Healthy Happy Dog Secret

These Primal Nutrients
Support A Healthy Happy Dog

Maintain the health and happiness of your best friend using this exclusive formula, backed by science

If you’ve been trying for months or years to get your dog’s energy and zest for life back, know that it’s not your fault.

According to University of Missouri scientists, all dog foods on the market, no matter how expensive, are full of hidden hormones and chemicals that are neither natural nor good for your pup. These hormones cause subtle weight gain, which is harmful to your dog’s health.

That’s why we created

This formula is unlike anything your dog has ever had before. Just imagine what it would feel like to see your dog regaining its vitality, enjoying improved digestion and its fur always looking shiny and taken care of.

What is UltraK9 Pro?

UltraK9 Pro is a canine health supplement made from a unique blend of essential nutrients such as chicken bone broth, MCT oil, turmeric, and others. It is safe to use and provides primal nutrients that most domesticated pets require but rarely receive.

Inside every drop of “UltraK9 Pro” you’ll find:

A bespoke proprietary formula of special high-quality primal nutrients that are specially created to support the health of your dog.

  • Helps with liver health
  • Soothes the kidneys
  • Relieves stomach pain
  • Supports hormonal detox
  • Promotes thyroid health
  • Helps relax your dog

  • Rich in important minerals
  • Promotes steady weight loss
  • Supports the immune system
  • Strong adaptogen
  • Helps with digestion
  • Supports heart health

  • Healthy inflammatory response
  • Relieves joint pressure
  • Supports ligament health
  • Easy to digest
  • Helps with arthritis
  • Boosts Turmeric properties

  • Living fossil plant
  • Supports bone health
  • Rich in calcium
  • Supports joint health
  • Helps with mobility
  • Great protein source

  • Helps clear toxins
  • Rich in proteins
  • Great source of Vit. A
  • Delicious and rich
  • Easy to digest and good for the stomach
  • Improve skin, coat and bones


Natural Formula


Plant Ingredients




No Stimulants


Easy To Use


No Chemicals

Every Order Comes With FREE Shipping Too!

97% Of Customers Order 6 Bottles (Our Recommended Option)

You can not get this product from any online shop, website, store, supermarket, pet shops etc. This product is ONLY available on their original website.

Want your dog to get that special treatment you’ve always looked for? Visit the original website to buy now.


Real UltraK9 Pro Users.
Real Life-Changing Results.

Grace Rees is loving the renewed energy of her pup…


Verified Purchase

“After discovering these nutrients, Lola is like a small little puppy again. She is full of life and so happy. We are just a few weeks into using these nutrients and I truly believe it is the best thing I ever did for her.”

Grace Rees – New York, USA

Jacob Jackson has shared the product with all his friends…


Verified Purchase

“My goldie, Bobby, has never been happier. Now, at 11 years old, he can outrun most of those younger pups at the park without breaking a sweat. He’s in the best shape of his life and I will make sure to keep him that way.”

Jacob Jackson – Wyoming, USA

Riley Gould is happy with his dog’s health…


Verified Purchase

“As soon as I started my puppy on these nutrients, he’s been having more energy and it honestly feels like a completely different dog. I can tell how happy and grateful he is that I’m looking out for him.”

Riley Gould – Chicago, USA

Best Brown Sugar Oatmeal Cookies


2 cups packed dark brown sugar

1 cup (2 sticks) salted butter, softened 

2 teaspoons vanilla extract 

2 eggs 

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 

1 teaspoon salt 

1/2 teaspoon baking soda 

3 cups old-fashioned oats 


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2. In the bowl of an electric mixer (or using a hand mixer), beat together the brown sugar and butter until fluffy. Beat in the vanilla. Add the eggs one at a time, scraping the bowl after each one.

3. Mix together the flour, salt and baking soda in a medium bowl. Add it into the creamed mixture in 2 to 3 batches, mixing until just combined. Mix in the oats until just combined.

4. Use your preferred size cookie scoop (or a regular spoon) to drop portions of dough onto baking sheets, spacing them a couple inches apart. Bake until dark and chewy, 12 to 13 minutes. If you’d like a crispier cookie, just cook a little longer!

5. Let the cookies cool slightly on the baking sheets, then transfer onto a plate for serving.

Cook’s Note

Add 1/2 cup finely chopped nuts to the flour mixture if you’d like a nutty flavor and crunch.

