into it.

So now that you know the HOW of grilling fruit, here’s the WHAT:

1. Peaches

An overhead view of whole harvested peach fruits Free Photo

Slice in half and remove the pits. For more flavor, brush with honey and sprinkle them with cinnamon. Put peach halves on the grill with the cut side down and cook for eight to 10 minutes, until fruit is hot throughout.

2. Plums

Heap of sweet red plums background Premium Photo

Like peaches, cut in half and remove the pits before cooking. Leave on the grill for four to six minutes, until the flesh is tender but not crumbling.

3. Apples

Peel, cut into quarters and remove the core and seeds. Sprinkle with lemon juice to keep the cut pieces from turning brown. Grill for 20 minutes, turning every five minutes.

4. Pears

Two pears Free Photo

Slice into wedges, cutting away the stem, core, and visible seeds. Brush with coconut oil and sprinkle with a little sea salt. Cook for 15 minutes, turning every three to five minutes.

5. Figs

Fresh figs whole and cut into slices on light close-up Premium Photo

Snip the tiny stem end off each fig and cut in half lengthwise. Coat in a light mixture of lemon juice, honey, and cinnamon. Grill for two to three minutes on each side.

6. Watermelon

Go with seedless varieties, if you can. Cut melon into thick wedges or one-inch-wide rounds. Grill for two to three minutes per side.

Watermelon isolated on white Premium Photo

7. Cantaloupe

Slice into one inch wide wedges with the rind still attached and discard seeds. Or cut into cubes (with rind removed) and slide them on to skewers. Cook for four to six minutes, turning frequently.

Melon isolated on the white background Premium Photo

8. Pineapple

Raw fresh texture vitamin fruit Free Photo

Cut pineapple into wedges with the skin still on the edges or remove the skin and core and slice into rings. Grill for about three minutes per side.

9. Bananas

Peel banana and slice in half lengthwise. Grill for two minutes per side.

Ripe yellow bananas in wicker basket at fruit market store Free Photo

10. Lemons

Lemon Free Photo

Cut the fruit in half, pick out any visible seeds with a fork or your fingertip, and brush the cut sides lightly with oil. Set them cut-side down on the grill and cook for about three minutes, until the fruit is lightly charred. Squeeze onto grilled chicken, fish or vegetables.

Healthiest Foods to Order

When summer swelter hits its peak, we all want to avoid heating up the kitchen. Going out to eat or bringing food in can be a cool choice at this time of year, even when you are trying to shed excess pounds. Just keep in mind all that you have learned from Nutrisystem about portion size. (Bookmark our handy Grocery Guide > so you can quickly check.) And always search for the healthiest foods to order.

Here are a few hints to help you choose the healthiest foods to order :

1. Grilled Chicken

White meat chicken is a PowerFuel that’s high in protein and healthy fats. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), you get 70 calories and 1.5 grams of fat in a 2-ounce serving of grilled chicken breast. Stay away from breaded fried chicken breast, which has a whopping 266 calories and 16 grams of fat in a similar size serving.

How to Trim Hundreds of Empty Calories: Summer Edition

2. Sirloin Steak

Sirloin Steak

Meat lovers can enjoy beef when eating out, but should order lean cuts, such as sirloin steak. Being mindful of portion size is especially important with beef—in restaurants steaks typically are at least 6 ounces, which is the equivalent of three servings. Pick beef dishes that are not served with glazes, which often are high in fat, sugar and calories.

3. Raw or Steamed Seafood

Raw Seafood healthiest foods to order

Shellfish, including crabs, shrimp and lobster, along with clams, mussels and oysters, turn any summer meal into a beach party. Better yet, they are an excellent choice when you’re trying to lose weight, too. Shellfish are PowerFuels, high in protein and low in saturated fats. Plus, they treat you to a dose of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Be sure to order raw or steamed options and steer clear of fried or sautéed items. Also pass on dipping seafood into melted butter or creamy sauces, which are high in fat and calories. Instead add extra flavor with a squeeze of lemon juice or a dash of hot sauce—both Free Foods in your Nutrisystem plan.

