When you want to lose weight with Phentermine 37.5mg, what you eat makes all the difference. And while some foods offer no help to weight loss efforts, others assist the process significantly. Learn about some of the best foods for weight loss here.


6 Reasons to Eat an Avocado

The superfood should always be on your grocery list.

“Avocados are a vitamin rich food, high in fiber, low in carbohydrates (9 grams per serving) and contain a healthy monounsaturated fat (MUFA) oleic acid that our body needs to decrease inflammation and disease,” says Monisha Bhanote, MD, FCAP, a triple board-certified physician with expertise in integrative medicine and pathology. “Using the benefits of the MUFA in an avocado can increase our insulin sensitivity and lower our cholesterol.”


The versatile whole grain is actually a type of seed that’s rich in fiber and protein.

“Eating foods high in fiber, like whole grain quinoa, will fill you up and help prevent overeating,” says Amanda W. Izquierdo, MPH, RD, LDN.


8 Hidden Health Benefits of Cherries for Weight Loss, Heart Health & Good Sleep

Cherries are a weight loss powerhouse.

“Cherries are often overlooked, but they’re a superfood that can help boost weight loss,” says health and wellness coach Lynell Ross. “They are packed with nutrients such as potassium, copper, manganese, and vitamin C. But the health benefits go beyond vitamins and minerals, as cherries also pack 2 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber. Tart cherries also may help you sleep better. Studies have shown that better sleep promotes more weight loss. And if these benefits weren’t enough, cherries can help with joint pain, allowing you to get more exercise, which helps you lose weight.”


Image may contain Plant Food Vegetable Nut and Almond

If you eat vegan or vegetarian, pistachios are key.

“They help quell hunger, and emerging research shows that eating pistachios will help you lose weight,” says Katherine Brooking MS, RD. “Results from several recent studies suggest that adults who consume nuts, such as pistachios, may have a lower body weight and decreased prevalence of health risks such as heart disease and metabolic syndrome. They also tend to have better diets compared to people who don’t regularly eat pistachios. Pistachios are also a complete protein—ideal for vegans and vegetarians.”