Best Chia Seed Pudding Breakfast Recipe


1 cup vanilla-flavored unsweetened almond milk

1 cup plain low-fat (2 percent) Greek yogurt

2 tablespoons pure maple syrup (preferably grade B), plus 4 teaspoons for serving

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Kosher salt

1/4 cup chia seeds

1 pint strawberries, hulled and chopped

1/4 cup sliced almonds, toasted


1. In a medium bowl, gently whisk the almond milk, yogurt, 2 tablespoons maple syrup, the vanilla and 1/8 teaspoon salt until just blended. Whisk in the chia seeds; let stand 30 minutes. Stir to distribute the seeds if they have settled. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

2. The next day, in a medium bowl, toss the berries with the remaining 4 teaspoons maple syrup. Mix in the almonds.

3. Spoon the pudding into 4 bowls or glasses; mound the berry mixture on top and serve.

Best Balsamic Roast Pork Tenderloins Recipe


4 1/2 pounds pork tenderloins, 2 packages with 2 tenderloins in each package

4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

8 cloves garlic, cracked

Steak seasoning blend or coarse salt and black pepper

4 sprigs fresh rosemary leaves stripped and finely chopped

4 sprigs fresh thyme, leaves stripped and finely chopped


Preheat oven to 500 degrees F.

Trim silver skin or connective tissue off tenderloins with a very sharp thin knife.

Place tender loins on a nonstick cookie sheet with a rim. Coat tenderloins in a few tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, rubbing vinegar into meat. Drizzle tenderloins with extra-virgin olive oil, just enough to coat. Cut small slits into meat and disperse chunks of cracked garlic cloves into meat. Combine steak seasoning blend or coarse salt and pepper with rosemary and thyme and rub meat with blend. Roast in hot oven 20 minutes.

Let meat rest, transfer to a carving board, slice and serve.

Adjusting Calories for Weight Loss

When talking or reading about weight loss, we hear a lot about managing and adjusting our calories. But what exactly are calories? How do we know just the right amount to consume each day? And how might our caloric needs change as we lose weight?

What 100 Calories Really Looks Like

What are Calories?

adjusting calories

The answer to this first question is easy. Calories are a simple way to measure the amount of energy you get when you eat food, says Mayo Clinic. Your body needs calories just to perform its most basic functions—keeping your heart beating and your lungs breathing—as well as to fuel your daily activities, from walking around to working at your job.

Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are the macronutrients that provide the bulk of your calorie intake. According to Mayo Clinic, they are your body’s main energy source. No matter which nutrients you eat, the calories are either rapidly converted to energy or stored in the body as fat. “These stored calories will remain in your body as fat unless you use them up, either by reducing calorie intake so that your body must draw on reserves for energy, or by increasing physical activity so that you burn more calories,” says Mayo Clinic.

Calories and Weight Loss

adjusting calories

According to Merriam-Webster, the metabolism is all the processes by which the body converts calories into energy. You may have heard that if you consume a greater number of calories than you burn, you will gain weight. And this is fundamentally true. However, the number of calories that you need each day is influenced by a variety of metabolic factors, such as your age, gender, height, starting weight and daily activities.

These metabolic factors determine your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) or the number of calories you burn each day. As you lose weight or change your activity level, your TDEE and metabolism adapts and changes. Because of this, many dieters find that their diet is “less effective” over time. In reality, they haven’t adjusted their eating! They’re still eating for their starting TDEE.

If you continue to diet without adjusting your calories for changes in weight or activity level, your results can take a big hit. According to the peer-reviewed journal, Obesity, losing weight decreases the metabolism, causing you to burn fewer calories throughout the day. Everyday activities also tend to decrease on a reduced calorie diet for weight loss. On the other hand, as you shed extra pounds, you may be more likely to engage in physical activity and structured exercise. While most people assume that an increase in activity leads to faster calorie burning, this is not always the case when dieting. Consuming less calories can cause you to burn less calories during exercise. All of this leads to metabolic adaption and different caloric needs during the weight loss journey.

You’ll get the swiftest results if your weight loss plan accounts for the changes your body goes through as you drop the pounds, as well as all of your other personal attributes. But here’s the good news: adjusting calories doesn’t have to mean giving up foods you like or even eating less food. Instead, you can choose meals and snacks that nourish you well and satisfy your appetite without loading you up on empty calories.

Metabolism and Weight Loss: What You Need to Know

Calories on Nutrisystem

adjusting calories

The all-new personalized programs from Nutrisystem take your unique metabolism and TDEE into account to create a weight loss plan tailored to you. We understand that your metabolism and needs change as you lose weight and get more active. That’s why we’ve integrated the NuMi app into the personalized Nutrisystem journey. This is our smart weight loss tool that adjusts your meal plan to your ever-changing needs, so you can keep losing weight and progressing towards your goal at an inspiring pace. NuMi will monitor your TDEE as you lose weight, adjusting your calories and meal plan as needed. It’s a diet that adapts to you!