4. Fresh Fish

Steam salmon

“Catch of the day” is a summertime favorite, and it’s often among the healthiest foods to order in any season. Salmon (wild-caught or farmed), tuna, cod, flounder and other kinds of fish are PowerFuels that fill you up with protein, but are low in saturated fats and calories. Go with grilled, broiled, or poached fish, which won’t have added fats or other calories. Your best picks are dishes seasoned with herbs and spices and not coated with calorie-laden sauces or glazes.

The 6 Worst Summer Beverage Blunders

5. Salads

Balsamic Salad healthiest foods to order

Warm weather brings the peak of fresh produce season, a perfect time to order salads that are filling enough to be a meal. Add a PowerFuel, such chicken breast, tuna or chickpeas, along with the greens and other raw vegetables, to make a more satisfying salad. For dressing, go with balsamic or other vinegars and stay away from blue cheese, ranch or any other creamy type of topping.

6. Burrito Bowls

Burrito Bowl healthiest foods to order

When the whole gang is craving Southwest flavors, a burrito bowl is the healthiest food for you to order. At a popular takeout chain, a packed burrito bowl can clock in close to 700 calories. No matter what you get in your bowl, pass on high-fat additions such as sour cream and queso. Ask for second helping of raw or grilled vegetables instead.

7. Pizza

Veggie Pizza healthiest foods to order

The rules of thumb for ordering healthy pizza are simple: Thinner crust has fewer calories and carbohydrates than thick crust; minimize the cheese; load up on veggies; beware of deep dish and stuffed crust options, which often have more excessive calories and saturated fats. Do you like meat on your pie? Consider Canadian bacon, which has 63 calories and 1.5 g of fat in 2 slices (3 ounces), according to the USDA. The same amount of pepperoni has an astounding 428 calories and 40 g of fat.

4 Guilt-Free Summer Slushies

8. Lettuce Wraps

Lettuce Wrap Burger

At a burger chain restaurant, a brioche bun can ass an abundant amount of extra calories and carbohydrates to your choice of patty. Get it wrapped in lettuce instead, which comes with just 15 calories and 3 grams of carbohydrates. Better yet, order a plant-based patty instead of beef and you can save more than half of the calories (320 vs. 800) and cut the fat content from 17 g to 2.5 g.  Use as much mustard as you want atop your burger, but watch your servings of ketchup and mayo.

9. Chilled Soup

Chilled Soup healthiest foods to order

We usually think of soup as cold-weather food, but summertime menus often offer flavorful and cool choices such as gazpacho, cucumber-yogurt, potato-leek and even fruit-based soups. They can fill you up and help you get a serving or two of non-starchy vegetables. Just watch for those made with fat-laden crème fraiche rather than low- or nonfat yogurt.

Hydrating Foods for Warm Weather

Young man chef cooking healthy food Free Photo

It’s hot! Which means it’s easier than ever to get dehydrated. That can have consequences for your health and for your enjoyment of summer activities—exercising while dehydrated can result in dizziness and cramps, so it’s important to load up on hydrating foods. It can also effect your performance while you move: According to Human Kinetics, if you’re dehydrated as little as five percent, your workout’s “power output” can be reduced by 30 percent.

Staying hydrated can mean not just that your active summer activities are more fun, but also that your weight loss plan is more effective. One study published in the The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology &Metabolism found that when dieters drank two liters of water per day, they burned 400 extra calories each day—even if they didn’t change anything else. For men in the same study, those extra calories were specifically burned from belly fat.

You don’t have to actually drink a full two-liter to stay hydrated, though: You can get the water your body needs to function properly through hydrating foods. And, according to Science Daily, it can help you eat more while you lose: Scientists found that when people ate water-rich foods, they ate fewer calories without reducing the overall sizes of their meals.

