Simple Ways to Shed Extra Pounds | Phentermine Pills

For many, losing weight seems to be an uphill battle. Yet there are many ways to streamline the weight loss process and drop unwanted pounds quickly and easily. If you recently started taking Phentermine 37.5mg for quick weight loss, review easy ways to tweak your new regimen. 

Enlarge” Your Food

Try arranging the food on your plate so it appears bigger than it is. 

“You can make less look like more,” says Leslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN. “Easy ways include shredding your cheese, having thinly shaved lunchmeat, and cutting meat and poultry in half horizontally.”

Brush Your Teeth After Dinner

Post-dinner brushing is helpful; however, wait about 20 minutes after you eat to brush your teeth so you aren’t rubbing acids into tooth enamel. 

“Brush your teeth right after dinner,” suggests wellness coach Kiersky Schreiber. “This could prevent you from eating hundreds of extra calories, because it’s unlikely you’ll want to have to brush your teeth again.”

Review Restaurant Menus Before You Leave

See what establishment menus offer prior to leaving the house. It avoids a calorie fest. 

“I always look up the menu before I eat out,” says wellness coach Britt Epley. “I do this so I can get a good idea of portion sizes and meals that fit the best in my current plan, and so I can craft an option that works for me. Otherwise, I show up and just get what’s easiest and that option is usually not the most healthy. Sometimes though, I do lean into my cravings and treat myself, and that’s okay. It helps me from not binging as often on unhealthy foods.”

Use a Salad Plate

Try working with a smaller plate!

“Use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate,” advises personal trainer Saara Haapanen. “Sometimes, just seeing a full plate tricks our mind.”

For more about Phentermine pills and fast weight loss, please contact today. dr james kojian

About the Author

Dr. James Kojian M.D. has had extensive training in weight loss, hormone replacement treatments, anti-aging medicine, and has many med spas and weight loss clinics in California.

Dr. Kojian went to Medical School at the University of Illinois and trained at White Memorial Medical Center in Los Angeles. He now teaches patients how to eat to lower their hunger, helps them correct deficiencies in their blood tests to boost their metabolism, and shows patients the best exercises to burn fat and tone muscle.

Dr. Kojian has been on T.V. and the news many times in Los Angeles as well in Dubai and the middle east, and is considered a leading expert in weight loss and health.