There is no doubt that a calorie deficit is important for losing weight. However, decreasing your calories too low for too long can actually hinder your progress. If calorie intake is too low, the body will defend against this by decreasing the metabolism. This is the metabolic adaptation we mentioned earlier! Nutrisystem personalized plans aim for a healthy rate of weight loss, which is about one to two pounds per week. This helps to ensure a healthy weight loss while trying to minimize the metabolic adaptation.

On Nutrisystem, you also get to eat all kinds of foods you love, from burgers and pizza to ice cream and cake. Plus we send them directly to your door in perfect portions for the ultimate convenience.

As you travel on your weight loss journey, Nutrisystem dietitians use the information you provide to recommend the best foods for you from our extensive menu and with the “add-ins” you pick up at the grocery store. This guidance keeps you making progress to your goal, even as your body—and its needs for calories—change. That’s the straightest path to the new, slimmer you!

Lose weight with a personalized meal plan tailored to you! Get started with US today

Best Egg Salad This Easter

Truly the best Egg Salad Recipe you are going to try with minimal ingredients and so quick to make. Hard-boiled eggs with celery, dill, seasoning, and chives in a creamy dressing make up this classic egg salad.

Egg Salad Recipe

This is the easiest egg salad and the perfect way to use up leftover Easter eggs. You’ll love the short list of ingredients but it’s all you need to make one amazing salad: hard-boiled eggs, herbs, celery, and crisp onion in the creamiest dressing.

This can be served in so many different ways – as a side salad, on toast, etc (see more ideas below). This traditional salad is simple, satisfying and a perfect additon to your Easter menu.

Ingredients for Egg Salad

Though this is a simple recipe and uses basic ingredients, it tastes amazing. If you want to dress it up and make it fancier, try these add-ins:

  • Protein- such as crispy bacon, chicken or shrimp.
  • Veggies- tomatoes, cucumbers or carrots are great options. We also love dill pickle egg salad.
  • Avocado- can either be cubed and added to the salad or blended with the dressing to replace some of the mayo.

Pro Tip: If you will be adding other ingredients to the salad, prepare a larger portion of the dressing.

How to Make Egg Salad

Homemade egg salad doesn’t get any easier than this. Just be sure your eggs have cooled completely before preparing the salad or make them ahead and refrigerate until ready to use.

  1. Boil eggs and cool then cut into desired pieces (we like ours chunky for better texture)
  2. Finely chop the celery and red onion (sweet onion may be substituted for red onion)
  3. Chop the chives (or green onions) and fresh dill
  4. Prepare homemade dressing – stir the ingredients together in a bowl
  5. Mix salad well to combine and coat in the dressing

How to Cook Eggs for Egg Salad?

No matter if you boil your eggs on the stove or in the instant pot, be sure they are hard-boiled, but not overcooked. Overcooked eggs end up with a green ring around the yolk. Follow these tutorials for perfect hard-boiled eggs every time:

  • Perfect Boiled Eggs – follow this stove-top method and boil for at least 7 minutes. Fully cooked yolks are best for salad.
  • Instant Pot Hard Boiled Eggs – works especially well for farm-fresh eggs, making them easier to peel.

Boiled egg, onion, celery, dill salad ingredients cubed in a bowl for Egg Salad.

The Best Dressing for Egg Salad

The dressing in any salad can really make or break a recipe. This awesome creamy dressing adds so much flavor to the simple salad. Eggs never tasted so good!

  • In a bowl, add the mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, paprika, garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
  • Mix until the dressing is creamy and ingredients are well incorporated.
Collage how to make creamy Dijon mayonnaise dressing

Are Eggs Good for You?

Eggs are are an inexpensive, healthy, high-quality protein. We love recipes where eggs are the star ingredient like these incredible Deviled Eggs with Bacon and Egg Muffins.

Eggs are nutrient-dense, have zero carbs, no sugar, and will keep you feeling good throughout the day. Egg yolks are rich in choline which is important for brain and liver health. Eggs also contain lutein which benefits eye health.

How to Serve Egg Salad

Though the salad may be enjoyed as a side dish, it is rather versatile. Enjoy these other variations:

  • Egg Salad Sandwich – Serve the egg salad as a sandwich between bread slices, in a croissant, as an open-faced sandwich, or even stuffed in a wrap or pita.
  • Stuffed Avocado – stuff the salad into a halved avocados and serve.
  • Lettuce wrap – Add to lettuce cups or Romaine and enjoy as lettuce wraps.
  • Breakfast sandwich – Load salad onto toast for an easy breakfast sandwich.
Free Range Egg salad with creamy dressing garnished with dill and chives

How to Store Egg Salad?

Leftover egg salad should be stored covered in the refrigerator and can last 3-5 days. It should not be left at room temperature longer than 2 hours.