Summer Weight Loss Motivation: Realistic Tips for Keeping Your Beach Body


Water content: 90%

One 50-calorie cup of strawberries can help lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk for diseases including cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. They also raise your risk of having a totally delicious summer. Try blitzing them into this Strawberry Mint Smoothie >, mixing them into Strawberry Popsicles >, or using them to top a refreshing Summer Salad >

2. Pineapple


Water content: 86%

Pineapple’s sweetness is suprisingly low-calorie: One cup has just 82 calories. But those 82 deliver 100 percent of your daily Vitamin C, as well as bromelain, an enzyme that can help you digest your meals more easily. Enjoy fresh rings or chunks, or for a sweet, refreshing treat that’s like a time-traveling trip back to childhood, try this simple, two-ingredient Pineapple Whip recipe >

3. Cucumbers

hydrating foods

Water content: 95%

Cucumbers are one of the lowest-calorie foods you can find—clocking in at just 8 calories per cup. But low-calorie does not mean they’re low on flavor: Cukes are the ultimate way to deliver a refreshing, hydrating flavor to your barbecue guests. Whether it’s mixed into this Zesty Cucumber and Dill Salad >, whipped into this Greek-inspired 5-ingredient Cucumber Dill Dip >, or as the surprising base for a cucumber cup appetizer, you’ll be keeping your guests—and yourself—hydrated, full and satisfied.

6 Summer Slim-Down Foods That Help You Lose Weight

4. Skim Milk

hydrating foods

Water content: 91%

When it’s skim, it’s almost all water. For non-dieting milk lovers, that can be a turnoff. But in the heat of summer, it makes skim a great, hydrating way to enjoy 9 grams of protein per cup when making a refreshing, cool-down smoothie— like this frothy, icy Lemon Cooler shake >. It’s summer perfection!

5. Zucchini

hydrating foods

Water content: 94%

If you’re already a “zoodle” lover, this one’s a slam dunk. But for the uninitiated, here’s a crash course: By using a spiralizer, you can turn zucchini into “noodles” that freshen up vegetable dishes with a pasta-like eating experience that you’ll love. The great news for summer: Zoodles don’t have to be cooked! In a recipe like these Vegetarian Meatballs with Zucchini Noodles >, you can let the sauce warm up the raw zoodles to get the most hydration from the veggies with the least amount of labor—perfect for a quick summer dinner.

6. Oranges

hydrating foods

Water content: 87%

There’s a reason these slices are on the sideline of every soccer game at the half: Oranges keep are a top pick for hydrating foods! But they also bring other nutrients along—like potassium, one of the electrolytes that’s lost when you sweat. So have your own slices on hand, or go for a more grown-up taste this summer: This 101-calorie Orange Carrot Ginger Smoothie > is a sweet, vitamin-rich, and refreshing glass that’s perfect for breakfast or for a late day snack on any hot day.

7. Celery

hydrating foods

Water content: 95%

Here’s another potassium powerhouse: One cup of chopped celery has the same amount of the heart-healthy nutrient that you’d get from half a banana—but for just 14 tiny calories. But those little cals help beef up your favorite cool summer salads, from pasta dishes to chicken salad. Here’s a new favorite: Chop some celery to combine with another water-rich summer staple—watermelon—for this surprising, sweet and protein-packed Watermelon Chicken Salad > Sounds weird, tastes amazing!

7 Warm Weather Weight Loss Blunders to Avoid

8. Tomatoes

hydrating foods

Water content: 94%

Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant in tomatoes, may help lower your risk of stroke and certain cancers, according to Science Daily. And the redder your tomatoes are, the more lycopene they have—meaning summer is the healthiest time to eat ‘em. One surprising way to change up your tomato game: Add asparagus to the traditional Caprese Salad > for a fresh taste that feels luxurious—and adds a satisfying crunch to this staple summer side.

