What Does Your Weirdest Dreams Really Mean?

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Since we’ve been on the subject of sleep lately, it only seemed natural to take a closer look at what our minds are really doing while we rest. Dreams are something we talk about a lot in the office — it seems like every other day Chanel has some terrifying nightmare about Coco (her Pomeranian) or I have another prophetic vision of the apocalypse.

Our dreams are all over the map, and the strangest ones leave us feeling unsettled and longing for explanation.

Everyone on our team has some sort of recurring dream, and there’s even one specific dream that we’ve all had.

So we called up Cabe Lindsay, a professional dream reader and counselor, to give us more insight into what these dreams really mean. Lindsay is an artist who interprets the symbols he sees in dreams to help people realize their hidden gifts, talents, and deepest selves. He uses the teachings of Wang Fu, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Edward Cayce, and other modern dream analysts to train his clients to begin interpreting their own dreams for themselves. After just one conversation with Cabe Lindsay, we were completely hooked. Read on to discover his interpretation of some of our craziest dreams, and let us know if you’ve had any of these same dreams in the comment section!

What do you love about being a dream interpreter? 

To me, dream interpretation is a way of discovering the higher self. Our dreams present certain truths, revealed by our subconscious. This hidden wisdom comes through like a puzzle, often times, and this puzzle may be rewarding both in the journey–the process of putting the pieces together; and also in the destination–the message. Dreams offer us the insight of the innermost.

Who is Carl Jung and how do you use his theories for dream interpretation?

Carl Jung is commonly mentioned in reference to dream interpretation because he saw the value in our dreams. Carl Jung supported the idea that our dreams were trying to tell us something, in a way of guiding and guarding our well-being, while others believed our dreams were merely a random shuffle of thoughts, impulses, and fantasies. On a surface level, a dreamer might assume that a dream is meaningless, and then discard a dream as nonsense. Carl Jung’s theories help us to see the possibility that the dreams do hold meaning, and the underlying messages in them might be very valuable to us.

Okay, so we sat around the office and talked about some of our most frequently recurring dreams.  Everyone in our office has had some sort of dream (more like nightmare) about losing teeth. What’s the significance there? 

This is the most famous dream. It is related with anxiety. Depending on the scenario, it might be related to comparing ourselves to others, or fear of death, vanity, etc. In one sense, our teeth are part of our human selves, and so the sensation of crumbling teeth might represent the death or decay of our ego. This might be a good thing to see, because it could mean that we are willing to humble ourselves to a more cooperative human existence where we can stand beside the brothers and sisters we honor as our family. In another light, it may remind us that the human body is a temporary state of being, while the soul is so much more. Either way, I see this dream as being beneficial to see, even though it comes with some discomfort. It is possibly one dream that is shared by all people.

Some of us have dreams about getting back together with ex-boyfriends (who we really don’t like in real life.) Does that mean we subconsciously want it to happen?

It is possible that dreams tell the future, and it is possible that dreams tell the possibility. And, it is possible that dreams reveal our desires. And, there are twists, such as this: You are every character in your dream. You are you, and you are your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend or friend or enemy. A dream like this may indicate that you are desiring to know yourself more, and be in a more intimate relationship with your higher self.

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Chanel often dreams that she “wakes up” and can’t move. Is that sleep paralysis? Or is there a hidden meaning behind this type of dream? 

Dreams within dreams are interesting to me. Personally, I think it’s a reminder that there are many states of being. We can think of these states as: body, heart, mind, soul, and spirit. So a dream about a dream might indicate a certain way of seeing like our higher self sees, like an angel sees, like God sees, etc. In our dreams, we may experience the sensations of being stuck to a bed, or slowed in a chase, or sped-up in space, or swimming underwater, or soaring in the sky… and ultimately these may be hints about the real possibilities that exist in the “arena of lights,” where the soul is home.

One that I’ve had over and over is that I’m back in college, and realize that I’ve completely forgotten about a class that I was registered for. I haven’t been in school for ages, but this dream never stops. What’s the deal?

There is a certain area of human suffering revealed here, relating with the desire to learn, grow and prosper. While the wisdom, strength and prosperity are good qualities, the yearning for these suggests that these positive assets are not yet available. So the message in this dream is to relax in the truth that wisdom, strength, and prosperity are already here, and there is comfort in this. The truth is that we can allow ourselves to be late for class and miss the test too, and we’ll still have enough of the wisdom, strength and prosperity. We are enough exactly as we are.

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What is lucid dreaming?

Lucid dreaming is a practice of bringing our human intentions into our dreams. In this way, we can actively participate directly in the dream. We can draw our awareness to the dream state we’re in, and then decide where to go, who to meet, and what to do.

Is there any way to control our dreams, or start having happier ones?

Yes, there are ways to direct the paths of our subconscious thoughts, visions, and dreams. If you’ve ever dreamed of horror scenes after watching a horror movie, you know that there is a certain echo in all of the vibrations we give and receive. So, when we dwell in the attitude of peace, joy, and harmony, we create space for this in dream life and in waking life.

What steps do you recommend for someone who wants to get more in touch with the meaning of their dreams? 

I love when people ask how to become more in touch with the meaning of dreams. The first step in understanding our dreams is to appreciate the dreams we have. So, a dream journal beside the bed is a specific strategy for recording the dream, which results in more remembered dreams. To explore the meaning of dreams, it’s a good idea to look at the subject of symbolism, and observe the ways different interpreters find different meanings in the symbols we see. To name a few examples, we might look at a dream encyclopedia, a tarot card deck, or an animal spirit guidebook. To become more invested in our dreams as a way of accessing our higher selves, we might practice meditation, in order to silence the chatter and open the mind to messages of the heart.

Check out our beautiful dreams sleeping pillows ;

Snuggle-Pedic Ultra-Luxury Bamboo Shredded Memory Foam Pillow

Beckham Hotel Collection Gel Pillow (2-Pack)

Coop Home Goods – Premium Adjustable Loft Pillow 

Utopia Bedding Gusseted Quilted Pillow (2-Pack)