Pro Tip: If you refrigerate the salad, be sure to taste it before serving. Refrigerating tends to make the flavors more subtle as they meld together, so add some salt and seasoning to taste.

Best Easter Tuna Salad

While we enjoy a variety of tuna salads, this classic version takes the cake. Crispy celery and red onion add zest and crunch, while mayonnaise and a hint of mustard bring everything together. Although the lemon juice is not traditional, we strongly recommend it to brighten the flavors of the final dish.


Two 6-ounce cans white meat tuna packed in water, drained

2 tablespoons minced celery

2 tablespoons minced red onion, soaked in cold water for 5 minutes and drained

1 teaspoon minced flat-leaf parsley

1/3 cup prepared mayonnaise

1 tablespoon whole-grain mustard

Freshly ground black pepper

Freshly squeezed lemon juice (optional)


In a small mixing bowl break up the tuna with a fork. Toss with the celery, onion and parsley. Add the mayonnaise, mustard and season with pepper, to taste. Stir to combine. Add lemon juice, to taste, if using.

Cook’s Note

Substitute 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard for the whole-grain mustard and add 2 tablespoons sweet pickle relish.

Amazing Chocolate Bunnies Your Easter Basket Needs This Year

If the best part of Easter is indulging in candy, you’re probably looking forward to diving into a big ol’ chocolate Easter bunny. We decided to round up some of our favorite chocolate Easter bunnies that you can order online right now because this iconic spring treat is a staple this time of year. Some of them are hollow, while others are solid blocks with interesting fillings. What do they all have in common? They are absolutely delectable. Indeed, Happy Easter!

Mr. and Mrs. Ears Milk Chocolate Easter Bunnies

These chocolate bunnies have everything! We can’t get enough of this adorable couple and think they’d be perfect as a set or separately in children’s baskets. They’ll taste great, too, because they’re made of high-quality milk chocolate.

Simply Chocolate Easter Bunny Quartet

These bunnies come in a set of four, with two milk chocolate bunnies, one dark chocolate bunny, and one white chocolate bunny, so there should be enough for the whole family!

Chocolate Bunny

For a classic present option for everyone on your list, this bunny is made with dark, white and milk chocolate.

Jacques Torres Chocolate Smiling Bunny

This happy little bunny weighs 10.6 ounces and is available in both dark and milk chocolate. Although this bunny is not filled, it stands 10-inches tall and is sure to make a statement in any Easter basket.

Bissinger’s Paint a Bunny Kit

This option includes not only a delicious milk chocolate Easter bunny, but also an Easter morning activity. This adorable bunny comes with two paint brushes as well as pink, white, green, and yellow chocolate paints.

Reese’s Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Bunny

Calling all peanut butter lovers! This milk chocolate bunny is filled with the same delectable peanut butter filling that Reese’s fans know and love, just this time in a festive shape.

Must-Have Kitchen Tools That are Less Than $15

It’s easy to stare with envy at expensive kitchen gadgets that make your home feel restaurant-level. Even as you fill your wishlist and save up for those, you can add a few dollars to your kitchen tool collection. These simple gadgets can cut down on prep time, make cleaning easier and even elevate the simplest recipes. Stocking your kitchen doesn’t have to break the bank.

Joseph Joseph 2-In-1 Collapsible Balloon and Flat Whisk

Whisks by nature take up a lot of valuable space in your utensil drawer, but this foldable whisk collapses for easy storage. It’s dishwasher safe and made of silicone-coated steel to save your nonstick cookware from scraping metal. With a twist of the handle, it goes in between a balloon whisk for fluffy egg whites or a flat whisk for blending gravy ingredients.

OXO 3-in-1 Egg Separator

This compact egg-shaped separator is dishwasher-safe and made for breakfast or baking. It hooks onto the side of a bowl to prevent dripping on the counter or the sides of your favorite pan. The separator comes with a plastic nub for easy cracking. Egg whites fall into a bowl while the yolk is saved, and this gadget prevents egg shells from falling in.

Angry Mama Microwave Steam Cleaner

Microwave grime can build up over time, and it’s easy to forget to clean it between uses. Rather than make a mess with a soapy sponge or scrub too hard with a wipe, this microwave cleaner provides an easy solution with natural ingredients. Simple household vinegar and water converts to steam in the cleaner, treating caked-on stains. Wipe away pasta sauce, grease and whatever else graces your microwave with ease.

Collapsible Splatter Guard & Colander

Prevent those microwave messes in the first place with this splatter guard. There’s nothing like a multipurpose kitchen tool. The vent holes at the top of the guard allow steam to escape, but turn it upside down and it becomes a colander for rinsing fresh produce. Plus, it’s collapsible for easy storage in a narrow space.