9. Edamame

hydrating foods

Water content: 72%

This one’s surprising: With such a meaty texture, edamame doesn’t seem watery. But it’s got that hydration, and much more: like 18.46 grams of belly-filling, muscle-building protein per cup, and more potassium than you’ll get from two whole bananas. That’s good news in the heat, since eating more potassium can help reduce blood pressure risk, as well as your risk of stroke, according to the National Federation of Professional Trainers.

10. Carrots

hydrating foods

Water content: 88%

Spending a few minutes turning a bag of raw carrots into pre-portioned, snack-ready containers or bags won’t just give you a low-calorie, high-fiber, water-rich source of food for when you get peckish. The act of cutting those carrots may also help you eat healthier overall: Those were the findings of one study, where more time spend on food prep was associated with healthier eating habits—and, as a bonus, with saving money on food. So you’ll be hydrated, feel full, and have fat where you want it—in your wallet.

11. Blueberries

hydrating foods

Water content: 84%

What says summer like a cup of sweet, ripe blueberries (one of our favorite hydrating foods)? And they’re not just super good, but a superfood: Blueberries reduce the risk of heart attack in women by 33 percent, improve your memory, and can help widen your arteries so blood flows smoother. Have them fresh, or enjoy your blues in the smoothest way possible: As part of this super-simple, 5-ingredient homemade Blueberry Lemon Ice Cream Sundae >


How Different Foods (Really) Affect Your Skin

Attractive woman shopping in green market. closeup portrait beautiful young woman picking up, choosing fruits, pineapples. positive face expression emotion feeling healthy life style Free Photo

In this, Ask the Experts piece, we’re taking a closer look at how diet affects our skin. By this point most of us have blamed a breakout on a chocolate binge or one too many sugary drinks, but it turns out the relationship between skin and food is even more complex than that. We met up with Elizabeth Geddes-Bruce, MD, MS to talk about how different foods can cause skin to be oily, dry, inflamed, hydrated, even younger-looking.

“Dermatologists have long known that nutritional deficiencies often first manifest by changes in skin quality, and yet, we frequently fail to discuss with our patients the many benefits that diet can have on their skin,” explains Dr. Geddes-Bruce.

“I’m a firm believer that the two are connected – what you eat can influence how your skin appears. I hear it from my patients all the time. And studies back up what they are saying – certain nutrients can protect against photodamage and premature aging, and others can accelerate damage and disease.” Read below to see Dr. Geddes-Bruce’s professional opinion on how some of our favorite food groups can affect our skin.

Red Meat.

I see nothing wrong with indulging in the occasional hamburger or hot dog, but your skin will thank you if your day-to-day diet focuses on lean sources of protein. Not only are chicken and turkey high in niacin, a B vitamin that can protect against skin cancer, they are also lower in saturated fat content, which means they are less inflammatory than red meats. 

Woman hand eating healthy salad Premium Photo


While gluten is getting a bad wrap in popular culture these days, it’s unlikely to be, by itself, terrible for your skin. What we do know is that gluten is most often found in carbohydrates, and a diet high in carbohydrates is associated with an increased chance of wrinkles. This leads us into the next point…

Chocolate muffins - american sweet food Premium Photo


If there were one food to minimize to improve your skin I would vote for sugar. Sugar speeds up the aging process by making the skin less elastic, which causes premature wrinkles and sagging. This happens through a process called glycation where the sugars bond to the collagen and elastic proteins in your skin and cause them to stiffen irreversibly.

The girl pours milk from a bottle into a glass, next to croissants on a plate, jam. organic farm products Premium Photo


If you struggle with acne consider a trial of limiting your dairy intake. Dairy products, especially skim ones, have been linked to acne in multiple population studies. We aren’t sure exactly why – it may be due to the hormones or the high glycemic load causing spikes in blood sugar, then insulin, and leading to increased oil production. But make sure you keep up your calcium intake, which can be found in foods like spinach, kale, white beans, and soy.

Slim attractive young woman holding healthy fruits and vegetables Free Photo

Fresh fruit.