Meat and Potato Masher

Decrease time spent crumbling meat at the stove with this five-blade spatula. Meat won’t stick to it like it would to a wooden spoon, and its heat resistant nylon saves your nonstick pans and cast irons from metal utensil scratching. The spatula is family gathering friendly, so you can make mashed potatoes, crumble pounds of sausage, tenderize steak or mash avocados for a smooth guacamole.

Silicone Trivets

Trivets are an essential for any stovetop cooking. Many countertops are made of material not designed to handle heat, such as marble. These trivets keep pans from being placed directly on the countertop. When not using it for pots and pans, it can be a spoon rest or a jar opener, and its intricate design adds an elegant touch to your kitchen.

Kitchen Sink Splash Guard

The splash zone around your kitchen faucet can be an annoying thing to dry, not to mention an area for bacteria to grow. This splash catcher is designed to drain, keeping water and bacteria from collecting around your faucet. This washable silicone mat fits snug around the faucet for a neater sink and comes with grips as the perfect surface for sponges and soap to rest, drain and dry.

Joseph Joseph BladeBrush Knife and Cutlery Cleaner

Cutlery might take less time to wash than pots, pans and plates, but getting in the nooks and crannies of forks can be easier with this blade brush. Use it to clean knives and protect your hands from the blade for a thorough, safe clean. Avoid slicing open sponges with this brush with bristles that make cleaning the cutlery a breeze. The textured handgrip claims to provide steadiness when dealing with soaking wet cutlery.

Zulay Milk Frother

Upgrade your home barista skills with this easy-to-use milk frother. Whether you’re using it for morning matcha, powdered greens or milk foam on coffee (or an extra fancy hot cocoa). You can even use milk frothers to create Instagram-worthy syrup patterns in your glass. The frother claims to work on all milk types, so go wild with the alternative of your choosing.

Best Meal Prep Containers

If you like to plan your meals ahead of time, chop and portion your produce the moment you get home from the grocery store, or simply like to have all of your ingredients parsed out mise-en-place style when cooking, prepping containers may be some of your most-used kitchen tools. We shopped for the best meal prep containers in 11 categories to ensure you have the best supplies in your kitchen. Here are our top picks for lunch containers, snack containers, and more.

Best Overall: Zoku 11-Piece Neat Stack

Space-saving and easy-to-organize features should be top of mind when choosing meal-prep containers (or really any type of storage container). This brings us to our overall favorite. Their nesting design allows them to stack compactly, which is ideal for saving space, and the fact that they’re leak-proof with airtight lids is an added bonus. Another feature that earns these containers our top rating is that they are labeled with specific cup measures, allowing you to customize your portions.

Best for Lunches: Brabantia Make & Take Lunch Set

Whether you’re heading into the office or staying at home, having your lunch prepped and portioned makes for a quick mid-day meal. This lunch set’s rectangular container is ideal for a jumbo sandwich, and the soup mug has an additional screw-on container for toppings. It’s a versatile container set designed to fit daily lunches, no matter what they look like on any given day.

Best Bento: Bentgo Bento Box

If you like having a variety of lunch options, this leak-proof Bento Box will not disappoint. There will be no spills and no chance for items to merge from section to section thanks to a removable divider that allows you to create custom compartments and a secure locking clip. Also, congratulations on the color scheme. The mint green version is our favorite!

Best Container Set: FullStar 50-Piece Food Storage Container Set

If you’re the type of home cook who worries about not having enough food storage containers, FullStar’s 50-piece set (also available in 10, 14, and 17 pack sizes) will make you happy. You can put these in the fridge, freezer, and microwave, they’re stain-resistant and dishwasher-safe, and our favorite feature is that they come with black labels and a chalk pen so you know exactly what’s inside.

Best for Prepped Ingredients: Rubbermaid Brilliance 12-Piece Food Storage Set

This set ensures that your on-the-go meals will stay fresher for longer. Furthermore, these 100% leak-proof containers have an airtight seal, are BPA-free, and are stain- and odor-resistant, making them ideal for storing tomato sauce or any recipe that calls for garlic and onions.

Best Glass: OXO Smart Seal Glass Container Sets

These glass containers were created to be easily transferred from the freezer to the microwave, dishwasher, and even the oven. Furthermore, the interchangeable lids (another feature we appreciate) separate from the elastic liner, making them simple and effective to clean. With this level of adaptability, you’ll be able to get food on the table faster while also keeping it hot.

Best Insulated: Hydro Flask Insulated Food Jars

With Hydro Flask Jars, your road trip sandwich days are over. These are double-walled, vacuum-insulated containers that keep hot foods hot for hours. Made from pro-grade stainless steel, these wide-mouth, BPA-free jars are a must-have if you’re planning on slurping soup on the road.

Coconut Bunny Butt Cake

This cake’s dense pound cake-like texture, which is beneficial for securing the cupcakes and decorating, comes from the inclusion of crushed pineapple in the batter. The cakes and cupcakes can be baked and wrapped in plastic wrap a day in advance. If your frosting effort isn’t flawless, don’t worry; coconut-coating the cake will cover up any imperfections.


2 large eggs plus 4 egg whites, at room temperature

3/4 cup cream of coconut

1/2 cup drained crushed pineapple

2 teaspoons coconut extract

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for the bowl (see Cook’s Note)

1 cup sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon fine salt

12 tablespoons (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into pieces, at room temperature, plus more for greasing bowl

Coconut Buttercream:

3 cups confectioners’ sugar, sifted

2 sticks unsalted butter, at room temperature

1 to 2 tablespoons milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon coconut extract


Thin pretzel sticks, for securing the cupcakes

One 10-ounce bag sweetened shredded coconut

8 drops green food coloring

2 large round chocolate candies, such as Candy Melts

6 chocolate chips

Mini candy-coated chocolate eggs, for garnish

5 dried apricots

3 gummy leaf candies


Special equipment: an 8-inch (1 1/2 quart) ovenproof metal bowl; a muffin tin with paper liners

  • Set the oven’s temperature to 325 F. An 8-inch (1 1/2 quart) ovenproof metal bowl should be butter and floured. Place paper liners in 4 muffin tins.
  • In a big basin, whisk the egg yolks and egg whites for the cake. The cream of coconut, pineapple, coconut essence, and vanilla extract should all be whisked in at this point. In a separate big basin, stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. With an electric mixer set to low speed, incorporate the butter one piece at a time until the mixture resembles coarse meal. Add half of the egg mixture, and beat for 1 to 2 minutes on high, until frothy. When incorporating the remaining egg mixture, scrape down the bowl’s sides as necessary. The remaining batter should be poured into the prepared bowl after filling each muffin cup two-thirds full. For the cupcakes, bake for 18 to 20 minutes, and for the bowl, bake for 1 hour 30 to 1 hour 40 minutes, or until a cake tester inserted in the center of each cake comes out clean. After removing the cakes from the pans, allow them to cool for 15 minutes on a wire rack before turning them out to finish cooling.
  • To make the buttercream, use an electric mixer to combine the butter and confectioners’ sugar on low speed. Then, increase the speed and beat for one to two minutes, or until the mixture is light and fluffy. For an additional 2 to 3 minutes, beat in 1 tablespoon of milk, the vanilla, and the coconut extracts. If the frosting is too stiff, add up to 1 tablespoon more milk.
  • Trim the flat bottom of the bowl-shaped cake with a serrated knife so it rests level on a platter, rounded-side up, and cover with a layer of buttercream frosting. To create the bunny’s feet, remove the cupcake wrappers and secure 2 of them with a pretzel stick each to the cake’s base (allow about 1 1/2 inches between the feet). The third cupcake should be divided in half, top to bottom. With the cut side facing down and the rounded edges positioned to form the heels of the feet, attach the cupcake halves to the tops of the feet with pretzel sticks. To create a tail, attach the final cupcake with a pretzel stick to the bottom half of the cake’s top. With the remaining frosting, frost the cupcakes. Wipe away any smeared frosting on the cake plate.
  • 1 1/2 cups shredded coconut should be patted all over the cake. Place the rest of the coconut in a large zip-top plastic bag. Add the green food coloring to the bag along with 2 teaspoons of water. Toss and massage the coconut until it is a uniform shade of green. Place the chocolate candies in the bottoms of the bunny feet, with the larger ones on top and the smaller ones underneath, to resemble the toe pads. Make grass out of green coconut and decorate with candy eggs on the cake plate. Roll the apricots into carrot shapes after flattening them with a rolling pin. Cut the leaves in half crosswise and snip them to look like carrot tops with scissors. Arrange the carrot tops in the grass around the bunny by inserting them into the wider end of the apricot carrots.

Baker’s Note:

When we measure flour, we spoon it into a dry measuring cup and level it off. (Scooping the flour directly from the bag compacts it, resulting in dry baked goods.)


Regardless of your dietary or activity habits, are you having trouble losing weight? It appears that you are not to blame.

A team of researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine identified one common element in 2023 after analyzing more than 170 years’ worth of scientific data: low core body temperature in overweight men and women. What is another characteristic of slender people? Typical body temperature

The temperature of your inside organs and cells determines your inner body temperature, not how hot or cold your body or skin feels. Also, clinical studies conducted in Switzerland have revealed that the internal body temperature affects how your body metabolizes fat.