It’s a no brainer that fresh fruits are good for your skin. I try to have a little fruit with every meal. Fruits like oranges, strawberries, mangos and papayas have high amounts of vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential to forming tight collagen fibers. It also works as an antioxidant protecting your skin from damage from UV radiation and pollution. And while many skin care products contain vitamin C, not all of them are formulated in a way that guarantees the vitamin C will remain stable and penetrate to the target areas.

Uncooked vegetables in basket Free Photo

Raw vegetables.

The bolder the color, the better they are for your skin! Dark leafy green vegetables, as well as red, orange, and yellow vegetables contain B-carotenes (a form of vitamin A), lycopene, and lutein – all nutrients that help protect the skin from damage from the sun. And while most vegetables are best in their raw form, you get increased amounts of lycopene by cooking tomatoes – so go ahead and enjoy that tomato sauce.

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Depending on the type of fish (usually “fishy fish”), a serving can be a good source of omega 3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory in the body. A diet high in omega 3 fatty acids can improve dry and flakey skin conditions, as well as decrease sun sensitivity.

Casual couple drinking red wine on picnic Free Photo

Red wine.

There’s been a lot of hype about the benefits of red wine because it contains a polyphenol called resveratrol. Resveratrol is an antioxidant that protects against skin damage. However, the benefits might be negated by the harms of alcohol on the skin, like dehydration and dilation of the blood vessels, which can flare conditions like rosacea. Overall, I would recommend you enjoy an occasional glass of red wine if you like it, but don’t drink it for your skin. Best to stick to green tea, which is a good alternative that is high in polyphenols.

Healthy sweet dessert snack. cereal granola bar. Premium Photo

Nuts and seeds.

Both nuts and seeds can be good sources of vitamin E, which is delivered to the skin in your sebum and helps protect cell membranes and promote healing. Nuts and seeds can also contain the trace minerals selenium, zinc and copper, which protect against cell damage and promote healthy skin structure.

These Slow Cooker Chicken Burrito Bowls Are the Ultimate Crowd Pleaser

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It’s slow cooker season!!! Okay, I know it’s not even September yet, but since school is about to start for my kids, I simply cannot wait any longer to start making some fall-ish recipes. And nothing’s cozier than getting home from work and having this chicken burrito filling bubbling up in the slow cooker ready for a healthy and filling meal.

Since Adam grew up in Southern California, he’s always missed the Baja-style chicken burritos he grew up on, so the night I made these for the first time he practically got down on one knee and proposed all over again. I didn’t mention the fact that I used store-bought verde sauce and only spent about 10 minutes preparing these — I’m totally fine with letting him think I slaved away all day.

For a weeknight, I like to turn the burrito filling into this yummy protein-packed bowl; if I’m feeling a little more carb-y, say on a Saturday night, I’ll scoop it up with all the toppings into a burrito-sized tortilla and fully enjoy a full Chipotle-style indulgence. Read on for the recipe, and let me know what you’re excited to mix up in your slow cooker this fall!

I love the balance of fresh crispy veggies and pico against the richer flavors of the slow cooked chicken filling. A squeeze of lime and sprinkle of jalapeño adds a bright note that keeps this dish from feeling at all heavy.

I only recently discovered store-bought verde enchilada sauce (I love this brand if you can find it at the grocery), and it turns what could be a labor-intensive meal into something so quick and easy.

You can definitely mix up the filling ingredients with your personal fave combo, but I highly recommend making my easy black bean recipe that takes this bowl over the top. Here’s how I do it:

In a small saucepan, sauté one chopped garlic clove in a drizzle of olive oil. After about 30 seconds, add a can of black beans with all the juices from the can, along with a few cilantro sprigs and a big pinch of salt. Bring it up to a boil, then turn down to simmer for 15 minutes, stirring once in a while.

I’m telling ya, SO GOOD.

I set out all the ingredients and let the fam build their own bowls with their toppings of choice. Or stuff them into tortillas — either way, you’ve got the ultimate crowd pleaser.