Calorie burning occurs quickly and effortlessly when the internal body temperature is normal. Your metabolism is low if your internal body temperature is low. In actuality, your metabolism decreases by 13% or more for every decrease in internal body temperature.

That is why we created


Alpilean is a breakthrough dietary blend created on an ancient weight management remedy called Alpine Ice Hack. It has become increasingly popular in January 2023 due to thousands of customer reviews that add more trust to the product

You have never tried or experienced anything like Alpilean before.

It is one of the only products in the entire world to have a unique combination of six alpine nutrients and plants that are intended to target and optimize low inner body temperature, a new factor in unexplained weight gain.

You may jolt your sleeping metabolism into full fat-burning, energy-boosting mode by focusing on internal body temperature!

Each Alpilean capsule contains the following:

Your calorie-burning metabolism is boosted by 6 natural substances with a track record of clinical research that targets the inner body temperature.

1. GOLDEN ALGAE (fucoxanthin)

Supports Liver and Brain Health

Targets Inner Temperature.

Supports Bone Strength.

2. DIKA NUTS (african mango seed)

Eases Digestion and Bloating

Supports Healthy Cholesterol

Targets Inner Temperature

3. DRUMSTICK TREE LEAF (moringa leaf)

Targets Inner Temperature.

Rich in Antioxidants

Supports Healthy Blood Sugar

4. BIGARADE ORANGE (citrus bioflavanoids)

Supports Healthy Immunity.

Targets Inner Temperature.

Reduces Oxidative Stress

5. GINGER RHIZOME (ginger root)

Targets Inner Temperature

Maintains Tooth and Gum Health

Supports Healthy Muscles

6. TURMERIC RHIZOME (turmeric root)

Supports Healthy Skin

Supports Weight Loss

Targets Inner Temperature

  • Natural Formular
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A recent study put out in the Springer Nature publication found that people who have good teeth have a high population of good bacteria in the mouth.

(Hint – No Toothpaste or Mouthwash Involved)

As it turns out, many common dental products (such as toothpaste and mouthwash) contain toxic ingredients that can destroy the microbiome in the mouth. This explains why teeth can thrive for hundreds of years outside the mouth (in fossils), while in our mouth they get ruined by something so simple as chocolate.

That’s why we created


ProDentim is an oral health dietary supplement. It also contains additional nutrients and probiotics for your teeth and gums. It is newly created to stop harmful bacteria from harming your gums and causing cavities.

ProDentim is a doctor-formulated oral probiotic candy that helps rebuild healthy teeth and gums and long-lasting fresh breath by a creating bacteria-rich environment in the mouth microbiome. The main purpose of ProDentim is to enhance the oral microbiome by boosting the saliva and by introducing beneficial bacteria to the oral cavities.

ProDentim is unlike anything you’ve ever tried or experienced in your life before.
It’s the only product in the world with a unique blend of 3.5 billion probiotics and nutrients, specially designed to repopulate your mouth with good bacteria.

ProDentim has assisted men and women in avoiding expensive dental procedures. The supplement not only cares for teeth and gums but also for the health of the respiratory system, ear, nose, and throat, as well as of fresh breath.

Soft pills in ProDentim must be chewed every morning. It is stated that these tablets release beneficial probiotic strains in the mouth, which can grow throughout the day.

The beneficial strains stop harmful bacteria from creating plaque, cavities, and structural damage.

Given that it was created by experts, including dentists, ProDentim is even recommended by them. As you chew the soft pills every day, its 3.5 billion probiotics can work wonders.

How does ProDentim work?

Three beneficial probiotic strains totaling 3.5 billion in ProDentim. The mixture works brilliantly when these are simply delivered into your mouth. The beneficial bacteria spread out and populate the entire mouth.

By eliminating the excess harmful bacteria, this naturally restores equilibrium to the oral microbiome.

The issue is totally resolved by getting rid of the harmful bacteria since they damage your teeth and cause inflammation, cavities, bad breath, periodontal diseases, and tooth decay.

Consuming ProDentim might simply be beneficial for every area of your body that interacts with your mouth. Your nose, throat, and ears can all profit.

These areas will be protected from harmful microorganisms and have their wellbeing taken care of. Also, as the supplement contains mint as well, you will always have fresh breath with a mint flavor.

What are the ingredients in ProDentim

ProDentim is a mix of 3.5 billion probiotic strains and 4 important natural ingredients. Here’s the complete list:

  1. Lactobacillus Paracasei
This is a good strain of bacteria that may grow swiftly to prevent any harm in your mouth. It completely restores oral microbiome balance and stops harmful bacteria from eroding your enamel and creating cavities. Also, it keeps your sinuses open and free and supports healthy gums.

2. B.Lactis BL-04: In order to completely defeat the harmful bacteria, this good bacteria multiplies in every region of your mouth. Also, it stops harmful bacteria from traveling from your mouth to your ears, nose, and throat. It keeps periodontal diseases at bay and maintains a strong immune system to combat illnesses of the mouth.

3. Lactobacillus Reuteri: Most oral health problems can be resolved because to this beneficial bacteria’s anti-inflammatory properties. It instantly lessens swelling, redness, ulcers, pain, inflammation, and a host of other similar problems. By bringing the balance between the good and bad bacteria, it promotes a healthier oral environment.

4. Inulin: The probiotic strains are supposed to multiply more quickly as a result. It could be challenging for the healthy bacteria to immediately outnumber the bad ones and multiply once they reach your mouth. ProDentim soft tablets maintain a healthy oral environment that promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria thanks to inulin and other natural substances.

5. Malic Acid

Malic Acid, which comes from strawberries, keeps your teeth bright and white. Our teeth look unsightly and fragile because of the yellow tartar and plaque. Your teeth will be substantially whiter when they return to their original color because to malic acid’s ability to strengthen the teeth and enamel.

6. Tricalcium Phosphate: This component contains calcium, as its name would imply. It can fortify the jaw’s supporting bones that are located behind the teeth. Moreover, it can lessen nerve sensitivity, which in some people may potentially result in headaches. As a result, it promotes full oral and respiratory health.

7. Peppermint

Peppermint is a powerful anti-inflammatory that greatly promotes dental health. As soon as you start chewing on soft tablets, it starts to alleviate pain and calm inflammation. It is believed that peppermint releases beneficial bacteria and promotes their growth, both of which benefit in preventing foul breath. All day long, you can breathe cleanly.

What are the benefits of ProDentim?

Your teeth and gums’ external layer of defense is strengthened by it.

It nourishes the enamel and stops it from entirely degrading.

It makes the bones stronger and improves their capacity to support your teeth.

It combats chronic inflammation and encourages better inflammatory responses.

It reduces the growth of harmful germs in the mouth.

ProDenttim probiotic candy helps treat newly developed cavities while also preventing them.

It aids in maintaining healthy gums.

Your teeth stay brighter and whiter thanks to it.

The respiratory system is supported by it.

It keeps your sinuses open and unblocked.

It avoids headaches brought on by sensitive teeth.

It functions as an anti-inflammatory for oral health and reduces pain and swelling.

It supports a stronger immune system.

It shields against periodontal diseases.

It lessens mouth infections, redness, irritation, dryness, and ulcers.

Moreover, it eases digestion because it’s good for the intestines.

Regardless of your age or oral health, it helps your teeth remain healthy for many more years.

Plaque and tartar don’t grow because of it.

It functions better than dental procedures and even saves money on procedures.

Real ProDentim Users.
Real Life-Changing Results.

Sam Perkin is enjoying better oral health…


Verified Purchase

“I’ve always taken such good care of my teeth but it always felt like I wasn’t doing enough. Now, for the first time in decades, my teeth feel amazing.”

Sam Perkin – Dallas, USA

Portia Thompson loves her fresh breath…


Verified Purchase

“It’s just unbelievable how much I like ProDentim. I’m so glad my dentist recommended it to me!”

Portia Thompson – Florida, USA

Theo Franklin doesn’t spend fortunes on dentists…


Verified Purchase

“My gums have never looked better. It feels so good to not have to worry about my teeth. I simply love it!”

Theo Franklin – Chicago, USA

Every Order Comes With FREE Shipping Too!

97% Of Customers Order 6 Bottles (Our Recommended Option)

100% Satisfaction
60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Your order today is covered by our iron-clad 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. If you are not impressed by the transformation of your gums and teeth or you don’t admire your Hollywood-star smile, then at any time in the next 60 days write to us and we’ll refund every single cent.

What is the cost of ProDentim? 

Only on its official website is ProDentim accessible. It is never available through any other website, store, or source for customers. It is only accessible on its official website for a brief period at a discounted price.

  • Buy one bottle of ProDentim for just $69. 
  • Buy three bottles of ProDentim for just $177. 
  • Buy six bottles of ProDentim for just $294. 

All packages come with FREE SHIPPING. Also, if you buy three or six bottles of ProDentim , you get two FREE Ebooks as bonuses: 

  • Bonus #1 – Bad Breath Gone. One Day Detox: It helps you understand how you can mix 7 herbs and spices that are easily available in your kitchen to battle bad breath.
  • Bonus #2 – Hollywood White Teeth at Home: It has a unique method that can help you whiten your teeth at home. 

Every order is also backed by a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. This ensures that you can claim a full refund within 60 days of purchasing ProDentim from its official website if you’re not completely happy with it. 

cost of ProDentim